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- /****************************************************************/
- /* File proc_main.c */
- /* */
- /* For superdark project */
- /* */
- /* This file have to be linked with evry superdark module. The */
- /* main function make various initialisation, test if superdark */
- /* is here, wait for a signal from superdark and then call the */
- /* dark() function. Read the programmers.doc for more info. */
- /* */
- /* @Thomas Landspurg 93 */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* 17/06/93 : v2.0 CPU timeout information added */
- /* 20/06/93 : v2.1 SDwait() function added, and SDprintf() */
- /* A 'could be a bug later' removed: sd watch.*/
- /* can be stopped if the effect was not start.*/
- /* before */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include "/includes/struct.h"
- #include "/includes/tom_gadget.h"
- #define VERSION 2
- WORD flg_ctrl_c;
- struct my_data *p_info; /* Private use */
- struct appel_proc *p_data_proc; /* Communication structure with SDark */
- struct Task *my_t;
- struct Library *IntuitionBase;
- struct Library *GfxBase;
- /***********************************************************/
- /* These information SHOULD be give by the blanking module */
- /***********************************************************/
- extern struct tom_gadget my_gadg[]; /* Array of gadget for window configuration */
- extern LONG dark(); /* The main dark() function */
- extern void proc_init(); /* The initialisation function */
- extern void proc_end(); /* The end function */
- extern char *p_text_info; /* The text information, show in the */
- /* info window */
- void wait_end();
- void MyWrite(char *pc);
- UWORD chip null_pointer[]={0,0,0,0,0,0};
- BPTR hd=0;
- char pr_buff[100];
- /* Note: The folloing SPrintF Routine is taken from the program "FracBlank " */
- /* by: */
- UWORD PutChar[2] = {0x16C0,0x4E75};
- /* dirty hack to avoid assembler part :-)
- 16C0: move.b d0,(a3)+
- 4E75: rts
- */
- #define VOID_STDARGS void __stdargs
- /************************************************************************/
- /* This exactly the same function than printf, but printf() can't be */
- /* used in a blanker. Use the utility program show_info to see the result */
- /* NOTE: Always use long with number, like %ld,%lx and NOT %x or %d */
- /************************************************************************/
- VOID_STDARGS SDprintf(char *FormatString,...)
- {
- char buffer[100];
- if(hd){
- RawDoFmt (FormatString,(APTR)((LONG *)&FormatString+1L),
- (void *)PutChar,buffer);
- MyWrite(buffer);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Some variouse function used for debugging..use them at your own risk */
- /* but do not use any printf function */
- /************************************************************************/
- VOID_STDARGS SPrintF(char *pr_buff,char *FormatString,...)
- {
- RawDoFmt (FormatString,(APTR)((LONG *)&FormatString+1L),
- (void *)PutChar,pr_buff);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- mystrlen(char *pc)
- {
- int ret;
- ret=0;
- while(*pc++!=0){
- ret++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- void MyWrite(char *pc)
- {
- if(hd!=0)Write(hd,pc,mystrlen(pc));
- }
- void My_Print(struct RastPort *rp,UWORD x,UWORD y,char *pc)
- {
- Move(rp,x,y);
- Text(rp,pc,mystrlen(pc));
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /* This old function should not be used now... */
- /****************************************************************/
- int find_res(USHORT flg_depth,SHORT *p_depth,SHORT *p_tx,SHORT *p_ty,ULONG *p_d_id)
- {
- struct ModeNode *ModeNode;
- struct ModeNode *ModeNodeFound;
- ModeNode=(struct ModeNode *)p_data_proc->ml->lh_Head;
- ModeNodeFound=ModeNode;
- while (ModeNode->mn_Node.ln_Succ)
- {
- if(flg_depth){
- if(*p_depth<ModeNode->MaxDepth){
- *p_depth=ModeNode->MaxDepth;
- if(*p_tx<=ModeNode->MaxX){
- *p_tx=ModeNode->MaxX;
- if(*p_ty<=ModeNode->MaxY){
- *p_ty=ModeNode->MaxY;
- }
- }
- ModeNodeFound=ModeNode;
- }
- }else{
- if(*p_tx<=ModeNode->MaxX){
- *p_tx=ModeNode->MaxX;
- if(*p_ty<=ModeNode->MaxY){
- *p_ty=ModeNode->MaxY;
- if(*p_depth<ModeNode->MaxDepth){
- *p_depth=ModeNode->MaxDepth;
- }
- }
- ModeNodeFound=ModeNode;
- }
- }
- ModeNode=(struct ModeNode *)ModeNode->mn_Node.ln_Succ;
- }
- *p_depth=ModeNodeFound->MaxDepth;
- *p_tx=ModeNodeFound->MaxX;
- *p_ty=ModeNodeFound->MaxY;
- *p_d_id=ModeNodeFound->DisplayID;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- /* This function is used instead of CloseScreen, because if we are */
- /* in the random mode, we don't close immediatly the screen, but */
- /* we give it back to superdark, so he can use it to create next */
- /* screen */
- /*******************************************************************/
- void DCloseScreen(struct Screen *s)
- {
- struct Screen *st;
- st=p_data_proc->scr;
- if(st!=NULL){
- while(st->FirstWindow)CloseWindow(st->FirstWindow);
- CloseScreen(st);
- }
- if(p_info->flg_alea==TRUE){
- p_data_proc->scr=s;
- }else{
