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- Q D I S K (Query Disk)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Version : 2.10
- Written By : Norman Baccari
- Developement : SAS/C V6.51
- Program Icon : John Waszczak
- Interface : GadToolsBox © Jaba Devlopement.
- COPYRIGHT : © 1993-94 Norman J. Baccari
- Distribution : FREEWARE. "Its Not PD, But Its FREE!"
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED. QDisk is NOT public domain. QDisk may be
- freely distributed as long as the there are no charges other than for
- media and / or mailing, the program is not used for commercial gain or
- included as part of any other software without permission from the
- author, and the program and the documentaion file remain intact,
- unalterd and distributed together. QDisk is classed as FREEWARE. All
- I ask,is that you let me know of any problems or bugs you might
- encounter, or just let me know what features you think QDisk should
- have.
- The following files make up the distribution for QDisk...
- QDisk Main program.
- QDisk.doc Standard text documentation.
- QDisk.guide AmigaGuide format documentation.
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- QDisk provides you with the ability to monitor, from WorkBench, the
- space usage of all AMIGA DOS disk volumes that are currently mounted.
- QDisk can also send you a notification using a standard requester or a
- recoverable alert when usage exceeds a limit set by you. QDisk
- requires WB2.04 or higher.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
- / NEW FOR QDISK V2.10 \
- / \
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ° Preferences are now split into General prefs and Notification Prefs.
- ° New "Usage Graph" shows a scrollable bar graph of drive usage.
- ° KeyBoard shortcuts for all menu options.
- ° Option to force main window to front on updates.
- ° Free bytes can now be formated in Mb/Kb.
- ° Detail window will update automatically when left open.
- ° Drives can now be sorted.
- ° Priority can now be set +/- 3.
- ° Pens can be set for bar graph.
- ° Public screen support.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As I had to restructure the preferences format, prefs prior to v2.10
- will be ignored and not loaded. I apologize for this inconvenience.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To use QDisk simply double click on the program icon or you can place
- QDisk in you WBStartUp drawer. You will then be presented with the
- main window on the WorkBench or public screen that you have specified.
- In it will be a list of DOS volumes that are currently mounted. There
- are 4 columns starting from "Usage", "DevName", "VolName" and
- "FreeBytes". By simply clicking once on one of these lines, a detail
- window will open showing more information on that particular volume.
- Iconifying QDisk
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- In the upper right corner there is a small square gadget with the
- letter "I" in it. Clicking on this will cause QDisk to iconify. To
- un-iconify, activate the iconified window by clicking once on it and
- then click the right mouse button.
- Menus
- ~~~~~
- The menu options from the main window are as follows...
- Menu Item Description
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Graph : Calls up graph usage window.
- Iconify : Iconifies Disk.
- Preferences
- Notify : Prefs editor for notification of drive usage.
- General : Prefs editor for QDisk general preferences.
- Load : Load current preferences settings.
- Save : Save current preferences settings.
- About : Author/program info
- Quit : Quit QDisk
- Keeping Up To Date
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- QDisk reads the systems DOS device/volume lists to update itself.
- Updates happen whenever a disk is removed or inserted, or the main
- window is made active. Optionally, you can set updates to take place
- by activating the timer and setting the timer interval from the
- general preferences editor.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When you select one of the drives from the main windows listview
- gadget by clicking on it, you will be presented with a detail window
- with information on the drive you selected. Across the bottom of the
- window there is a graphic bar that indicates the space usage based on
- percent.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Selecting "Graph" from the main menu will provide you with a window
- that has a bar graph or "gas gauge" representing each drives space
- usage. If there are more than 10 drives mounted on your system then
- you can use the scroll bar on the right of the window to scroll
- through your drives.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Windows
- ~~~~~~~
- This group of gadgets allows you to set the TopEdge and LeftEdge of
- all the windows or you can manually enter values for TopEdge/LeftEdge.
- Or, if the window is currently open, you can take a snapshot of it.
- These values will be used next time you boot QDisk. If you try to
- snapshot a window thats not open it will be ignored.
