home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * command history
- *
- * only implements in-memory history.
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char *RCSid = "$Id: history.c,v 1.2 1992/04/25 08:33:28 sjg Exp $";
- #endif
- #include "stdh.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "sh.h"
- char *histrpl();
- char **current;
- int curpos;
- static FILE *hist_fh = NULL;
- static FILE *hist_open ARGS((char *mode));
- #ifndef HISTFILE
- # define HISTFILE ".pdksh_hist"
- #endif
- c_fc(wp)
- register char **wp;
- {
- register char *id;
- FILE *f;
- struct temp *tf;
- register char **hp;
- char **hbeg, **hend;
- char *p, *cmd = NULL;
- int lflag = 0, nflag = 0, sflag = 0, rflag = 0, gflag = 0;
- int done = 0;
- void histbackup();
- for (wp++; (id = *wp) != NULL && *id++ == '-' && !done; wp++)
- while (*id && !done) {
- switch (*id++) {
- case 'l':
- lflag++;
- break;
- case 'n':
- nflag++;
- break;
- case 'r':
- rflag++;
- break;
- case 'g':
- gflag++;
- break;
- case 'e':
- if (++wp && (p = *wp)) {
- if (p[0] == '-' && !p[1]) {
- sflag++;
- } else {
- cmd = alloc((size_t)(strlen(p)+4),ATEMP);
- strcpy(cmd, p);
- strcat(cmd, " $_");
- }
- } else
- errorf("argument expected\n");
- id = "";
- break;
- default:
- wp--;
- done++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sflag) {
- char *pat = NULL, *rep = NULL;
- hp = histptr - 1;
- while ((id = *wp++) != NULL) {
- /* todo: multiple substitutions */
- if ((p = strchr(id, '=')) != NULL) {
- pat = id;
- rep = p;
- *rep++ = '\0';
- } else
- hp = histget(id);
- }
- if (hp == NULL || hp < history)
- errorf("cannot find history\n");
- if (pat == NULL)
- strcpy(line, *hp);
- else
- histrpl(*hp, pat, rep, gflag);
- histbackup();
- histsave(line);
- histpush--;
- line[0] = '\0';
- return 0;
- }
- if (*wp != NULL) {
- hbeg = histget(*wp++); /* first */
- if (*wp != NULL)
- hend = histget(*wp++); /* last */
- else if (lflag)
- hend = histptr;
- else
- hend = hbeg;
- } else {
- if (lflag)
- hbeg = histptr - 16, hend = histptr;
- else
- hbeg = hend = histptr - 1;
- if (hbeg < history)
- hbeg = history;
- }
- if (hbeg == NULL || hend == NULL)
- errorf("can't find history\n");
- if (lflag)
- f = stdout;
- else {
- nflag++;
- tf = maketemp(ATEMP);
- tf->next = e.temps; e.temps = tf;
- f = fopen(tf->name, "w");
- if (f == NULL)
- errorf("cannot create temp file %s", tf->name);
- setvbuf(f, (char *)NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
- }
- for (hp = (rflag ? hend : hbeg); rflag ? (hp >= hbeg) : (hp <= hend);
- rflag ? hp-- : hp++) {
- if (!nflag)
- fprintf(f, "%3d: ", source->line - (int)(histptr-hp));
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", *hp);
- }
- if (lflag)
- return 0;
- else
- fclose(f);
- setstr(local("_"), tf->name);
- if (cmd) {
- command(cmd); /* edit temp file */
- afree(cmd, ATEMP);
- } else
- command("${FCEDIT:-/bin/ed} $_");
- f = fopen(tf->name, "r");
- if (f == NULL)
- errorf("cannot open temp file %s\n", tf->name);
- setvbuf(f, (char *)NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
- /* we push the editted lines onto the history list */
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) != NULL) {
- histsave(line);
- histpush--;
- }
- line[0] = '\0';
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
- }
- /******************************/
- /* Back up over last histsave */
- /******************************/
- void
- histbackup()
- {
- static int last_line = -1;
- if (histptr > history && last_line != source->line) {
- source->line--;
- afree((void*)*histptr, APERM);
- histptr--;
- last_line = source->line;
- }
- }
- /*
- * save command in history
- */
- void
- histsave(cmd)
- char *cmd;
- {
- register char **hp = histptr;
- char *cp;
- if (++hp >= history + HISTORY) { /* remove oldest command */
- afree((void*)*history, APERM);
- for (hp = history; hp < history + HISTORY - 1; hp++)
- hp[0] = hp[1];
- }
- *hp = strsave(cmd, APERM);
- if ((cp = strchr(*hp, '\n')) != NULL)
