home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- program demo;
- Uses Exec,reqtools,Init,Intuition,utility,AmigaDos;
- const DISKINSERTED=$00008000;
- var filereq: prtFileRequester;
- fontreq: prtFontRequester;
- inforeq: prtReqInfo;
- scrnreq: prtScreenModeRequester;
- filterhook, font_filterhook: tHook;
- ret2,buffer2: String;
- buffer: Pointer;
- filename: String;
- files: String;
- ptr,longnum: Pointer;
- ret: LongInt;
- color: LongInt;
- name: String;
- mytag: preqtaglist;
- values: argarray;
- ff: tFileInfoBlock;
- tt: pTextAttr;
- function filterfunc(Hook: tHook; filereq: prtFileRequester; fib: tFileInfoBlock): BOOL;
- var naam:String;
- begin
- { naam:=Char(@fib^.fib_FileName);}
- { writeln(naam);}
- filterfunc:=TRUE;
- end;
- function font_filterfunc(Hook: tHook; fontreq: prtFontRequester; textatt: pTextAttr): BOOL;
- begin
- { writeln(textatt^.ta_Name^);}
- font_filterfunc:=TRUE;
- end;
- begin
- ReqToolsBase:=pReqToolsBase(OpenLibrary(REQTOOLSNAME,REQTOOLSVERSION));
- if(ReqToolsBase=NIL) then
- begin
- writeln('You need reqtools.library V38 or higher!');
- writeln;
- writeln('Please install it in your Libs: directory.');
- exit;
- end;
- writeln('reqtools Demo');
- writeln;
- writeln('¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯');
- writeln('This program demonstrates what ''reqtools.library'' ');
- writeln('has to offer.');
- Delay (60);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('''reqtools.library'' offers several' + chr(10) + 'different types of requesters:',
- 'Let''s see them', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('NUMBER 1:' + chr(10) + 'The larch',
- 'Be serious!', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('NUMBER 1:' + chr(10) + 'String requester' + chr(10) + 'function: rtGetString'+'('+')',
- 'Show me', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- buffer:=CstrConstPtr('Type in anything');
- ret:=rtGetStringA (buffer, 127, 'Enter anything:', NIL, NIL);
- values[0]:=LongInt(buffer);
- if (ret=0) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('You entered nothing','I''m sorry', NIL, NIL, NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('You entered this string:' + #10 + '%s','So I did', NIL, @values[0], NIL);
- buffer:=CstrConstPtr('It is possible to have several responses');
- new(mytag);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTGS_GadFmt;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr(' OK | New 2.0 feature | Cancel '));
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtGetStringA (buffer, 127, '* New for ReqTools 2.0 *',
- NIL , mytag);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('NUMBER 2:' + chr(10) + 'Number requester' + chr(10) + 'function: rtGetLong' + '(' + ')',
- 'Show me', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTGL_ShowDefault;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(FALSE);
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtGetLongA (@longnum, 'Enter a number:', NIL, mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(longnum);
- if(ret=0) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('You entered nothing','I''m sorry', NIL, NIL, NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA('The number You entered was: ' + chr(10) + '%ld' ,
- 'So it was', NIL, @values[0], NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTGL_ShowDefault;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(FALSE);
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RTGL_GadFmt;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr('Ok|V38 feature|Cancel'));
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtGetLongA (@longnum, '* New for ReqTools 2.0 *', NIL, mytag);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('NUMBER 3:' + chr(10) + 'Notification requester, the requester' + chr(10) +
- 'you''ve been using all the time!' + chr(10) + 'function: rtEZRequestA'+'('+')',
- 'Show me more', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Simplest usage: some body text and' + chr(10) + 'a single centered gadget.',
- 'Got it', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You can also use two gadgets to' + chr(10) +
- 'ask the user something.' + chr(10) +
- 'Do you understand?', 'Of course|Not really',
- while ret=0 do
- begin
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You are not one of the brightest are you?' + chr(10) +
- 'We''ll try again...','Ok', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You can also use two gadgets to' + chr(10) +
- 'ask the user something.' + chr(10) +
- 'Do you understand?', 'Of course|Not really',
- end;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Great, we''ll continue then.', 'Fine', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You can also put up a requester with' + chr(10) +
- 'three choices.' + chr(10) +
- 'How do you like the demo so far ?',
- 'Great|So so|Rubbish', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- case ret of
- 0: ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Too bad, I really hoped you' + chr(10) +
- 'would like it better.',
- 'So what', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- 1:
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('I''m glad you like it so much.','Fine', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- 2:
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Maybe if you run the demo again' + chr(10) +
- 'you''ll REALLY like it.',
- 'Perhaps', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- end;
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTEZ_DefaultResponse;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=4;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret :=rtEZRequestA ('The number of responses is not limited to three' + chr(10) +
- 'as you can see. The gadgets are labeled with' + chr(10) +
