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- *
- * reqtools_lib.fd © 1991-1994 Nico François
- *
- ##base _ReqToolsBase
- ##bias 30
- ##public
- rtAllocRequestA(type,taglist)(D0,A0)
- rtFreeRequest(req)(A1)
- rtFreeReqBuffer(req)(A1)
- rtChangeReqAttrA(req,taglist)(A1,A0)
- rtFileRequestA(filereq,file,title,taglist)(A1/A2/A3,A0)
- rtFreeFileList(filelist)(A0)
- rtEZRequestA(bodyfmt,gadfmt,reqinfo,argarray,taglist)(A1/A2/A3/A4,A0)
- rtGetStringA(buffer,maxchars,title,reqinfo,taglist)(A1,D0,A2/A3,A0)
- rtGetLongA(longptr,title,reqinfo,taglist)(A1/A2/A3,A0)
- ##private
- rtInternalGetPasswordA(buffer,checksum,callback,reqinfo,taglist)(A1,D1/D2,A3,A0)
- rtInternalEnterPasswordA(buffer,callback,reqinfo,taglist)(A1,D2,A3,A0)
- ##public
- rtFontRequestA(fontreq,title,taglist)(A1,A3,A0)
- rtPaletteRequestA(title,reqinfo,taglist)(A2/A3,A0)
- rtReqHandlerA(handlerinfo,sigs,taglist)(A1,D0,A0)
- rtSetWaitPointer(window)(A0)
- *
- * the following 4 functions are for the advanced reqtools user
- * who whishes to write his own (complementary) requesters
- *
- rtGetVScreenSize(screen,widthptr,heightptr)(A0/A1/A2)
- rtSetReqPosition(reqpos,newwindow,screen,window)(D0,A0/A1/A2)
- rtSpread(posarray,sizearray,length,min,max,num)(A0/A1,D0/D1/D2/D3)
- rtScreenToFrontSafely(screen)(A0)
- *
- * --- functions in V38 or higher (distributed as Release 2.0) ---
- *
- rtScreenModeRequestA(screenmodereq,title,taglist)(A1,A3,A0)
- *
- * 3 more functions for the advanced reqtools user
- *
- rtCloseWindowSafely(win)(A0)
- rtLockWindow(win)(A0)
- rtUnlockWindow(win,winlock)(A0/A1)
- *
- * Private function only to be used by the ReqTools Preference editor.
- * Only present in library versions _above_ 38.362 [1.3] and 38.810 [2.0]!
- *
- ##private
- rtLockPrefs()()
- rtUnlockPrefs()()
- ##public
- ##end