- Bar Graph Pens
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This group of gadgets allows you to set the pen colors for all the
- bar graphs. The front pen is used for the actual bar render, the back
- pen for a background to the bar and the text pen is the color of the
- text in the bar.
- Miscellaneous Prefs
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Priority
- ~~~~~~~~
- The priority for QDisk can be altered by +/- 3. Use this option
- keeping in mind that this will effect either QDisks performance or
- your overall system performance. Good values would be +/- 1.
- Sort Device Names
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This will sort device names in ascending sequence.
- Show Free Bytes AS Mb/Kb
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This will format the free bytes into Kilobytes/Megabytes. Keep in
- mind that a kilobyte is 1,024 bytes and a megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes.
- This should be mentioned as there will be a difference between space
- expressed as bytes vs Mb/Kb.
- Start Iconified
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If activated, QDisk will start up in an iconified state.
- Update Every...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This will cause QDisk to be updated using the timer device at the
- interval that you specify in seconds. The minimum interval is 5
- seconds, and maximum interval is 999 seconds. Updates are always
- performed when a disk is inserted or removed, or the main window is
- activated. (See also "Considerations For Timed Notifications").
- Mark When...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This will cause QDisk to place an asterisk to the left side of any
- volume that equals or exceeds the percent usage that you specify as
- the "% Full". For example, if you specify a mark at 85%, any volume
- having a percent usage of 85% or more will be marked.
- PubScreen
- ~~~~~~~~~
- If a public screen name is specified, QDisk will open on that screen.
- Otherwise the WorkBench screen will be used.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Setting Up Notification
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Notification preferences are used to set up how you would like to be
- notified if space usage exceeds your requirements. There are two
- listviews, VOLUMES and the NOTIFY LIST. The VOLUMES list shows the
- volumes currently mounted from which you may select. The lists are
- arranged in two columns, the left showing the device name and the
- right showing the volume name. Clicking on a volume from the VOLUMES
- list will make it available to be added to the NOTIFY LIST. When a
- volume is selected the "ADD" gadget will become active and the current
- percent usage and free bytes for that volume are displayed in the read
- only gadgets under the VOLUMES list. If you then click on the "ADD"
- gadget above the VOLUME list then this volume will be inserted into
- the NOTIFY LIST. To remove a volume from the NOTIFY LIST, select it
- by clicking on it and then click on the "REMOVE" gadget. When a
- volume is added, it is given a set of default parameters and set to be
- inactive. To change these, select the volume from the NOTIFY LIST.
- This will activate the gadgets from which you can change these
- parameters. You can be notified based on percent usage, free bytes
- left, or both.
- Notify When Percent Full Exceeds...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This indicates the percent usage at which you would like to be
- notified. If space usage percent is equal to, or exceeds what you
- have specified then a notification will be sent. Setting this to 100%
- is like turning it off.
- Notify When Free Bytes Less Than...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This indicates the minimum allowable free space before a notification
- is sent. If the free bytes on a volumes are equal to or less than
- what you have specified then a notification will be sent. Setting
- this to 0 is like turning it off.
- Notification Type
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You can be notified in one of two ways. An Intuition Requester or a
- Recoverable Alert. When a notify is given using an Intuition
- Requester you will be able to turn off notification or continue. From
- the Recoverable Alert, the notification state is automatically turned
- off once you click on a mouse button. From either type, QDisk will
- tell you the device/volume name that triggered the notify, and the
- current percent usage and free bytes on the drive. Keep in mind that
- QDisk will NOT try to halt a process that may be saving or copying
- data to your drive. Ideally, you should set your notifies to occur at
- such a time that you can stop the program that is using up drive
- space.
- Notify State.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is used to toggle notification between ACTIVE & IN-ACTIVE for the
- currently selected volume in the NOTIFY LIST.
- Considerations For Timed Notifications.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Keep in mind that the more volumes you have for active notification
- the longer it will take QDisk to complete its update cycle. QDisk
- first scans the AMIGA DOS list and updates its information. Then it
- checks each active volume you have in the notification list and
- compares your usage parameters with current usgae for each active
- volume. In an extreme situation, if your auto update interval was 5
- seconds and there were 20 active volumes to be checked for space usage
- QDisk would be in a constant update cycle since, by the time it has
- finished its update cycle QDisk will have received another message
- from the timer device to perform an update. This means QDisk will be
- using CPU at a constant rate. The best approach is to allow a time
- period for each active volume you expect to be notified. The length
- of time will depend on how fast your system is (I.E. 68000 vs 68040).
- The priority that QDisk is set at should also be considered in this
- case.
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
- / TO-DO LIST \
- / \
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Due to unforseen (and very undesireable) circumstances, work on QDisk
- had to be temporarely halted. For this version (v2.10) most of the
- features requested by QDisk users had been implemented but there were
- still a few I was unable to implement that users (and myself) would
- like to see. The following are few items that I will try and
- implement in the next version of QDisk.
- -A Listview gadget of active public screens to choose from.
- -Option to ignore volume names on a notification.
- -Alignment of main listview to bottom of window on resize. This
- mis-alignment is actually a behaviour of gadtools.library & not
- QDisk.
- -A functioning Cancel button from the Notify Prefs.
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -The cancel function from the Notify Preferences window only closes
- the window and doesnt actually cancel anything.
- -Alignment of bottom of main window to bottom of main listview will
- vary when main window is re-sized. This is a behaviour of the
- operating system and not QDisk, but with a bit of code this could
- be patched up.
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I would like to take this opportunity to express my extreme thanks to
- all the QDisk users that have been in contact with me to let me know
- about bugs, and features that they would like implemented. QDisk has
- been a tremendous learning experience for me and really owes its
- current state to the user community. The reason I implemented QDisk
- as FREEWARE is two fold. First I wanted to give something back to the
- AMIGA community since I myself have made use of many PD/FREEWARE
- programs and have received a lot of helpfull hints from othere AMIGA
- users by listening to comp.sys.amiga.programmer on the Internet.
- Secondly, I generally dont believe in "crippleware" (there are
- exceptions) or even worst software that has annoying requesters to
- send money. These only succeed in my using the delete command. So to
- all the QDisk users, I say Thank-You! A special thanks goes out to Jen,
- over in England for your support and "cheery" letters. MOO!
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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Internet Address...
- normb@gpu.utcc.utoronto.ca
- Otherwise Snail Mail Will Do...
- Norman Baccari
- 35 Walmer Road, Suite 201
- Toronto, Ontario
- M5R 2X3
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- /*********************************************************************
- **
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** PROGRAMMED BY : Norman J. Baccari
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** DEV SUPPORT : "Second Cup" French Vanilla Coffee & lots of bagels.
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** CREATION DATE : April 1993
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** FUNCTION : Scan Amiga DOS devices & provide usage report
- ** ~~~~~~~~ : via WB GUI interface.
- **
- ** REQUIREMENTS : OS v2.04 or greater.
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** ~~~~~~~
- ** April 1994 v2.10 Program Size : 54756
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -New window: "Usage Graph" shows a scrollable bar graph list
- ** of each drives usage.
- ** -New Pref: "Priority" Sets QD priority +/- 3.
- ** -New Pref: "Bar Txt Pen" Sets the text pen for text in the bar graph.
- ** -New Pref: "Bar BG Pen" Sets a background pen for a bar graph.
- ** -New Pref: "Bar FG Pen" Sets the color of the bar graph.
- ** -New Pref: "Sort Devices" Sorts Drive by device name.
- ** -New Pref: "PubScreen" QDisk will now open on specified Public screen.
- ** -New Pref: "Show Free Bytes As.." Will format free bytes in kb/mb.
- ** -New Pref: "Force Main To Front". Will cause Main Window to move
- ** to front if its open. Ignored if a pref window is open.
- ** -Detail window now updates itself if open.
- ** -Graph Bar in detail window now shows % full in the bar.
- ** -Fixed bug in detail windows bar graph. It wasn't clearing bar
- ** if you selected a drive that was 0% full.
- ** -Removed WFLG_ACTIVATE flag from main/iconify window.
- ** -Removed window height gadget from general prefs.
- ** -Added new IFF chunk BPNS for Graph Bar Pen Prefs .
- ** -Added new IFF chunk PRIO for Priority Prefs.
- ** -Oversight on my part that nobody noticed or didnt inform me of.
- ** If you changed your prefs and canceled, nothing was actually canceled.
- ** It was no different than selecting OK. For general prefs this has been
- ** fixed. Still have to implement this for notification prefs.
- ** -Preferences file structure had to be redefined as it had a couple
- ** dead ends that were an oversight on my part. This means prefs prior
- ** to version 2.10 will not load into QDisk. Sorry!!
- ** -Re-defined struct PrefsMisc to contain all QDs BOOL flags
- ** in ULONG variable called Flags. Also added 2 more ULONG's
- ** just for a little headroom so I wouldnt have to do this again.
- ** -Window prefs are now saved as an IFF chunk for each window
- ** versus an array of window prefs in a single chunk.
- ** -Redesigned prefs editor into 2 menu options/windows to make room
- ** for more prefs. Consists of general prefs. and notification prefs.
- ** -Added keyboard shortcuts to menus.
- **
- ** Jan 1994 v2.01 Program Size : 40564
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Rearanged gadgets on prefs editor window and added better label
- ** to make it more obvious how the percent/free bytes int gadgets work.
- ** -Forgot to put in Busy Pointer when the "About" option is called
- ** from the menu. This has been implemented.
- **
- ** Jan 1994 v2.00 Program Size : 39520
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Jumped to version 2.00 from 1.1. (Almost a complete rewrite.)
- ** -All versions from 2.00 will use standard version notation.
- ** -All tooltypes removed and replaced with a preference editor.
- ** -Added as preference the ability to start QDisk Iconified.
- ** -Added snapshot feature to position windows from PrefEd.
- ** -Set up the ability to be notified when a drive exceeds space usage.
- ** -Changed Detail window from using IntuiText type display
- ** to GadTools text gadgets.
- ** -Main listview format is now a combination of drive/volume Name.
- ** -The HASH graph removed.
- ** -Changed the ABOUT credits listview to simple & brief
- ** system requester. The old way wasn't worth the overhead.
- ** -Permanently removed the update button.
- ** -New iconify routine uses a seperate window instead of the zip
- ** gadget. Activated by gadget in upper right corner above listview.
- ** -Replaced main window gadgets with menus.
- ** -Main window is now resizable.
- ** -Documentation in AmigaGuide Format.
- ** -Fixed an enforcer hit caused by NOT using LockDosList().(ouch!)
- **
- ** Aug 1993 v1.1a Program Size : 31044
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Minor Bug in DetailWindow. Text and bar graph would be
- ** out of alignment if the screen font was more than
- ** 8 points. Made 'Y' coordinates relative to Windows
- ** TopBorder (window->BorderTop). Thanks Scott!
- **
- ** Jul 1993 v1.1 Program Size : 30860
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Removed "OK" gadget from Detail window.
- ** -Removed recessed border in Detail window
- ** -Moved "gas gage" to bottom of Detail window.
- ** -Removed the font drop shadow in Detail window.
- ** -List View is only re-rendered on disk insertion
- ** or disk removal.
- ** -Auto Update via timer.device toggled on/off
- ** with AutoUpdate tool type.
- ** -UPDATE_SECONDS Tool type to set UD interval seconds.
- ** -New Detail display mode, HASHGRAPH
- ** -Rounding added to space usage for better accuracy.
- ** -ZOOM_X & ZOOM_Y tool types added for positioning
- ** window when zoomed.
- ** -SHOW tool type defines main display format for boot-up.
- **
- ** Apr 1993 v1.0
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Initial public release.
- **
- ** Mar 1993 v0.04
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Versions up to 0.04 are unreleased BETA versions.
- **
- ** Jan 1992 v0.00
- ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** -Original program (Called BOOTMSG) was a wb1.3 probe
- ** into device lists based on an article in the april/may
- ** 1991 issue of AW Tech Journal. It was never released
- ** as it was experimental, and stayed dormant until it
- ** was given a new life as QDISK more than a year later.
- **
- **************************************************************************/