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- /*
- * Name: MicroEMACS Version: MG 2a Commodore Amiga system header
- * file.
- */
- #undef AZTEC
- #undef LATTICE
- #undef MANX
- #include "compiler.h"
- /*
- * ANSI means we have an ANSI-compliant compiler, and need a tweak for
- * alloca.
- */
- #ifdef LATTICE
- #define ANSI
- #define STACK_DIRECTION -1
- #define C_ALLOCA 1 /* To clean up some excess memory */
- #endif
- #ifdef AZTEC
- /* assumes Manx Aztec C v5.0 or greater */
- #define ANSI
- #define STACK_DIRECTION -1
- #define C_ALLOCA 1
- #undef LATTICE
- #ifdef NO_PROTO
- #undef NO_PROTO
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef MANX
- #define NO_PROTO
- extern char *offset_dummy; /* Manx 3.2 can't handle 0-> */
- #define OFFSET(type,member) \
- ((char *)&(((type *)offset_dummy)->member)-(char *)((type *)offset_dummy))
- /* But Lattice can, as of 5.04 */
- #endif
- #define GOOD 0 /* Good exit status. */
- #define SYSINIT sysinit() /* System-specific initialization */
- #define SYSCLEANUP syscleanup() /* System-specific cleanup */
- #define MALLOCROUND(m) (m+=7,m&=~7) /* Round up to 8 byte boundary */
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0 /* These are crass, but */
- #endif
- #define EOF -1 /* will work` */
- /*
- * Macros used by the buffer name making code. Start at the end of the file
- * name, scan to the left until BDC1 (or BDC2, if defined) is reached. The
- * buffer name starts just to the right of that location, and stops at end of
- * string (or at the next BDC3 character, if defined). BDC2 and BDC3 are
- * mainly for VMS.
- */
- #define BDC1 ':' /* Buffer names. */
- #define BDC2 '/'
- /*
- * Typedefs for internal key type and how big a region can be.
- */
- typedef short KCHAR; /* type used to represent Emacs characters */
- typedef long RSIZE; /* size of a region */
- #define MAXPATH 128 /* longest expected directory path */
- #define bcopy(src,dest,len) movmem(src,dest,len)
- #ifdef MANX
- #define bzero(dest, len) setmem(dest, len, (char) 0)
- /* defined in amiga/ttyio.c only cause there isn't a better place */
- #define bcmp(src1, src2, len) m_memcmp(src1, src2, len)
- #else
- #define bzero(dest, len) memset(dest, (char) 0, len)
- #define bcmp(src1, src2, len) memcmp(src1, src2, len)
- #endif
- #ifndef LATTICE
- #define fncmp Strcmp
- #else
- #define fncmp stricmp
- #endif
- #define unlinkdir(s1) unlink(s1)