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- /* lisp.h -- Data structures/objects for Lisp
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 John Harper <jsh@ukc.ac.uk>
- This file is part of Jade.
- Jade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- Jade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Jade; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #ifndef _LISP_H
- #define _LISP_H
- #ifndef _VALUE_H
- # include "value.h"
- #endif
- /*
- * These numbers weren't just plucked from the air, they make the blocks
- * of objects fit as close as possible into powers of 2 sized blocks.
- */
- #define CONSBLK_SIZE 682
- #define SYMBOLBLK_SIZE 170
- #define NUMBERBLK_SIZE 127
- #define LPOSBLK_SIZE 170
- #define OBSIZE 509
- enum ValueType
- {
- /* Static strings are C string constants, use the macro MKSTR to make
- them from a normal string constant. */
- V_StaticString = 0,
- V_String,
- V_Number,
- #define V_Char V_Number
- V_Cons,
- V_Vector,
- V_Symbol,
- V_Mark,
- V_Pos,
- V_Keytab,
- V_Keylist,
- /* SUBR with one argument, this arg is new value of variable to set the
- var, or NULL to make it return the variable's value. */
- V_Var,
- V_Subr0,
- V_Subr1,
- V_Subr2,
- V_Subr3,
- V_Subr4,
- V_Subr5,
- V_SubrN,
- V_SF,
- V_Buffer,
- #define V_TX V_Buffer
- V_Window,
- V_File,
- V_Process
- };
- #define VPTR(v) (v)
- #define VSTRING(v) ((String *)(v))
- #define VSTR(v) (VSTRING(v)->str_Data)
- #define VNUMBER(v) ((Number *)(v))
- #define VNUM(v) (VNUMBER(v)->num_Data.number)
- #define VCHAR(v) VNUM(v)
- #define VCONS(v) ((Cons *)(v))
- #define VCAR(v) (VCONS(v)->cn_Car)
- #define VCDR(v) (VCONS(v)->cn_Cdr)
- #define VVECT(v) ((Vector *)(v))
- #define VSYM(v) ((Symbol *)(v))
- #define VMARK(v) ((Mark *)(v))
- #define VLPOS(v) ((LPos *)(v))
- #define VPOS(v) (VLPOS(v)->lp_Data.pos)
- #define VKEYTAB(v) ((Keytab *)(v))
- #define VKEYLIST(v) ((Keylist *)(v))
- #define VXSUBR(v) ((XSubr *)(v))
- #define VSUBR(v) ((Subr *)(v))
- #define VSUBR0FUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun0)
- #define VSUBR1FUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun1)
- #define VSUBR2FUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun2)
- #define VSUBR3FUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun3)
- #define VSUBR4FUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun4)
- #define VSUBR5FUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun5)
- #define VSUBRNFUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun1)
- #define VSFFUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun1)
- #define VVARFUN(v) (VSUBR(v)->subr_Fun.fun1)
- #define VTX(v) ((TX *)(v))
- #define VBUFFER(v) VTX(v)
- #define VFILE(v) ((LFile *)(v))
- #define VPROC(v) ((struct Proc *)(v))
- #define VWIN(v) ((VW *)(v))
- #define VOBJHDR(v) ((ObjectHdr *)(v))
- #define VTYPE(v) (VOBJHDR(v)->oh_Type)
- #define VTYPEP(v,t) (VTYPE(v) == (t))
- #define NILP(v) ((v) == sym_nil)
- #define STRINGP(v) (VTYPEP(v, V_StaticString) || VTYPEP(v, V_String))
- #define NUMBERP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Number)
- #define CHARP(v) NUMBERP(v)
- #define CONSP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Cons)
- #define VECTORP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Vector)
- #define SYMBOLP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Symbol)
- #define BUFFERP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Buffer)
- #define POSP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Pos)
- #define MARKP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Mark)
- #define KEYTABP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Keytab)
- #define KEYLISTP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Keylist)
- #define FILEP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_File)
- #define PROCESSP(v) VTYPEP(v, V_Process)
- #define WINDOWP(v) (VTYPEP(v, V_Window) && VWIN(v)->vw_Window)
- #define GC_MARK_BIT 0x80
- #define GC_MARK(v) (VTYPE(v) & GC_MARK_BIT)
- #define GC_MARKEDP(v) (GC_MARK(v) != 0)
- #define GC_SET(v) (VTYPE(v) |= GC_MARK_BIT)
- #define GC_CLR(v) (VTYPE(v) &= ~GC_MARK_BIT)
- #define MARKVAL(v) do { if((v) && !GC_MARKEDP(v)) markvalue(v); } while(0)
- typedef struct ValClass {
- /*
- * compares two values, rc is similar to strcmp()
- */
- int (*vc_Cmp)(VALUE val1, VALUE val2);
- /*
- * prints a textual representation of the object, not necessarily in
- * a read'able format
- */
- void (*vc_Princ)(VALUE stream, VALUE obj);
- /*
- * prints a textual representation of the object, if possible in
- * a read'able format
- */
- void (*vc_Print)(VALUE stream, VALUE obj);
- /*
- * this is the name of the type
- */
- VALUE vc_Name;
- } ValClass;
- /*
- * The following is an array of VALCLASS structs, the array index corresponds
- * to the VTF_* numbers
- */
- extern ValClass ValueClasses[];
- /*
- * These are also defined as functions (lower-case'd names)...
