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- *********************************
- RTPatch 1.3
- The ReqTools Patcher
- (c) 1992-1994 Nico François
- *********************************
- Preface
- =======
- The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable, but are
- also copyright (c) Nico François. They may be freely distributed as long as
- no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the
- author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original
- unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you find
- any bugs, please let me know.
- Contacting the author:
- Fido: 2:292/603.10 (Nico Francois)
- Internet: nico@augfl.be
- Mail: Nico François
- Corbielaan 13
- B-3060 Bertem
- If you can please use e-mail. That way you'll stand a much better chance
- of getting a reply quickly.
- Contents
- ========
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Usage
- 3. Compatibility
- 4. Controlling RTPatch
- 1. Introduction
- ===============
- RTPatch is a small program that will re-route functions from most popular
- requester libraries to ReqTools. Libraries currently supported are Arp, Req
- and Asl. RTPatch will also patch some functions in Intuition to give you
- improved system requesters.
- The patches RTPatch makes are these:
- o Intuition : AutoRequest and EasyRequest (on 2.0) are patched so
- normal system requesters, like 'Insert Disk...'
- requesters, will be replaced by ReqTools EZRequesters.
- They will appear near the mouse pointer and respond to
- many keyboard shortcuts. On 2.0 OpenScreenTagList() is
- also patched to always open a new-look 3D screen. This
- will make for example CygnusEd 2.12 open a nice new-look
- screen. You may also ask RTPatch to patch OpenScreen()
- to open _all_ screens with a 3D look. Beware however
- that this makes a lot of old programs look ugly!
- o req.library: File requester, font requester, palette requester,
- string requester and integer requester are replaced by
- ReqTools requesters.
- o arp.library: File requester is replaced by ReqTools file requester.
- o asl.library: Currently only file requester is replaced by ReqTools
- file requester. Font and screen mode requesters are not
- patched yet.
- RTPatch uses an intelligent patch mechanism. It will only patch a
- library when it is actually opened. This means that if you never use the
- arp.library (for example) it will not be patched and, more importantly, it
- will not unnecessaryly be loaded into memory! If you do run a program that
- uses Arp and you quit it, it will close Arp. RTPatch will then allow the
- patched Arp to be expunged from memory. If Arp is reloaded again later it
- will be re-patched. Note that RTPatch patches exec.library/OpenLibrary() and
- exec.library/OldOpenLibrary() to accomplish all this.
- RTPatch is a 100% assembly program, for maximum efficiency. It only
- takes about 5K of memory once installed (excluding memory occupied by
- reqtools.library). It uses *NO* processor time while installed.
- 2. Usage
- ========
- RTPatch can be used from Workbench and from the Shell (CLI).
- Shell usage:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- RTPatch 1.3 © 1992-1994 Nico François
- Explanation of options:
- NOREQ : Do not patch req.library.
- NOASL : Do not patch asl.library.
- NOARP : Do not patch arp.library.
- NOINTUITION : Do not patch intuition.library.
- OPENSCRPATCH : Patch OpenScreen() in intuition.library so _all_
- screens will open with a 3D look. Only use this
- option on Kickstart 2.0 and higher!
- NOOPENSCRTAGPATCH : Do not patch OpenScreenTagList() in
- intuition.library.
- NOFILEREQPATCH : Do not patch any file requester functions.
- IGNOREHEIGHT : Ignore height setting of Asl file requester.
- Workbench usage:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- RTPatch recognizes following tooltypes:
- NOREQ : Do not patch req.library.
- NOASL : Do not patch asl.library.
- NOARP : Do not patch arp.library.
- NOINTUITION : Do not patch intuition.library.
- OPENSCRPATCH : Patch OpenScreen() in intuition.library so _all_
- screens will open with a 3D look. Only use this
- tooltype on Kickstart 2.0 and higher!
- NOOPENSCRTAGPATCH : Do not patch OpenScreenTagList() in
- intuition.library.
