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- ===================
- As usual, there are differences between BSD and System V
- versions. Ideally, all you have to do is edit the Makefile in
- this directory to set the CONFIG macro to the appropriate value.
- (Actually, you may wish to change the CONFIG macro in all
- Makefiles; if you always invoke make(1) from here, CONFIG will
- be passed down, but if you invoke make(1) from a subdirectory
- you'll want the appropriate definition in that Makefile.)
- Of course it's not quite that simple. You may, however, take
- solace in the knowledge that it used to be worse.
- The Compatibility Libraries
- ---------------------------
- Eric Gisin wrote this shell using ANSI C and POSIX as
- portability guidlines. Realizing that nobody had a POSIX
- system and almost no one had an ANSI C environment, he provided
- minimal compatibility libraries.
- There are two libraries, one for POSIX (libposix.a) and one for
- ANSI C (libstdc.a).
- Libposix.a is pretty simple. Nothing in it has ever broken on
- me, so I'd just leave it. It provides a version of dup2() for
- System V systems.
- Libstdc.a is a bit hairy. I recommend looking at the routines
- provided and, and editing the std/stdc Makefile and only
- including objects that have routines your system libc.a is
- lacking. Various of the provided routines are just plain
- flaky, but only when they're not really needed. The other
- hairy thing he does is craft an ANSI stdio.h from the system
- supplied one and one of his own. Again, it's better than it
- used to be, but it's still a hack, and you may have to modify
- it by hand.
- You will also need a POSIX compatible set of directory reading
- routines. System V.3 systems have this in libc.a. The
- std/posix directory provides a something for BSD systems. I
- use a slightly modified version of Doug Gwyn's PD version.
- (The ``slightly modified'' is to work around a bug in Gwyn's version.
- The POSIX routines are documented as returning failure if the file for
- opendir(3) is not a directory. Gwyn attempts to open(2) the file, and
- then stats it to see if the file is a directory. However, if the file
- is a special file, and the open(2) doesn't return, you're screwed. My
- change was to open the file with the O_NDELAY flag, but Gwyn didn't
- feel this was portable (true, but I only do it where it works) and
- that stat-ing before the open would be too slow (true). The upshot is
- if you use his routines unmodified, don't ever do an "ls -l /dev/*/*".)
- The Shell Source
- ----------------
- The source for the shell itself is in the sh directory. There you
- will want to edit config.h to determine the configuration options. Vi
- mode is in kind of rough shape, but does work. DIRSTACK routines
- aren't implemented yet, so again, why bother. SWTCH is a bit arcane,
- but it you use shl(1) and you define EMACS or VI you want to define
- this. JOBS is really only useful on BSD systems. It might work on
- systems that have POSIX job control, but I wouldn't bet on it.
- SHARPBANG is only useful on systems where the exec() family don't
- honour the #!/prog/path convention.
- This is where the shell gets built so you may wish to change
- the OTHERLIBS macro in the Makefile to point to your POSIX
- directory routines, or to use -lc_s, or whatever.
- Miscellaneous
- -------------
- The Makefiles that actually compile things use the macro
- CCOPTS, so you can change it in individual Makefiles or specify
- it on the command line, eg. "make CCOPTS=-O OTHERLIBS=-lc_s".
- LDOPTS is used in the Makefile where the ksh is actually built.
- The very first time on a new system, do a "make clobber"
- Good luck.
- Documentation
- -------------
- The ksh.1 is a man page for the PD ksh, although it lags
- somewhat behind the code. You get what you pay for.
- The ksh88.1 is a man page for AT&T's ksh88 (the latest version)
- provided for comparison.
- History
- -------
- Much of the shell was written by Eric Gisin at the University
- of Waterloo, using some pieces of other stuff, notably Charles
- Forsythe's V7 shell, and some enhancements from the BRL shell.
- He placed it (in a alpha test state) into the public domain
- while I was at UW. I snarfed a copy, and got it running on my
- UNIXpc, and later some machines at work. I sent Gisin some bug
- reports, but he seems to have lost interest in the project.
- This may be because he now does some work for MKS, who produce a
- commercial version of the ksh for MS-DOS machines, so there may
- be a conflict of interest.
- So I gave up on getting future versions, and adopted it. I've
- made some enhancements, and quite a few bug fixes, and various
- people at work have contributed as well. It remains in the
- public domain, although I imagine the people involved would
- appreciate leaving their names attached (I'm exempt; I haven't
- actually included my name anywhere but here).
- The README in the sh directory is Gisin's, and tells a bit of
- the story from his point of view. Note that his compilation
- instructions don't really apply anymore.
- John R. MacMillan