- if(s){
- while(s->FirstWindow)CloseWindow(s->FirstWindow);
- CloseScreen(s);
- p_data_proc->scr=NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- _main(line)
- register char *line;
- {
- struct MsgPort *mp;
- LONG code_ret;
- int signal;
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Look for the msg port wich contain informaion about superdark*/
- /****************************************************************/
- IntuitionBase=(struct Library *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0);
- GfxBase=(struct Library *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0);
- /* If superdark is not here, we start the blanker alone...Be careful! */
- if((mp=FindPort("That's Dark!"))==0){
- dark();
- }else{
- /*********************************************/
- /* Give and get some info to/from SuperDark */
- /*********************************************/
- p_data_proc=(struct appel_proc *)mp;
- p_info=p_data_proc->p_info;
- hd=p_data_proc->out_hd;
- p_data_proc->p_gadg=my_gadg;
- p_data_proc->p_texte=p_text_info;
- p_data_proc->type_screen=SCR_OWN;/* By default, we create our own screen */
- /* can be changed in the proc_init fct */
- p_data_proc->enable_watchdog=TRUE;
- /* By default, CPU timeout (watchdog) is */
- /* enabled. Can be chaged in proc_init() */
- p_data_proc->proc_main_ver=VERSION;
- /* proc_main version... */
- proc_init(); /* Call the program initialisation */
- /* Note, this will be used by superdark to see if the module */
- /* is started */
- if(p_data_proc->code_ret==-1){
- p_data_proc->code_ret=DARK_WB_13;
- }
- my_t=FindTask(0);
- MyWrite("Avant le do\n");
- SPrintF(pr_buff,"Tache mt:%lx\n",my_t);
- MyWrite(pr_buff);
- do{
- /* We are waiting for a signal from superdark... */
- /* SIG_MAIN_DARK_DO_DARK mean start to blank screen */
- /* SIG_BREAKF_CTRL_C mean stop the blank */
- /* SIG_MAIN_DARK_EXIT mean exit from this module */
- SDprintf("Signal:%lx\n",signal);
- if((signal&SIG_MAIN_DARK_DO_DARK)!=0){
- SDprintf("Signal dark...\n");
- /* Clear old CTRL_C */
- SetSignal(0,SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- flg_ctrl_c=FALSE;
- /* The main call to the dark() function */
- code_ret=dark();
- /* Note: this code ret is a new thing since V2.0 */
- /* So try to put a return code in your dark() */
- /* function,0 if OK, Non zero if error */
- p_data_proc->code_ret=code_ret;
- SDprintf("Result:%ld\n",flg_ctrl_c);
- /* If there was an error, wait for the end */
- if(flg_ctrl_c==FALSE)wait_end();
- wait_end();
- MyWrite("ctrl-C receive,dark exited\n");
- /* We have to tell superdark that we have stopped */
- /* the effect */
- Signal(my_t->tc_UserData,SIG_DARK_MAIN_STOPPED);
- }
- if(signal&SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C){
- Signal(my_t->tc_UserData,SIG_DARK_MAIN_STOPPED);
- }
- }while((signal&SIG_MAIN_DARK_EXIT)==0);
- proc_end();
- SDprintf("Signal Exit..\n");
- }
- CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- return 0;
- }
- /****************************************/
- /* This function put a null pointer in */
- /* in a window */
- /****************************************/
- void ClearPtr(struct Window *win)
- {
- SetPointer( win, null_pointer, 1, 1, 0, 0);
- }
- /************************************************************/
- /* This function add a background window in a given screen, */
- /* and add a null pointer in this window. */
- /************************************************************/
- struct Window *AddWindow(struct Screen *s)
- {
- struct Window *win;
- win=OpenWindowTags( NULL,
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_Top, 0,
- WA_Width, s->Width,
- WA_Height, s->Height,
- WA_CustomScreen,s,
- if(win){
- ClearPtr(win);
- }
- return(win);
- }
- /**************************************************/
- /* This function return TRUE if you have to stop, */
- /* FALSE elsewehre. */
- /**************************************************/
- int tst_end()
- {
- ULONG sig;
- sig=SetSignal(0,0);
- flg_ctrl_c=TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }else{
- p_data_proc->flg_watchdog--;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Like the exec Wait() function, but take care of the internal */
- /* superdark usage. If the return value is exactly 0, this mean */
- /* that you have to exit of the blanker */
- /****************************************************************/
- ULONG SDwait(ULONG sigmask)
- {
- ULONG sig;
- /* If we have already a ctrl_c, send a new ctrl_C, to prevent */
- /* a deadlock if dark() does not use correctly this fct */
- if(flg_ctrl_c){
- Signal(my_t,SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- }
- do{
- p_data_proc->flg_watchdog--;
- }
- }while( (sig&(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C|sigmask))==0);
- flg_ctrl_c=TRUE;
- }
- return(sig&sigmask);
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- /* This function only return, when superdark have to exit */
- /**********************************************************/
- void wait_end()
- {
- SDwait(0);
- }