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- @AUTHOR "Thomas Landspurg"
- ## $VER: SuperDark.guide v1.6 (16.4.93)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Main "SuperDark"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SuperDark v2.0
- THE screen blanker for the Amiga
- 'Disclaimer'
- 'Introduction'
- 'Installation'
- 'Utilization'
- 'Configuration'
- 'Modules'
- 'Improvement'
- 'Few words about the doc...'
- 'superdark is postcardware!'
- 'Bug report'
- 'History'
- 'Address'
- 'Thanks to...'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disclaimer "Disclaimer"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now the usual Crap...
- SuperDark has been throughly tested and debugged. Although there can be
- some Bugs which may cause Damage or Problems. The SuperDark Package is
- provided "as is" without Warrenty of any Kind! The entire Risk by using
- this Program is assumed by you, the User! Neighter Thomas Landspurg nor
- Pieter Hollants are liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
- Damage resulting from Using SuperDark, even if they have been advised of
- the Possibility of such a Damage.
- This Manual is Copyright 1993 Thomas Landspurg (and the
- others contributors to this manuel like Pieter Hollants!). It may
- be printed out for personal Use only. Neighter the Printout nor the Docfile
- may be spread alone. Nothing in this Docfile may be changed without our
- written Permission.
- Official Releases of SuperDark may be copied for private Usage. No Fee may be
- charged. For commercial Usage you need to contact the Author, Thomas Landspurg,
- first. PD-Distributors: As long as this Package is on an AmigaLibDisk made by
- Fred Fish it may be sold as long as the Price is below the Cost Fred Fish wants
- for the Disc. It must not be included in any other Series without the Author's
- written Permission. The Package may be uploaded on non-commercial Bulletin
- Board Systems only. Downloading must be free of any Costs except the Phone Bill.
- In all Cases all Files must be included and remain unaltered! Copying must
- be done eighter as Archive or as Drawer.
- But remember, don't forget to send me a 'postcard' if you use superdark,
- If you have any Questions about this, contact the Author and tell him what
- you want to do with the Package. You will be told whether it's legal or not.
- If you've already changed the Configuration some Things in this Manual may
- be different!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction "Introduction"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Toc "Main"
- SuperDark is a Screen Blanker. For those who don't know what it is:
- On some old Monitors (maybe also the newer ones) there's the Possibility
- that if the Display (f.E. the Workbench Screen) stands for a longer Time
- this Screen stays in the Monitor! This means, when you turn the Computer
- off and on again, you may see the Workbench Screen IN the Kickstart Screen
- or Bootmenu!!! To pretend this, there are Screen Blankers. After a Period
- of Time they become active and blank the Screen black like if it's turned
- off or they do some Kind of Activity.
- SuperDark is such a Screen Blanker...Yes, another one, but this one has some
- special Features. You'll have seen a well known Program named AfterDark in
- the MS-DOS and Macintosh World. Well, this is an Amiga Adaption requiring
- Kickstart 2.0 or higher. SuperDark_13 isn't supported any longer.
- Some characteristics:
- - Many different effects (only one effect is loaded in
- memory at a given time) examples:
- o FireWorks,
- o Flying Toaster,
- o ASWarm,
- o Classic ones like "Clock","Mistify",...
- o More originals like Music, Shufffle, Spot,...
- o etc...
- - Password protected Screen Locking
- - Immediate blanking
- - Font sensitive
- - CPU timeout
- - Greatly improved.....
- CPU timeout:
- This is the major improvment of v2.0. Before, I superdark was running
- when there was a big cpu usage (like a raytracing computation) the blanker
- was stopped, showing the current image, but not moving it.
- Now, if there is not enough CPU time, a black screen will popup, but
- the current superdark module will come back when CPU will become available.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation "Installation"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- ------------
- - Move SuperDark where you want it to be and modify the User-Startup
- or Startup-Sequence to call SuperDark at Startup.
- - Or just drop the SuperDark Icon into your WBStartup Drawer.
- - If you don't have WB3.0, copy reqtools.library to your LIBS:
- if it isn't already present. The Version should be V38 or higher.
