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- /*
- * Run the tests in the introductory comments to a region.
- *
- * The region marked at the time of invocation will be tested. It should
- * be suitable for calling as a rexx function, and return a string value.
- * It must start with a comment that contains lines describing the tests
- * to be run, the comment ending with a single line having a comment end
- * string on it (with optional whitespace).
- *
- * The format for a test line is:
- * <whatever> test: <expected result> (<argument strings>) <actual result>
- *
- * <whatever> will be ignored.
- *
- * <argument strings> are the arguments to be passed to the region, formatted
- * for use by rexx-do-region. Note that if there are no arguments, then
- * the argument list should be ( 0 ). If there are arguments, then the
- * first thing in the argument list should be the negative of the number of
- * arguments, i.e.: ( -3 "This is" a "\^c" ).
- *
- * <expected results> is the value that it is expected that the function will
- * return when the marked region is started via
- * 'rexx-do-region' argument strings
- *
- * <actual results> are placed by this code. If they match the expected
- * results, they are left blank. Otherwise, it is changed to the actual
- * result. If there was some problem with the result (for example, it
- * occupied more than one line), then the results will be assumed to have
- * been "****".
- */
- /* Canonical mg prefix. */
- options results
- options failat 2
- signal on failure
- /* Constants for this invocation */
- bufname = "*Rexx-Test*"
- flag = "****"
- /* Clean out the test buffer, and copy the region to it */
- 'switch-to-buffer "'bufname'"'
- 'beginning-of-buffer'
- 'end-of-buffer'
- 'kill-region'
- 'switch-to-buffer ""' /* Null string -> goes to previous buffer */
- 'copy-region-as-kill'
- 'switch-to-buffer ""'
- 'yank'
- /* Find and store all the tests, including the line number the test is on */
- i = 1
- 'beginning-of-buffer'
- do until rc ~= 0
- 'rexx-point pnt'
- if pnt.3 = '*/' then break
- parse value pnt.3 with 'test:' exp '(' args ')'
- if exp ~= "" then do
- test.i.argstring = args
- test.i.expected = exp
- test.i.line = pnt.1
- i = i + 1
- end
- 'next-line'
- end
- numtests = i - 1
- /* If there aren't any tests, we can stop here */
- if numtests < 1 then do
- 'rexx-display "No tests to run."'
- exit 0
- end
- /* Now run each test, and stash the result */
- do i = 1 to numtests
- 'end-of-buffer'
- 'beginning-of-buffer'
- signal off failure
- 'rexx-do-region' test.i.argstring
- signal on failure
- 'beginning-of-buffer'
- 'rexx-region region'
- if region.0 = 1 then test.i.value = region.1
- else do
- test.i.value = flag
- iterate
- end
- 'kill-region'
- end
- /*
- * Finally, go check each test against the expected result, and insert the
- * appropriate thing in the buffer.
- */
- 'switch-to-buffer ""'
- do i = 1 to numtests
- 'goto-line' test.i.line
- 'search-forward )'
- 'rexx-insert "\tx"'
- 'backward-char'
- 'kill-line'
- if test.i.value ~= test.i.expected then
- 'rexx-insert 'slashquote(test.i.value, '\')
- end
- /* And, since all's well that ends well, exit */
- exit 0
- /* Come here if some command has serious problems */
- failure:
- 'rexx-display "something died!"'
- exit 1