- *cp = '\0';
- histptr = hp;
- }
- /*
- * get pointer to history given pattern
- * pattern is a number or string
- */
- char **
- histget(str)
- char *str;
- {
- register char **hp = NULL;
- if (*str == '-')
- hp = histptr + getn(str);
- else
- if (digit(*str))
- hp = histptr + (getn(str) - source->line);
- else
- if (*str == '?') { /* unanchored match */
- for (hp = histptr-1; hp >= history; hp--)
- if (strstr(*hp, str+1) != NULL)
- break;
- } else { /* anchored match */
- for (hp = histptr; hp >= history; hp--)
- if (strncmp(*hp, str, strlen(str)) == 0)
- break;
- }
- return (history <= hp && hp <= histptr) ? hp : NULL;
- }
- char *
- histrpl(s, pat, rep, global)
- char *s;
- char *pat, *rep;
- int global;
- {
- char *s1, *p, *last = NULL;
- int len = strlen(pat);
- if (strlen(s) - strlen(pat) + strlen(rep) >= LINE)
- errorf("substitution too long\n");
- line[0] = '\0';
- p = line;
- while (s1 = strstr(s, pat)) {
- strncpy(p, s, s1 - s); /* first part */
- strcpy(p + (s1 - s), rep); /* replacement */
- s = s1 + len;
- last = s1;
- p = strchr(p, 0);
- if (!global)
- s = "";
- }
- if (last)
- strcpy(p, last + len); /* last part */
- else
- errorf("substitution failed\n");
- return line;
- }
- /*
- * 92-04-25 <sjg@zen>
- * A simple history file implementation.
- * At present we only save the history when we exit.
- * This can cause problems when there are multiple shells are
- * running under the same user-id. The last shell to exit gets
- * to save its history.
- */
- void
- hist_init(s)
- Source *s;
- {
- static int once = 0;
- FILE *fh;
- if (once++)
- return;
- if (fh = hist_open("r"))
- {
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fh) != NULL)
- {
- histsave(line);
- s->line++;
- }
- line[0] = '\0';
- fclose(fh);
- #if 0 /* this might be a good idea? */
- hist_fh = hist_open("a");
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * save our history.
- * We check that we do not have more than we are allowed.
- * If the history file is read-only we do nothing.
- * Handy for having all shells start with a useful history set.
- */
- void
- hist_finish()
- {
- static int once = 0;
- FILE *fh;
- register int i, mx;
- register char **hp, *mode = "w";
- if (once++)
- return;
- if ((mx = atoi(strval(global("HISTSIZE")))) > HISTORY || mx <= 0)
- mx = HISTORY;
- /* check how many we have */
- i = histptr - history;
- if (i >= mx)
- {
- hp = &histptr[-mx];
- }
- else
- {
- hp = history;
- }
- if (fh = hist_open(mode))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < mx && hp[i]; i++)
- fprintf(fh, "%s\n", hp[i]);
- fclose(fh);
- }
- }
- /*
- * simply grab the nominated history file.
- */
- static FILE *
- hist_open(mode)
- char *mode;
- {
- register char *rcp;
- FILE *fh;
- char name[128];
- if ((rcp = strval(global("HISTFILE"))) == NULL || *rcp == '\0')
- {
- (void) sprintf(name, "%s/%s", strval(global("HOME")), HISTFILE);
- rcp = name;
- }
- return fopen(rcp, mode);
- }
- /*
- * Return the current position.
- */
- char **
- histpos()
- {
- return current;
- }
- int
- histN()
- {
- return curpos;
- }
- int
- histnum(n)
- {
- int last = histptr - history;
- if (n < 0 || n >= last) {
- current = histptr;
- curpos = last;
- return last;
- } else {
- current = &history[n];
- curpos = n;
- return n;
- }
- }
- /*
- * This will become unecessary if histget is modified to allow
- * searching from positions other than the end, and in either
- * direction.
- */
- char *
- findhist(start, fwd, str)
- int start;
- int fwd;
- char *str;
- {
- int pos = start;
- char *line, *last;
- /* XXX check that we are valid after this */
- if (fwd)
- pos++;
- else
- pos--;
- histnum(pos);
- line = *histpos();
- do {
- last = line;
- if (strstr(line, str) != 0) {
- /* keep position current */
- return (line);
- }
- if (fwd)
- pos++;
- else
- pos--;
- histnum(pos);
- line = *histpos();
- } while (line && *line && line != last && pos>0);
- histnum(start);
- if (pos <= 0)
- return (char*)-1; /* TODO */
- return NULL;
- }