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- @AUTHOR "Thomas Landspurg"
- ## $VER: SuperDark.guide v1.1 (12.2.93)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Main "SuperDark prog"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Writing your own modules for superdark:
- 'Overview'
- 'Info'
- 'Dark function'
- 'MyGadg'
- 'Sample code'
- 'Debug'
- 'The info text'
- 'More info'
- 'Writting ASM modules'
- 'Problems'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Overview "Overview"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Toc "Main"
- I Overview:
- How to add modules to SuperDark.
- - It is not very difficult to add your own module to Superdark, but
- you have to read carefuly this doc, because there is some important
- things to understand!
- You have to do four things to add a new module in SuperDark:
- * Create your own 'dark()' procedure, that's the procedure called at
- screen blanking. That's the biggest part of the job.
- * Add the 'proc_init()','proc_save()','proc_end()' function. Usually, these
- function are empty. But for special purpose, you could fill them, look
- at the doc.
- * Add a 'my_gadg[]' array. This array is used to create the param window,
- but also to read and save parameters. Very powerful, and easy to use
- after you've read the doc!
- * Create an 'info' text. This should be easy,no?
- * You can 'Debug' using SDprintf()
- Notes:
- * YOU MUST link your module with the proc_main.o object. Proc_main
- will make some important initialisation, contain important function for
- you!
- * I use some special keyword of the Lattice compile, like __saveds.
- If you don't have them, check your compiler's documentation.But if you
- don't use callback procedure with button, you don't need this.
- The simplest way to add a new module is to take a look at the module named
- "rien.dark.c", this module does aboslutly nothing, but you can use it
- at a skeletton program.
- Note: You should use the function DCloseScreen() instead of CloseScreen().
- This function will keep the last opening screen in random mode. So in
- this mode, the workbench screen will not appears between two modules.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Info "Info"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- II What is a module for SuperDark ?
- - It's an executable program, loaded by SuperDark.
- - You have link it with proc_main.o.
- - Proc_main.o will make initialisation and wait for a signal from
- superdark, and then will call your 'dark' function.
- But:
- - You can't do ANY printf
- - You can't run it alone
- Except:
- If you link it with 'proc_main_debug.o' instead of proc_main.o
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- dark "Dark function"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The dark() function:
- This function is called by proc_main when the screen should be blanked.
- You can ask for a copy of the frontmost screen. To do this, look at the
- 'proc_init()' function.
- So you can put what you want here, but remeber these limitations:
- - Don't use any printf in your program
- - Don't make any global auto-initalised variable. This may be cause some
- problems if you don't see exactly what happens. Because when your dark()
- function is called two time, the global are not reset to her initial value.
- So if you use global var and change their value, be careful.
- - Try to don't use the whole CPU time. Use WaitTOF(), Delay(), Wait()... But
- you are a good programmer, so you know what to do!
- To test if your function have to exit, you have the tst_end() function.
- This function will return TRUE if you have to exit, or FALSE if you have to
- continue.
- Example:
- while(tst_end()==FALSE){
- do what you want...
- }
- The other function is wait_end(). This function will only return at the end of the
- blanking time.
- A new function is available since superdark v2.0, this function is called
- SDWait() (like SuperDarkWait).
- ULONG SDWait(ULONG sigmask);
- sigmask is mask of the signal you are waiting for. SDWait will return
- if one of your signal is availbale. It's exactly the same than the exec
- Wait() function, but this function also do some internal SD function
- (like CPU watchdog), so IF you want to use a wait function, YOU HAVE to
- use this function.
- Return code: Since SuperDark v2.0, the dark function allow a return code.
- This code is zero if evrything is ok, non zero otherwhise. This will be
- used by the main superdark function to give some information to the user.
- So try to give a return code with your module.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc_init() "proc_init()"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IV proc_init(),proc_save() and proc_end()
- proc_init() is called after your module have been loaded. You can do
- special initialisation here, but don't use too much memory.
- That's here that you told if you want a copy of the current frontmost screen
- be opened for you. To do this, you have to do this:
- p_data_proc->type_screen=SCR_GIVEN;
- You can also tell to superdark that your module should only run with
- superdark for WB2.0 or higher.
- p_data_proc->code_ret=DARK_WB_20;
- proc_save() is no more used, but is still here for compatibility...
- proc_end() is called when the module have to be removed from memory. You can
- free what you've allocated in proc_init().
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MyGadg "MyGadg"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V The my_gadg array....
- This one of the most powerful of superdark. Each module can have a parameter
- window. To do this, you have to define this window, but in a special manner.