- NOFILEREQPATCH : Do not patch any file requester functions.
- IGNOREHEIGHT : Ignore height setting of Asl file requester.
- QUIET : Don't open requester informing patches have been
- installed. Set this tooltype if you intend to drag
- RTPatch to your WbStartup drawer.
- NOTE: Run RTPatch when *NO* program has req.library, asl.library or
- arp.library open! RTPatch will complain if one of these libraries
- is in use and will refuse to install or remove patches. Running
- RTPatch in your user-startup or from your WbStartup should be ok.
- WARNING: Asl V38 (distributed with Workbench 2.1) always keeps its library
- open count at 0. It does this so ramlib will always call its
- Expunge() function when memory is low. This does however mean
- RTPatch cannot see if this library is in use or not. So you must
- be very careful not to install or remove RTPatch when you have a
- program running that uses Asl. If you are still using Workbench 1.3
- or 2.0 there is no problem.
- 3. Compatibility
- ================
- RTPatch supports all basic requester functions and options. Other
- supported things that are worth mentioning:
- arp.library (V39)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o File callback function (FRF_DoWildFunc). The A4 global data register
- is valid when this callback function is called (documented feature).
- o Message callback function (FRF_DoMsgFunc) for requesters which share
- their IDCMP port with the parent window.
- o Save mode (FRF_DoColor flag).
- o Shared IDCMP with parent window or new IDCMP (FRF_NewIDCMP flag).
- o 'Empty filename is ok' behaviour is supported.
- asl.library (V36/V38-V40)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o File callback function/hook (FRF_DOWILDFUNC and ASLFR_FilterFunc tag).
- The A4 global data register is valid when this callback function is
- called for maximum compatibility (undocumented feature of Asl V36).
- o Intuition message callback function/hook (FRF_DOMSGFUNC and
- ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc tag) for requesters with shared IDCMP.
- o Multi-selection (FRB_DOMULTISELECT flag or ASLFR_DoMultiSelect tag).
- o Directory requester, no files. (FRF_DRAWERSONLY flag or
- ASLFR_DrawersOnly tag).
- o Save mode (FRF_DOSAVEMODE flag or ASLFR_DoSaveMode tag).
- o Shared IDCMP with parent window or new IDCMP (FRF_PRIVATEIDCMP flag
- or ALSFR_PrivateIDCMP tag).
- o Putting to sleep of parent window (ASLFR_SleepWindow tag).
- o Font for requester (ASLFR_TextAttr tag). Note that if a proportional
- font is supplied it will be rejected by the ReqTools file requester.
- o Pattern gadget (FRF_DOPATTERNS flag or ASLFR_DoPatterns tag).
- o 'Empty filename is ok' behaviour is supported to ensures compatibility
- with e.g. AssignX, PageStream 2.2 and no doubt many other programs.
- o Undocumented fields in file requester structure are filled in, so even
- "dirty" programs will work.
- o Accept and reject patterns (ASLFR_AcceptPattern/ASLFR_RejectPattern).
- req.library (V2)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Multi-selection.
- o Buffers for file and font requester.
- o Directory requester (no files).
- o Save mode (FRQSAVINGM flag).
- o Minimum and maximum value of GetLong() requester.
- Additional enhancements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Buffered directories for Asl file requester.
- Following things are NOT supported (yet?):
- ¯¯¯
- arp.library
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- o FRF_NewWindFunc and FRF_AddGadFunc/FRF_GEventFunc callback functions
- are not called. As far as I can tell nobody ever used the latter two
- and the former function is certainly not used a lot.
- In short: this should not pose any problems.
- asl.library
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- o ASLFR_InitialWidth and ASLFR_NegativeText tags are ignored.
- o FRB_REJECTICONS flag and ASLFR_RejectIcons tag are ignored.
- o FRB_FILTERDRAWERS flag and ASLFR_FilterDrawers tag are ignored.