- 'the "Return" code from rtEZRequestA().' + chr(10) +
- 'Pressing "Return" will choose 4, note that' + chr(10) +
- '4''s button text is printed in boldface.',
- '1|2|3|4|5|0', NIL, NIL,
- mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(ret);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked ' + '%ld', 'How true', NIL, @values[0], NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RT_Underscore;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('New for Release 2.0 of ReqTools (V38) is' + chr(10) +
- 'the possibility to define characters in the' + chr(10) +
- 'buttons as keyboard shortcuts.' + chr(10) +
- 'As you can see these characters are underlined.' + chr(10) +
- 'Note that pressing shift while still holding' + chr(10) +
- 'down the key will cancel the shortcut.',
- '_Great|_Fantastic|_Swell|Oh _Boy',
- NIL, NIL, mytag);
- values[0]:=5;
- values[1]:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr('five'));
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You may also use C-style formatting codes in the body text.' + chr(10) +
- 'Like this:' + chr(10) + chr(10) +
- 'The number %%ld is written %%s. will give:' + chr(10) + chr(10) +
- 'The number %ld is written %s.' + chr(10) + chr(10)+
- 'if you also pass ''5'' and ''five'' to rtEZRequestA'+'('+')'+'.',
- '_Proceed', NIL, @values[0], mytag);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RT_IDCMPFlags;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=DISKINSERTED;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RT_Underscore;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('It is also possible to pass extra IDCMP flags' + chr(10) +
- 'that will satisfy rtEZRequestA'+'('+')'+'. This requester' + chr(10) +
- 'has had DISKINSERTED passed to it.' + chr(10) +
- '('+'Try inserting a disk'+')'+'.',
- '_Continue', NIL, NIL, mytag);
- if ((ret=DISKINSERTED)) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You inserted a disk.', 'I did', NIL, NIL, NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You used the ''Continue'' gadget' + chr(10) +
- 'to satisfy the requester.', 'I did', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RT_ReqPos;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(REQPOS_TOPLEFTSCR);
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RT_Underscore;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Finally, it is possible to specify the position' + chr(10) +
- 'of the requester.' + chr(10) +
- 'E.g. at the top left of the screen, like this.' + chr(10) +
- 'This works for all requesters, not just rtEZRequestA'+'('+')'+'!',
- '_Amazing', NIL, NIL, mytag);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RT_ReqPos;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(REQPOS_CENTERSCR);
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Alternatively, you can center the' + chr(10) +
- 'requester on the screen.' + chr(10) +
- 'Check out ''reqtools.doc'' for all the possibilities.',
- 'I''ll do that', NIL, NIL,
- mytag);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RT_Underscore;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('NUMBER 4:' + chr(10) + 'File requester' + chr(10) +
- 'function: rtFileRequest'+'('+')',
- '_Demonstrate', NIL, NIL, mytag);
- filereq:=Pointer(rtAllocRequestA (RT_FILEREQ, NIL));
- if (filereq<>NIL) then
- begin
- { filterhook.h_Entry^ := LongInt(filterfunc(filterhook,filereq,ff));
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTFI_FilterFunc;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(@filterhook);
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- }
- filename := '';
- ret:=rtFileRequestA (filereq, @filename, 'Pick a file', NIL);
- if(ret<>0) then
- begin
- values[0]:=LongInt(@filename);
- values[1]:=LongInt(@filereq^.Dir^);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked the file:' + #10 +
- '%s' + #10 + 'in directory:' + #10 + '%s','Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- end
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a file.', 'No', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtFreeRequest(filereq)
- end
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Out of memory!', 'Oh boy!', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('The file requester can be used' + chr(10) +
- 'as a directory requester as well.',
- 'Let''s _see that', NIL, NIL, mytag);
- filereq := Pointer(rtAllocRequestA (RT_FILEREQ, NIL));
- if (filereq<>NIL) then
- begin
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTFI_Flags;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=FREQF_NOFILES;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtFileRequestA (filereq, @filename, 'Pick a directory',mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(@filereq^.Dir^);
- if(ret=1) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked the directory:' + chr(10) + '%s',
- 'Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a directory.', 'No', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You can also change the Height of the requester', 'Wow', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTFI_Flags;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=FREQF_NOFILES;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RTFI_Height;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt(250);
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtFileRequestA (filereq, @filename, 'Pick a directory',mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(@filereq^.Dir^);
- if(ret=1) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked the directory:' + chr(10) + '%s',
