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- /*
- ***************************************************************************
- *
- * Datei:
- * RSysSaveWindow.c
- *
- * Inhalt:
- * void SaveWindows(void);
- *
- * Bemerkungen:
- * Erzeugen einer IFF-Datei aus einem Window.
- *
- * Erstellungsdatum:
- * 07-Jan-93 Rolf Böhme
- *
- * Änderungen:
- * 07-Jan-93 Rolf Böhme Erstellung
- *
- ***************************************************************************
- */
- #include "RSysDebug.h"
- #include "RSysFunc.h"
- /*
- * Diese Routinen habe ich wieder mal aus der
- * "Quellen-Fundgrube" von TERM entnommen. Danke Olaf! Aber
- * einiges war leider falsch :-)
- */
- /* Current compression mode. */
- #define DUMP 0
- #define RUN 1
- /* ByteRun compression data. */
- #define MINRUN 3
- #define MAXRUN 128
- #define MAXDAT 128
- /* Chunk types. */
- #define ID_ILBM MAKE_ID('I','L','B','M')
- #define ID_ANNO MAKE_ID('A','N','N','O')
- #define ID_BMHD MAKE_ID('B','M','H','D')
- #define ID_CMAP MAKE_ID('C','M','A','P')
- #define ID_CAMG MAKE_ID('C','A','M','G')
- #define ID_BODY MAKE_ID('B','O','D','Y')
- /* Masking technique. */
- #define mskNone 0
- /* Compression techniques. */
- #define cmpNone 0
- #define cmpByteRun1 1
- /* A bitmap header. */
- typedef struct
- {
- UWORD w,h; /* raster width & height in pixels */
- WORD x,y; /* position for this image */
- UBYTE nPlanes; /* # source bitplanes */
- UBYTE masking; /* masking technique */
- UBYTE compression; /* compression algorithm */
- UBYTE pad1; /* UNUSED. For consistency, put 0 here.*/
- UWORD transparentColor; /* transparent "color number" */
- UBYTE xAspect,yAspect; /* aspect ratio, a rational number x/y */
- WORD pageWidth,pageHeight; /* source "page" size in pixels */
- } BitMapHeader;
- /* A single 8-bit colour register. */
- typedef struct
- {
- UBYTE red, /* red component, 0..255 */
- green, /* green component, 0..255 */
- blue; /* blue component, 0..255 */
- } ColorRegister;
- /* Local packer data. */
- static LONG PackedBytes;
- static BYTE Buffer[MAXDAT + 1];
- /* PutDump(register PLANEPTR Destination,register LONG Count):
- *
- * Output a byte dump.
- */
- static PLANEPTR
- PutDump(register PLANEPTR Destination,register LONG Count)
- {
- register PLANEPTR Source = (PLANEPTR)Buffer;
- *Destination++ = Count - 1;
- PackedBytes += Count + 1;
- while(Count--)
- *Destination++ = *Source++;
- return(Destination);
- }
- /* PutRun(register PLANEPTR Destination,LONG Count,WORD Char):
- *
- * Output a byte run.
- */
- static PLANEPTR
- PutRun(register PLANEPTR Destination,LONG Count,WORD Char)
- {
- *Destination++ = -(Count - 1);
- *Destination++ = Char;
- PackedBytes += 2;
- return(Destination);
- }
- /* PackRow(PLANEPTR *SourcePtr,register PLANEPTR Destination,LONG RowSize):
- *
- * Pack a row of bitmap data using ByteRun compression,
- * based on the original "EA IFF 85" pack.c example code.
- */
- static LONG
- PackRow(PLANEPTR *SourcePtr,register PLANEPTR Destination,LONG RowSize)
- {
- register PLANEPTR Source = *SourcePtr;
- WORD Buffered = 1,
- RunStart = 0;
- BYTE Mode = DUMP,
- LastChar,
- Char;
- PackedBytes = 0;
- Buffer[0] = LastChar = Char = *Source++;
- RowSize--;
- while(RowSize--)
- {
- Buffer[Buffered++] = Char = *Source++;
- if(Mode)
- {
- if((Char != LastChar) || (Buffered - RunStart > MAXRUN))
- {
- Destination = PutRun(Destination,Buffered - 1 - RunStart,LastChar);
- Buffer[0] = Char;
- Buffered = 1;
- RunStart = 0;
- Mode = DUMP;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(Buffered > MAXDAT)
- {
- Destination = PutDump(Destination,Buffered - 1);
- Buffer[0] = Char;
- Buffered = 1;
- RunStart = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if(Char == LastChar)
- {
- if(Buffered - RunStart >= MINRUN)
- {
- if(RunStart)
- Destination = PutDump(Destination,(LONG)RunStart);
- Mode = RUN;
- }
- else
- {
- if(!RunStart)
- Mode = RUN;
- }
- }
- else
- RunStart = Buffered - 1;
- }
- }
- LastChar = Char;
- }
- if(Mode)
- PutRun(Destination,Buffered - RunStart,LastChar);
- else
- PutDump(Destination,(LONG)Buffered);
- *SourcePtr = Source;
- return(PackedBytes);
- }
- /* PutANNO(struct IFFHandle *Handle):
- *
- * Output `ANNO' chunk.
