nsfw:racy: Possible ocr: 111 111 111 <<< WildPARex u1.00 >7>> Vir III IISER MANIIAT Release : 24-Nnu-93 Copyri ight r1993 Chris P. Vandicrendonck, IAmisys]. Copyright Notice W1ldPARex 1s released as part of the PARex SHAREWARE release, not cxcluding thc copyright and all ather rights, which rcmain with the author Chris P. Uandi ierendonck. If you use PARex then you nust pay the shareware fee and register. Prior written pernission from the author is required to distrihute WildPARex and tn IISP NildPARer in commercial releases, on shareware disks, coverdisks or diskmagazines. When distributcd, all filcs must bc kcpt tog ...