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- #ifndef LOCALPROTO_H
- #define LOCALPROTO_H
- #undef MANX
- #undef LATTICE
- #include "compiler.h"
- #include "foob.h"
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in sysinit.c */
- VOID sysinit PROTO((void));
- VOID syscleanup PROTO((void));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in amiga_maps.c */
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in spawn.c */
- int spawncli PROTO((int f, int n));
- #ifdef MANX
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in malloc.c */
- char *lmalloc PROTO((unsigned int size));
- char *malloc PROTO((unsigned int size));
- int free PROTO((char *blk));
- #endif
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in dirio.c */
- char *getwd PROTO((char *path));
- int chdir PROTO((char *path));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in ttyicon.c */
- int tticon PROTO((int f, int n));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in fileio.c */
- int ffropen PROTO((char *fn));
- int ffwopen PROTO((char *fn));
- int ffclose PROTO((void));
- int ffgetline PROTO((char *buf, int nbuf, int *nbytes));
- int fbackupfile PROTO((char *fname));
- #ifdef FOOB
- FOOB getfoob PROTO((char *fname));
- VOID putfoob PROTO((char *name, FOOB mask));
- #endif
- char *startupfile PROTO((VOID));
- char *adjustname PROTO((char *fn));
- VOID FlushBuf PROTO((void));
- int FillBuf PROTO((void));
- /* int Strcmp PROTO((char *s1, char *s2)); */
- /* This is a lie, caused by CBM lieing about struct FileLock *... sigh */
- unsigned long PathName PROTO((long, char *pwdstr, long nentries));
- int copy PROTO((char *, char *));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in ttymouse.c */
- int amigamouse PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mreposition PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mdelfword PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mkillline PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mforwdel PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mdelwhite PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mkillregion PROTO((int f, int n));
- int myank PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mforwpage PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mbackpage PROTO((int f, int n));
- int msplitwind PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mdelwind PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mgotobob PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mgotoeob PROTO((int f, int n));
- int menlargewind PROTO((int f, int n));
- int mshrinkwind PROTO((int f, int n));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in ttyio.c */
- int ttopen PROTO((void));
- VOID tthide PROTO((int resize));
- VOID ttshow PROTO((int resize));
- VOID ttclose PROTO((void));
- int togglewindow PROTO((int f, int n));
- int togglezooms PROTO((int f, int n));
- int setfont PROTO((int f, int n));
- VOID ttputc PROTO((unsigned char c));
- VOID ttflush PROTO((void));
- VOID ttnflush PROTO((int n));
- int ttgetc PROTO((void));
- int ttwait PROTO((void));
- VOID setttysize PROTO((void));
- VOID panic PROTO((char *s));
- int typeahead PROTO((void));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in tty.c */
- VOID ttinit PROTO((void));
- VOID tttidy PROTO((void));
- VOID ttmove PROTO((int row, int col));
- VOID tteeol PROTO((void));
- VOID tteeop PROTO((void));
- VOID ttbeep PROTO((void));
- VOID asciiparm PROTO((int n));
- VOID ttinsl PROTO((int row, int bot, int nchunk));
- VOID ttdell PROTO((int row, int bot, int nchunk));
- VOID ttwindow PROTO((int top, int bot));
- VOID ttnowindow PROTO((void));
- VOID ttcolor PROTO((int color));
- VOID ttresize PROTO((void));
- int ttmode PROTO((int f, int n));
- int tttext PROTO((int f, int n));
- int textforeground PROTO((int f, int n));
- int textbackground PROTO((int f, int n));
- int modeforeground PROTO((int f, int n));
- int modebackground PROTO((int f, int n));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in rexx.c */
- void openrexx
- PROTO((void));
- void closerexx
- PROTO((void));
- int disprexx PROTO((struct MsgPort *));
- int rexxcommand PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxexitcommand PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxbuffer PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxbuflist PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxregion PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxdisplay PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxinsert PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxline PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxcomregion PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxmark PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxpoint PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxrequest PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxreqbuf PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxreqfunc PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxreqmacro PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxwindow PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxlock PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxunlock PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxwait PROTO((int f, int n));
- int rexxtopwindow PROTO((int f, int n));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in ttymenu.c */
- #ifdef DO_MENU
- struct Menu *InitEmacsMenu PROTO((struct Window * EmW));
- int amigamenu PROTO((int f, int n));
- int Display_File PROTO((char *dir, char *file));
- /* the first arg should be a BPTR, but BPTR is undefined in a lot of the
- * sources that inherit this header
- */
- int btocstr PROTO((long bp, char *buf, int bufsiz));
- #endif
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in ttykbd.c */
- int getkbd PROTO((void));
- VOID ttykeymapinit PROTO((void));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in sleep.c */
- VOID sleep PROTO((int n));
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in menustack.c */
- #ifdef DO_MENU
- VOID Menu_Init PROTO((void));
- VOID DisposeMenus PROTO((void));
- VOID Menu_Pop PROTO((void));
- int Menu_Add PROTO((char *name, int enabled, int saveit));
- int Menu_Item_Add PROTO((char *name, unsigned int flags, long mux, int ch, int saveit));
- int Menu_SubItem_Add PROTO((char *name, unsigned int flags, long mux, int ch, int saveit));
- char *strsave PROTO((char *string));
- #endif
- /* Prototypes for functions defined in console.c */
- int OpenConsole PROTO((struct IOStdReq * writerequest, struct IOStdReq * readrequest, struct Window * window));
- int ConPutChar PROTO((struct IOStdReq * request, int character));
- int ConPutStr PROTO((struct IOStdReq * request, char *string));
- int ConWrite PROTO((struct IOStdReq * request, char *string, int len));
- int QueueRead PROTO((struct IOStdReq * request, char *whereto));
- #endif