- */
- static BYTE
- PutANNO(struct IFFHandle *Handle)
- {
- extern char *v;
- WORD Len;
- Len = strlen(&v[1]);
- /* Push the `ANNO' chunk on the stack. */
- if(!PushChunk(Handle,0,ID_ANNO,(long)Len))
- {
- /* Write the creator string. */
- if(WriteChunkBytes(Handle,&v[1],(long)Len) == Len)
- {
- /* Pop the `ANNO' chunk. */
- if(!PopChunk(Handle))
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /* PutBMHD():
- *
- * Output `BMHD' chunk.
- */
- static BYTE
- PutBMHD(struct IFFHandle *Handle,struct Window *Window,UBYTE Compression)
- {
- struct DisplayInfo DisplayInfo;
- /* Get the display aspect ratio. */
- if(GetDisplayInfoData(NULL,
- (APTR)&DisplayInfo,
- sizeof(struct DisplayInfo),
- GetVPModeID(&Window -> WScreen -> ViewPort)))
- {
- BitMapHeader Header;
- /* Fill in the bitmap header. */
- Header . w = Window -> Width;
- Header . h = Window -> Height;
- Header . pageWidth = Window /*-> WScreen*/ -> Width;
- Header . pageHeight = Window /*-> WScreen*/ -> Height;
- Header . x = Window -> LeftEdge;
- Header . y = Window -> TopEdge;
- Header . nPlanes = Window /*-> WScreen*/ -> RPort -> BitMap -> Depth;
- Header . masking = mskNone;
- Header . compression = Compression;
- Header . pad1 = 0;
- Header . transparentColor = 0;
- Header . xAspect = DisplayInfo . Resolution . x;
- Header . yAspect = DisplayInfo . Resolution . y;
- /* Push the `BMHD' chunk on the stack. */
- if(!PushChunk(Handle,0,ID_BMHD,sizeof(BitMapHeader)))
- {
- /* Write the bitmap header. */
- if(WriteChunkBytes(Handle,&Header,sizeof(BitMapHeader)) == sizeof(BitMapHeader))
- {
- /* Pop the `BMHD' chunk. */
- if(!PopChunk(Handle))
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /* PutCMAP(struct IFFHandle *Handle,struct ViewPort *VPort):
- *
- * Output `CMAP' chunk, only 4-bit colour registers
- * are supported so far.
- */
- static BYTE
- PutCMAP(struct IFFHandle *Handle,struct ViewPort *VPort)
- {
- /* Push the `CMAP' chunk on the stack. */
- if(!PushChunk(Handle,0,ID_CMAP,3 * VPort -> ColorMap -> Count))
- {
- ColorRegister Colour;
- LONG i;
- ULONG Value,
- R,G,B;
- /* Read and convert all the
- * ColorMap entries (4 bit colour
- * components only).
- */
- for(i = 0 ; i < VPort -> ColorMap -> Count ; i++)
- {
- /* Read colour value. */
- Value = GetRGB4(VPort -> ColorMap,i);
- /* Split the value into components. */
- R = (Value >> 8) & 0xF;
- G = (Value >> 4) & 0xF;
- B = (Value ) & 0xF;
- /* Store the colour components. */
- Colour . red = (R << 4) | R;
- Colour . green = (G << 4) | G;
- Colour . blue = (B << 4) | B;
- /* Write the colours. */
- if(WriteChunkBytes(Handle,&Colour,3) != 3)
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /* Pop the `CMAP' chunk. */
- if(!PopChunk(Handle))
- return(TRUE);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /* PutCAMG(struct IFFHandle *Handle,struct ViewPort *VPort):
- *
- * Output `CAMG' chunk.
- */
- static BYTE
- PutCAMG(struct IFFHandle *Handle,struct ViewPort *VPort)
- {
- if(!PushChunk(Handle,0,ID_CAMG,sizeof(ULONG)))
- {
- ULONG ViewModes = GetVPModeID(VPort),ulongsize = sizeof(ULONG);
- if(WriteChunkBytes(Handle,&ViewModes,ulongsize) == ulongsize)
- {
- if(!PopChunk(Handle))
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /* PutBODY(struct IFFHandle *Handle)
- *
- * Output `BODY' chunk.
- */
- static BYTE
- PutBODY(struct IFFHandle *Handle,struct BitMap *BitMap,UBYTE Compression)
- {
- BYTE Success = FALSE;
- PLANEPTR *Planes;
- /* Allocate temporary bitplane pointers. */
- if(Planes = (PLANEPTR *)MyAllocVec(BitMap -> Depth * sizeof(PLANEPTR *),MEMF_ANY | MEMF_CLEAR, NO_KILL))
- {
- register LONG i;
- /* Copy the bitplane pointers. */
- for(i = 0 ; i < BitMap -> Depth ; i++)
- Planes[i] = BitMap -> Planes[i];
- /* Are we to compress the data? */
- if(Compression == cmpByteRun1)
- {
- PLANEPTR PackBuffer;
- /* Allocate line compression buffer. */
- if(PackBuffer = (PLANEPTR)MyAllocVec(BitMap -> BytesPerRow * 2,MEMF_ANY, NO_KILL))
- {
- /* Push the `BODY' chunk on the stack. */
- if(!PushChunk(Handle,0,ID_BODY,IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN))
- {
- register LONG PackedBytes,
- j;
- /* So far, we are quite successful,
- * any write access to fail will
- * cause `Success' to drop to FALSE.
- */
- Success = TRUE;
- /* Compress all the rows. */
- for(i = 0 ; Success && i < BitMap -> Rows ; i++)
- {
- /* Compress all the planes. */
- for(j = 0 ; Success && j < BitMap -> Depth ; j++)
- {
- /* Do the compression. */
- PackedBytes = PackRow(&Planes[j],PackBuffer,(LONG)BitMap -> BytesPerRow);
- /* Write the compressed data. */
- if(WriteChunkBytes(Handle,PackBuffer,PackedBytes) != PackedBytes)
- Success = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* Pop the `BODY' chunk. */
- if(PopChunk(Handle))
- Success = FALSE;
- }
- /* Free the line compression buffer. */
- MyFreeVec(PackBuffer);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Push the `BODY' chunk on the stack. */
- if(!PushChunk(Handle,0,ID_BODY,IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN))
- {
- register LONG j;
- /* So far, we are quite successful,
- * any write access to fail will
- * cause `Success' to drop to FALSE.
- */
- Success = TRUE;
- /* Compress all the rows. */
- for(i = 0 ; Success && i < BitMap -> Rows ; i++)
- {
- /* Compress all the planes. */
- for(j = 0 ; Success && j < BitMap -> Depth ; j++)
- {
- /* Write the row. */
- if(WriteChunkBytes(Handle,Planes[j],(long)BitMap -> BytesPerRow) != BitMap -> BytesPerRow)
- Success = FALSE;
- else
- Planes[j] += BitMap -> BytesPerRow;
- }
- }
- /* Pop the `BODY' chunk. */
- if(PopChunk(Handle))
- Success = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* Free the temporary bitplane pointers. */
- MyFreeVec(Planes);
- }
- /* Return the result. */
- return(Success);
- }
- /* SaveWindow(STRPTR Name,struct Window *Window):
- *
- * Save the contents of a window to a file.
- */
- static BYTE
- SaveWindow(STRPTR Name,struct Window *Window)
- {
- struct RastPort *RPort;
- BYTE Success = FALSE,
- NewFile = FALSE;
- if(IFFParseBase = OpenLibrary((STRPTR)"iffparse.library",0))
- {
- /* Allocate a dummy rastport, we will need only
- * to copy the contents of the window into the
- * bitmap.