- */
- #define VALUECMP(v1,v2) ValueClasses[VTYPE(v1)].vc_Cmp(v1,v2)
- #define PRINCVAL(s,v) ValueClasses[VTYPE(v)].vc_Princ(s,v)
- #define PRINTVAL(s,v) ValueClasses[VTYPE(v)].vc_Print(s,v)
- /*
- * except these which aren't
- */
- #define VALNAME(v) (ValueClasses[VTYPE(v)].vc_Name)
- /*
- * The first byte of all Lisp objects is defined as,
- * bits 0 -> 6 = type of object (ie V_*)
- * bit 7 = GC mark bit (only when garbage collection is in progress).
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_char oh_Type;
- } ObjectHdr;
- typedef struct {
- u_char str_Type;
- u_char str_Data[0];
- } String;
- #define STR_SIZE(s) ((s) + 1)
- /* Make a static STRING from a normal C string constant, ie,
- MKSTR("foo") -> "\0foo" */
- #define MKSTR(s) ((String *)("\0" s))
- /* Get the beginning of the STRING struct from a (char *) */
- #define STRING_HDR(s) ((String *)((char *)(s)-1))
- typedef struct _Number {
- u_char num_Type;
- union {
- long number;
- struct _Number *next;
- } num_Data;
- } Number;
- typedef struct _NumberBlk {
- struct _NumberBlk *nb_Next;
- Number nb_Numbers[NUMBERBLK_SIZE];
- } NumberBlk;
- typedef struct {
- u_char cn_Type;
- VALUE cn_Car;
- VALUE cn_Cdr;
- } Cons;
- typedef struct _ConsBlk {
- struct _ConsBlk *cb_Next;
- Cons cb_Cons[CONSBLK_SIZE];
- } ConsBlk;
- typedef struct _Vector {
- u_char vc_Type;
- struct _Vector *vc_Next;
- int vc_Size;
- VALUE vc_Array[0];
- } Vector;
- #define VECT_SIZE(s) ((sizeof(VALUE) * (s)) + sizeof(Vector))
- typedef struct _Symbol {
- u_char sym_Type;
- u_char sym_Flags;
- struct _Symbol *sym_Next; /* next symbol in obarray bucket */
- VALUE sym_Name;
- VALUE sym_Value;
- VALUE sym_Function;
- VALUE sym_PropList;
- } Symbol;
- #define SF_CONSTANT 1
- /* Means that the symbol's value may be in the buffer-local storage, if so
- then that occurrence takes precedence. */
- #define SF_BUFFER_LOCAL 2
- #define SF_WIN_LOCAL 4 /* Same, but for windows. */
- #define SF_DEBUG 8 /* Break on next lisp form. */
- #define SF_INTERNED 16 /* Symbol has been interned. */
- typedef struct _SymbolBlk {
- struct _SymbolBlk *sb_Next;
- Symbol sb_Symbols[SYMBOLBLK_SIZE];
- } SymbolBlk;
- typedef union _LPos {
- struct {
- u_char type;
- struct POS pos;
- } lp_Data;
- union _LPos *lp_Next;
- } LPos;
- typedef struct _LPosBlk {
- struct _LPosBlk *lb_Next;
- LPos lb_Pos[LPOSBLK_SIZE];
- } LPosBlk;
- typedef struct _LFile {
- u_char lf_Type;
- u_char lf_Flags;
- struct _LFile *lf_Next;
- VALUE lf_Name;
- FILE *lf_File;
- } LFile;
- #define LFF_DONT_CLOSE 1
- typedef struct {
- u_char subr_Type;
- union {
- VALUE (*fun0)(void);
- VALUE (*fun1)(VALUE);
