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- /* amiga_commandline.c -- prompt for AmigaDOS
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 John Harper <jsh@ukc.ac.uk>
- This file is part of Jade.
- Jade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- Jade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Jade; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "jade.h"
- #include "jade_protos.h"
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/keymap_protos.h>
- #include <string.h>
- _PR u_char *docmdline(VW *, u_char *, u_char *);
- /*
- * returns a string got from the command line
- * it (the string) must be valstrfree()'ed after use.
- * cursor should be off.
- */
- u_char *
- docmdline(VW *vw, u_char *prompt, u_char *original)
- {
- u_char *cmdline;
- long cmdlen;
- long promptlen = strlen(prompt);
- if(!unsleep(vw))
- return(FALSE);
- cmdline = mystrdup(original ? original : (STRPTR)"");
- if(cmdline)
- {
- POS oldcursor = vw->vw_CursorPos;
- long oldstartcol = vw->vw_StartCol;
- long prevx;
- char keepgoing = 0;
- cmdlen = strlen(cmdline) + 1;
- vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col = promptlen + cmdlen - 1;
- vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Line = vw->vw_StartCol + vw->vw_MaxY - 1;
- prevx = vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col;
- if(vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col >= vw->vw_MaxX)
- vw->vw_StartCol = vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col - vw->vw_MaxX + 1;
- else
- vw->vw_StartCol = 0;
- redrawcmdline(vw, prompt, cmdline, promptlen, cmdlen - 1);
- cmdlncursor(vw, CURS_ON);
- while(!keepgoing)
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *imsg;
- Wait(1 << vw->vw_Window->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while((!keepgoing) && (imsg = GetWinIMsg(vw->vw_Window)))
- {
- struct IntuiMessage imsgcopy = *imsg;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)imsg);
- if(imsgcopy.Class == IDCMP_RAWKEY)
- {
- cmdlncursor(vw, CURS_OFF);
- switch(imsgcopy.Code)
- {
- case 0x41: /* delete */
- if(cmdlen > 1)
- {
- u_char *newline;
- vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col--;
- cmdlen--;
- if(newline = mystrdupn(cmdline, cmdlen - 1))
- {
- mystrfree(cmdline);
- cmdline = newline;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 0x44: /* return */
- keepgoing = 1;
- break;
- case 0x45: /* escape */
- keepgoing = -1;
- break;
- case 0x4c: /* up */
- case 0x4d: /* down */
- if(LastPrompted)
- {
- u_char *temp = cmdline;
- cmdline = LastPrompted;
- LastPrompted = temp;
- cmdlen = strlen(cmdline) + 1;
- vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col = cmdlen + promptlen - 1;
- prevx = 20000;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if(!(imsgcopy.Code & IECODE_UP_PREFIX))
- {
- struct InputEvent ie;
- u_char buff[256];
- long len;
- ie.ie_Class = IECLASS_RAWKEY;
- ie.ie_SubClass = 0;
- ie.ie_Code = imsgcopy.Code;
- ie.ie_Qualifier = imsgcopy.Qualifier;
- ie.ie_EventAddress = *((APTR *)imsgcopy.IAddress);
- if((len = MapRawKey(&ie, buff, 255, NULL)) != -1)
- {
- u_char *newline;
- buff[len] = 0;
- if(newline = mystrdupn(cmdline, cmdlen + len))
- {
- strcat(newline, buff);
- mystrfree(cmdline);
- cmdline = newline;
- cmdlen += len;
- vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col += len;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(imsgcopy.Class == IDCMP_NEWSIZE)
- {
- cmdlncursor(vw, CURS_OFF);
- vw->vw_StartCol = oldstartcol;
- updatedimensions(vw);
- redrawall(vw);
- prevx = 20000;
- #if 0
- redrawcmdline(vw, prompt, cmdline, promptlen, cmdlen - 1);
- #endif
- }
- else
- continue;
- if(vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col >= vw->vw_MaxX)
- {
- vw->vw_StartCol = vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col - vw->vw_MaxX + 1;
- redrawcmdline(vw, prompt, cmdline, promptlen, cmdlen - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- vw->vw_StartCol = 0;
- if(prevx >= vw->vw_MaxX)
- redrawcmdline(vw, prompt, cmdline, promptlen, cmdlen - 1);
- else if(prevx < vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col)
- redrawcmdlinefrom(vw, prompt, cmdline, promptlen, cmdlen - 1, prevx);
- else
- redrawcmdlinefrom(vw, prompt, cmdline, promptlen, cmdlen - 1, vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col);
- }
- prevx = vw->vw_CursorPos.pos_Col;
- cmdlncursor(vw, CURS_ON);
- }
- }
- if(keepgoing < 0)
- {
- mystrfree(cmdline);
- cmdline = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- mystrfree(LastPrompted);
- LastPrompted = mystrdup(cmdline);
- }
- cmdlncursor(vw, CURS_OFF);
- vw->vw_CursorPos = oldcursor;
- vw->vw_StartCol = oldstartcol;
- restorecmdline(vw);
- return(cmdline);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }