home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {
- Test program for Pascal Interface to Nico Francois's Reqtools.library
- Copyright 1992 Richard Waspe
- }
- program ReqTest;
- Uses Exec, Crt, Reqtools, Dos, Utility, Intuition, Graphics;
- Var FileReq : ^rtFileRequester;
- FontReq : ^rtFontRequester;
- InfoReq : ^rtReqInfo;
- MyHook : tHook;
- pTitle : pCString;
- pFilename : pCString;
- pReqTitle : pCString;
- pGadgText : pCString;
- pScrTitle : pCString;
- LongNum, Ret, Color : LongInt;
- dump : LongInt;
- a,b : Cstring;
- MyNewScreen : pNewScreen;
- MyScreen : pScreen;
- OK : Boolean;
- retcode : Longint;
- fname : string[255];
- apointer : Pointer;
- begin
- IntuitionBase := pIntuitionBase(OpenLibrary('intuition.library', 33));
- If IntuitionBase = NIL Then
- Begin
- Writeln('Unable to open IntuitionLibrary');
- Delay(3000);
- Exit
- End;
- ReqToolsBase := pReqToolsBase(OpenLibrary('reqtools.library',37));
- if ReqToolsBase = NIL then
- Begin
- Writeln('Unable to open ReqTools Library');
- exit
- end;
- NEW(pScrTitle);
- PasToC('This Is My Screen',pScrTitle^);
- apointer := pScrTitle;
- NEW(MyNewScreen);
- with MyNewScreen^ do
- Begin
- LeftEdge := 0;
- TopEdge := 0;
- Width := 640;
- Height := 512;
- Depth := 2;
- DetailPen := 0;
- BlockPen := 1;
- ViewModes := HIRES OR LACE;
- Font := NIL;
- DeFaultTitle := apointer;
- Gadgets := NIL;
- CustomBitMap := NIL;
- End;
- MyScreen := OpenScreen(MyNewScreen);
- NEW(pReqTitle);
- NEW(pGadgText);
- PasToC('Hello there, this is a requester',pReqTitle^);
- PasToC('Ok then ?',pGadgText^);
- InfoReq := rtAllocRequestA(RT_REQINFO, NIL);
- ret := rtEZRequestA(pReqTitle, pGadgText, inforeq, NIL, NIL);
- delay(500);
- PasToC('Volume dh0: has a Read/Write Error',pReqTitle^);
- PasToC('Retry|Panic|Cancel', pGadgText^);
- ret := rtEZRequestA(pReqTitle, pGadgText, inforeq, NIL, NIL);
- Writeln('InfoReq returned ',ret);
- NEW(pTitle);
- NEW(pFilename);
- PasToC('My File Request',pTitle^);
- PasToC('First_File',pFilename^);
- FileReq := rtAllocRequestA(RT_FILEREQ, NIL);
- RetCode := rtFileRequestA(FileReq, pFilename, pTitle, NIL);
- Writeln('FileRequest returned ',Retcode);
- CToPas(FileReq^.Dir^,fname);
- writeln('You chose Directory - ',fname);
- CToPaS(PFileName^,fname);
- writeln ('You chose ',fname);
- Delay(500);
- rtFreeRequest(InfoReq);
- DISPOSE(pFileName);
- DISPOSE(pTitle);
- DISPOSE(pScrTitle);
- CloseScreen(MyScreen);
- CloseLibrary(pLibrary(ReqToolsBase));
- CloseLibrary(pLibrary(IntuitionBase))
- End.