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- KlingNum v1.1
- Written in 1994 by Sean Martin Newton; placed in the Public Domain.
- What does this program do?
- It converts decimal numbers that you give it into longhand Klingon.
- The English equivalent would be a program that, when you give it 531,
- returns "five hundred and thirty-one". The source I used for my
- numbering-system data only included the suffixes for numbers up into
- the millions range, so the highest number it can translate into
- Klingon is 9,999,999 - it also can't translate decimals, as those
- weren't covered in the Klingon Dictionary either. In everyday use
- (DOES this program have an everyday use???), it's not likely that
- you'll find this a problem.
- Please note that the Klingon language is probably copyrighted by
- Paramount or somebody like that, so I don't recommend that anyone
- improve this program to the max, then try to get ShareWare donations
- out of it - from what I've seen in the docs for other Star Trek
- related software, they don't take kindly to that. However, I haven't
- seen any problems for non-profit authors, so this program is
- thoroughly PD. Do what you want with it; I'd APPRECIATE it if you
- left this doc file in, left my original KlingNum message as intact as
- possible if you change it, and documented any and all changes that you
- make to KlingNum - but if you don't, I'm not going after you with a
- shotgun or anything. Anybody Klingon enough to want this program
- should have an equally Klingon sense of honor, and this is what I
- appeal to when I ask that you not file off my name and put your own in
- its place - ADDING, no prob. Removing any reference to the original
- author, that's a bit annoying.
- Anyway: Everybody and their brother, feel free to change the code or
- whatever. If you manage to kill your system or shred your hard drive
- with it, I'm not going to be held liable for it. You can read the
- code; it's 'C', and the original version was compiled on SAS/C 6.51 (I
- LOVE upgrade patches!!!) and doesn't use any I/O except for the
- standard input/output streams. So if you decide to re-direct your
- output stream from KlingNum and accidentally overwrite your $5 billion
- 80-gigabyte database of ice cream shops in the Timbuktu area, or do
- something especially nasty to a network, I'm not taking responsibility
- for it. If it's got weird file manipulations, then the source has
- been changed and you should go after the modifying people. But don't
- take this to mean I won't be unsympathetic - if you blow up your
- 80-gig database, I'm sorry. But since there's no way this program
- *alone* can do it, I'm not taking responsibility. Re-directing your
- output so it blows up the database is something that your operating
- system would actually be doing, and all KlingNum would be doing is
- sending data to the standard output stream - it doesn't know or care
- where the operating system is going to send it. Bottom line: EVEN IF,
- BLAME FOR IT! It would take a LOT of effort to find a way to blow up
- a computer with this program, and if you can figure out a way to do
- it, more power to you, but don't think for a second that I'm
- responsible for it.
- Now that the obligatory legalistic rudeness is over, here's the stuff
- you're reading this file for. The way to call up KlingNum is with:
- KlingNum <Number>, where Number is the decimal value you'd like to
- have converted into longhand Klingon. Say, for instance, you wanted
- to find out what the Klingon number 56 is. "KlingNum 56" would result
- in "vaghmaH jav" being displayed right under the command. Sorry, but
- it can't translate decimals (6.5, etc.); they weren't covered in my
- reference material. It also doesn't handle numbers greater than
- 9,999,999, because the positional suffixes only went up to 1 million.
- Note that there is formatting attached to the Klingon output; that's
- because some people might want to do nifty things with
- output-redirection and script files (batch files, for IBMers). Check
- the bottom of this document for ways to do weird things like
- displaying your available memory in Klingon. IBM users, good luck...
- I use and program IBMs, but I don't enjoy 'em. They have such
- limitations built in at the hardware level that they act like bogus
- systems from the '60s and '70s! The operating systems they use do
- nothing but compound and magnify those limitations.
- If you've got InterNet access, feel free to drop me a piece of E-Mail;
- my address is SMN8714CSCI@LYNX.APSU.EDU. If you want to talk about
- improvements, discuss Star Trek in general, or dispute my vehement
- assaults on the cornerstones of IBM lunacy, feel free to drop me a
- line. If you know what the InterNet address of the Klingon newsgroup
- is, please let me know; I've been trying to find it without any
- success whatsoever. By the way, don't bother writing messages to me
- in Klingon; even though I've written a Klingon number translator, I
- can't read the language well enough (YET!) to understand complete
- messages in it. I know some people can, and I heartily commend them
- for it, but sending an all-Klingon message to me would just be a waste
- of your time. A phrase here and there is fine, though; I can look it
- up and get some practice reading Klingon. By the way, if you're an
- Amiga user looking for Star Trek files (programs, images, sound files,
- etcetera), I can tell you some file locations on FTP sites; I keep a
- record of what I run across, so if there's an Amiga Star Trek game out
- there, I probably know where to find it.
