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- PicIcon 1.03 - Icon Image Generator
- Table of Contents
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Copyright
- 3.0 Using PicIcon
- 3.1 CLI Startup
- 3.2 Workbench Startup
- 3.2.1 Tooltypes
- 4.0 Hints and Tips
- 5.0 Note for Workbench 3.0
- 6.0 Limitations
- 7.0 Bug reports
- 8.0 Change History
- 9.0 Acknowledgments
- 1. Introduction
- PicIcon takes an IFF image file, both ILBM and ANIM formats are supported,
- and creates an icon image showing the contents of the file. This allows
- images to be more easily recognised from the Amiga Workbench.
- PicIcon be used from both the CLI and Workbench, although it is more suited
- to the Workbench environment with some functions only being available via
- Workbench.
- PicIcon is distributed as shareware. This version is fully functional
- however a requester saying that is not registered will appear after
- a number of files have been processed. See the copyright section for
- details on how to register.
- PicIcon requires AmigaDOS 2.04 (V37) or later to run.
- 2. Copyright
- PicIcon release 1.03
- PicIcon 1.03 and PicIcon project icon (hereinafter "Files") and
- their related documentation and examples
- (c) Copyright 1994 Michael J. Sheppard. All Rights Reserved.
- This version of PicIcon is shareware. Permission is given to distribute
- these Files freely via any means which preserves its copyrights. The
- Files may not be sold for profit. Any distribution must include both
- the PicIcon License file and the PicIcon documentation drawer complete
- with contents.
- The registered version of PicIcon contains the full source code and
- removes the shareware message from it's operation. To register send
- 10 UK pounds, or $15 US, to ;
- PicIcon Registration.
- M.J.Sheppard
- 163, Sapgate Lane,
- Thornton
- Bradford
- BD13 3DY
- If you include an Internet email address with your registration then I
- will keep you informed of updates to PicIcon and their availability.
- These Files and their related documentation and examples are provided
- "AS-IS" and subject to change without notice; no warranties are made.
- All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility is
- assumed.
- 3. Using PicIcon
- PicIcon can be started from either the Workbench or CLI.
- PicIcon has two modes of operation. It can either try and match the colours
- in the file with those currently in use by Workbench, or just assign colours
- on a modular basis i.e. Areas in colour 1 in the file appear as colour 1 in
- the icon. For any file whose image has greater than 256 colours PicIcon will
- always try to match the colours. For images with fewer than 256 colours the
- method used can be set by the user via the match colours checkbox on the
- settings window.
- When matching colours PicIcon looks for the nearest colour based on colour
- intensity. This can result is some unexpected colour choices. For example
- for a greyscale image PicIcon may introduce some colour in the icon this is
- because there aren't enough greys in the Workbench palette to match all of
- the colours to a grey. More information about PicIcons colour matching can
- be found in the Hints and Tips section of this document.
- 3.1 CLI Startup
- PicIcon processes all of the files listed on the command line and exits.
- If an error is detected when processing a file then PicIcon will continue
- to the next file if possible.
- The command template for PicIcon is as follows;
- A list of files to create icon images for. if this is an AmigaDOS pattern
- PicIcon will process all files that match the pattern.
- E.g.
- PicIcon #?.ham
- Will create icon images for all files in the current drawer having
- names ending in '.ham'.
- This is the name of a file containing PicIcon settings to use
- when processing the files. New settings files can be created
- using the Settings window.
- If this parameter is not present then PicIcon will load the
- default settings file, S:PicIcon.config.
- This is the width, in pixels, of the icons created by PicIcon.
- This value overrides the value stored in the settings file.
- Default = 48
- This is the height, in pixels, of the icons created by PicIcon.
- This value overrides the value stored in the settings file.
- Default = 20
- This is the depth, in planes, of the icons created by PicIcon.
- This value overrides the value stored in the settings file.
- This effects the number of colours used in the icons and can
- be 2, 3 or 4 for 4, 8 or 16 colours respectively.
