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- ************************************************************************
- * *
- * ShowFont Version 1.1 ( 1994-04-05 ) *
- * *
- * © 1994 by Uwe Schilling *
- * *
- ************************************************************************
- -----------
- The purpose of ShowFont is to show your available fonts and select
- some of them in a very comfortable way.
- --------
- - ShowFont shows bitmaped and Compugraphic®-outline fonts
- - easy selection of fonts outside the fonts: drawer
- - shows colored fonts in their "natural" colors
- - presents fonts in all screen modes. The surface changes its size
- automatically to fit on the screen. You are also able to open
- ShowFont on the Workbench or on a public screen.
- - You have the choice to look at all drawable chars, at the sting, you
- have saved in the preferences file, or at the chars you are typing
- in a gadget.
- - ShowFont is able to show you chars by typing in hexadecimal or
- decimal code. All kinds of representation are always calculated.
- - You can print complete fonts or a string of your choice. The
- information about the printer comes from workbench preferences.
- - fonts can be presented normally, italically, bold or underlined.
- - additional information about height, width, number of bitplanes and
- proportional fonts
- - needs at least kickstart 2.0
- -----
- from CLI: Type "ShowFont"
- --------
- from Workbench: Double-Click at the icon.
- --------------
- Gadgets:
- -------
- The screen is splitted vertically into two equal parts. On their
- right sides are two gadgets with fonts which are contained in the
- actual directory and the sizes of the actual font. Here you can
- select the presented font.
- In the number-gadget below, you can type in, which font size you
- want. If you click on a font name, the size, closest to the number
- in this gadget, will be presented. But only font-sizes are presented
- which are really existing on disk, exept outline fonts, those will
- be calculated exaxtly in this size.
- With the gadget named "Font-Directory" you can select the actual
- directory. This is the place where the "xxxxxx.font"-files are.
- Click on the cycle-gadget selects one of this styles: normal, bold
- italic or underlined. Some fonts exclude some styles. In this case
- the program switches back to normal.
- With the "Print" gadget the shown text will be printed. It will be
- reformated in conformity with the printer preferences. The program
- uses the entrys for paper lenght, left and right border, line
- distance, style and printer font. Every print starts with a line,
- that shows name size and style in the selected printer font. So you
- can also identify special fonts correctly.
- The line in the center of the screen will be used to type in the
- string, which will be shown in both windows. You are able to build
- up the string with the string-gadget or by enter the corresponding
- code in the decimal or hexadecimal number gadget. Pressing "CLR"
- deletes the actual string, "ALL" generates a string with all
- printable chars and "Pre" get the string saved in the preferences
- file.
- On top of the windows a line appears with the following information
- about the shown font:
- - width
- - height
- - P -> it's proportional
- - B -> font is bold in its normal version
- - I -> font is italic in its normal version
- - C -> it's a color font. The digit behind the "C" displays the
- number of bitplanes.
- Color fonts will be displayed automatically in correct colors, if
- they are selected in the upper window and ShowFont uses an own
- screen.
- Menus:
- -----
- In the usual way you get a little menu. The first item lets open
- the program in all possible screen modes. To use other screen modes
- than PAL or NTSC it is necessary to mount they with names. With
- Kickstart 2.0 this will be done with System/AddMonitor and
- System/BindMonitor. With Kickstart 3.0 you may use the corresponding
- driver in Devs/Monitors. All mounted screen modes appears in a
- gadget. To select one of them click on its name. EXTRA-LORES modes
- will be ignored because the surface can't be opened in a senseful
- size.
- Alternative you can open ShowFont on Workbench screen or another
- public screen. To do this select "Open On Workbench". In Workbench
- mode ShowFont has an additional gadget for jumping to the next
- public screen which allows foreign windows.
- The selection of the second menu item saves the actual string,
- screen mode, directorys and size preferences in ENV: and ENVARC: as
- "ShowFont.prefs". If you start ShowFont again this items will be
- loaded from ENV:.
- The rest of the menus is self-explaining.
- Problems:
- --------
- - ShowFont needs at least Kickstart 2.0. Furthermore it uses asl-,
- diskfont-, iffparse- and bullet.library which are all part of
- Workbench 2.0 respectively 3.0.
- - Watch for enough RAM when you use outline fonts with big sizes,
- because while decrunching all chars must fit in it twice.
- - If you can't display some fonts check if the font contains the chars
- of the display-string ( some fonts contain only capitals ).
- Furthermore check if exists both the file "xxxxx.font" and the
- directory "xxxxx" which contains files which are named with
- numbers. Otherwise assign the directory in which one of them is
- located as Fonts: and use System/FixFonts to correct it.
- - If you add a new size to a font-directory you have to do the same
- to recalculate the "xxxxx.font" file. Otherwise the fonts will be
- shown ugly.
- - If you copy the program to another Amiga, do not copy the file
- "ShowFont.prefs" but recreate it on the target computer to be sure
- that screen mode and directorys are right.
- ---------
- ShowFont is copyrighted 1994 by Uwe Schilling. All rights reserved.
- This program is Freeware, so no financial donations are required.
- Redistribution will be allowed only if the package contains the
- following unchanged files:
- - ShowFont
- - ShowFont.info
- - ShowFont.doc
- - ShowFont.doc.info
- - ShowFont.dok
- - ShowFont.dok.info
- For using them in commercial products, the written permission of the
- author is required. Usage in magazines and diskmags will be allowed,
- if you send me a copy of this publication.
- ShowFont has been written with Matt Dillons DICE. The source for the
- window comes from Jan van den Baards GadToolsBox.
- ----------
- The author does not accept any responsibility for this program as to
- reliability, correctness etc. You use ShowFont completely at your
- own risk.
- ------
- For questions, bug reports, ideas contact me at
- Uwe Schilling
- Laubestraße 20
- D-01309 Dresden
- Germany