- */
- if(RPort = (struct RastPort *)MyAllocVec(sizeof(struct RastPort),MEMF_ANY, NO_KILL))
- {
- struct BitMap *BitMap;
- /* Initialize the rastport with defaults. */
- InitRastPort(RPort);
- /* Allocate a bitmap. */
- if(BitMap = (struct BitMap *)MyAllocVec(sizeof(struct BitMap),MEMF_ANY, NO_KILL))
- {
- WORD i;
- /* Put it into the rastport. */
- RPort -> BitMap = BitMap;
- /* Initialize it with the window dimensions. */
- /*
- * An dieser Stelle ist der RastPort des Fensters
- * zu nehmen, NICHT der des Screens, zu dem das
- * Fenster gehört!
- */
- InitBitMap(BitMap,
- /* (long)Window -> WScreen -> RastPort . BitMap -> Depth,*/
- (long)Window -> RPort -> BitMap -> Depth,
- (long)(Window -> Width),
- (long)Window -> Height);
- /* Flag success so any allocation
- * to fail in the bitplane allocation
- * loop will indicate failure.
- */
- Success = TRUE;
- /* Allocate all the bitplanes necessary. */
- for(i = 0 ; Success && i < BitMap -> Depth ; i++)
- {
- if(!(BitMap -> Planes[i] = AllocRaster((long)Window -> Width,(long)Window -> Height)))
- Success = FALSE;
- }
- /* Did we get all the planes we wanted? */
- if(Success)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *Handle;
- /* Copy the window contents to the
- * local bitmap.
- */
- if(NOT(Window->Flags & WFLG_BACKDROP))
- WindowToFront(Window);
- Delay(10);
- /*
- * ClipBlit() arbeitet nicht korrekt! Ich habe
- * die Routine durch BltBitMap() ersetzt
- */
- /*
- * ClipBlit(Window -> RPort,0,0,RPort,0,0,(long)Window -> Width,(long)Window -> Height,0xC0);
- */
- BltBitMap(Window->RPort->BitMap,
- (long)Window -> LeftEdge,(long)Window -> TopEdge,BitMap,
- 0,0,(long)Window -> Width,(long)Window -> Height,0xC0,0xFF,NULL);
- /* Reset the success indicator. */
- Success = FALSE;
- /* Allocate an iff handle. */
- if(Handle = AllocIFF())
- {
- /* Open a file for write access. */
- if(Handle -> iff_Stream = Open(Name,MODE_NEWFILE))
- {
- /* Remember that we succeeded
- * in creating a new file.
- */
- NewFile = TRUE;
- /* Tell iffparse.library that it's
- * a plain AmigaDOS file handle.
- */
- InitIFFasDOS(Handle);
- /* Open the file for writing. */
- if(!OpenIFF(Handle,IFFF_WRITE))
- {
- /* Push parent chunk on the
- * stack.
- */
- {
- /* Output all the chunk data. */
- if(PutANNO(Handle))
- {
- UBYTE Compression;
- /* Don't compress the bitmap if
- * isn't really worth it.
- */
- if(BitMap -> BytesPerRow > 4)
- Compression = cmpByteRun1;
- else
- Compression = cmpNone;
- if(PutBMHD(Handle,Window,Compression))
- {
- if(PutCMAP(Handle,&Window -> WScreen -> ViewPort))
- {
- if(PutCAMG(Handle,&Window -> WScreen -> ViewPort))
- {
- if(PutBODY(Handle,BitMap,Compression))
- {
- /* Pop the parent chunk
- * from the stack.
