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- /*
- **$VER: Demo.rexx 37.18 (6.6.93)
- **
- ** $Filename: Demo.rexx $
- ** $Version: 37.18 $
- ** $Date: 6.6.93 $
- ** $Creation: 2.1.93 $
- **
- ** Demo ARexx script for rexxreqtools.library
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1993 Rafael D'Halleweyn
- */
- /* NOTE: A Comma at the end of a line is no argument seperator but contituation
- * character for a statement that continues on the next line!!
- */
- NL = '0a'x
- call addlib("rexxreqtools.library", 0, -30, 0)
- call rtezrequest( "RexxReqTools 1.2 Demo" || NL ||,
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" || NL ||,
- "'rexxreqtools.library' offers several" || NL ||,
- "different types of requesters:", "Let's see them")
- call rtezrequest( "But first you'll have to pick the font" || NL ||,
- "that you want to use for this demo.")
- call rtfontrequest("Pick font", , 'rtfo_flags=freqf_fixedwidth', font)
- if font then
- fonttag = "rt_font=" || font.name || "/" || font.height
- else
- fonttag = ""
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 1:" || NL ||,
- "String requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtgetstring()", "Show me" , , fonttag)
- buffer = rtgetstring("A bit of text", , "Enter anything:", , fonttag)
- if buffer == "" then
- call rtezrequest("You entered nothing!", "I'm sorry", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest( "You entered this string:" || NL ||,
- "'" || buffer || "'.", "So I did", , fonttag)
- call rtgetstring( , "These are two new features of ReqTools 2.0:" || NL ||,
- "Text above the entry gadget and more than" || NL ||,
- "one response gadget.", "Enter anything:",,
- " _Ok |New _2.0 feature!|_Cancel", fonttag)
- if rtresult == 2 then call rtezrequest( "Yep, this is a new" || NL ||,
- "ReqTools 2.0 feature!", "Oh boy!",,
- , fonttag)
- call rtgetstring(buffer, "New is also the ability to switch off" || NL ||,
- "the backfill pattern. You can also center" || NL ||,
- "the text above the entry gadget." || NL ||,
- "These new features are also available" || NL ||,
- "in the rtgetlong() requester.",,
- "Enter anything:"," _Ok |_Abort|_Cancel",,
- fonttag,
- "rtgs_backfill = false rtgs_flags = gsreqf_centertext|gsreqf_highlighttext")
- if rtresult == 2 then
- call rtezrequest( "What!! You pressed abort!?!" || NL ||,
- "You must be joking :-)", "Ok, continue", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 2:" || NL ||,
- "Number requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtgetlong()", "Show me", , fonttag)
- long = rtgetlong(, , "Enter a number:", , fonttag,
- "rtgl_min = -666 rtgl_max = 666")
- if rtresult == 0 then
- call rtezrequest("You entered nothing!", "I'm sorry", , fonttag)
- else
- do
- text = "The number you entered was:" || NL
- text = text || long
- if long == 666 then text = text "(you devil!)"
- if long == -666 then text = text "(you negative devil!)"
- call rtezrequest(text, "So it was", , fonttag)
- end
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 3:" || NL ||,
- "Message requester, the requester" || NL ||,
- "you've been using all the time!" || NL ||,
- "function: rtezrequest()", "Show me more", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "Simplest usage: some body text" || NL ||,
- "and a single centered gadget.", "Got it", , fonttag)
- do while rtezrequest( "You can also use two gadgets" || NL ||,
- "to ask the user something." || NL ||,
- "Do you understand?", "Of course|Not really", , fonttag) == 0
- call rtezrequest("You are not one of the brightest are you?",,
- "Let me try again", , fonttag)
- end
- call rtezrequest("Great, we'll continue then.", "Fine", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "You can also put up a requester" || NL ||,
- "with three choices:" || NL ||,
- "How do you like the demo so far ?",,
- "_Great|_So so|_Rubbish", , fonttag)
- if rtresult == 0 then
- call rtezrequest( "Too bad, we really hoped" || NL ||,
- "you would like it better.", "So what", , fonttag)
- if rtresult == 1 then
- call rtezrequest("We're glad you like it so much.", "Fine", , fonttag)
- if rtresult == 2 then
- call rtezrequest( "Maybe if you run the demo" || NL ||,
- "again you'll REALLY like it!", "Perhaps", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "The number of responses is not limited to" || NL ||,
- "three as you can see. The gadgets are labeled" || NL ||,
- "with the return code from rtezrequest()." || NL ||,
- "Pressing Return will choose 4, note that" || NL ||,
- "4's button text is printed in boldface.",,
- "1|2|3|4|5|0", , fonttag "rtez_defaultresponse = 4")
