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- /* stringmem.h -- Declarations for stringmem.c
- Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 John Harper <jsh@ukc.ac.uk>
- This file is part of Jade.
- Jade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- Jade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Jade; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #ifndef _STRINGMEM_H
- #define _STRINGMEM_H
- /* #define STRMEM_STATS */
- typedef struct MEMCHUNK {
- /* This next union is a bit of a kludge. The problem is that I need some
- way of tracking MEMCHUNKs allocated straight from malloc() (so I can
- do garbage collection, etc) without wasting a lot of memory. For
- my own reasons you can't call sm_free() on one of these blocks. But
- since I only use this technique on Lisp memory (which is never freed
- except by the GC which is weird) everything is ok. */
- union mc_header {
- struct MEMCHUNK *next;
- int blktype;
- } mc_Header;
- #define mc_BlkType mc_Header.blktype
- union {
- struct MEMCHUNK *nextfree;
- u_char mem[0];
- } mc_Mem;
- #define MBT_FREE -2
- #define MBT_MALLOC -1
- #define MCHNK_SIZE(chunksiz) \
- ((chunksiz) + (sizeof(union mc_header)))
- typedef struct MEMBLOCK {
- struct MinNode mbl_Node;
- MEMCHUNK mbl_Chunks[0];
- #define MBLK_SIZE(chunksiz, numchunks) \
- ((MCHNK_SIZE(chunksiz) * (numchunks)) + sizeof(MEMBLOCK))
- typedef struct MEMBUCKET {
- struct MinList mbu_MemBlocks;
- MEMCHUNK *mbu_FreeList;
- /* Number of free operations since last scan for free blocks. */
- int mbu_FreeCount;
- /* difference in size between each bucket */
- #define GRAIN 8
- /* allocations > this go to malloc() */
- #define MAXBUCKETSIZE 128
- /* Each MEMBLOCK should be around 2K */
- #define MBLOCKSIZE (2044 - sizeof(MEMBLOCK))
- typedef struct STRMEM {
- int sm_ChunksPerBlock[NUMBUCKETS];
- /* This next number defines the number of sm_frees() which have to
- be called on memory from a particular bucket before that bucket is
- scanned for totally free blocks (any found are released to system).
- the actual number is (FREESBEFOREFLUSH * ChunksPerBlock[bucket]). */
- char sm_FreesBeforeFlush;
- /* Whether or not to use sm_MallocChain to chain all malloc() MEMCHUNKs
- together. If using this don't call sm_free(). */
- char sm_UseMallocChain;
- MEMCHUNK *sm_MallocChain;
- int sm_AllocCount[NUMBUCKETS + 1];
- int sm_FreeCount[NUMBUCKETS + 1];
- #endif
- extern int sm_init(STRMEM *);
- extern void sm_kill(STRMEM *);
- extern void *sm_alloc(STRMEM *, int);
- extern u_char *sm_strdupn(STRMEM *, const u_char *, int);
- extern u_char *sm_strdup(STRMEM *, const u_char *);
- extern void sm_free(STRMEM *, void *);
- extern void sm_flush(STRMEM *);
- #define mystralloc(n) sm_alloc(&MainStrMem, n)
- #define mystrdupn(s,n) sm_strdupn(&MainStrMem, s, n)
- #define mystrdup(s) sm_strdup(&MainStrMem, s)
- #define mystrfree(s) sm_free(&MainStrMem, s)
- #endif