- This array is an array of type tom_gadget. This is the definition of the
- type tom_gadget (from includes/tom_gadget.h) :
- typedef struct tom_gadget{
- char *GadgetText; /* Text of the gadget on screen. */
- type_gadget type_gadg; /* The type of the gadget, see later */
- short int LeftEdge,TopEdge;/* position */
- short int Width,Height; /* size */
- short int value; /* value ! */
- short int d1,d2,d3; /* Used for special purpose.... */
- char *p_data; /* Used for special purpose.... */
- struct Gadget *p_gadg; /* Internal use only */
- };
- Note that the four standart gadget "ok","test","cancel","help" are
- automaticly added!
- Let's see these field:
- char *GadgetText:
- So it's the text of your gadget in the configuration window, but also
- of the corrseponding value in the TOOL TYPE list. Yes, because SuperDark
- se these informations to save the configuration as ToolTypes in the .info of
- the module.
- You can use shorcut, by using '_'. Example, a gadget named TEST can
- have the shortcut T if his name is:
- "_TEST"
- type_gadget type_gadg:
- Define the type of the gadget. These type are availaible:
- (note that they are also availble on WB1.3 for the most of them)
- The following type are available(and look at the 'exemple':
- 'MX'
- 'FONT'
- LeftEdge,TopEdge,Width,Height:
- Position and size of the gadget...nothing else to say!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is not really a type, but each tom_gadget array should
- end with this value! Remember it!!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A simple button. You can define a function called when the
- button is pressed, by giving a pointer to this function
- in the p_data field.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A normal slider. The direction of the slizer (horiz/vertical)
- is defined by the ratio Width/Height. If Width is > Height,
- this will be an horizontal slider, otherwhise it's an vertical
- one.
- * value must contain the initial value of the slider,
- * d1 and d2 must contain the range of the slider
- * if p_data is not nul, it must contain a pointer to the
- variable wich will receive a copy of the current value
- of the slider.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Checkbock gadget.
- * value contain the initial value, and will be re-actualised,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MX
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MX:
- Multiple choice gadget.
- * p_data must contain a pointer to an array of char
- example: p_data={"Choice1","Choice2","Choice3",NULL}
- * value contain the initial value, and will be re-actualised,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cycle gadget.
- Same kind of configuration than the MX gadget.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Listview gadget.
- * p_data must containt a pointer to a List structure. the
- name of each node of the list will be be show on screen.
- * value contain the position of the initial selected value,
- and will be re-actulised.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Very special purpose gadget!!!!
- No time to describe it now...sorry.
- I just can say that it's used to create other type of
- gadget than the current available.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- String gadget
- * p_data must contain a pointer to a buffer of char. This buffer
- will containt the value of the string gadget.
- * d1 MUST CONTAINT the size of the buffer.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Integer gadgt.
- *value contain the initial value, and will be re-actualised,
- *d1 contain the max number of digits for the number.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- High level gadget....
- This gadget will only be active if you have WB3.0, or if
- reqtools.library v38 or higher is present on your system.
- It allow you to choose a screen resolution, size, and overscan
- value, by using the screen requester from the reqtools lib.
- * value contain the initial Overscan mode of the screen,
- and will be re-actualised. Look at intuition/screens.h
- * d1 contain the initial Width of the screen, and will be
- re-actualised
- * d2 contain the initial Height of the screen, and will be
- re-actualised
- * d2 contain the initial Depth of the screen, and will be
- re-actualised
- * p_data contain the initial Mode ID of the screen, and will be
- re-actualised
- Note:
- If d3 (depth) is null, this mean that none of the value is
- significative.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The second high level gadget....
- It allow you to choose a font, include size and attributes.
- * p_data is a pointer to a TextAttr structure.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: This text attr must have the field ta_Name
- initialized with a pointer to a string buffer, with enough
- space to put the biggest name of the available font
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This data type is only used for configuration. I mean than
- you won't see anything on configuration window, but a string
- will be saved and loaded in the configuration file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- With this data, you can include an image in your parameter
- window. Just put a pointer to an image structure in the
- p_data field
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This stand for "invisible checkbox". This type of gadget
- IS NOT a gadget! This will do nothing on screen,but it's
- just used to save/load a bool value. This value can only
- be changed by user using the info menu of the workbench
- on the superdark.info.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Example: we want to make a parameter window, with three things:
- - a checbox,
- - a slider , wich can have value from -10 to 50
- - a "screen" button.