- if you have WB3.0, you don't need any more reqtools...
- If you did the second Way or if the Blankers Directory is not in the same
- Directory as the SuperDark Program you need to change the Configuration to
- enter the new Path. Look in Usage how to pop up the Configuration Window.
- If you've put SuperDark in your WBStartup Drawer and after Reboot a
- Requester appears saying "SuperDark hasn't returned yet..." or something
- like that, click on the SuperDark Icon, select "Information" from the
- Icons Menu and add the Tooltype DONOTWAIT. Then select Save and the
- Requester should not appear any longer.
- You can also open the window using your Workbench's "commodities exchange":
- Select SuperDark and press the 'show' gadget.
- Note 2: SuperDark needs WB2.0 or higher
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Utilization "Utilization"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- II Utilization
- --------------
- When you start SuperDark, and the configuration is correct, a small window
- will be opened unless <QUIET = YES>
- To modify the parameters, press the key <left shift> and the key <f3> -- a
- window will appear...the explanation will be given next chapter.
- Attempting to start SuperDark while it is already running also will open
- the configuration window.
- Immediate blanking: If you press the <left shift> key and the <f4> key at
- the same time, there will be an 'immediate blanking', This means that the
- screen will be instantly be blanked.
- You can also put the mouse in the lower left corner of the screen to
- blank the screen after 2 seconds.
- If you put your mouse in the lower right corner of the screen,
- the screen will never blank.
- Of course, if don't use your computer for the time specified in the
- configuration, SuperDark will send the screen into a 'blanking state'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Configuration "Configuration"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The main window configuration:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- | __________________ __ |
- | | | | | SD V1.5 |
- | | | | | |
- | | 'modules' | | | |
- | | | | | 'Smallmem' |
- | | | | | |
- | |__________________| 'Tempo' |__| |
- | 'Topaz' |
- | 'Param' Quiet '' |
- | _____________________ |
- | 'Dark directory' |_____________________| |
- | _____________________ |
- | 'CxPopkey' |_____________________| 'TaskPri' |
- | _____________________ |
- | 'Blankkey' |_____________________| |
- | ____________ |
- | Lock '' 'PassWord' |____________| |
- | |
- | |
- | 'Remove' 'Save' ' Help ' ' Hide ' |
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dark directory:
- Explanation:
- This String Gadget is one of the most important Things in the Configuration
- File. SuperDark will look in the Directory specified here for his Blanking
- Modules. So, if you see nothing in the Modules list, the Path specified
- here could be wrong.
- Examples:
- SYS:Tools/SuperDark/Blankers
- DH0:Data/Blankers
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You put in this gadget the hotkey used to open this window. This is a standart
- Amigados 2.x key description, like "shift f2", or "ctrl f1", or
- "left shift ctrl a".
- Default is "shift f3"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is the gadget where you put the defintition of the hotkey used to make
- an immediate blanking. Like the Cxpopkey, it's a standart amigados key
- definition. But do not use the same hotkey than cxpopkey!
- Default is "shift f4"
- Note that you can also make an immediate blanking by moving your mouse
- the lower left corner of the screen.
- If you want to disable screen blanking, just move your mouse to the
- lower right corner of your screen.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In this List, you see the Blanking Modules currently avaible (if not,
- check the Dark Directory Path!). Click on the Module you want to be active
- during the blanking. The current Module is shown at the Bottom of the
- List.
- Look at:'Modules'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Param:
- This button open the configuration window of the selected module.
- Use this to modify the parameters of any module.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explanation:
- This Slider Gadget allows you to choose the Time after which the Blanker
- is started.
