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- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // PASSWORD (c) Laurence Vanhelsuwe 1994
- // --------
- // This program is part of a group of 3 complimentary programs to log the
- // usage of a stand-alone machine. (LOGIN, LOGOUT, PASSWORD)
- //
- // This program has been written in ANSI C to make it fully portable across
- // different hardware platforms.
- //
- // Original development and testing was carried out on a Commodore Amiga 3000.
- //
- // History
- // -------
- // 03-JAN-94: Initial file creation.
- // 06-JAN-94: First useful version (with encoding)
- // 11-FEB-94: Fixed users listing bug ( "\r" ending prevented correct listing)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //#define DEBUG 1
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "fcntl.h"
- #include "time.h"
- #define MAX_NAME_LEN (10)
- #define ENTRY_LEN (1+ MAX_NAME_LEN*2)
- #define SET_FG_0 ""
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #define HELP "?"
- #define SET_FG_1 ""
- #define CREAT_MODE (O_RDWR)
- #define OPEN_MODE (O_RDWR)
- #else
- #include "sys\stat.h"
- #define HELP "/?"
- #define SET_FG_1 ""
- #endif
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Function Prototypes
- // -------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void get_password (char *prompt_str, char *passw_str);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Globals
- // -------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- char sysop_password[40];
- char input[80];
- char username[MAX_NAME_LEN+2];
- char userpasw[MAX_NAME_LEN+2];
- long int file_size, log_pos;
- int error, num_entries;
- extern int errno;
- int logfile, passwfile; // LEVEL 1 ANSI C File Handles
- time_t systime;
- struct tm *tim;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main(int argc, char **argv) {
- int i,j,len, namelen, passwlen, num;
- char *s,*d;
- if(argc > 1 ) {
- printf("PASSWORD V1.0 (Copyright (c) Jan 1994 L. Vanhelsuwe)\n\n");
- printf("Programmed by Laurence Vanhelsuwe in C on an Amiga 3000.\n");
- printf("Ported to IBM PC environment by L. Vanhelsuwe.\n\n");
- printf("USAGE: PASSWORD [%s]\n\n", HELP);
- }
- if ((passwfile = open(PFILE, OPEN_MODE)) == -1) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("open(\"%s\",OPEN_MODE) returned %d...\n", PFILE, passwfile);
- printf("ERROR # : %d \n", errno);
- #endif
- printf("Passwords file does not exist ! Attempting to create it...\n");
- passwfile = creat(PFILE, CREAT_MODE);
- if (passwfile == -1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create passwords file! Aborting...\n");
- exit(10);
- }
- printf("Passwords file created OK.\n");
- }
- get_password("Enter System Operator Password:", sysop_password);
- // If the SYSOP enters the right PASSWORD immediately followed by 'USERS',
- // The programs dumps a list of all the valid users (decoded).
- if(strcmp(sysop_password, "AGRCRGAUSERS") == 0) {
- printf("\nAuthorized Users List:\n\n");
- printf ("------\t-------- --------\n");
- i = read(passwfile, input, ENTRY_LEN);
- num = 1;
- while (i==ENTRY_LEN) {
- for(j=0;j<MAX_NAME_LEN;j++)
- if (input[j] != ' ') input[j]=input[j]-1; // decode name
- for(j=MAX_NAME_LEN;j<2*MAX_NAME_LEN;j++)
- if (input[j] != ' ') input[j]=input[j]-2; // decode password
- printf("%3d\t", num++);
- printf(input); // print both
- printf("\n");
- i = read(passwfile, input, ENTRY_LEN);
- }
- printf("\n");
- close(passwfile);
- return 0;
- }
- // If the password wasn't the special listing password, then you have to enter
- // the normal one or you're out !
- if(strcmp(sysop_password, "AGRCRGA") != 0) {
- printf("\nYou are not authorized to add users to this system.\n");
- exit(20);
- }
- lseek(passwfile, 0L, SEEK_END); // goto the end to APPEND
- do {
- printf("Enter new User's NAME :");
- scanf("%s", input);
- namelen = strlen(input);
- if (namelen > MAX_NAME_LEN)
- printf("Please enter upto %d characters maximum..\n", MAX_NAME_LEN);
- } while (namelen > MAX_NAME_LEN);
- strcpy(username, input);
- do {
- get_password("Enter new User's PASSWORD :", input);
- passwlen = strlen(input);
- if (passwlen > MAX_NAME_LEN)
- printf("Please enter upto %d characters maximum..\n", MAX_NAME_LEN);
- if (passwlen < 4)
- printf("Please enter at least 4 characters..\n");
- } while (passwlen > MAX_NAME_LEN || passwlen < 4);
- strcpy(userpasw, input);
- for(i=0, s=d=username; i<namelen ; i++) *d++ = (*s++) +1;
- write(passwfile, username, namelen);
- len = MAX_NAME_LEN - namelen;
- if (len) write(passwfile, " ", len);
- for(i=0, s=d=userpasw; i<passwlen; i++) *d++ = (*s++) +2;
- write(passwfile, userpasw, passwlen);
- len = MAX_NAME_LEN - passwlen;
- if (len) write(passwfile, " ", len);
- write(passwfile, "\r", 1);
- for(i=0, s=d=username; i<namelen ; i++) *d++ = (*s++) -1;
- printf("\nUser '%s' added to list of Authorized Users\n", username);
- close(passwfile);
- return 0;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Get an invisible string in an ANSI compatible, portable way.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void get_password (char *prompt_str, char *passw_str) {
- printf(prompt_str); // print the prompt
- printf(SET_FG_0); // switch to WHITE foreground
- scanf("%s", passw_str); // get the string (cursor still moves...)
- printf(SET_FG_1); // switch back to normal foreground color
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------