- */
- if(!PopChunk(Handle))
- Success = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Close the iff handle. */
- CloseIFF(Handle);
- }
- /* Close the file. */
- if(!Close(Handle -> iff_Stream))
- Success = FALSE;
- }
- /* Free the iff handle. */
- FreeIFF(Handle);
- }
- }
- /* Free all bitplanes. */
- for(i = 0 ; i < BitMap -> Depth ; i++)
- {
- if(BitMap -> Planes[i])
- FreeRaster(BitMap -> Planes[i],(long)Window -> Width,(long)Window -> Height);
- }
- /* Free the bitmap. */
- MyFreeVec(BitMap);
- }
- /* Free the rastport. */
- MyFreeVec(RPort);
- }
- /* If successful, clear the `executable' bit. */
- if(Success)
- SetProtection(Name,FIBF_EXECUTE);
- else
- {
- /* Delete the remains of the file. */
- if(NewFile)
- DeleteFile(Name);
- }
- CloseLibrary(IFFParseBase);
- }
- else
- Success = FALSE;
- /* Return the result. */
- return(Success);
- }
- struct winlist
- {
- struct Node node;
- struct Window *win;
- char name[MAXFULLNAME];
- } *windows = NULL;
- struct List WinList;
- enum
- {
- GD_WindowsLVGad,
- GD_SaveIFFGad,
- GD_ResetWinGad
- };
- #define SaveAWindow_CNT 3
- static struct Window *SaveAWindowWnd = NULL;
- static struct Gadget *SaveAWindowGList = NULL;
- static struct Gadget *SaveAWindowGadgets[3];
- static UWORD SaveAWindowLeft = 178;
- static UWORD SaveAWindowTop = 38;
- static UWORD SaveAWindowWidth = 258;
- static UWORD SaveAWindowHeight = 121;
- static UBYTE *SaveAWindowWdt = (UBYTE *)NAME " " VERSION " - Save window";
- static UWORD SaveAWindowGTypes[] = {
- };
- static struct NewGadget SaveAWindowNGad[] = {
- 8, 18, 241, 80, (UBYTE *)"Windows", NULL, GD_WindowsLVGad, PLACETEXT_ABOVE, NULL, NULL,
- 8, 103, 113, 13, (UBYTE *)"IFF File", NULL, GD_SaveIFFGad, PLACETEXT_IN, NULL, NULL,
- 128, 103, 121, 13, (UBYTE *)"Rescan windows", NULL, GD_ResetWinGad, PLACETEXT_IN, NULL, NULL
- };
- static ULONG *SaveAWindowGTags[] = {
- (ULONG *)(GTLV_ShowSelected), (ULONG *)NULL,(ULONG *)(GTLV_Labels), (ULONG *)&WinList, (ULONG *)(TAG_DONE),
- };
- /*
- * OpenSaveAWindowWindow() öffnet ein Fenster mit einem
- * ListView und zwei Gadgets zu Auswahl eines zu speichernden
- * Fensters
- */
- static int
- OpenSaveAWindowWindow( void )
- {
- struct NewGadget ng;
- struct Gadget *g;
- UWORD lc, tc;
- UWORD wleft = SaveAWindowLeft, wtop = SaveAWindowTop, ww, wh;
- int gl[] = {GD_WindowsLVGad};
- ComputeFont( Scr,SaveAWindowWidth, SaveAWindowHeight );
- ww = ComputeX( SaveAWindowWidth );
- wh = ComputeY( SaveAWindowHeight );
- if (( wleft + ww + OffX + Scr->WBorRight ) > Scr->Width )
- wleft = Scr->Width - ww;
- if (( wtop + wh + OffY + Scr->WBorBottom ) > Scr->Height )
- wtop = Scr->Height - wh;
- ww = compute((UWORD) (OffX + Scr->WBorRight), FontX, (int)SaveAWindowWidth);
- wh = compute((UWORD) (OffY + Scr->WBorBottom), FontY, (int)SaveAWindowHeight);
- CenterWindow(Scr, &wtop, &wleft, ww, wh);
- if ( ! ( g = CreateContext( &SaveAWindowGList )))
- return( 1L );
- for( lc = 0, tc = 0; lc < SaveAWindow_CNT; lc++ ) {
- CopyMem((char * )&SaveAWindowNGad[ lc ], (char * )&ng, (long)sizeof( struct NewGadget ));
- ng.ng_VisualInfo = VisualInfo;
- ng.ng_TextAttr = Font;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = OffX + ComputeX( ng.ng_LeftEdge );
- ng.ng_TopEdge = OffY + ComputeY( ng.ng_TopEdge );
- ng.ng_Width = ComputeX( ng.ng_Width );
- ng.ng_Height = ComputeY( ng.ng_Height);
- SaveAWindowGadgets[ lc ] = g = CreateGadgetA((ULONG)SaveAWindowGTypes[ lc ], g, &ng, ( struct TagItem * )&SaveAWindowGTags[ tc ] );
- makelabelvisible(SaveAWindowGadgets[lc]);
- while( SaveAWindowGTags[ tc ] ) tc += 2;
- tc++;
- if ( NOT g )
- return( 2L );
- }
- if ( ! ( SaveAWindowWnd = OpenWindowTags( NULL,
- WA_Left, wleft,
- WA_Top, wtop,
- WA_Width, ww,
- WA_Height, wh,
- WA_Gadgets, SaveAWindowGList,