- Examples:
- 10 - lowest possible Value; After 10 Seconds the Screen starts blanking
- 300 - highest possible Value; After 5 Minutes the Screen starts blanking
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Quiet:
- This Checkbox just tells SuperDark not to show the little Window saying
- "SuperDark started..." at Startup.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lock:
- After the screen blanking, if you have selected this
- checkbox, a password is requested. So, if you need to go
- somewhere, but you don't want your computer used by anyone
- else, you should use this feature.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This gadget allows you to enter the password used to unlock the screen. Note
- that the 'LOCK' gadget must be 'on' to use the password features.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This slider allows you to change the priority of the blanking task. By default,
- this priority is zero, but you can put it to a lower value, so the blanker
- won't still any precious CPU time to the other task running at this time.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Topaz:
- SuperDark can use default system font, or use a normal topaz 8 font. I
- use this because sometime default fonts are too big, so I can just go
- back to a small font quickly.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SmallMem:
- This gadget allows you to choose if you want the module to be loaded only
- during the blanking period. This use less memory when the blanker is
- not used, but take a little bit to re-load the module each time, especially
- with disk drive
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Passwd:
- This gadget allows you to enter the Passwd needed to Unlock Screen.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explanation:
- If you press this Button, SuperDark will be completely removed from
- Memory. Be careful, it quits without any Request!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explanation:
- Pressing this Button causes SuperDark to save the current Configuration of
- SuperDark and of the Random Module.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Help:
- This will shows you a little information window.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explanation:
- This Button will close the Configuration Window, just like if you click on
- the Close Gadget. It does NOT remove SuperDark. See above about how to
- open it again.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modules
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Blankings Modules
- Yes, this Chapter describes everything about the Blanking Modules!
- If you select one and click on Param, the appearing Window will
- have these Buttons:
- -OK: Saves the Configuration and goes back to SuperDark's Window
- -TEST: To test the Module
- -CANCEL: Goes back to SuperDark's Window without saving
- -INFO: Information about the Module
- Now I'll handle the single Modules which should accompany SuperDark.
- They are:
- 'Anim' 'Line' 'Slide show'
- 'ARexx' 'Line2' 'Spot'
- 'ASWarm' 'Melt' 'Star'
- 'Effets' 'Mistify' 'Text'
- 'FireWork' 'Music' 'Time'
- 'FracBlank' 'Plasma' 'Random'
- 'FlyingToaster' 'Plasma Cycle'
- New modules:
- 'Dimmer' 'Music dream'
- You can easyly add or remove modules, even when superdark is running.
- May be you don't like the module "music", so you just can erease it using
- your favorite disk tool, and then just select the "dark directory" field,
- press return and the module list will be updated.
- If you want to add new module, it's the same kind of operation, just
- put new modules in the dark directory, select the dark directory string
- gadget and presse return....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3d "3d"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This effect show you a 3d Object moving on the screen. That's all for
- the moment, but this effect is still in development to be more attractive!
- Note: that effect was called 'anim', but 3d is a most apropriate name!
- * Medium cpu-user.
- * small memory-user.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- anim "anim"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This module show IFF animations, but be careful, AND READ THIS:
- - This module call an external anim player. I use mugiff, but you can
- use the player you want, BUT THIS PLAYER SHOULD EXIT AFTER A CTRL-C
- Use MugIFF, it's small, and fine to use.
- - Do not put more than one filemame in the file requester....If you
- do this, the anim player will never exit!
- - And at least, this I put this module in this distribution, but I'm not
- shure that it will work perfectly....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ARexx "Arexx"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This effect allows you to send an ARexx command at the beginning of the
- blank, and another command at the end of the blanking period. This allows you
- to start for example a music program, paint program or custom program during
- blanking. I'am sure that a lot of poeple will find good idea for this effect!
- AREXXPORT: This is the name of the ARexx port where the ARexx command are send.
- CMD: This is the command send at the beginning of the blank.
- ENDCMD: This is the command send at the end of the blank.
- * Small CPU-Usage
- * Small Memory-Usage.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ASWarm "ASWarm"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This module show you little things moving on screen....Just look at it
- to understand! It's based on a Sun effect's, and it was first made by Markus
- Illenser and Matthias Scheler on the Amiga.
- SPEED=[Slow motion | Very Slow | Slow | Normal | Fast | Very Fast | Incredible ]
- WASPS=[1-10] number of Wasps!
- BEES=[1-500] number of bees!
- TIGHTNESS=[1-10]
- * Medium to big cpu-user
- * Small memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Effets "Effets"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- These are three different Effects in one Module. They've all been described
- in an old issue of the Scientific America.
