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- ;-------------- this is it, the debug calling mechanism. don't modify or else...
- ;-------------- This function does NOT modify a6 to the outside, but for the
- ;-------------- called function. This means, a6 remains the same in the main
- ;-------------- programm, but the debugged subroutine will have scratched a6
- ;-------------- contents. Sorry folks, but thats about it!
- SnoopyDebug: move.l a6,-(sp) ; push old a6
- bsr.s sd_PrepareMsg ; setup message
- move.l a6,-(sp) ; push message
- move.l 16(sp),sumsg_Template(a6) ; set template
- move.l 12(sp),a6 ; load function addr
- jsr (a6) ; call function
- move.l (sp)+,a6 ; get message
- bsr sd_SendMsg ; send message
- move.l (sp)+,a6 ; get old a6
- move.l (sp),8(sp) ; set return addr
- addq.l #8,sp ; skip stack
- rts ; done
- ;-------------- this is used to prepare the message; i.e. allocate the
- ;-------------- needed memory and save the "registers-before-call"
- sd_PrepareMsg: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(sp)
- movea.l 4.w,a6
- move.l #sumsg_SIZEOF,d0
- move.l #$10001,d1 ; MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR
- jsr -198(a6) ; AllocMem()
- movea.l d0,a0
- move.l 276(a6),sumsg_Task(a0) ; ExecBase->ThisTask
- movea.l d0,a6
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a5
- cmpa.l #0,a6
- beq sdpm_Failed
- SAVEREGS sumsg_RegsBeforeCall
- nop
- sdpm_Failed: rts
- ;-------------- this procedure sends the message to snoopy. It is called
- ;-------------- after the user function has been executed, so that the
- ;-------------- "registers-after-call" field can be setup
- sd_SendMsg: cmpa.l #0,a6
- beq sdsm_Failed
- SAVEREGS sumsg_RegsAfterCall
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(sp)
- movea.l a6,a5 ; a5 = message
- movea.l 4.w,a6 ; a6 = ExecBase
- ;-------------- find the message port to send our messages to
- lea SnoopyPortName(pc),a1 ; name
- jsr -390(a6) ; FindPort()
- tst.l d0
- beq.s sdsm_NoPort
- movea.l d0,a4 ; a4 = port
- ;-------------- prepare message
- move.b #5,8(a5) ; #NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a5)
- move.w #sumsg_SIZEOF,18(a5) ; MN_LENGTH(a5)
- move.w #MSGTYPEF_DEBUG,sumsg_Type(a5)
- move.l #0,14(a5) ; MN_REPLYPORT(a5)
- ;-------------- send it
- movea.l a4,a0 ; port
- movea.l a5,a1 ; message
- jsr -366(a6) ; PutMsg()
- bra.s sdsm_Done
- ;-------------- port not found -> deallocate memory
- sdsm_NoPort: movea.l a5,a1
- move.l #sumsg_SIZEOF,d0
- jsr -210(a6) ; FreeMem()
- sdsm_Done: movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a5
- sdsm_Failed: rts