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- ================================================================
- Benchmarks: [ See bottom for specifications and comments]
- -----------
- DLGMSGS.txt - various BBS msgs. Original: 1991842 bytes
- Time comp Time decmp Size comp
- --------- ---------- ---------
- LhA V2.00 alpha -lh6- 36 3.2 690311 *NOTE
- LhA V2.00 alpha -lh7- 52 6.5 584930 *NOTE
- PKZip V1.93a -mx deflate ***i486 System*** 631780
- Zoo V2.01 LZC 44 15.0 1098202
- LhA V1.31r -v9Qh64 -lh5- 47 7.9 721426 (030)
- LhA V1.38r -v9Qh64 -lh5- 49 7.9 721426
- LhA V1.30r -v0Qh64 -lh5- 50 7.9 721116 (030)
- LhA V1.30r -Qh64 -lh4- 50 7.9 775953
- LhA V1.38r -v0Qh64 -lh5- 52 7.9 721116
- LhA V1.30r -Qh64 -lh5- 54 7.9 721118
- LhA V1.38e -v0Qh64 -lh5- 70 7.9 721116 (eval)
- Zoo V2.10 LZC 123 49.2 1098202
- LZ V1.92 -lh1- 164 34.2 779766
- Shrink 1.01b Mode4 203 215.7 735193
- Shrink 1.01b Mode7 207 164.3 597354
- LZ V1.92 -lh5- 210 15.9 724599
- LhArc V1.30 -lh1- 298 56.6 807094
- Zoo V2.10 ah 310 35.8 725072
- Portable lha 0.04 -lh5- 370 35.0 725070
- HPack 0.75beta 440 195 637389
- *NOTE: LhA V2.00 alpha is only a experimental version of
- LhA V2.00. It is not optimized and compression
- performance/speed may be better or worse in the
- final version depending on various implementation
- decisions. The -lh6- in particular may be changed
- or scrapped entirely.
- ================================================================
- Calgary corpus - 3.2MB of text, binary and graphics data
- in 21 files.
- Time comp Time decmp Size comp
- --------- ---------- ---------
- Zoo V2.01 LZC 61 23.9 1491922
- LhA V1.31 -v9Qh64 lh5 90 12.9 1141866 (030)
- StuffIt 1.6 `Fast' 106 70.3 1415364
- LhA V1.30 -Qh64 -lh4- 111 12.9 1186291 (reg)
- LhA V1.31 -Qh64 -lh5- 115 12.9 1137191 (030)
- LhA V1.30 -lh1- 116 36.0 1199680 (reg)
- LhA V1.30 -Qh64 -lh5- 122 12.9 1136244 (reg)
- LhA V1.30 -lh5- 124 12.9 1139622 (reg)
- LhA V1.11 -Qh64 -lh5- 174 12.9 1136244 (eval)
- LhA V1.11 -lh5- 175 12.9 1139622 (eval)
- LhA V1.11 -lh1- 189 36.0 1199680 (eval)
- LhA V1.31 -v0Qh64 lh5 227 12.9 1136496 (030)
- CompactPro 1.31 .CPT 232 78.1 1181639
- LZ V1.92 -lh1- 263 51.2 1199209
- Shrink 1.01b Mode4 366 337.4 1152168
- LZ V1.92 -lh5- 383 27.0 1139178
- PkAZip V1.02 imp 386 45.0 1196698
- Shrink 1.01b Mode1 398 458.1 1342598
- Zoo V2.10 ah 508 57.5 1140114
- Shrink 1.01b Mode7 568 1043854
- StuffIt 1.6 `Best Guess' 654 113.0 1253526
- StuffIt 1.6 `Better' 905 113.0 1253526
- Zoo V2.10 LZC --- 76.1 1491922
- Pkax V1.0 crunch --- 51.1 -------
- HPack 0.75beta 5422 (!) 364 1048326
- ^
- |
- Most of the time spent on one single file (pic = gfx data).
- ================================================================
- Backup of my SRC: directory, contains various sources (mostly C)
- and binaries. Archive on Quantum 120LPS.
- (-lh5- compression)
- Listing of archive 'dl:test.lha':
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- <...>
- -----------------------------------------
- 16323405 8466106 48.1% 02-Apr-92 13:09:18 2094 files
- Archive test times (in seconds)
- LhA V1.22 86
- LZ V1.92 362
- ================================================================
- Backup of my C2: directory, containing various binaries. Also on
- Quantum 120LPS.
- (-lh5- compression)
- Listing of archive 'dl:test.lha':
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- <...>
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 8094050 5244699 35.2% 02-Apr-92 13:36:10 450 files
- Archive test times (in seconds)
- LhA V1.22 49
- LZ V1.92 162
- ================================================================
- Times are for A3000/25 (8M fast, 2M chip) with all files in RAM:
- loading times are not included. No tasks were running in the
- background except for the inavoidable DOS processes + workbench.
- To avoid memory fragmentation the machine was rebooted before
- each benchmark. Operating system is KickStart V2.04. Data and
- instruction caches+burst mode were on.
- All times are in seconds, and sizes in bytes. Default settings
- used unless specified. Entries are sorted by compression time.
- Extract time is without disk access (actually it's the TEST
- time). All console output suppressed in all tests.
- The portable LHa and HPack were compiled with GCC 2.0, with
- `-O2 -fstrength-reduce -ffomit-frame-pointer -m68030' as
- optimization flags. Some functions were made inline to improve
- speed.
- `Shrink' was included mainly to show that order-0 arithmetic
- coding doesn't give you any major improvements compression-
- wise. Shrink in compression mode 4 uses the same dictionary
- size as LhA in -lh5- mode, but uses order-0 arithmetic encoding
- instead of adaptive Huffman coding, and as you can see the
- result is worse than LhA. The *big* disadvantage of arithmetic
- coding can be seen in the decompression time column.. The reason
- why Mode7 is so much better than LhA in most cases is that the
- dictionary is 8 times as big as LhA's in that mode.
- The Mac programs were included to see how LhA compares to the
- best archivers for another Platform. CompactPro and StuffIt
- Classic were run under System 6.5.1 on the same A3000/25 as all
- Amiga programs (using A-Max II+). As you can see, LhA out-
- performs both quite easily. Seems those Mac guys aren't too
- good at optimizing :-) Especially decompression is slow on the
- Mac archivers. `MacLHa V2.0' wasn't included in the test because
- it is *SO* slow I just couldn't stand it - wonder how on earth
- the porter managed to get it that slow, since LhA is more than
- 10 times faster.
- ================================================================
- This benchmark is by no means complete, it's only meant to give
- you an idea how LhA compares with other more or less common
- archivers.
- When I get the time I will perform a larger test with more
- varying files.
- / Stefan
- ================================================================