nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: rr 111 - 7/ <<< PARex u3.10 >>>>> VII 1111 RELEASE INDEX Release - 16-Jan-94 Copuright r1991-1994 Chris P. Uandierendonck, TAmisySI. The following files should be included in this release: Frogran files: (PARex/... ) PARexE : engli lish uersinn nf PARex. PORCXD gcrnan vcrsion of PORcx. PARexF french version of PARex. PARexN dutch version of PARex. WildPARexE english version of PARex. WildPARexD yernan vers iunl uf FARex. WildPARexF french uersinn nf PARex. WildrAliexh : dutch version of TARcx. AmigaDOS scripts: Install used to install program and script files. ProgranScripts: (PAllexScripts/.. ...