- 'Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a directory.', 'No', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You can also change the OK_GADGET', 'Great', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTFI_Flags;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=FREQF_NOFILES;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RTFI_OkText;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr('_Remove'));
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=RT_UnderScore;
- mytag^[2].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[3].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtFileRequestA (filereq, @filename, 'Remove a directory',mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(@filereq^.Dir^);
- if(ret=1) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked the directory:' + chr(10) + '%s',
- 'Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a directory.', 'No', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtFreeRequest(filereq);
- filereq := Pointer(rtAllocRequestA (RT_FILEREQ, NIL));
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You can also use it as a Disk-requester', 'Perfect', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTFI_VolumeRequest;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RTFI_OkText;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr('Un_Mount'));
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=RT_UnderScore;
- mytag^[2].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[3].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtFileRequestA (filereq, @filename, 'Unmount a device',mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(@filereq^.Dir^);
- if(ret=1) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked the device:' + chr(10) + '%s',
- 'Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a device.', 'No', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtFreeRequest (filereq)
- end
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Out of memory!', 'Oh boy!', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('NUMBER 5:' + chr(10) + 'Font requester' + chr(10) +
- 'function: rtFontRequest'+'('+')',
- 'Show', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- fontreq := Pointer(rtAllocRequestA (RT_FONTREQ, NIL));
- if (fontreq<>NIL) then
- begin
- { font_filterhook.h_Entry^ := LongInt(font_filterfunc(font_filterhook,fontreq,tt));
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTFO_FilterFunc;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt(@font_filterhook);
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- }
- ret:=rtFontRequestA (fontreq, 'Pick a font', NIL);
- if(ret<>0) then
- begin
- values[0]:=LongInt(fontreq^.Attr.ta_Name);
- values[1]:=LongInt(fontreq^.Attr.ta_YSize);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked the font:' + #10 +
- '%s' + #10 + 'with size:' + #10 +
- '%ld','Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- end
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a font','I know', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtFreeRequest (fontreq);
- end
- else ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Out of memory!', 'Oh boy!', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- inforeq := Pointer(rtAllocRequestA (RT_REQINFO, NIL));
- if (inforeq<>NIL) then
- begin
- inforeq^.Flags := EZREQF_CENTERTEXT;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('With rtAllocRequestA'+' ('+' RT_REQINFO '+', NIL )'+ #10 +
- 'you can center the text in the requester', 'Got it', inforeq, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtFreeRequest (inforeq);
- end
- else ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Out of memory!', 'Oh boy!', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('NUMBER 6:' + chr(10) + 'ScreenMode requester' + chr(10) +
- 'function: rtScreenModeRequestA'+'('+')',
- 'Proceed', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- scrnreq := Pointer(rtAllocRequestA (RT_SCREENMODEREQ, NIL));
- if (scrnreq<>NIL) then
- begin
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RTSC_Flags;
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=RT_UnderScore;
- mytag^[1].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[2].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtScreenModeRequestA ( scrnreq, 'Pick a screenmode', mytag);
- values[0]:=LongInt(scrnreq^.DisplayID);
- values[1]:=LongInt(scrnreq^.DisplayWidth);
- values[2]:=LongInt(scrnreq^.DisplayHeight);
- values[3]:=LongInt(scrnreq^.DisplayDepth);
- values[4]:=LongInt(scrnreq^.OverscanType);
- if (Boolean(scrnreq^.AutoScroll)) then
- values[5]:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr('On'))
- else values[5]:=LongInt(CstrConstPtr('Off'));
- if(ret=1) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked this mode:' + #10 +
- 'ModeID : 0x%lx' + #10 +
- 'Size : %ld x %ld' + #10 +
- 'Depth : %ld' + #10 +
- 'Overscan : %ld' + #10 +
- 'AutoScroll %s' , 'Right', NIL, @values[0], NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You didn''t pick a screen mode.', 'Sorry', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- ret:=rtFreeRequest (scrnreq);
- end
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('Out of memory!', 'Oh boy!', NIL, NIL, NIL);
- mytag^[0].ti_Tag:=RT_Underscore;
- mytag^[0].ti_Data:=LongInt('_');
- mytag^[1].ti_Tag:=TAG_END;
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('NUMBER 7:' + chr(10) + 'Palette requester' + chr(10) +
- 'function: rtPaletteRequest'+'('+')',
- '_Proceed', NIL, NIL, mytag);
- color := rtPaletteRequestA ('Change palette', NIL, NIL);
- if (color = -1) then
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You canceled.' + chr(10) + 'No nice colors to be picked ?',
- 'Nah', NIL, NIL, NIL)
- else
- ret:=rtEZRequestA ('You picked color number ' + '%ld.', 'Sure did',
- NIL, @color, NIL);
- CloseLibrary (pLibrary(ReqToolsBase));
- writeln;
- writeln ('Finished, hope you enjoyed the demo');
- writeln;
- exit;
- end.