- Default = 3 ( 8 colours ).
- Note: Under Workbench 3.0 the choice of icon depth is limited
- to 2 or 3 giving 4 or 8 colours only. This is due to the
- change in colour handling introduced for Workbench 3.0.
- By default PicIcon displays the names of the files as it processes
- them. Setting this flag stops PicIcon from displaying this
- information.
- This flag causes PicIcon to process all of the files in the
- directories specified in the FILES argument, including any
- subdirectories that they might have.
- 3.2 Workbench Startup
- To start PicIcon from Workbench double-click on the PicIcon icon with the
- left mouse button. After a few seconds an application icon will appear on
- the Workbench.
- PicIcon recognises an number of tooltypes to modify it's operation;
- described in detail below.
- To create an image drag the icon of a file onto the application icon and
- release the mouse button. PicIcon will then process the file and create
- an icon image.
- If you double-click on the application icon a window is displayed allowing
- you to change the current settings used to create icons.
- To stop PicIcon either double-click on the PicIcon disk icon, or select the
- quit item on the settings window menu bar.
- 3.2.1 Tooltype descriptions
- SETTINGS=<filename>
- This is the name of a file containing PicIcon settings to use
- when processing the files. New settings files can be created
- using the Settings window.
- If this parameter is not present then PicIcon will load the
- default settings file, S:PicIcon.config.
- WIDTH=<pixels>
- This is the width, in pixels, of the icons created by PicIcon.
- This value overrides the value stored in the settings file.
- Default = 48
- HEIGHT=<pixels>
- This is the height, in pixels, of the icons created by PicIcon.
- This value overrides the value stored in the settings file.
- Default = 20
- DEPTH=<planes>
- This is the depth, in planes, of the icons created by PicIcon.
- This value overrides the value stored in the settings file.
- This effects the number of colours used in the icons and can
- be 2, 3 or 4 for 4, 8 or 16 colours respectively.
- Default = 3 ( 8 colours ).
- By default PicIcon displays a window showing the progress is it
- making processing each file. This option stops this window appearing.
- This can be overridden using the Quiet option on the Settings menu.
- FONT <name>
- PicIcon uses the system default font for all windows. This option
- allows you to specify a particular font to use for the windows.
- The FONTSIZE tooltype should be used to set the size of the font.
- FONTSIZE <pixels>
- This tooltype allows you to set the size of the font given in the
- FONT tooltype.
- Settings Window
- The settings window allows you to modify the current settings used to create
- icon images. It is activated by double-clicking on the PicIcon application
- icon. The effects of the changes are controlled by the three buttons at the
- bottom of the window, Save, Use, and Cancel. No changes made to the window
- will have any effect on the creation of images until one of these three
- buttons is pressed.
- The settings that can be changed from this window are ;
- Width:
- Gadget Type : Slider
- Value range : 20 - 80 pixels
- Shortcut key : w
- This gadget allows you to change the width of the icons produced. When making
- changes to the dimensions of the icon you should consider the dimensions of
- the original image to limit to amount of distortion in the resultant icon.
- Height:
- Gadget Type : Slider
- Value range : 10 - 40 pixels
- Shortcut key : h
- This gadget allows you to change the height of the icons produced. When making
- changes to the dimensions of the icon you should consider the dimensions of
- the original image to limit to amount of distortion in the resultant icon.
- Colours:
- Gadget Type : Slider
- Value range : 4,8, or 16* colours
- Shortcut key : l
- This gadget allows you to change the number of colours in the resultant icon
- image. When selecting this bear in mind the number of colours that you normally
- use for your Workbench screen.
- *: Under Workbench 3.0 the option for 16 colours is not available.
- Border:
- Gadget Type : Checkbox
- Shortcut key : b
- If this is checked then PicIcon will draw a box around the resultant image
- making it appear that icon has a border around it. PicIcon takes advantage
- of the Workbench 3D icons to produce a border with a minimum loss of image.