- req.library
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Timeout and abort mask (req.library requester will be used).
- o freq->frq_Hide is ignored (freq->frq_Show is however supported).
- o TR_KeyMask is not completely supported. If it is not 0xffff
- (no qualifers) the requester will only respond to Left Amiga V/B.
- This should suffice in most cases however.
- If you find any compatibility problems let me know. Please give a detailed
- description of the problem. Not 'RTPatch doesn't work with NeatProg',
- but more like: 'when I do this and this in NeatProg ... doesn't work".
- 4. Controlling RTPatch
- ======================
- From version 1.1 on RTPatch's message port can be used to control certain
- patches from an external program.
- The message port is called 'RTPatch.rendezvous' and looks like this:
- struct RTPatchPort {
- struct MsgPort rtport_port;
- ULONG rtport_version;
- /* PUBLIC */
- UWORD rtport_easyreqautocancel;
- UWORD rtport_skipeasyreqpatch;
- UWORD rtport_skipopenscrpatch;
- };
- Set the rtport_autocancel field to non-zero to make easy requesters cancel
- themselves automatically. The rtport_skipeasyreqpatch field can be used to
- temporarily disable the patch for EasyRequestArgs(). Note that the
- rtport_easyreqautocancel field will be ignored if the rtport_skipeasyreqpatch
- field is non-zero (TRUE). RTPatch must have been installed _without_ the
- NOINTUITION argument (default).
- Set the rtport_skipopenscrpatch field to non-zero to temporarily disable
- the OpenScreen() patch. This will of course only work if the OPENSCRPATCH
- argument was used (not the default!).
- To change these fields simply do a FindPort() for 'RTPatch.rendezvous' and
- change the fields like this:
- Forbid();
- if (rtport = (struct RTPatchPort *)FindPort ("RTPatch.rendezvous")) {
- rtport->rtport_easyreqautocancel = TRUE;
- }
- Permit();
- if (!rtport) Message ("RTPatch not found!");
- else Message ("Easy requesters will now be canceled!");
- Note that you absolutely _must_ use the Forbid()/Permit() pair since
- RTPatch can quit at any time.
- Enjoy.
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 0.9ß
- o First BETA release.
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 0.91ß
- o Bug fixes: Req GetLong requester no longer returns FALSE when you enter
- the value 0 and Req file requester now properly returns full pathname.
- o Now correctly patches AutoRequest when run on Kickstart 1.2/1.3.
- *****************************************************************************
- o First "real" release, big improvement over previous beta versions.
- o Fixed some small bugs.
- o Now only patches libraries when they are actually opened. This saves
- oodles of memory, especially when you never or rarely use certain
- libraries! Also allows patched libraries to be expunged from memory
- unlike many other patchers.
- o In conjunction with ReqTools V38 empty directories are now allowed for
- improved compatibility. This makes it e.g. possible to use AssignX.
- o Asl (V36-V38) library is now also patched (file requester only).
- o Command line arguments/icon tooltypes to set some options.
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 1.0a
- o ASLFR_AcceptPattern and ASLFR_RejectPattern tags are now supported.
- o Req TextRequest() patch now handles textrequests without gadgets.
- An 'Ok' gadget will be added by RTPatch.
- o Bug fixed: Asl callback hook (filter function) is now only called for
- files, not for directories as well. The callback hook also makes
- sure the fr_Drawer field of the Asl requester is pointing to the
- current directory (only with ReqTools release 2.0b or higher!).
- o Now allows you to also patch OpenScreen() to force _all_ screens to
- open with a 3D look. This is not default because it makes a lot of old
- programs look ugly.
- o OpenScreenTagList() patch tweeked a bit.
- o On Kickstart 2.0 or higher RTPatch will now set the RNF_WILDSTAR flag
- in the DOS rootnode. This allows you to use '*' as a wildcard.
