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- Kalender V2.1
- -------------
- Kalender is a little program, which should help you remembering dates.
- To do this you became special features (see below for more)!
- But first i want to inform you about a Shell/WB special:
- 1. If you start Kalender from Shell you use it like a normal Shell-Command
- this means that all output go to the current Shell-window.
- 2. If you start it from WB Kalender parses its arguments from the Tooltypes
- and opens a window.
- 3. If the locale.library is present, then kalender will use it!
- Hint: use Kalender in your shell-startup sequence or in the WBStartup Drawer
- Now the Shell & WB options:
- PATH <path> : path for Kalender.dat file - DEFAULT: 'S:'
- Attention: must end in ':' or '/'!
- FILE <file> : Name of Kalender.dat file - DEFAULT: 'Kalender.dat'
- ONCE : If this flag is set Kalender will run only one time per day
- SHOW <num> : How many days to show from 'today' - DEFAULT: 31
- LANGUAGE <num> : Output language (for weekdays)
- (0=english/1=german/2=french/3=spanish) - DEFAULT: 1
- MARK : (TOGGLE FLAG!) if this is set - today and tomorrow will be
- market with special colors.
- STATUS "text" : Sets text for status line
- DEFAULT: "Terminübersicht am %w, den %d.%m.%y"
- DATE1 "text" : Sets text for date-output-form
- DEFAULT: "%d.%m."
- LINE "text" : Outputline format
- DEFAULT: "%1 : %t"
- NOSAVE : This flag told kalender not to save if something has changed
- NODATA : if no output data was found - a little message appears!
- to do:
- 'show only actual year'
- 'show only xxxx year'
- 'show up from xxxx year'
- 'show upto xxxx year'
- 'show only xx flag entrys'
- 'not show xx flag entrys'
- only Shell options:
- ? : Try it :-) or see Style Guide *grin*
- INSERT "%d.%m.[%j] : text" : Inserts text to the file - in a later version
- this command will use the DATE1/DATE2 settings
- Hints to options:
- All settings of SHOW/LANGUGE/MARK/STATUS/DATE1/DATE2 will be saved in the
- 'Kalender.dat' file!
- Specialtext of STATUS/DATE1/DATE2/LINE/(INSERT):
- %d : Day (number)
- %m : Month (number)
- %o[l] : Month (text)
- %y : year (number)
- %w[l] : Weekday (text)
- %n : Weekday (number) / 1=Monday - 7=Sunday
- %e : Weeknr. (number)
- %0 : Dateformat from locale.library
- %1 : Dateformat DATE1
- %2 : Dateformat DATE2
- %t : Text
- [l] means an optional 'l' that formats the parameter with the max. possible
- string length.
- Specialtext of INSERT:
- %j : Year diffs for %d.%m.%j dates (birthday age)
- %k : Kill date if reached
- %h : Show only on specified day
- %'ARexx file' : execute ARexx file (filename without .rexx)
- to do:
- %?? : xx flags
- This distribution includes 2 files (Cal1.dat/Cal2.dat) with many dates - this
- files are converted from Unix - thanx to Joerg Bublath "Skull" for it :)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kalender - to help you remembering dates
- Copyright (C) 1993 Kai Hofmann
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bugs/new features/comments etc. to me:
- Kai Hofmann
- Arberger Heerstraße 92
- 28307 Bremen
- Germany
- EMail: i07m@alf.zfn.uni-bremen.de
- P.S.: I am searching for formulas to calculate the moon-phases and other
- dynamical dates.
- If someone likes my program very much - you could send me money
- (only US$/DM) or some other gifts :)
- Greetings to: #AmigaGER and all other nice IRC-Users (specialy to
- Skull & PickUp)/Fred Fish/Andree Gießel/Thomas Jäger/
- Olaf Bergst/Hanno Meier/Marcus Fährer/
- Happy Brownis (nice Sound)