- Match Colours:
- Gadget Type : Checkbox
- Shortcut key : m
- If this gadget is checked then PicIcon will attempt to match the colours in
- the image to those currently in use by Workbench. For images with more than
- 256 colours PicIcon ignores this and matches the colours anyway.
- Free Position:
- Gadget Type : Checkbox
- Shortcut key : p
- If this box is checked then PicIcon 'UnSnapshots' the icon allowing
- Workbench to position it appropriately. This is useful if the size
- of the icon is changed.
- Replace Tool:
- Gadget Type : Checkbox
- Shortcut key : r
- If this gadget is checked, and a default tool is given, PicIcon will
- replace the default tool in the icon with that defined. Otherwise
- PicIcon will only replace the default tool if the icon previously had
- no tool defined.
- Default Tool:
- Gadget Type : String
- Maximum size : 128 characters
- Shortcut key : t
- This string is the name of the program to execute when the icon created
- is double clicked. How the value is used depends on the setting of the
- Replace Tool gadget.
- Tooltypes:
- Gadget Type : Listview
- Shortcut key : none
- The tooltypes used when creating an icon are displayed in the listview gadget,
- these are only used when PicIcon sets the default tool of the icon it has
- created an image for.
- It is not possible to edit the values in the listview directly so this has to
- be done using the New and Del gadgets. These allow tooltypes to be added and
- deleted from the list respectively.
- New:
- Gadget Type : Button
- Shortcut key : n
- Pressing this button adds a new tooltype to the list of tooltypes. It allows
- you to type in the value of this tooltype into the string gadget to the left
- of the New and Del buttons. Each tooltype can be up to 128 characters long.
- Del:
- Gadget Type : Button
- Shortcut key : d
- Pressing this button deletes the currently selected tooltype from the list
- of tooltypes. This button is only enabled if you have a tooltype selected.
- Save:
- Gadget Type : Button
- Shortcut key : s
- This button causes the settings in the window to be made the current
- ones used by the program and saves those settings to the default settings
- file. It also exits from the settings window.
- Use:
- Gadget Type : Button
- Shortcut key : u
- This button exits from the settings window and makes the settings displayed
- in the window the current settings.
- Cancel:
- Gadget Type : Button
- Shortcut key : c
- When this button is pressed the settings window is removed and all changes
- made are abandoned.
- Whilst the window is active PicIcon installs a menu bar allowing a number
- of extra features to be selected. The menu consists of the following options ;
- Project menu
- Create Icon
- Shortcut Key: Amiga C
- The option displays an ASL file requester allowing you to select a number
- of files to create icons for. Selecting the OK button on the file requester
- causes PicIcon to process all of the files selected.
- If changes have been made to the values in the settings window they are not
- taken into account when creating the new images.
- About
- Shortcut key: Amiga ?
- A requester is displayed showing information about PicIcon. This includes the
- version number of the PicIcon being run.
- Quit
- Shortcut key: Amiga Q
- Selecting this menu option causes PicIcon to exit.
- Settings menu
- Quiet
- Shortcut key: none
- This menu option toggles whether the progress window is displayed when files
- are being processed. If the tick symbol is shown by the option then the
- progress window will not be shown.
- The initial setting of this can be set using the QUIET tooltype.
- Load Settings
- Shortcut key: Amiga L
- An ASL file requester is displayed allowing a settings file to be selected
- for loading. Pressing the OK button causes the values in the file to be
- loaded into the window. This will not effect the current settings used by
- PicIcon when creating images until either the Save or Use buttons are selected,
- the loaded values can be removed by selecting the Cancel button.
- Save Settings
- Shortcut key: Amiga S
- This saves the current values displayed in the window to the default settings
- file S:PicIcon.config. If no Settings tooltype or parameter is given when
- PicIcon is started then these settings will be used whenever PicIcon is run.