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 1.0b
- o OpenScreenTagList() patch tweeked a bit more :) Will not force a 3D
- look if no taglist was supplied. Will also leave the picking of the
- pens completely up to Intuition. Patch made more future-compatible :)
- o Bug fix: Arp message callback function didn't work. This caused TxEd
- Plus 2.2 to crash. Thanks to Bill Sorensen for reporting this bug.
- o Fixed problem with AutoRequest() and EasyRequest() patches. Requesters
- weren't opened on the default public screen if the window argument was
- NULL. They were opened on the screen of the window in pr_WindowPtr.
- Thanks to Roger Nordin for reporting this.
- *****************************************************************************
- o RTPatch's message port is now documented and allows external program
- to change the behaviour of some patches. It is now possible to let
- RTPatch automatically cancel easy requesters and to temporarily switch
- off the OpenScreen() patch.
- o Bug fix: OpenScreen() patch now recognizes the NS_EXTENDED flag.
- Fixes problems with DPaint, DirOpus and PowerVisor.
- o Handling of ASLFR_DrawersOnly tag was broken. Fixed.
- o Fixed bug in AutoRequest() patch (no longer worked on Kickstart 1.3).
- o OpenLibrary() patch rewritten for (hopefully) better compatibility
- with buggy programs. Now keeps _all_ registers 100% compatible with
- normal OpenLibrary() call.
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 1.1a
- o Clears EZREQF_NORETURNKEY for single-button EZRequesters (latest
- release of ReqTools libraries no longer clear this automatically).
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 1.1b
- o Now properly initializes the fr_Pattern field of an emulated Asl
- file requester structure.
- o Fixed bug in req.library TextRequest() emulation. Printf style
- arguments were not correctly emulated. This does not fix the infamous
- CygnusEd bug that occurs when a search for '%s' fails (for example).
- o Fixed small bug in single-button detection code in req.library
- TextRequest() emulation.
- *****************************************************************************
- RELEASE 1.1c
- o OpenLibrary() patch fixed. Now checks the return code from
- SetFunction() rather than directly peeking into the library's jump
- table. Should work perfectly with SetMan now.
- *****************************************************************************
- o New argument: 'NOFILEREQPATCH'. Allows you to switch off the patching
- of all file requester functions.
- o Bug fix: EasyRequestArgs() emulation had a bug in the taglist
- generation. Amazing this actually worked before ;-)
- o AutoRequest() patch will now check the body text is is passed to
- sniff out possible emulation problems. In such a case the original
- AutoRequest() is called. This fixes a problem with the DiskSalv 2
- device info requester.
- *****************************************************************************
- o ASL Intuition message callback function/hook (FRF_DOMSGFUNC and
- ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc tags) seems to require filtered Intuition messages
- (GadTools) instead of normal IntuiMessages. RTPatch now uses
- GT_FilterIMsg() and GT_PostFilterIMsg() in its message callback hook
- emulation to support this strange requirement. On top of this some
- software (e.g. PhotoWorX) seems to rely on the fr_Drawer and fr_File
- fields to be valid and up-to-date during the execution of the hook.
- In combination with ReqTools 2.2 this will now be the case.
- o New argument: 'IGNOREHEIGHT'. When this is switch is used RTPatch
- will ignore the height setting for the Asl file requester and will
- always use the default ReqTools setting (as set by the ReqTools
- preferences program).
- o In case of a multiselect ASL requester RTPatch will always fill in
- the fr_File field with the name of the first file that was selected.
- This is not really required, but improves compatibility with Term.
- o Set mp_SigTask of dummy message port to NULL and mp_Flags to PA_IGNORE.
- This is done to avoid all sorts of problems with some system snoopers.
- *****************************************************************************
- RTPatch 1.3 written by Nico François (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
- "Is that you Mo-Dean?
- It's me Mo-Dean
- The Interdimensional outer space being" - The B-52's
- (c) 1992-1994 Nico François
- //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever!