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- /*********************************
- * *
- * reqtools.library (V38) *
- * *
- * Release 2.2 *
- * *
- * (c) 1991-1994 Nico François *
- * *
- * demo.c *
- * *
- * This source is public domain *
- * in all respects. *
- * *
- *********************************/
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <libraries/reqtools.h>
- #include <proto/reqtools.h>
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- struct ReqToolsBase *ReqToolsBase;
- #define REG register
- /* Callback functions
- Define DOHOOKS when you compile to activate these filter functions */
- BOOL __asm __saveds file_filterfunc (
- REG __a0 struct Hook *, REG __a2 struct rtFileRequester *,
- REG __a1 struct FileInfoBlock *
- );
- BOOL __asm __saveds font_filterfunc (
- REG __a0 struct Hook *, REG __a2 struct rtFontRequester *,
- REG __a1 struct TextAttr *
- );
- BOOL __asm __saveds vol_filterfunc (
- REG __a0 struct Hook *, REG __a2 struct rtFileRequester *,
- REG __a1 struct rtVolumeEntry *
- );
- ULONG undertag[] = { RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END };
- void myputs (char *str)
- {
- Write (Output(), str, strlen(str));
- }
- void __stdargs __main (char *line)
- {
- struct rtFileRequester *filereq;
- struct rtFontRequester *fontreq;
- struct rtScreenModeRequester *scrmodereq;
- struct rtFileList *flist, *tempflist;
- struct Hook filterhook, font_filterhook, vol_filterhook;
- char buffer[128], filename[34];
- ULONG longnum, ret, color;
- if (!(ReqToolsBase = (struct ReqToolsBase *)
- myputs ("You need reqtools.library V38 or higher!\n"
- "Please install it in your Libs: drirectory.\n");
- exit (0);
- }
- rtEZRequest ("ReqTools 2.0 Demo\n"
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
- "'reqtools.library' offers several\n"
- "different types of requesters:",
- "Let's see them", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequest ("NUMBER 1:\nThe larch :-)", "Be serious!", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequest ("NUMBER 1:\nString requester\nfunction: rtGetString()",
- "Show me", NULL, NULL);
- strcpy (buffer, "A bit of text");
- if (!rtGetString (buffer, 127, "Enter anything:", NULL, TAG_END))
- rtEZRequest ("You entered nothing :-(", "I'm sorry", NULL, NULL);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You entered this string:\n'%s'.",
- "So I did", NULL, NULL, buffer);
- ret = rtGetString (buffer, 127, "Enter anything:", NULL,
- RTGS_GadFmt, " _Ok |New _2.0 feature!|_Cancel",
- RTGS_TextFmt,
- "These are two new features of ReqTools 2.0:\n"
- "Text above the entry gadget and more than\n"
- "one response gadget.",
- TAG_MORE, undertag);
- if (ret == 2)
- rtEZRequest ("Yep, this is a new\nReqTools 2.0 feature!",
- "Oh boy!", NULL, NULL);
- ret = rtGetString (buffer, 127, "Enter anything:", NULL,
- RTGS_GadFmt, " _Ok |_Abort|_Cancel",
- RTGS_TextFmt,
- "New is also the ability to switch off the\n"
- "backfill pattern. You can also center the\n"
- "text above the entry gadget.\n"
- "These new features are also available in\n"
- "the rtGetLong() requester.",
- RTGS_BackFill, FALSE,
- TAG_MORE, undertag);
- if (ret == 2)
- rtEZRequest ("What!! You pressed abort!?!\nYou must be joking :-)",
- "Ok, Continue", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequest ("NUMBER 2:\nNumber requester\nfunction: rtGetLong()",
- "Show me", NULL, NULL);
- if (!rtGetLong (&longnum, "Enter a number:", NULL,
- RTGL_ShowDefault, FALSE,
- RTGL_Min, 0, RTGL_Max, 666,TAG_END))
- rtEZRequest ("You entered nothing :-(",
- "I'm sorry", NULL, NULL);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("The number you entered was:\n%ld%s",
- "So it was", NULL, NULL, longnum,
- (longnum == 666) ? " (you devil! :)" : "");
- rtEZRequest ("NUMBER 3:\nMessage requester, the requester\n"
- "you've been using all the time!\nfunction: rtEZRequest()",
- "Show me more", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequest ("Simplest usage: some body text and\na single centered gadget.",
- "Got it", NULL, NULL);
- while (!rtEZRequest ("You can also use two gadgets to\n"
- "ask the user something.\n"
- "Do you understand?", "Of course|Not really",
- rtEZRequest ("You are not one of the brightest are you?\n"
- "We'll try again...",
- "Ok", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequest ("Great, we'll continue then.", "Fine", NULL, NULL);
- switch (rtEZRequest ("You can also put up a requester with\n"
- "three choices.\n"
- "How do you like the demo so far ?",
- "Great|So so|Rubbish", NULL, NULL)) {
- case FALSE:
- rtEZRequest ("Too bad, I really hoped you\nwould like it better.",
- "So what", NULL, NULL);
- break;
- case TRUE:
- rtEZRequest ("I'm glad you like it so much.", "Fine", NULL, NULL);
- break;
- case 2:
- rtEZRequest ("Maybe if you run the demo again\n"
- "you'll REALLY like it.",
- "Perhaps", NULL, NULL);
- break;
- }
- ret = rtEZRequestTags ("The number of responses is not limited to three\n"
- "as you can see. The gadgets are labeled with\n"
- "the return code from rtEZRequest().\n"
- "Pressing Return will choose 4, note that\n"
- "4's button text is printed in boldface.",
- "1|2|3|4|5|0", NULL, NULL,
- RTEZ_DefaultResponse, 4, TAG_END);
- rtEZRequest ("You picked '%ld'.", "How true", NULL, NULL, ret);
- rtEZRequestTags ("New for Release 2.0 of ReqTools (V38) is\n"
- "the possibility to define characters in the\n"
- "buttons as keyboard shortcuts.\n"
- "As you can see these characters are underlined.\n"
- "Pressing shift while still holding down the key\n"
- "will cancel the shortcut.\n"
- "Note that in other requesters a string gadget may\n"
- "be active. To use the keyboard shortcuts there\n"
- "you have to keep the Right Amiga key pressed down.",
- "_Great|_Fantastic|_Swell|Oh _Boy",
- RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- rtEZRequest (
- "You may also use C-style formatting codes in the body text.\n"
- "Like this:\n\n"
- "'The number %%ld is written %%s.' will give:\n\n"
- "The number %ld is written %s.\n\n"
- "if you also pass '5' and '\"five\"' to rtEZRequest().",
- "_Proceed", NULL, (struct TagItem *)&undertag, 5, "five");
- if (rtEZRequestTags ("It is also possible to pass extra IDCMP flags\n"
- "that will satisfy rtEZRequest(). This requester\n"
- "has had DISKINSERTED passed to it.\n"
- "(Try inserting a disk).",
- "_Continue", NULL, NULL,
- RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END)
- rtEZRequest ("You inserted a disk.", "I did", NULL, NULL);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You used the 'Continue' gadget\n"
- "to satisfy the requester.", "I did", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequestTags ("Finally, it is possible to specify the position\n"
- "of the requester.\n"
- "E.g. at the top left of the screen, like this.\n"
- "This works for all requesters, not just rtEZRequest()!",
- "_Amazing", NULL, NULL,
- RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- rtEZRequestTags ("Alternatively, you can center the\n"
- "requester on the screen.\n"
- "Check out 'reqtools.doc' for all the possibilities.",
- "I'll do that", NULL, NULL,
- rtEZRequestTags ("NUMBER 4:\nFile requester\n"
- "function: rtFileRequest()",
- "_Demonstrate", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- if (filereq = rtAllocRequestA (RT_FILEREQ, NULL)) {
- filterhook.h_Entry = (ULONG (*)())file_filterfunc;
- filename[0] = 0;
- if (rtFileRequest (filereq, filename, "Pick a file",
- #ifdef DOHOOKS
- RTFI_FilterFunc, &filterhook,
- #endif
- rtEZRequest ("You picked the file:\n'%s'\nin directory:\n'%s'",
- "Right", NULL, NULL, filename, filereq->Dir);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You didn't pick a file.", "No", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequestTags ("The file requester has the ability\n"
- "to allow you to pick more than one\n"
- "file (use Shift to extend-select).\n"
- "Note the extra gadgets you get.",
- "_Interesting", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- flist = rtFileRequest (filereq, filename, "Pick some files",
- if (flist) {
- rtEZRequest ("You selected some files, this is\n"
- "the first one:\n"
- "'%s'\n"
- "All the files are returned as a linked\n"
- "list (see demo.c and reqtools.h).",
- "Aha", NULL, NULL, flist->Name);
- /* Traverse all selected files */
- /*
- tempflist = flist;
- while (tempflist) {
- DoSomething (tempflist->Name, tempflist->StrLen);
- tempflist = tempflist->Next;
- }
- */
- /* Free filelist when no longer needed! */
- rtFreeFileList (flist);
- }
- rtFreeRequest (filereq);
- }
- else
- rtEZRequest ("Out of memory!", "Oh boy!", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequestTags ("The file requester can be used\n"
- "as a directory requester as well.",
- "Let's _see that", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- if (filereq = rtAllocRequestA (RT_FILEREQ, NULL)) {
- if (rtFileRequest (filereq, filename, "Pick a directory",
- rtEZRequest ("You picked the directory:\n'%s'",
- "Right", NULL, NULL, filereq->Dir);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You didn't pick a directory.", "No", NULL, NULL);
- rtFreeRequest (filereq);
- }
- else
- rtEZRequest ("Out of memory!", "Oh boy!", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequest ("NUMBER 5:\nFont requester\n"
- "function: rtFontRequest()",
- "Show", NULL, NULL);
- if (fontreq = rtAllocRequestA (RT_FONTREQ, NULL)) {
- font_filterhook.h_Entry = (ULONG (*)())font_filterfunc;
- if (rtFontRequest (fontreq, "Pick a font",
- #ifdef DOHOOKS
- RTFO_FilterFunc, &font_filterhook,
- #endif
- rtEZRequest ("You picked the font:\n'%s'\nwith size:\n'%ld'",
- "Right", NULL, NULL,
- fontreq->Attr.ta_Name, fontreq->Attr.ta_YSize);
- else
- rtEZRequestTags ("You canceled.\nWas there no font you liked ?",
- "_Nope", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- rtFreeRequest (fontreq);
- }
- else
- rtEZRequest ("Out of memory!", "Oh boy!", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequestTags ("NUMBER 6:\nPalette requester\n"
- "function: rtPaletteRequest()",
- "_Proceed", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- color = rtPaletteRequest ("Change palette", NULL, TAG_END);
- if (color == -1)
- rtEZRequest ("You canceled.\nNo nice colors to be picked ?",
- "Nah", NULL, NULL);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You picked color number %ld.", "Sure did",
- NULL, NULL, color);
- rtEZRequestTags ("NUMBER 7: (ReqTools 2.0)\n"
- "Volume requester\n"
- "function: rtFileRequest() with\n"
- " RTFI_VolumeRequest tag.",
- "_Show me", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- if (filereq = rtAllocRequestA (RT_FILEREQ, NULL)) {
- vol_filterhook.h_Entry = (ULONG (*)())vol_filterfunc;
- if (rtFileRequest (filereq, NULL, "Pick a volume",
- #ifdef DOHOOKS
- RTFI_FilterFunc, &vol_filterhook,
- #endif
- RTFI_VolumeRequest, 0, TAG_END))
- rtEZRequest ("You picked the volume:\n'%s'",
- "Right", NULL, NULL, filereq->Dir);
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You didn't pick a volume.", "I did not", NULL, NULL);
- rtFreeRequest (filereq);
- }
- else
- rtEZRequest ("Out of memory!", "Oh boy!", NULL, NULL);
- rtEZRequestTags ("NUMBER 8: (ReqTools 2.0)\n"
- "Screen mode requester\n"
- "function: rtScreenModeRequest()\n"
- "Only available on Kickstart 2.0!",
- "_Proceed", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- if (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 37)
- rtEZRequestTags ("Your Amiga doesn't seem to have\n"
- "Kickstart 2.0 in ROM so I am not\n"
- "able to show you the Screen mode\n"
- "requester.\n"
- "So upgrade to 2.0 *now* :-)",
- "_Allright", NULL, NULL, RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- else {
- if (scrmodereq = rtAllocRequestA (RT_SCREENMODEREQ, NULL)) {
- if (rtScreenModeRequest (scrmodereq, "Pick a screen mode:",
- rtEZRequest ("You picked this mode:\n"
- "ModeID : 0x%lx\n"
- "Size : %ld x %ld\n"
- "Depth : %ld\n"
- "Overscan: %ld\n"
- "AutoScroll %s",
- "Right", NULL, NULL,
- scrmodereq->DisplayID,
- scrmodereq->DisplayWidth,
- scrmodereq->DisplayHeight,
- scrmodereq->DisplayDepth,
- scrmodereq->OverscanType,
- scrmodereq->AutoScroll ? "On" : "Off");
- else
- rtEZRequest ("You didn't pick a screen mode.", "Nope", NULL, NULL);
- rtFreeRequest (scrmodereq);
- }
- else
- rtEZRequest ("Out of memory!", "Oh boy!", NULL, NULL);
- }
- rtEZRequestTags ("That's it!\n"
- "Hope you enjoyed the demo", "_Sure did", NULL, NULL,
- RT_Underscore, '_', TAG_END);
- /* free all resources */
- CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)ReqToolsBase);
- exit (0);
- }
- /********
- * HOOKS *
- ********/
- BOOL __asm __saveds file_filterfunc (
- REG __a0 struct Hook *hook,
- REG __a2 struct rtFileRequester *filereq,
- REG __a1 struct FileInfoBlock *fib
- )
- {
- myputs (fib->fib_FileName);
- myputs ("\n");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- BOOL __asm __saveds font_filterfunc (
- REG __a0 struct Hook *hook,
- REG __a2 struct rtFontRequester *fontreq,
- REG __a1 struct TextAttr *textattr
- )
- {
- myputs (textattr->ta_Name);
- myputs ("\n");
- return (TRUE);
- }
- BOOL __asm __saveds vol_filterfunc (
- REG __a0 struct Hook *hook,
- REG __a2 struct rtFileRequester *filereq,
- REG __a1 struct rtVolumeEntry *volentry
- )
- {
- myputs (volentry->Type == DLT_DEVICE ? "(Volume) " : "(Assign) ");
- myputs (volentry->Name);
- myputs ("\n");
- return (TRUE);
- }