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- PutChar 2.1
- -----------
- (c) 1992/93
- V2.1 (19.6.93): New ToolTypes, keyfunctions, improvements.
- Author: Urs Fleisch
- Leimatstr. 38
- CH-9000 St. Gallen
- E-mail: ufleisch@stud.ee.ethz.ch
- This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN, and may be freely distributed, however
- always together with this documentation!
- This program is a utility like PopChar on the Apple MacIntosh.
- PutChar enables you to use all ASCII-codes in any application whether the
- code is in the current keymap or not. The possibility of loading fonts
- allows you to work reasonable even with fonts that don't have the standard
- character set, e.g. foreign fonts, Greek letters or mathematical symbols.
- PutChar runs on every Amiga, but it takes also advantage of the power of
- some libraries and Kickstart 2.0.
- Starting PutChar 2.1:
- Kickstart 1.3: To run PutChar, you don't need any libraries, but to use the
- font loading function, you should have diskfont.library in your LIBS:
- drawer. PutChar runs from Workbench or CLI. At once, the PutChar window
- appears.
- Kickstart 2.0: Also with Kickstart 2.0, you don't need any libraries, but
- then you'll do without some functions. To load fonts, you need
- diskfont.library. Newer versions of diskfont.library allow you to use
- scalable fonts too. Asl.library gives you a comfortable fontrequester.
- Finally commodities.library lets you run PutChar as a commodity.
- Run as a commodity, the PutChar-window only appears if there's a ToolType
- CX_POPUP=YES set. Otherwise nothing happens on the screen after starting
- PutChar. The program is now waiting for the HotKey to be pressed. The
- default HotKey is "lalt control p". Pressing this key combination activates
- PutChar and the window will appear. Closing the window doesn't kill PutChar
- in memory, it still waits for the HotKey until you kill it by starting it
- again or by killing it from Commodities-Exchange.
- The HotKey and the Commodity's priority can be set by ToolTypes CX_POPKEY
- and CX_PRIORITY. The default selection is "CX_POPKEY=lalt control p" and
- "CX_PRIORITY=0". You can assign any Commodities-HotKey-string to CX_POPKEY,
- e.g. shift, alt, caps, control, lshift, rshift, lalt, ralt, lcommand,
- rcommand and so forth. CX_PRIORITY can reach from -128 to 127. By setting
- CX_POPUP=YES, the window pops up after starting PutChar. The default value
- is CX_POPUP=NO. The two ToolTypes FONT and SIZE set the font, with which
- PutChar is started. So FONT=topaz.font SIZE=9 chooses the font Topaz with
- size 9 as the startup font. If you don't use these two ToolTypes, PutChar
- starts with the actual screenfont. When started with invalid ToolTypes,
- PutChar makes use of the default preferences. You can also deliver the
- ToolTypes to PutChar when starting from CLI or a script like
- s:user-startup, e.g. 'Run >NIL: PutChar CX_POPKEY="control f10"
- CX_PRIORITY=1'. Here, CX_POPUP works as a switch, so don't write
- CX_POPUP=YES, but only CX_POPUP to let the window appear when the program
- is started.
- Using PutChar 2.1:
- After starting PutChar or pressing the HotKey, the PutChar window appears.
- Its look and size depends on the Screen on which it is opened. The font is
- the actual screenfont, the font set by "SetFont" from the shell or the font
- set by the ToolTypes. Once closed the window, by reopening the window by
- invoking PutChar through the HotKey, the last used font is being displayed.
- The extent of the window adjusts to the font. With proportional fonts,
- PutChar always takes a width of 19 points, so do not use extremely large
- proportional fonts (or they won't be fully displayed, too big fonts are
- replaced by Topaz/8). You may change the actual font by clicking on the
- gadget "Load Font" or pressing 'L' on the keyboard. Then you can load
- another font with the ASL-fontrequester or (without asl.library) a simple
- fontrequester. By the way, you can open the PutChar window on every screen
- (Interlaced, HAM...), but be careful. Close the PutChar window before you
- quit the program who opened the screen unless you want to loose
- chip-memory.
- When you work in a wordprocessor e.g. with a symbol-font, so load the same
- font into PutChar. Now you can choose any character by clicking with the
- mouse on it or choosing it with the cursor-keys; the chosen character will
- be displayed in the upper left of the window in decimal, hex and
- Topaz-font. By clicking on the position in the wordprocessor-window on
- which you want to have the chosen character, the character is being
- displayed. To choose other characters, click again in the PutChar window on
- the desired character and then into the window of the application.
- How works PutChar?
- The activation of another window tells PutChar to generate a character. So
- it temporarily changes in the actual keymap the character of the key '1',
- because this key is surely available in every application. Then it
- simulates the pressing of this key and fixes the keymap. So you can use all
- ASCII-codes with every keymap.
- Presupposition for working with PutChar is that there has been a keymap
- loaded into RAM by "SetMap" or the "Input Preferences" because PutChar
- can't modify the default keymap in ROM. Programs who use the system keymap
- should work with PutChar, and these are nearly all available programs. So
- software like FinalCopy II, WordPerfect, Vizawrite, Excellence, Personal
- Write, Cygnus Ed, PageStream, Deluxe Paint IV... works fine with PutChar.