- call rtezrequest("You picked '" || rtresult || "'.", "How true", , fonttag)
- if rtezrequest( "It is also possible to pass extra IDCMP flags" || NL ||,
- "that will satisfy rtezrequest(). This requester" || NL ||,
- "has had 'idcmp_diskinserted' passed to it." || NL ||,
- "(Try inserting a disk).", "Continue", ,,
- fonttag "rt_idcmpflags = idcmp_diskinserted") == 0 then
- call rtezrequest("You used the 'Continue' gadget.", "I did", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest("You inserted a disk.", "I did", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "Finally, it is possible to specify the position of the" || NL ||,
- "requester." || NL ||,
- "E.g. at the top left of the screen, like this." || NL ||,
- "This works for all requesters, not just rtezrequest()!",,
- "Amazing", , fonttag "rt_reqpos = reqpos_topleftscr")
- call rtezrequest( "Alternatively, you can center" || NL ||,
- "the requester on the screen." || NL ||,
- "Check out 'rexxreqtools.doc'" || NL ||,
- "or 'rexxreqtools.guide' for" || NL ||,
- "all the possibilities.", "I'll do that", ,,
- fonttag "rt_reqpos = reqpos_centerscr")
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 4:" || NL ||,
- "File requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtfilerequest()", "Demonstrate", , fonttag)
- filename = rtfilerequest(, , "Pick a file" , , fonttag "rtfi_buffer = true")
- if rtresult == 0 then
- call rtezrequest("You didn't pick a file.", "No", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest("You picked the file:" || NL || filename, "Right", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "The file requester has the ability" || NL ||,
- "to allow you to pick more than one" || NL ||,
- "file (use Shift to extend-select)." || NL ||,
- "Note the extra gadgets you get.", "Interesting", , fonttag)
- filename = rtfilerequest(, , "Pick some files", ,,
- fonttag "rtfi_flags = freqf_multiselect")
- if rtresult == 1 then
- call rtezrequest( "You selected" rtresult.count "files, " || NL ||,
- "this is the first one:" || NL ||,
- rtresult.1, "Aha", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "The file requester can be used" || NL ||,
- "as a directory requester as well.", "Let's see that", ,,
- fonttag)
- dirname = rtfilerequest(, , "Pick a directory", ,,
- fonttag "rtfi_flags = freqf_nofiles")
- if rtresult == 0 then
- call rtezrequest("You didn't pick a directory.", "No", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest("You picked the directory:" || NL || dirname, "Right", ,,
- fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 5:" || NL ||,
- "Font requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtfontrequest()", "Show", , fonttag)
- call rtfontrequest("Pick a font", , fonttag "rtfo_flags = freqf_style")
- if rtresult == 0 then
- call rtezrequest("You canceled." || NL || "Was there no font you liked ?",,
- "Nope", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest( "You picked the font:" || NL ||,
- rtresult.name "size" rtresult.height, "Right", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 6:" || NL ||,
- "Palette requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtpaletterequest()", "Proceed", , fonttag)
- color = rtpaletterequest(, "Change palette", fonttag)
- if rtresult == -1 then
- call rtezrequest("You canceled." || NL || "No nice colors to be picked ?",,
- "Nah", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest("You picked color number" color, "Sure did", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 7:" || NL ||,
- "Volume requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtfilerequest() with" || NL ||,
- " rtfi_volumerequest tag.", "Show me", , fonttag)
- volumename = rtfilerequest(, , "Pick a volume", ,,
- fonttag "rtfi_volumerequest = 0")
- if rtresult == 0 then
- call rtezrequest("You didn't pick a volume.", "I did not", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest("You picked the volume:" || NL || volumename, "Right", ,,
- fonttag)
- call rtezrequest( "NUMBER 8:" || NL ||,
- "Screenmode requester" || NL ||,
- "function: rtscreenmoderequest().", "Let's have a look", ,,
- fonttag)
- screenmode = rtscreenmoderequest( "Pick screentype", ,,
- fonttag "rtsc_flags = screqf_sizegads|screqf_depthgad", screen)
- if screenmode ~= "" then
- call rtezrequest( "So you'd like to open a" || NL ||,
- screen.name "screen", "That's right", , fonttag)
- else
- call rtezrequest( "Don't you have the right monitor ?", " No ", , fonttag)
- call rtezrequest("That's it!" || NL || "Hope you enjoyed the demo",,
- "Sure did", , fonttag)
- call rtfreefilebuffer()