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- /*
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * Datei:
- * RSysDebug.h
- *
- * Inhalt:
- *
- * Bemerkungen:
- * Include-Datei zur Installierung von Debug-Routinen in RSys.
- * Das Define MYDEBUG ist zu entkommentieren, falls ein Debugging
- * stattfinden soll.
- *
- * Erstellungsdatum:
- * 07-Jul-93 Rolf Böhme
- *
- * Änderungen:
- * 07-Jul-93 Rolf Böhme Erstellung
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
- /*
- * Set MYDEBUG to 1 to turn on debugging, 0 to turn off debugging
- */
- #ifndef MYDEBUG_H
- #define MYDEBUG_H
- /*#define MYDEBUG 1*/
- /*
- * MYDEBUG User Options
- */
- /* Set to 1 to turn second level D2(bug()) statements */
- #define DEBUGLEVEL2 0
- /* Set to a non-zero # of ticks if a delay is wanted after each debug message */
- #define DEBUGDELAY 20
- /* Always non-zero for the DDx macros */
- #define DDEBUGDELAY 50
- /* Set to 1 for serial debugging (link with debug.lib) */
- #define KDEBUG 1
- /* Set to 1 for parallel debugging (link with ddebug.lib) */
- #define DDEBUG 0
- #endif /* MYDEBUG */
- /*
- * D(bug()), D2(bug()), DQ((bug()) only generate code if MYDEBUG is non-zero
- *
- * Use D(bug()) for general debugging, D2(bug()) for extra debugging that
- * you usually won't need to see, DD(bug()) for debugging statements that
- * you always want followed by a delay, and DQ(bug()) for debugging that
- * you'll NEVER want a delay after (ie. debugging inside a Forbid, Disable,
- * Task, or Interrupt)
- *
- * Some example uses (all are used the same):
- * D(bug("about to do xyz. variable = $%lx\n",myvariable));
- * D2(bug("v1=$%lx v2=$%lx v3=$%lx\n",v1,v2,v3));
- * DQ(bug("in subtask: variable = $%lx\n",myvariable));
- * DD(bug("About to do xxx\n"));
- *
- * Set MYDEBUG above to 1 when debugging is desired and recompile the modules
- * you wish to debug. Set to 0 and recompile to turn off debugging.
- *
- * User options set above:
- * Set DEBUGDELAY to a non-zero # of ticks (ex. 50) when a delay is desired.
- * Set DEBUGLEVEL2 nonzero to turn on second level (D2) debugging statements
- * Set KDEBUG to 1 and link with debug.lib for serial debugging.
- * Set DDEBUG to 1 and link with ddebug.lib for parallel debugging.
- */
- /*
- * Debugging function automaticaly set to printf, kprintf, or dprintf
- */
- #if KDEBUG
- #define bug kprintf
- #elif DDEBUG
- #define bug dprintf
- #else /* else changes all bug's to printf's */
- #define bug printf
- #endif
- /*
- * Debugging macros
- */
- /* D(bug( delays DEBUGDELAY if DEBUGDELAY is > 0
- * DD(bug( always delays DDEBUGDELAY
- * DQ(bug( (debug quick) never uses Delay. Use in forbids,disables,ints
- * The similar macros with "2" in their names are second level debugging
- */
- #if MYDEBUG /* Turn on first level debugging */
- #define D(x) (x); if(DEBUGDELAY>0) Delay(DEBUGDELAY)
- #define DD(x) (x); Delay(DDEBUGDELAY)
- #define DQ(x) (x)
- #if DEBUGLEVEL2 /* Turn on second level debugging */
- #define D2(x) (x); if(DEBUGDELAY>0) Delay(DEBUGDELAY)
- #define DD2(x) (x); Delay(DDEBUGDELAY)
- #define DQ2(x) (x)
- #else /* Second level debugging turned off */
- #define D2(x) ;
- #define DD2(x) ;
- #define DQ2(x) ;
- #endif /* DEBUGLEVEL2 */
- #else /* First level debugging turned off */
- #define D(x) ;
- #define DQ(x) ;
- #define D2(x) ;
- #define DD(x) ;
- #endif
- #define DPOS D(kprintf("File %20s at line %3ld in %s()\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNC__))
- #endif /* MYDEBUG_H */