- DUREE= [ 50-100]
- * Big cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FireWork "FireWork"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Just Fireworks...A Happy New Year ;-)
- * Big cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FlyingToaster
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This Effect seems to be inspired from the well known AfterDark.
- The Code was taken from a PD Screenblanker, FlyingToaster.
- * Medium CPU-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fracblank
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Adapted from a program by Olaf Barthel. Real plane
- fractals (yes, real fractals) are drawn.
- The algorithm employed comes from the September 1986
- issue of Scientific American; some of you who are familiar
- with OpenWindows Version 2 (such as running on the Sun4)
- will know it from the popular `xlock' program.
- * big cpu-user
- * medium memory user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Line
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The screen will slowly disappears under the lines....
- * Small cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Line2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This effect will show you multicolored lines...You can choose the number
- of lines, their speed, etc....
- * Big cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Melt
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Description:
- Very nice Effect! Forget melting Nuclear Power Plants - watch this!
- Types:
- Type1: Looks like it shrinks
- Type2: Looks like it melts to the Floor
- Type3: Really undefineable
- Aleatoire: Also undefineable
- TYPE = [type1|type2|type3|random]
- TEMPO = [50..200]
- * Medium cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mistify
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Moving Lines on the Screen...based on a Window's Effect.
- NUMBERS=[1-3]
- SPEED =[1-10]
- * Medium to Big cpu-user
- * Medium memory-usage
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Music
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This effect is based on my old demo named "The PoiPoi". Four little guys
- moves with music, while PoiPoi musicians are playing the music...
- You can select wich SoundTracker or protracker module to play, by
- selecting it's name in the "Module" string gadget (sorry, no requester for
- the moment).
- Each of the musician have one or more instrument assigned to him. Example,
- right drummer can play instrument number 5,9 and 15. YOu can see the name
- of the instrument by pressing the Instr. button. So you can easyly now witch
- voice is playing wich instrument.
- If the module can't find your module, or if the selected file is not a
- protracker/stk module, a default module will be played (mod.wizardy).
- Try this effect....Really nice!
- MODULE=<name of the file to be played>
- VOICE [1..32]=[0..5]
- * Medium cpu-user
- * Medium memory-usage
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Plasma
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This effect is based on plasma effect from the demos. Not that this
- effect is based on copperlist only, absolutly no image is displayed
- (0 bitplanes).
- * Big cpu-user
- * Big Memory-usage
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Plasma_Cycle
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.2.xx Plasma_cycle
- This effect also make plasma, but using a standarts bitmap after
- cycle the colormap, so it must look nice...
- * Big cpu-user
- * Medium Memory-usage
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shuffle
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Based on a blanking effect from the XSB program...
- * Small cpu-user
- * Medium memory-usage
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Slide-show
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rem: This effect is only available in WB2.0 or higher....
- This effect allows you to make a slide show of your picture during blanking.
- Useful if you are a gfx artist!
- Some explanation:
- You must select wich pictures are shown during blanking by pressing the
- 'Add' button and then select the picture you want. Delete will remove the
- selected filename in the list of the pictures.
- Show will show you the selected picture during a few seconds.
- NEW: Slide show now use WB3.0 datatypes. So if you have the good datatype,
- SLide show use it, and can show any kind of image. If you don't have
- datatypes, or if he seems that he can't use it, slide show use his old
- IFF screen loader :-( .
- Note: The list of the filename will be saved in the file s:slide-show.cfg
- You can modify this file yourself if you want.
- * Small cpu-user
- * Medium to big memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- spot
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- One or more spots will highlight the screen. If the module can
- open a screen of one or more bitplanes than the actual one, you can change
- the luminosity of the background.
- SIZE = [1-80]
- SPEED = [1-10]
- NUMBER = [1-5]
- DOUBLEBUFFER=[TRUE|FALSE] You can use or not dble buffer, but not in all the
- cases.
- SHADOW = [0-90] Percentage of luminosity for the background
- * Medium Cpu-user
- * Medium Memory-User
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Star
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A real Starfield! Scott' me up,Beamie...
- STARS NUMBER=[10-150]
- SPEED =[1-10]
- * Big cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Text
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Text
- Not a very original effect, but everybody needs this one some days.
