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- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LOGIN (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1994
- // -----
- // This program is part of a group of 3 complementary programs to log the
- // usage of a stand-alone machine. (LOGIN, LOGOUT, PASSWORD)
- //
- // This program has been written in ANSI C to make it fully portable across
- // different hardware platforms.
- //
- // Original development and testing was carried out on a Commodore Amiga 3000.
- //
- // This program and its companion LOGOUT will maintain a log file detailing
- // machine usage for all authorised users.
- // Authorised users are added by the PASSWORD command, which itself can only
- // be used by a 'System Operator' who knows the password to activate the
- // program.
- //
- // 2 Datafiles are maintained by the trio of programs:
- //
- // History
- // -------
- // 01-JAN-94: Design and initial file creation.
- // 13-JAN-94: ANSI C portability MY FOOT !!! Still struggling with porting this!
- // 26-JAN-94: Finally got it: ANSI level 1 defines binary and text modes.
- // I was using TEXT mode... which interprets EOF differently !!
- // 07-FEB-94: Disabled Control-C checking for Amiga implementation
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //#define DEBUG 1
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "fcntl.h"
- #include "time.h"
- #define TRUE (1)
- #define FALSE (0)
- #define MAX_NAME_LEN (10)
- #define ENTRY_LEN (65)
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #define HELP "?"
- #define SET_FG_0 ""
- #define SET_FG_1 ""
- #define CREAT_MODE (O_RDWR)
- #define OPEN_MODE (O_RDWR)
- void __regargs __chkabort(void);
- #else
- #include "sys\stat.h"
- #define HELP "/?"
- #define SET_FG_0 ""
- #define SET_FG_1 ""
- #endif
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Function Prototypes
- // -------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef char BOOL;
- void get_log_entry(void);
- void add_log_entry(void);
- void decode_n_term(char *ptr, int offset);
- BOOL valid_user(void);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Globals
- // -------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- char entry_buffer[]="X AAAAAAAAAA DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY - XXX XXX XX XX:XX:XX XXXX\r";
- int logfile, passwfile; // LEVEL 1 ANSI File Handles
- char username[80]; // input buffers from keyboard
- char userpassword[80];
- long int file_size, log_pos;
- int num_entries, attempt;
- time_t systime;
- struct tm *tim;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main(int argc, char **argv) {
- BOOL logged_out;
- // If there's anything on the command line...
- if(argc > 1 ) {
- printf("LOGIN V1.0 (Copyright (c) Jan 1994 L. Vanhelsuwe)\n\n");
- printf("Programmed by Laurence Vanhelsuwe in C on an Amiga 3000.\n");
- printf("Ported to IBM PC environment by L. Vanhelsuwe.\n\n");
- printf("USAGE: LOGIN [%s]\n\n", HELP);
- }
- if ((passwfile = open(PFILE, OPEN_MODE)) == -1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Passwords file does not exist ! (Use PASS to create)\n");
- exit(10);
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- printf("====================================================\n\n");
- printf(" PLEASE LOG ON\n\n");
- printf("====================================================\n\n");
- logged_out = TRUE;
- if (( logfile = open(LFILE, OPEN_MODE)) != -1) {
- get_log_entry(); // get last log entry in entry_buffer
- if (entry_buffer[0] == 'I') {
- logged_out = FALSE;
- decode_n_term(&entry_buffer[2], 0); // just 0-terminate
- printf(" --WARNING--\n\n'%s' didn't log out !\n\n", &entry_buffer[2]);
- }
- } else {
- printf("Log file doesn't exist. Attempting to create it...\n");
- logfile = creat(LFILE, CREAT_MODE);
- if (logfile == -1) {
- close(passwfile);
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create log file... aborting !\n");
- exit(10);
- }
- printf("Log file created OK.\n");
- }
- // Get users name and password and validate entries.
