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- Lharc is a 'pure' program, i.e. you can make it resident via
- the 'resident' Amigados command just like any other command found in the
- c: directory. Keeping Lharc resident will greatly facilitate users
- who make an heavy use of Lharc (especially those who don't have an
- hard disk).
- If you have just received Lharc, beware that some copy programs and
- some archivers (including the zoo archiver which is used for
- distribution of Lharc) don't preserve file attributes, so the 'p'
- flag may not be set for the Lharc executable and Amigados won't
- understand that Lharc is a pure program. If so, just type the
- following line at the CLI prompt:
- protect Lharc p add
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- What follows is the same text in Italian:
- Lharc e' un programma 'puro', cioe' puo' essere reso residente come
- i comandi della directory c: Pero' siccome alcuni archiviatori (come ZOO)
- e alcuni programmi di copia non preservano gli attributi dei files, puo'
- darsi che il flag 'p' non sia settato per l'eseguibile di Lharc che
- avete appena ricevuto: in tal caso basta che diate il comando:
- protect lharc p add