- VALUE (*fun2)(VALUE, VALUE);
- } subr_Fun;
- VALUE subr_Name;
- int subr_DocIndex;
- } Subr;
- typedef struct {
- u_char subr_Type;
- void *subr_Fun;
- VALUE subr_Name;
- int subr_DocIndex;
- } XSubr;
- #define LIST_1(v1) cmd_cons(v1, sym_nil)
- #define LIST_2(v1,v2) cmd_cons(v1, LIST_1(v2))
- #define LIST_3(v1,v2,v3) cmd_cons(v1, LIST_2(v2, v3))
- #define LIST_4(v1,v2,v3,v4) cmd_cons(v1, LIST_3(v2, v3, v4))
- #define LIST_5(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) cmd_cons(v1, LIST_4(v2, v3, v4, v5))
- /*
- * Keeps a backtrace of all lisp functions called. NOT primitives.
- */
- struct LispCall {
- struct LispCall *lc_Next;
- VALUE lc_Fun;
- VALUE lc_Args;
- /* t if `lc_Args' is list of *evalled* arguments. */
- VALUE lc_ArgsEvalledP;
- };
- /*
- * A stack of these providing additional entry points for the mark phase of
- * garbage collection.
- */
- typedef struct _GCVAL {
- VALUE *gcv_Value;
- struct _GCVAL *gcv_Next;
- } GCVAL;
- typedef struct _GCVALN {
- VALUE *gcv_First;
- int gcv_N;
- struct _GCVALN *gcv_Next;
- #define POPGC (GCVStack = GCVStack->gcv_Next)
- #define PUSHGC(gcv, val) \
- do { \
- (gcv).gcv_Value = &(val); \
- (gcv).gcv_Next = GCVStack; \
- GCVStack = &(gcv); \
- } while(0)
- #define POPGCN (GCVNStack = GCVNStack->gcv_Next)
- #define PUSHGCN(gcv, valp, n) \
- do { \
- (gcv).gcv_First = (valp); \
- (gcv).gcv_N = (n); \
- (gcv).gcv_Next = GCVNStack; \
- GCVNStack = &(gcv); \
- } while(0)
- /*
- * Macros for defining functions and their SUBR structures
- */
- #define DEFUN(name,fsym,ssym,args,type,docindex) \
- XSubr ssym = { type, fsym, MKSTR(name), docindex }; \
- VALUE fsym args
- #define ADD_SUBR(subr) addsubr(&subr)
- #define ADD_CONST_NUM(name,num) addconstnum(MKSTR(name), num)
- #define INTERN(sym,name) internstatic(&sym, MKSTR(name))
- #define DOC_VAR(sym,docIndex) \
- cmd_put(sym, sym_variable_documentation, newnumber(docIndex))
- /*
- * Macros for ensuring an object is of a certain type
- * ie, to ensure first arg `foo' is a string,
- */
- #define DECLARE(n,x,t) \
- do { \
- if(! t(x)) \
- { \
- signalargerror(x, n); \
- return(NULL); \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #define DECLARE1(x,t) DECLARE(1,x,t)
- #define DECLARE2(x,t) DECLARE(2,x,t)
- #define DECLARE3(x,t) DECLARE(3,x,t)
- #define DECLARE4(x,t) DECLARE(4,x,t)
- #define DECLARE5(x,t) DECLARE(5,x,t)
- #define ARG1 (findmemberbyindex(args, 1))
- #define ARG2 (findmemberbyindex(args, 2))
- #define ARG3 (findmemberbyindex(args, 3))
- #define ARG4 (findmemberbyindex(args, 4))
- #define ARG(n) (findmemberbyindex(args, n))
- #endif /* _LISP_H */