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- msplit -- Version 1.3 -- last change Feb 10, 1994
- Copyright (c) by Rene Tschirley
- All rights reserved
- This program is no Public Domain but Freeware.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- program's code and documentation as you receive it, in any medium, provided
- that you conspicuously and appropriately publish only the original,
- unmodified programcode and documentation, with all copyright notices of
- warranty intact. The executables must not be spread alltogether, but
- include source and doumentation! You may change the code for your own usage
- on other systems than the systems this program was designed for (look at
- 'Splecial abilities').
- There is no warranty for this software package. Although the author has
- tried to prevent errors, he can't guarantee that the software package
- described in this document is 100% reliable. You are therefore using this
- material at your own risk. The author cannot be made responsible for any
- damage which is caused by using this software package.
- What is ssplit?
- -----------------
- This program was designed for people who need computers at their work and
- sometimes use to take some code home. I often have the problem that I need
- to carry packages of several megabytes from one system like SUN-OS, VMS or
- MS-DOS home to my Amiga and reverse. These packages can't be put on one
- disk because of their size, so they have to be split into parts. Some other
- programs are able to do this too, but they only exist on special systems.
- This program is runable on every system!
- msplit might be useful if you want to backup some files to a disk without
- using a backup utility. It makes you able to use the whole capacity of the
- disk by packing the files together and splitting it into parts of the size
- of your disks...
- Included files
- ----------------
- msplit.readme - short readme, outside of lharc-packet
- msplit.doc - this important file 8)
- msplit.c - full ANSI-C sourcecode
- msplit.amiga - executable for Amiga
- msplit.sparc - executable for Sun Sparc processors
- msplit.msdos - executable for MS-DOS
- msplit.vax - executable for Vax-VMS
- msplit.convex - executable for Convex
- msplit.archie - executable for Acorn Archimedes
- msplit.dec - executable for DEC-Stations under ULTRIX
- Notes for the different systems
- ---------------------------------
- AMIGA Compiled with Manx Aztec-C 5.0 under Kickstart 2.04. Should
- be runable with Kick 1.2 or higher.
- SUN SPARC Compiled with gcc on a Sun SS 630-MP under UNIX X.X. Tested
- on Sun Sparc 1, 2 and 10 under Sun-OS BSD-4.3 and Solaris.
- MSDOS Compiled with Borland C++ in 80286 mode. For OS/2 or things
- like that, recompile the sourcecode. Please have a look at
- 'Special abilities/Bugs' for important notes!
- VAX Compiled with gcc with usage of the Shared C Library for a
- compact executable. Tested on VAX 8800, VAX 770,
- VAX-Station 3100 and 2000, all under VMS.
- CONVEX Compiled with cc under Convex-OS 10.1 on a Convex.
- DEC Compiled with gcc under ULTRIX 4.2 on a DEC-Station 3000.
- ARM Compiled with gcc on an Acorn Archimedes 5000. Should be
- runable on any Archie.
- Usage
- -------
- msplit -h | [-s]|-c [-n <size>[k]] [-d] <filename> [to <dest>]
- The order of options is ignored. Here are the options:
- -h Displays this usage table.
- -s msplit works in splitting mode (default)
- The filenames will get a suffix '.Mn' where n is
- the number of the part.
- -c msplit works in concatenating mode.
- msplit will search files named filename.Mn where n
- counts up from 1. If the file won't be found,
- msplit assumes that the work is done.
- -n <size>[k] If 'k' is not specified, msplit computes the
- amount of bytes that will fit as much blocks as
- possible but not more than size bytes. If a 'k' is
- specified, size is interpreted as the amount of
- kilobytes.
- To be correctly: The size is multiplied by 1000,
- so you got a kilo-byte, not a kbyte! I asked
- several people and everybody told me that this
- would be much more handy than real kbytes.
- -d After processing, the inputfile will be deleted!
- <file> Process file named file.
- to <dest> Write outputfiles to directory dest. Must be the
- path of a directory with a trailing slash ('/') or
- colon (':') or anything that your system wants.
- Examples
- ----------
- I don't like writing long descriptions and an example may explain the
- same in less time. So let's say you have a file dh0:test of 530000 bytes.
- Then, you go to the directory dh0: and type:
- msplit -n 100k -d file to dh1:
- This will split the file dh0:file.txt into 5 files of 99328 and one file
- of 33360 bytes. After spliting the file it will be deleted.
- You may concat the files by typing
- msplit -c dh1:file to dh2:
- This will generate a file named dh2:file. Quite easy, isn't it? Other
- systems look quite similar, this was Amiga-DOS.
- Let's have a look at VMS: Your file named test.txt has a length of 100000
- byte. So you have to do 'rename test.txt test.' because of the generated
- suffix. Then you must define 'msplit :== $HARDDISK:[USER]msplit.exe' (your
- own values of course) to use msplit with Unix-like commandline options!
- Then you are able to use it as like as described:
- msplit -n 10k test to $TMP:[USER]
- You'll get 9 files of 9036 bytes and one of 964 bytes on your disk
- TMP: . That's all.
- Special abilities
- -------------------
- The sourcecode of msplit may be compiled on all machines with few changes
- in the sourcecode. It was written in ANSI-C and the code is tested and
- prepared for the systems Amiga-DOS on MC68000, MS-DOS on 80286 (thanks to
- my brother Sven for help), VAXes under VMS, Sun-OS (BSD 4.3 UNIX), System-V
- UNIX, Solaris (the last three for Sun Sparc), DEC-Stations under ULTRIX,
- Convex-OS and Archimedes on ARM (thanks to Stefan Duetzmann). You only have
- to read the precompiler commands in the header of the file, then you remove
- the comment signs on the include commands where your system is mentioned.
- Other systems may require few changes in the precompiler commands. Try to
- compile it and modify the includes as the compiler wants. If you success-
- fully did this or even nonsuccessfully tried, please tell me.
- Known bugs
- ------------
- Users of MS-DOS and VMS machines have to be a little more careful than
- others because of the limits of their system. You can only define filenames
- without extension because msplit uses an extension itself. While any other
- system accepts filenames with several points in it, MS-DOS and VMS won't!
- You'll get some strange error messages, msplit doesn't check this (but who
- uses MS-DOS anyway? :). I don't know on which machine the exe-file is run-
- able. Anyway, it was compiled on a 486 machine in 80286-mode without co-
- processor. Should be ok, I think. (Oh, I really hate MS-DOS !)
- Contact address / Updates
- ---------------------------
- You may send me mail, sugar, sweets or food if you contact me at:
- Rene Tschirley
- Senftenberger Ring 48c
- 13435 Berlin
- e-mail:
- drt@hmi.de
- gremlin@cs.tu-berlin.de
- If there should be any bugs or you think msplit should be able to do
- something it doesn't do yet, please mail me. If there are bugreports or
- wished extensions, I'll write an update and post in the internet (probably
- ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de), send it to any PD-series or to anybody who wishes
- and tells me so. I am always interested in your opinion about msplit <8-).
- History
- ---------
- V 1.0 (Dec 20, 93) - first bugfree release with Amiga system calls
- V 1.1 (Dec 23, 93) - replaced system calls by ANSI-standard routines
- V 1.2 (Jan 06, 94) - better split and concat-algorithm which causes more
- speed (around factor 15-18 times faster),
- Tested on MS-DOS, UNIX System V, BSD4.3 UNIX,
- ConvexOS, VMS
- V 1.3 (Feb 07, 94) - added option -d, changed commandline parser,
- tested on DEC-Stations under ULTRIX
- tested on Acorn Archimedes