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- Mg 2a README May 15, 1988
- Mg (mg) is a Public Domain EMACS style editor. It is "broadly"
- compatible with GNU Emacs, the latest creation of Richard M.
- Stallman, Chief GNUisance and inventor of Emacs. GNU Emacs (and other
- portions of GNU as they are released) are essentially free, (there are
- handling charges for obtaining it) and so is Mg. You may never have
- to learn another editor. (But probably will, at least long enough to
- port Mg...) Mg was formerly named MicroGnuEmacs, the name change was
- done at the request of Richard Stallman.
- Mg is not associated with the GNU project, and most of it does not
- have the copyright restrictions present in GNU Emacs. (However, some
- of the system dependent modules and the regular expression module do
- have copyright notices, specificly the VMS/primos termcap routines and
- the amiga specific routines. Look at the source code for exact
- copyright restrictions.) The Mg authors individually may or may not
- agree with the opinions expressed by Richard Stallman in "The GNU
- Manifesto".
- To avoid GNU copyright restrictions, replace the re_search.c, regex.h
- and regex.c files with empty files.
- Documentation of Mg is in the TeX file mg.tex. This should be
- formatted with the TeX text formatter and printed. A start twords a mg
- programmers guied in in mgprog.doc, and some of the changes from 1b
- are mentioned briefly in mg2a.change.
- This program is intended to be a small, fast, and portable editor for
- people who can't (or don't want to) run real Emacs thing for one
- reason or another. It is compatible with GNU because there shouldn't
- be any reason to learn more than one Emacs flavor. We have excised
- most MicroEMACS features that were incompatible with the big brother,
- and added missing features that seemed essential.
- There are at least two other major versions of MicroEMACS in
- circulation. One comes from Daniel Lawrence, (based on an old version
- from Dave Conroy) and is several versions have been posted to usenet.
- It uses a 3.x version numbering scheme, and the latest I know about is
- 3.9i. It has some features not found in Mg, missing others, is
- bigger, and is incompatible with GNU Emacs. It might be a better
- choice for you if you *must* have something not present here and can't
- run GNU.
- Another variety uses a different numbering scheme, and is up to v30.
- This also comes from mod.sources, and is the latest version from the
- original MicroEMACS author Dave Conroy. Mg is derived from this
- version, and for the most part has replaced it.
- Mg is continuing to diverge from other MicroEmacs varients.
- Significant modifacations would me nessisary to adapt code from either
- the 3.x strains or v30. Command functions and key mapping, for
- instance, are completely different.
- This is the third distribution release of Mg. (It went through four
- beta releases to iron out the changes made by the various authors.)
- Prior releases were known as MicroGnuEmacs 1a and MicroGnuEmacs 1b.
- Beyond the work of Dave Conroy, author of the original public domain
- v30, the current version contains the work of:
- blarson@ecla.usc.edu Bob Larson
- mic@emx.utexas.edu Mic Kaczmarczik
- mwm@violet.berkeley.edu Mike Meyer
- sandra@cs.utah.edu Sandra Loosemore
- mp1u+@andrew.cmu.edu Michael Portuesi
- hakanson@mist.cs.orst.edu Marion Hakanson
- People who have worked on previos versions of Mg:
- rtech!daveb@sun.com Dave Brower
- These systems are known to work in the current version:
- 4.2 & 4.3 BSD Unix, SunOs 3.2, Ultrix-32
- System V
- OS9/68k
- Amiga
- Primos
- Atari ST
- Ms-Dos support is planned, but did not get done in time for this
- release. (Jeff Siegal <jbs@eddie.mit.edu> was the one doing it.)
- The Ms-Dos files will probably be distributed seperatly when it
- becomes available.
- Cpm/68k support was dropped due to compiler bugs. Eunice support was
- dropped because of lack of interest. Mg 1b does support those
- systems.
- One change to late to make it into mg.tex is readding bsmap-mode (only
- if BSMAP is #defined when compiling). This is a toggle that controls
- input mapping to exchange the ^H (backspace) and DEL characters. Like
- GNU emacs input keymaps, it is not displayed on the mode line and will
- cause them to be treated as each other for echoing. (With bsmap-mode
- enabled, DEL will echo ^H in the echo line.)
- How to Make a Mg
- ---------------------------
- On UNIX at least, it's easy. (Note that even on these systems you may
- want to change a compile time option.) If you have BSD UNIX, do:
- ln sys/bsd/Makefile .
- make
- For System V, do:
- ln sys/sysv/Makefile .
- make
- There are several other directories under sys: osk, vms, amiga, atari,
- prime. You should follow the directions contained therein to make one
- of those versions.
- For most systems (everyting except the amiga, and atari currently),
- the termcap terminal definition is used. There is a readme file in
- the default subdirectory of the sys directory explaining what entries
- are used and how. (Termcap is a way to do display manipulation in a
- terminal independent manner.) Besides the normal startup file (usually
- .mg) terminal specific initialization files may be used. (For
- example, in .mg.vt100 you may want to (global-set-key "\e[A"
- 'previous-line) to have the up arrow key work.)
- Some changes made to make this version more like Gnu Emacs may break
- startup files. Gnu Emacs 18 has both backward-delete-char and
- delete-backward-char that apperently do the same thing. This version
- has only the latter because that is what is documented in my manual
- (version 17) and bound by Gnu Emacs to DEL.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Known limitaions:
- Recursive bindings may cause help and key rebinding code to go into
- an infinite loop, aborting with a stack overflow.
- Overwrite mode does not work in macros. (Characters are inserted
- rather than overwriting.)
- Dired mode has some problems: Rename does not update the buffer.
- Doing a dired again will update the buffer (whether it needs it or
- not) and will lose any marks for deletion. .. and . are not
- recognized as special cases.
- On systems with 16 bit integers, the kill buffer cannot exceed 32767
- bytes.
- New implementation oddities:
- insert and define-key are new commands corresponding to the mocklisp
- functions in Gnu Emacs. (Mg does not have non-command functions.)
- (Mg's insert will only insert one string.)
- The display wrap code does not work at all like that of GNU emacs.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have a change to make that you think should be incorporated
- into the next version of Mg, send it the mg-support mail
- list. Addresses are:
- mg-support%ais1@ecla.usc.edu
- {cit-vax,sdcrdcf,trwrb}!oberon!ais1!mg-support
- Support for additional systems and terminals should include being
- available for beta testing as other changes are made. (Send a short
- note to mg-support.) Currently, beta test copies of Mg are made
- available via Internet ftp, so beta testers need access to the
- Internet. (UUCP sites that are customers of uunet can get it via
- them. Contact uunet!uunet-request for details.) If you can't reach
- one of us via a computer network, I suppose you could send a change to
- my snail mail address below on 5" os9 format disks or 9 track tape
- (ANSI variable label or Prime magsav format), but this effectivly
- rules you out as a potential beta tester. (Don't expect the disk or
- tape back unless you inculude a SASE with sufficent postage.) I will
- not be sending out copies on magnetic media, so please don't ask. If
- you somehow got an incomplete or non-standard copy, (i.e. missing one
- of the sys directories mentioned here as working) complain to who you
- got it from not to me.
- Robert Larson
- 309 S. Alexandria Ave.
- Apt. 117
- Los Angeles, CA 90020
- Alternatively, and under the same conditions, you can send either a 3"
- AmigaDOS format disk or a 9 track tape (Unix tar format) to:
- Mike Meyer
- P.O. Box 4730
- Berkeley, CA 94704