- I realize I haven't done a very good job of commenting KlingNum, but
- it would be nice to know what has been changed without digging through
- old source. If you make changes, please comment them so the next
- person can see what all's been done.. And hey, if you compile the
- source on a different platform, please send me a piece of E-Mail just
- so I can update my list of how many systems KlingNum has been spread
- to. Just let me know of any changes you had to make in order to get
- it working on those other platforms - I know VAX/VMS would probably
- need to dump the command-line processing so that it can prompt for a
- number, for instance. I'm not going to pretend KlingNum couldn't use
- improvement; for instance, enhanced error checking would be nice. I
- don't have any kind of ego problem about this program; if you make an
- improvement and toss half my code, that's fine. One final note: even
- if you make spectacular, ground-breaking changes to this, if you add
- Klingon ships flying around and zapping each other with phasers and
- making sound effects, I wouldn't recommend that you try to make
- ShareWare out of it. Paramount, which owns Star Trek (and probably
- the Klingon language as well, which is why I haven't said a word about
- how Klingon numbers are formed) seems to have this thing for
- prosecution, and a ShareWare authors have been pestered by them in the
- past. As long as it's free, though, you're probably in the clear.
- Matter of fact, with the way I've written this utility, it could
- really be thought of as a specialized utility for people who've
- already BOUGHT "The Klingon Dictionary", since you really should
- understand Klingon numbers before you go trying to read them.
- By the way, the book I referred to is "The Klingon Dictionary", by
- Marc Okrand. It's a great book, and Mr. Okrand should be highly
- commended for boldly pulling the Klingon language out of the Final
- Frontier and into a readable book. I just wish the section on Klingon
- numerals went into trillions, and had decimal notation (you know,
- 6.75, etc.) somewhere... although that will probably be solved with
- the Klingon Encyclopedia, which will cover a whole lot of stuff in
- great depth.
- About the Author:
- Whoopty do, my autobiography. Hey, everybody adds something like this
- at the end of the text file, so I might as well do the same. As you
- already know by reading the rest of the document, I'm an outspoken
- Amiga user who loves to give IBMers an earfull on why their systems
- are ridiculously inefficient and generally useless. Currently, I'm in
- college, working on a Computer Science degree, and my goal in life is
- to write Amiga productivity programs. I've had it with people
- complaining about the lack of business software, and since I feel that
- anyone who complains had better be prepared to do something about it,
- I'm going to try my best to quiet the complainers. If you either need
- or are using productivity software on Amigas, let me know what kind of
- things you use, and what you really wish you had, so that I will know
- what kind of things I need to look into. And hey, if you need a small
- CLI utility written, I might be able to oblige you on that mark.
- Another of my interests is writing SAS/C equivalents to the Borland
- (BLEAH!) include files, so that Amigites using REAL compilers with
- REAL editors on REAL computers can write BOGUS programs that are
- source-compatible with BOGUS systems and thus can do their work at
- home when their professors decide that it's such a FUN idea to write
- something that REQUIRES Borland to compile!!! It stinks! It needs to
- be stopped! If anybody has similar concerns, E-Mail me and maybe we
- can get a lot of this kind of IBM-specific nonsense eliminated.
- And now, as promised: AN ACTUAL USE FOR KLINGNUM!!! The following
- three lines are a script; I recommend you call this script "Kmem"
- (Klingon Mem) for consistency.
- Echo "Memory: `KlingNum $FREEMEM` ($FREEMEM)"
- Note that the "`"s are the "`"s located on the Tilde (~) key; if you
- use the other one that looks similar ("'"), the script won't display
- the Klingon number. Note that this script won't show your free memory
- if you've got 10M or more of free RAM, since it can't translate
- numbers >=10,000,000. Boy, it must be nice to run into THAT problem!
- :) By the way, Kmem is included in the original archive, so you might
- not have to type it in after all! Just copy it to S: and type Kmem
- whenever (under 1.3+). If you type it in, be sure to go "PROTECT Kmem
- +S" on the command line, to make sure that AmigaDOS knows it's a
- script file and will run it without the EXECUTE command. On 1.2 or
- below, I think you'll have to type "EXECUTE Kmem" or set up an alias
- to do so. Since I know of few people still using 1.2, this isn't a
- big deal.
- Version History:
- KlingNum v1.1 - 6 June 1994.
- Fixed an enforcer hit occurring when no arguments are given, pointed
- out by Michael Pins, in charge of Amiga PD on GRIND.ISCA.UIOWA.EDU.
- KlingNum v1.0 - 28 April 1994.
- yIntIQej'chep - Live Long & Prosper.