- Just write a little text on your screen, and you can choose resolution screen
- and screen font.
- TEXT=<your text>
- FONTS=<font used> (don't modify it from .info)
- SCREEN=<screen used> (don't modify it from .info)
- SPEEDX=[0..5]
- SPEEDY=[0..5]
- * Small to high cpu-user (depend of the size font)
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time
- This effect show you a clock. You can choose three different clocks.
- You can also choose the Font, but only for the digital Clock.
- The Clock can move on your screen, if put something else than Zero
- in the self-explaining fields SpeedX and SpeedY.
- SPEEDX=0..6
- SPEEDY=0..6
- * Small cpu-user
- * Medium memory-user
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Random
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Random
- This effect will choose randomly different other effects! You can
- select the effect that you want to be 'choosable' in the selection list.
- But if the All Checkbox is checked, all the effect are selectables!
- The list of the selectables effects is saved in the file s:dark_random.cfg
- ----
- The blankers modules are executales, so you can pack them with powerpacker
- for instance!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- not_yet_ready
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The documentation for these modules is not yet ready, but you
- can use them...it's easy to understand!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Improvement "Improvement"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The future:
- More blankers, but also improve the old one.... They are now much more
- better than the earlier one, but it's only little things, but this make
- life easier for users.
- o Idea of modules:
- - "Look-like demos" modules...shaded bobs, plasma
- - AGA specific modules
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BugReport
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now bugs:
- Bug Report
- Please, send me bug reports, or any information (idea, improvement,etc..)
- I think there is some problems with A1200 or 4000, due to the DblPal mode..
- I don't know a lot of this mode. If you have any information, or any problem
- you know what to do!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Doc
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A lot of poeple send me some a correct doc file, so you think:
- "Why there is still so much mistakes in this doc?". There is different
- reasons:
- - SuperDark is always moving, so when somebody send me a correct
- file, the current doc file is different, bigger,etc... So I have
- to make all the changes by hand, line by line!
- - I'm a little bit tired of all these changes....I've try to get
- the best of all these docs, but I'm not shure that the final doc
- is correct!
- So, a message to all my nice "Text senders"!:
- Don't blame me if I've not always use all your corrected file! but thanks
- for your help!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- History
- 01/01/93
- v.09: -First version realised, on some BBS
- 30/01/93
- v1.0: - Lot of Bugs fixed, but there are still a Lot of Bugs...
- 05/02/93
- v1.1: - Crash if incorrect configuration found,now fixed
- - TaskPri slider added
- - "Mouse in the corner" functions added
- - New effect in line.dark
- - New: Spot.dark
- 12/02/93
- v1.2: - SuperDark is now under OS2.0 and higher a commodities
- - Cx_popkey,and blankey can now be modified
- - Memory allocation error fixed in spot and anim
- - New: Music.dark! GREAT...
- - First version sent to FredFish and to BBSes via SAN
- 25/02/93:
- v1.21: - Bug fixed in module spot.dark: if the screen width was not a
- multiple of 8 this causeed a modulo problem...
- - Bug fixed in the FireWork module, sometime the module never
- exited.
- - anim.dark:The 3d Amiga logo was in the wrong direction :-)
- - French text removed in the effects and line 2 modules
- - with overscan, Shuffle and line doesn't use the whole screen.
- now fixed
- - Bug in slide-show: when the param window was opened the
- first time, the file list wasn't correct. Now Fixed.
- - The "Duree" field in the Random module was not correct. Fixed
- - Source: I've finally got the last 2.0 includes files, and I've
- changed my files to fit them. No more "convert.h" file.
- 08/03/93:
- v1.22:
- - New type of datas: IMAGE, and DATA_STRING
- - Add Screen Resolution Choice in some Modules using
- reqtools.library
- 10/03/93:
- v1.3:
- - Pointer should now disappear...
- - Bug fixed in Plasma (screen depth is now really zero )
- - Music: Now music players should be visible in NTSC :-)
- - Music: File selector added
- 20/03/93:
- v1.4
- - Forgot to put UnLockPubScreen() ! Now fixed
- - SuperDark now looks at the Font Size of the Window Title
- Bar
- - The famous Upper/Lowercase bug reported in Usenet hase been
- corrected. Now are also modules recognized
- if they use uppercase letters.