- WA_Title, SaveAWindowWdt,
- WA_PubScreenFallBack,TRUE,
- WA_PubScreen, Scr,
- TAG_DONE )))
- return( 4L );
- RefreshRastPort(SaveAWindowWnd,SaveAWindowGadgets,gl, 1);
- if(Flags.autofront)
- {
- WindowToFront(SaveAWindowWnd);
- ActivateWindow(SaveAWindowWnd);
- }
- return( 0L );
- }
- /*
- * CreateWinList() erzeugt eine Liste von Fenstertiteln und
- * Adressen
- */
- static void
- CreateWinList(int count)
- {
- ULONG lock;
- struct Window *win;
- struct Screen *scr;
- char help[MAXFULLNAME];
- int i = 0;
- MyFreeVec(windows);
- windows = (struct winlist *) MyAllocVec(count * sizeof(struct winlist),
- lock = LockIBase(NULL);
- for (scr = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen; scr && (i < count);
- scr = scr->NextScreen)
- for (win = scr->FirstWindow; win && (i < count);
- win = win->NextWindow)
- {
- windows[i].node.ln_Name = windows[i].name;
- windows[i].node.ln_Type = NT_USER;
- windows[i].win = win;
- if ((char *)win->Title)
- strncpy(help,(char *)win->Title, MAXFULLNAME - 1);
- else
- help[0] = STRINGEND;
- sprintf(windows[i].name,"0x%08lx %s",windows[i].win,help);
- i++;
- }
- UnlockIBase(lock);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- AddTail(&WinList, &windows[i].node);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ResetWinList() erneuert die Window-Liste
- */
- static void
- ResetWinList(void)
- {
- register int cntwin;
- InitListView(SaveAWindowWnd,SaveAWindowGadgets[GD_WindowsLVGad],NULL,0);
- NewList(&WinList);
- cntwin = CountIntuiObjects((int)WINDOWS);
- CreateWinList(cntwin);
- InitListView(SaveAWindowWnd,SaveAWindowGadgets[GD_WindowsLVGad],&WinList,0);
- EnableGadget(SaveAWindowWnd,SaveAWindowGadgets[GD_SaveIFFGad],FALSE);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * SaveWindows() bietet eine Benutzeroberfläche an und
- * verwaltet die Benutzereingaben
- */
- void
- SaveWindows(void)
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *message;
- ULONG class,
- code;
- APTR object;
- struct Node *clickednode = NULL;
- struct Window *printwin;
- APTR req;
- int id;
- Flags.quit_sw = 0;
- NewList(&WinList);
- windows = NULL;
- if (OpenASysWindow(OpenSaveAWindowWindow,NO_KILL))
- {
- PrintInfo("Save windows", SPEAK, 0);
- if (SysWnd)
- req = LockWindow(SysWnd);
- ResetWinList();
- do
- {
- Wait(1L << SaveAWindowWnd->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while ((message = (struct IntuiMessage *)
- GT_GetIMsg(SaveAWindowWnd->UserPort)) != NULL)
- {
- class = message->Class;
- code = message->Code;
- object = message->IAddress;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(message);
- switch(class)
- {
- Flags.quit_sw = 1;
- break;
- id = ((struct Gadget *)object)->GadgetID;
- switch(id)
- {
- case GD_WindowsLVGad:
- if(clickednode = GetNode(&WinList,code))
- EnableGadget(SaveAWindowWnd,SaveAWindowGadgets[GD_SaveIFFGad],
- TRUE);
- printwin = ((struct winlist *)clickednode)->win;
- if(NOT(CheckWindow(printwin)))
- {
- clickednode = NULL;
- ResetWinList();
- }
- break;
- case GD_SaveIFFGad:
- if(clickednode)
- {
- if (GetFile(SaveAWindowWnd,"RAM:",
- "RSys-Window.IFF","#?.IFF",
- "Select IFF-File for saving Window",
- "Save"))
- {
- printwin = ((struct winlist *)clickednode)->win;
- if(CheckWindow(printwin))
- {
- if(NOT(SaveWindow((STRPTR)_fullpath,
- printwin)))
- }
- else
- ResetWinList();
- }
- }
- break;
- case GD_ResetWinGad:
- clickednode = NULL;
- ResetWinList();
- break;
- }
- break;
- if((char)code == ESC)
- Flags.quit_sw = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (NOT(Flags.quit_sw));
- CloseASysWindow(&SaveAWindowWnd, &SaveAWindowGList, NULL);
- MyFreeVec(windows);
- if (SysWnd)
- {
- UnlockWindow(req);
- RefreshMainWindowPattern();
- RefreshList(LastID);
- }
- }
- return;
- }