- // A special case is if
- for (attempt=0; attempt < 3; attempt++) {
- do {
- printf("Please enter your name:");
- scanf("%s", username);
- if (( ! logged_out) && (strcmp(username, "CONTINUE")==0)) {
- close(passwfile);
- printf("\nUser '%s': Continued Session Log-On.\n\n", &entry_buffer[2]);
- return 0;
- }
- } while (strlen(username) > MAX_NAME_LEN);
- do {
- printf(SET_FG_1); printf("Please enter your password:");
- printf(SET_FG_0); scanf("%s", userpassword);
- } while (strlen(userpassword) > MAX_NAME_LEN);
- printf(SET_FG_1);
- if (valid_user()) break;
- printf("\nLogin attempt refused... try again.\n\n");
- }
- close(passwfile);
- if (attempt==3) {
- printf("Number of Login attempts exceeded.\n\n");
- printf(" -- MACHINE HALTED --");
- while (attempt) ; // LOOP forever
- }
- entry_buffer[0] = 'I'; // set entry to correctly logged IN
- strncpy(&entry_buffer[2], " ", MAX_NAME_LEN+1);
- strncpy(&entry_buffer[2], username, strlen(username));
- time(&systime); // get machine local time
- tim = localtime(&systime); // convert to universal time format
- strncpy(&entry_buffer[40], asctime(tim), 24);
- strncpy(&entry_buffer[13], asctime(tim), 24);
- add_log_entry();
- printf("\nUser '%s' Logged on.\n\n", username);
- return 0;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void get_log_entry(void) {
- int chars;
- lseek(logfile, 0L, SEEK_END); file_size = tell(logfile);
- num_entries = file_size/ENTRY_LEN;
- log_pos = (num_entries-1)*ENTRY_LEN;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("File size = %ld, Num Entries = %d, LOG Position = %d\n",
- file_size, num_entries, log_pos);
- #endif
- lseek(logfile, log_pos, SEEK_SET);
- chars = read (logfile, (void*) entry_buffer, ENTRY_LEN);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Entry buffer[0] = '%c'\n", entry_buffer[0]);
- printf("Entry buffer[1] = '%c'\n", entry_buffer[1]);
- printf("Entry buffer[2] = '%c'\n", entry_buffer[2]);
- printf("Entry buffer[3] = '%c'\n", entry_buffer[3]);
- if (chars != ENTRY_LEN) {
- printf("ERROR: get_log_entry() read didn't read %d chars (but %d!)\n", ENTRY_LEN, chars);
- exit(10);
- }
- #endif
- entry_buffer[12] = 0; // zero-terminate user name field
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void add_log_entry(void) {
- lseek(logfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- write(logfile, (void*) entry_buffer, ENTRY_LEN);
- close(logfile);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL valid_user(void) {
- char name[MAX_NAME_LEN+2];
- char pasw[MAX_NAME_LEN+2];
- char user_entry_buf[(MAX_NAME_LEN*2)+1];
- int bytes_read;
- lseek(passwfile, 0L, SEEK_SET); // rewind passwords file.
- bytes_read = read(passwfile, user_entry_buf, (MAX_NAME_LEN*2)+1);
- do {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Bytes read from passwfile = %d\n", bytes_read);
- for (i=0 ; i<21; i++) {
- printf("PASSWLINE[%d] = '%c'\n", i , user_entry_buf[i]); }
- #endif
- name[MAX_NAME_LEN] = pasw[MAX_NAME_LEN] = ' ';
- strncpy(name, user_entry_buf , MAX_NAME_LEN);
- strncpy(pasw, &user_entry_buf[MAX_NAME_LEN], MAX_NAME_LEN);
- decode_n_term(name, -1); decode_n_term(pasw, -2);
- if ((strcmp(username, name))==0 &&
- (strcmp(userpassword, pasw))==0 ) return TRUE;
- bytes_read = read(passwfile, user_entry_buf, (MAX_NAME_LEN*2)+1);
- } while (bytes_read);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void decode_n_term(char *ptr, int offset) {
- while(*ptr != ' ') {
- *ptr = (*ptr) + offset;
- ptr++;
- }
- *ptr = 0;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Disable CTRL-C checking.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifdef AMIGA
- void __regargs __chkabort(void) {}
- #endif