- - New type of data: FONT
- - Bug fixed in ASWarm.dark: Appeared if Screen Depth was
- less than 2 Bitplanes
- - Now SuperDark_1.3 isn't any longer supported
- - New: Text.dark
- 25/03/93:
- v1.4b
- - Support for other fonts than topaz 8. (All interlace WB users
- will be happy!)
- - New features: choice between Topaz and default font
- - New features and SmallMem
- - Bug: I had also a famous _lock_ bug... forgot to UnLock()..
- - bug: RemPort was used instead of DeletePort(), this cause some
- bytes of mem to be lost...
- - Fixed problem with mode who wanted a copy of workbench screen.
- Now this copy look like the original WBench screen...
- - UnLock screen is now in hires
- - Changed place of a SetTaskPri, so now even if there is a high
- CPU usage, you see the blanking module. But if there is
- absolutly no CPU left, it could stop and not show anything...
- next step: put a timeout and show a black screen...
- 27/03/93:
- v1.5
- - Size of superdark have been reduced from about 4k by writing
- my own printf (using RawDoFmt of course, scanf, etc....
- - Clock is now moving.
- - Better look of the blanker in random mode...Last screen is
- now taken as the current screen for effects like shuffle,melt...
- - Music module is now in 4 bitplanes, instead of 5 before->
- smaller, faster.
- - GREAT (for me!): Slide show use WB3.0 datatypes, so now
- is you have the good datatype, you can display any kind
- of images, GIF,IFF,etc...
- Now the slide show file requester can also use multiselection
- 05/04/93:
- v1.5b
- - The font requester is now the asl font requester, no more
- the reqtools font req.
- - Screen Mode requester, is now the ASL screenmode requester
- if available (V38), or Reqtools screenmode req. if available.
- - Use protos instead of CLIB -> smaller
- - NEW: module anim.dark (play animation, the old anim is renamed
- to 3d)
- 11/04/93:
- v.15c
- - Correction of a bug in spot with WB3.0
- - Main Window reorganisation, so all gadget are visible in NTSC
- screen.
- 12/04/93:
- v.15d
- - Screen mode requester in the clock module.
- - Correction of a bug in melt, which cause some crash in
- superhires mode!!
- - Big doc corrections...
- 12/05/93:
- v1.5e
- - Screen mode requester in firework, star
- - Music should now open correctly in dblpal
- - Different text choices in text module.
- - New: module hypno...
- 29/05/93:
- v2.0a
- - Screen timeout added
- - Information windows are now standart information windows.
- - Big changes in music.dark (new interface)
- - minor changes in modules
- - Changes in some fields of the communication structure, but
- old modules should still work.
- - Added a debugging tool: show_info. This tool allow to make
- some print_d() (like printf) in blankers
- - New module:Dimmer and music_dream
- - The pointer pixel bug should be corrected!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- post
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SuperDark is postcardware, this mean that if you like it, and if you
- use it, you have to send me a postcard of your contry! Nice no? look
- at my 'adress'.
- But due to the lack of foreign modules for superdark, maybe I'll
- make superdark shareware in the future!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Adress
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contact adress
- 9, Place Alexandre 1er
- FidoNet: 2:320/104.18
- AMyNet: 39:180/1.18
- UseNet: Thomas.Landspurg@ramses.gna.org
- (better use UseNet...faster and seafer)
- The last realease of SuperDark are availables on the Ramses BBS:
- 19-(33)-60037713 (up to 14.4 I think)
- So you can use this program freely, but if you find it useful, just send
- me a letter or postcard with your opinion,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks to:
- - Eric Delord, for his help!
- - Frank Geider
- - Per Jonsson
- - Aeneas Verhe
- - Chris Hurley
- - Theodore A. Serreyn
- - Peter Smets
- - Carl Tashian
- - Rand Fredricksen (help for doc!)
- - Pieter Hollants
- - Jérôme Santini for the hypno module