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- /* File struct.h */
- /* Various structures used in SuperDark, */
- /* especally to communicate with the */
- /* current blanking module! */
- /* This file is included here for various reasons! */
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #define MAX_NOM 50 /* nombre maximum de modules*/
- /* Type of screen wanted by the application */
- typedef enum{
- SCR_GIVEN, /* The module want a copy of current screen (in */
- /* appel_proc->s */
- SCR_OWN /* The module will create his own screen (default)*/
- }type_screen;
- /* Was used to said if we want to be run only in wb2.0...But now */
- /* SuperDark only run in wb2.0 or higher! */
- #define DARK_WB_13 0x1234
- #define DARK_WB_20 0x4321
- typedef struct ModeNode
- {
- struct Node mn_Node;
- ULONG DisplayID;
- SHORT MaxDepth;
- SHORT MinX,MinY;
- SHORT MaxX,MaxY;
- };
- /* Private structure used by the commodities and proc_main.o */
- struct my_data{
- struct Task *task;
- struct Task *task_dark;
- int sigstop; /* Fin de l'effet */
- int sigstart; /* Demarrage de l'effet blank */
- int signext; /* Prochain effet */
- ULONG sigtimeout; /* Signal de timeout */
- int flg_stop; /* si TRUE alors il faut arreter l'effet*/
- int flg_send; /* si TRUE alors on peut envoyer signal */
- int flg_alea; /* TRUE -> Mode aleatoire */
- int tempo; /* valeur de la tempo d'attente */
- int tempo_end; /* valeur de la tempo d'attente de fin, en mode aleatoire */
- int debug1;
- int debug2;
- };
- /* Note: only names of unused fields have changed since the older */
- /* version of superdark, but nothing else */
- struct appel_proc{
- struct MsgPort mp;
- struct RastPort *rp; /* Pointer to s->RastPort */
- /* (SCREEN_GIVEN) only */
- struct RastPort *rps; /* Pointer to the rastport of the */
- /* current screen */
- struct Screen *s; /* copy of current Screen is */
- /* SCREEN_GIVEN mode */
- UBYTE version; /* Version number of SuperDark */
- UBYTE revision; /* revision number of SDark */
- UBYTE proc_main_ver; /* Version of proc main.o, set by proc_main.o */
- UBYTE fut1; /* for future use */
- BPTR out_hd; /* Handler to an output. Used by */
- /* proc_main for debugging */
- struct my_data *p_info;
- struct Window *win;
- UBYTE flg_watchdog; /* used by the watch dog system */
- UBYTE enable_watchdog;/* flg to say if watchdog is ok or not */
- UBYTE flg_test; /* Said that the blanker is running in */
- /* test mode */
- UBYTE flags; /* Some more flags */
- type_screen type_screen;
- int code_ret; /* code ret */
- struct tom_gadget *p_gadg;
- char *p_texte; /* ptr to information text */
- struct List *ml; /* List of available modes */
- struct Screen *scr; /* last screen used in random mode */
- };
- #define printd if(flg_debug)printf
- /* Name of the filename where the random files are selected */
- #define NAME_FILE_ALEA "s:dark_random.cfg"