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- /* keyboard macros for MicroGnuEmacs 3a */
- #include "no_macro.h"
- #ifndef NO_MACRO
- #include "fkeys.h"
- #include "def.h"
- #include "macro.h"
- #include "key.h"
- #ifdef ANSI
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- /* KBD macro grows by MGROWSIZE macros at a time */
- #define MGROWSIZE 50
- int macrodef;
- struct macro *inmacro = NULL;
- struct macro kbdmacro;
- static struct macro savemac; /* Place to put macro being defined */
- static int growmacro
- PROTO((struct macro *));
- static struct macro *makemacro
- PROTO((char *, KCHAR *, int));
- static int finsert
- /* ARGSUSED */
- definemacro(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- if (macrodef) {
- ewprintf("Already defining macro!");
- return macrodef = FALSE;
- }
- savemac = kbdmacro;
- kbdmacro.m_max = kbdmacro.m_count = 0;
- kbdmacro.m_text = NULL;
- ewprintf("Defining Keyboard Macro...");
- return macrodef = TRUE;
- }
- /* ARGSUSED */
- finishmacro(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- if (inmacro)
- return TRUE;
- if (!macrodef) {
- ewprintf("Not defining kbd macro.");
- return FALSE;
- }
- ewprintf("Keyboard macro defined");
- macrodef = FALSE;
- if (savemac.m_text)
- free((char *) savemac.m_text);
- if ((f & FFARG) == 0)
- kbdmacro.m_count -= key.k_count;
- else if (n != 1)
- return runmacro(&kbdmacro, f, n - 1, FALSE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- restore_macro()
- {
- if (kbdmacro.m_max > 0)
- free((char *) kbdmacro.m_text);
- kbdmacro = savemac;
- }
- /* ARGSUSED */
- executemacro(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- if (macrodef) {
- ewprintf("Can't execute anonymous macro while defining one");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (kbdmacro.m_count == 0) {
- ewprintf("No kbd macro has been defined");
- return FALSE;
- }
- return runmacro(&kbdmacro, f, n, FALSE);
- }
- runmacro(run, f, count, onecommand)
- struct macro *run;
- int f, count, onecommand;
- {
- int status = TRUE;
- struct macro *save;
- if (run->m_count == 0)
- return TRUE;
- run->m_max = (f & FFARG) ? count : 1;
- save = inmacro;
- inmacro = run;
- while (run->m_max != 0) {
- run->m_cur = run->m_text;
- while (run->m_cur - run->m_text < run->m_count) {
- if ((status = doin()) != TRUE || onecommand) {
- /* Error or abort */
- run->m_max = 0;
- break;
- }
- lastflag = thisflag;
- thisflag = 0;
- }
- if (run->m_max > 0)
- run->m_max -= 1;
- }
- inmacro = save;
- return status != TRUE ? status
- : (run->m_cur - run->m_text < run->m_count
- : TRUE);
- }
- add_key_to_macro(c, mac)
- KCHAR c;
- struct macro *mac;
- {
- if (mac->m_count >= mac->m_max && growmacro(mac) != TRUE)
- return;
- mac->m_text[mac->m_count++] = c;
- }
- add_string_to_macro(string, mac)
- char *string;
- struct macro *mac;
- {
- int length;
- if (!string)
- return;
- length = strlen(string);
- while (length + mac->m_count >= mac->m_max)
- if (growmacro(mac) != TRUE)
- return;
- while (*string)
- mac->m_text[mac->m_count++] = *string++;
- }
- static int
- growmacro(mac)
- struct macro *mac;
- {
- KCHAR *oldtext;
- int size;
- oldtext = mac->m_text;
- size = mac->m_max + MGROWSIZE;
- if ((mac->m_text = (KCHAR *) malloc(size * sizeof(KCHAR))) == NULL) {
- ewprintf("Can't get %d bytes", size * sizeof(KCHAR));
- mac->m_text = oldtext;
- return FALSE;
- }
- bcopy((char *) oldtext, (char *) mac->m_text,
- mac->m_count * sizeof(KCHAR));
- free((char *) oldtext);
- mac->m_max = size;
- return TRUE;
- }
- insertmacro(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- register KCHAR *k;
- register int i;
- char macname[NMACN];
- struct macro *out;
- if (eread("Insert kbd macro (name): ", macname, NMACN, EFNEW | EFMACRO) != TRUE)
- return FALSE;
- if ((out = find_macro(macname)) == NULL) { /* shouldn't happen */
- ewprintf("Macro %s not found!", macname);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (sinsert("fset ") == FALSE || sinsert(macname) == FALSE
- || sinsert(" \"") == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- /* Insert all chars but the C-x ) used to end it */
- for (k = out->m_text, i = out->m_count; i > 0; i -= 1, k += 1)
- #ifdef FKEYS
- if (*k >= KFIRST && *k <= KLAST) {
- if (sinsert("\\f") == FALSE)
- return FALSE ;
- if (finsert((KCHAR) (*k - KFIRST)) == FALSE)
- return FALSE ;
- } else
- #endif
- if (*k < ' ') {
- if (sinsert("\\^") == FALSE || linsert(1, CCHR(*k)) == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- } else if (*k == '"') {