- struct tom_gadget my_gadg[]={
- {"_Check it" ,CHECKBOX , 100, 10, 10,10,0,0,0,0,0},
- {"_slide it" ,SLIDER , 100, 25, 10,10,10,-10,50,0,0},
- {"s_creen" ,SCREEN , 200, 10, 50,10,0,0,0,0,0}};
- The parameter window will look like this:
- -------------------------------------------------
- | |
- | _ ________ |
- | Check it | | |screen| |
- | - -------- |
- | ___________________ |
- | slide it | # | |
- | ------------------- |
- | |
- | Ok Test Cancel Info |
- | |
- -------------------------------------------------
- and when you press OK, you'll see in the tooltype of your module:
- SCREEN =320 x 256 x 3 ID=21000 OVSCN=0
- Nice no?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Info_text "Info_text"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The information text:
- It's the text show when you press the "Info" button. It's just an
- ascii string, named p_text_info. Example:
- char *p_text_info=
- " Hi evrybody \n"
- "now I can do my \n"
- "own module for the great\n"
- " SUPERDARK!\n";
- Note the \n at the end of each line
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sample code:
- -----------
- First, take a look at the sample blankers source code. This should give
- you some information. Here is a simple exemple of a blanker. This blanker
- do absolutly nothing!:
- /* --- start of code ---- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include "/includes/struct.h"
- #include "/includes/tom_gadget.h"
- extern struct RastPort *rp;
- extern struct Screen *s;
- extern struct appel_proc *p_data_proc;
- char *name_module="vide.dark";
- char *p_text_info=
- "Rien\n"
- "This programm do nothing\n"
- "It's a skeletton for your own\n"
- "purpose";
- /* An empty list of gadget....*/
- struct tom_gadget my_gadg[]={
- {0, END_LISTE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0}};
- /* Put here your own code */
- void dark()
- {
- wait_end();
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* These 3 function have to be here, even if they are empty */
- /************************************************************************/
- void proc_init()
- {
- }
- void proc_save()
- {
- }
- void proc_end()
- {
- }
- /* --- end of code ---- */
- To create a module, do this, using lattice (suppose your file name is
- my_blanker.dark):
- lc my_blanker.dark.c
- blink FROM LIB:c.o proc_main.o my_blanker.dark.o LIB $(LD_LIBS) SC SD TO my_blanker
- Then, configure "Dark directory" in superdark to the directory
- where is this blanker. So you should see it in the file list modules.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now, a little help to debug your module....
- - First, try to make your 'effect' alone, without using superdark. Then,
- put it as a blanker.
- ---------
- Usage: show_info
- - There is an utility program, called show_info. This program, open two
- window. In the first window there is some not so interesting informations,
- but the second window is a text window. And you can send text to this
- window, by using a SDprintf() function, like this:
- SDprintf("Hello, I'm in my module, and the value is:%ld\n",toto);
- NOTE: DO NOT USE printf, use SDprintf
- NOTE: The function use the exec RawDoFmt, but this last function only
- work with LONG value, so use %ld,%lx, instead of %d,%x, etc...
- - proc_main_debug:
- Proc_main_debug is a replacment for proc_main.o. If you link with
- proc_main_debug.o, you can run your module alone, without superdark.
- So you can use a debugger to test your module. But note that configuration
- will not be loaded/saved!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- some more informations:
- - CPU timeout:
- Since v2.0, there is a check to see if there is enough cpu time to
- run the blanker. This features will automaticly be added using the last
- version of proc_main.o. The older version (module which maybe are
- not recompiled) will not have this fetures, but will run correctly.
- This function work fine if you use the tst_end() or wait_end()
- functions. If you don't use them (REALLY? Strange...) or IF YOUR PROGRAM
- in your proc_init() function:
- p_data_proc->enable_watchdog=FALSE;
- - Version:
- Since V2.0 of superdark, there is a version number available for
- the module. This version can be found in p_data_proc->version (look
- at file "struct.h"), and revision number is in p_data_proc->revision.
- So first version available will be version 2, revision 0.
- This prevent some module to use some features not available in older
- version of superdark.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- asm "ASM"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I've just talk of C, but the module can be made in any langage.
- You can write an ASM module. But you still have to link it with
- proc_main.o. You can do this using the great devpac assembler.
- But there is no tom_gadget.i, only tom_gadget.h. That's why
- you could use the same method than me: make a c program where
- there is evrything except the dark() function, and then put
- the _dark() function in an asm program, and them link evrything!
- Just take a look at the plasma sourcecode, in the full superdark
- distribution.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Problems "Problems"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VI If it doesn't work....
- Hum....take a look at the other sourcecodes in the disk
- If this still doesn't work, you can send me you module and I'll try to
- make it work....
- my adress
- 9, Place Alexandre 1er
- FidoNet: 2:320/104.18
- AMyNet: 39:180/1.18
- UseNet: Thomas.Landpsurg@ramses.gna.org
- SuperDark may not be included with any commercial product nor may it be
- sold for profit either separately or as part of a compilation without
- my permission. It may be included in non-profit disk collections such as the
- Fred Fish collection. It may be archived & uploaded to electronic bulletin
- board systems as long as all files remain together & unaltered.