- Save Settings As
- Shortcut key: Amiga A
- This option displays an ASL save requester allowing you to save the values
- displayed in the window to a named settings file. This file can be used in
- future, either by giving it as the settings tooltype or parameter or from
- the Load Settings menu option, to change the values used by PicIcon to create
- images.
- 4. Hints and Tips
- If you are using a 4 colour Workbench then set PicIcon to not match
- colours. There are not enough different display colours available to allow
- meaningful colour matching.
- If you are using an 8 colour Workbench with colour matching adjust the
- palette so that you get at least one red, green, blue and yellow. This
- will give PicIcon an easier job in trying to match the colours and result
- in better, more recognisable icons. An example 8 colour palette is present
- in the PicIcon release.
- If you find that PicIcon is matching colours in an unexpected manner you
- should try and adjust the Workbench palette. If you find that PicIcon is
- using changing the colour of an area in the image when a similar colour
- is present in the palette try adjusting the RGB values of both palette
- colours so that they are similar in intensity. An example of this would
- be a dark green area on the image being represented by a dark brown area
- on the icon when a light green is present in the palette. To solve this
- problem make the green a little darker until the correct result is
- obtained.
- For complex images try and make the icon image as large as possible. Small
- icons of complex pictures look cluttered and are not easily recognisable.
- 5.0 Notes for Workbench 3.0
- With Workbench 3.0 a number of changes were introduced regarding the way
- in which colours are defined and used by Workbench. This can result in
- some odd behaviour from PicIcon.
- For correct operation under Workbench 3.0 you should either create only
- 4 colour Icons, in which case PicIcon will use the first 4 colours defined
- by Workbench, or use an 8 colour screen mode with 8 colour icons.
- If you try and create 8 colour icons using a screen mode with more than 8
- colours then PicIcon may have problems trying to match with colours 5 to 8.
- 6.0 PicIcon Limitations
- PicIcon will process all ILBM files with 6 or fewer planes, including HAM
- and extra-half brite files. In addition PicIcon will process 24 bit ILBM
- files. All ANIM files made up of images of any of the above formats will
- also be processed.
- This version of PicIcon will not process 256 colour or HAM8 files. Also it
- will not process 24bit DEEP, NewTek 21bit, HAME or DCTV files.
- 7.0 PicIcon Change History
- Version Change description
- 1.03 - The Workbench colours are now read directly from the screen
- rather than the preferences file. This corrected operation
- under Workbench 3.0. See Notes for Workbench 3.0 above.
- PicIcon now notices when the palette is changed and updates
- it's internal colour table accordingly.
- 1.02 - The tooltype array used to create the new icon was not NULL
- terminated causing random errors when trying to add tooltypes
- to an icon, including infinite updating and spurious tooltype
- entries. Fixed.
- 1.01 - Changed name of button used to create a new tooltype from
- Add to New to be consistent with other programs.
- - If PicIcon expects to be able to match colours but there
- is no CMAP chunk in the ILBM IFF form then a warning is
- displayed before the file is processed.
- 1.00 - Initial Release.
- 8.0 PicIcon Bug reports
- If you find a bug in PicIcon or have a file that it will not process then
- please contact;
- Michael J. Sheppard
- 163 Sapgate Lane,
- Thornton.
- Bradford.
- BD13 3DY.
- United Kingdom
- Email: mick@genasys.co.uk
- If the problem is one where you cannot process a file please include details
- of the format of the file, if known, and the software used to produce it. The
- more information you provide me with the more likely I am to be able to find
- an answer.
- 9.0 PicIcon Acknowledgements
- PicIcon was written and tested on an unaccelerated Commodore Amiga A2000 with
- a GVP Series II SCSI controller card and 52MB Quantum Hard Disk.
- PicIcon was developed using SAS/C 5.10 and the Commodore V37 Native
- Developer Kit.
- The windows were designed using GadToolsBox 2.0. Thanks to Jan van den Baard
- of Jaba Development for this very useful product.
- Thanks to David Sheppard for testing and suggestions.