- if (sinsert("\\\"") == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- } else if (*k == '\\') {
- if (sinsert("\\\\") == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- } else if (*k > CCHR('?')) {
- if (linsert(1, '\\') == FALSE || finsert(*k) == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- } else if (linsert(1, *k) == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- if (sinsert("\"\n") == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- if (f & FFARG)
- sinsert("; Need to put binding code here\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- macroset(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- register int c, count;
- struct macro *out;
- char macname[NMACN];
- KCHAR mactext[NXNAME];
- if (!inmacro)
- return FALSE; /* Only useable from eval-expression */
- if (eread("", macname, NMACN, EFNEW) != TRUE)
- return FALSE;
- count = 0;
- while ((c = getkey(SEESCR)) != SOFTCR) {
- if (count >= NXNAME)
- return FALSE;
- mactext[count++] = c;
- }
- if ((out = makemacro(macname, mactext, count)) == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- macroquery(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- struct macro *save;
- if (macrodef)
- return TRUE;
- if (!inmacro) {
- ewprintf("Not defining or executing kbd macro");
- return TRUE;
- }
- save = inmacro;
- inmacro = NULL;
- update();
- for (;;) {
- ewprintf("Proceed with macro? (Space, DEL or C-d)");
- switch (getkey(FALSE)) {
- case CCHR('G'):
- return ABORT;
- case CCHR('D'):/* Terminate all reps */
- save->m_max = 1;
- /* no more reps, so fall through to */
- case CCHR('?'):/* Terminate this repition */
- save->m_cur = &(save->m_text[save->m_count + 1]);
- case ' ': /* Keep going as as is */
- eerase();
- inmacro = save;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- namemacro(f, n)
- int f, n;
- {
- struct macro *out;
- char macname[NMACN];
- /* Get a valid name */
- if (kbdmacro.m_count == 0) {
- ewprintf("No keyboard macro defined");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (eread("Name for last kbd macro: ", macname, NMACN, EFNEW) != TRUE)
- return FALSE;
- if ((out = makemacro(macname, kbdmacro.m_text, kbdmacro.m_count)) == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- static struct macro *
- makemacro(name, text, count)
- char *name;
- KCHAR *text;
- int count;
- {
- register struct macro *out;
- char *ntmp;
- KCHAR *ctmp;
- /* Space for strings */
- if ((ntmp = (char *) malloc(strlen(name) + 1)) == NULL) {
- ewprintf("Can't get %d bytes", strlen(name) + 1);
- return NULL;
- }
- if ((ctmp = (KCHAR *) malloc(count * sizeof(KCHAR))) == NULL) {
- ewprintf("Can't get %d bytes", count * sizeof(KCHAR));
- free(ntmp);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (name_function(name) != NULL) {
- ewprintf("Function %s is already defined and not a keyboard macro.",
- name);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Get a macro to (re)use */
- if ((out = find_macro(name)) != NULL) {
- free(out->m_name);
- free(out->m_text);
- } else if ((out = (struct macro *) malloc(sizeof(struct macro))) == NULL) {
- ewprintf("Can't get %d bytes", sizeof(struct macro));
- free((char *) (ctmp));
- free(ntmp);
- return NULL;
- } else { /* Add the new macro to the chain */
- out->m_macp = kbdmacro.m_macp;
- kbdmacro.m_macp = out;
- }
- /* Now, fill the silly bugger */
- bcopy((char *) text, (char *) ctmp, count * sizeof(KCHAR));
- strcpy(ntmp, name);
- out->m_text = ctmp;
- out->m_cur = NULL;
- out->m_max = 0;
- out->m_count = count;
- out->m_name = ntmp;
- return out;
- }
- struct macro *
- find_macro(name)
- char *name;
- {
- register struct macro *out;
- if (!name)
- return NULL;
- out = kbdmacro.m_macp;
- while (out) {
- if (strcmp(out->m_name, name) == 0)
- return out;
- out = out->m_macp;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Insert a string into the current buffer. For insertmacro.
- */
- sinsert(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- while (*s) {
- if (((*s == '\n') ? lnewline() : linsert(1, *s)) != TRUE)
- return FALSE;
- s += 1;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * insert a number into the current buffer. For insertmacro.
- */
- static
- finsert(k)
- register KCHAR k;
- {
- if (k > 7 && finsert((KCHAR) (k >> 3)) == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- return linsert(1, (k & 7) + '0');
- }
- #else
- #include "nullfile.h"
- #endif