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- SysInfo
- -------
- written in Assembler with Macro68 V3.170
- ----------------------------------------
- Written by Nic Wilson
- Nic Wilson Software
- P.O. Box 1164 <---***PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS***
- Toowoomba Queensland 4350
- Phone +61 76 358539 A/H Voice only
- Within Australia (076) 358539
- EMAIL cbmaus!cbmozq!wilson!nicw@cbmvax.commodore.com
- CBMNET nicw@wilson.adsp.sub.org
- -------
- Even though you may have paid for the disk this program came on,
- you have not paid for SysInfo. Please read the donation and
- distribution headings below.
- * * * DONATIONS * * *
- ---------------------
- A dontation of $20.00 American or $25.00 Australian is suggested,
- but if you cannot afford that, any amount will be gratefully accepted.
- Overseas users, please DO NOT send personal or EuroChecks. They
- are very difficult and expensive to cash. Please send an overseas
- bank draft in Australian Dollars drawn on any Australian bank. Your
- local bank should be able to help you with this.
- Any cash currency is acceptable as it is very easy to convert to
- Australian.
- The following credit cards are accepted.
- These cards can be accepted by mail, email or phone. Confidentiality
- is guaranteed. If using credit card, please include the card number,
- the expiry date and the name as it appears on the card.
- Donations in the form of software or hardware is also acceptable. I
- write many reviews here in Australia and quite often give free plugs
- to companies that have been generous enough to donate to my work.
- * * THANK-YOU * *
- Three companies deserve a special thank-you for their generosity.
- A big thank-you to Progressive Peripherals and Software and NewTek
- Corp.
- A thank-you to "Amiga Format" Magazine for being the only magazine
- so far to send me a donation for using the program on their cover
- disk.
- -----------------------
- This program may be distributed freely on the condition that
- no profit is gained from its distribution. An amount of the
- average retail price of a single 3.5 inch DSDD disk is permitted
- for a copying fee.
- Output results from the program may be reprinted without any
- form of permission. But please state the SysInfo Version number
- used to obtain the results.
- This doc file and the icons must accompany the program unmodified.
- Additional document files of your own may accompany the program.
- You may add your autoconfig boards to the sysinfo.boards file
- distributed with this archive, but please leave the comments
- at the top of the file intact.
- Results from different Amiga configurations may be distributed
- along with the SysInfo files.
- The executable must not be modified in any way, except as specified.
- Further updated versions are distributed as available and as soon
- as possible. You can always obtain an update by modem if you wish.
- --------------------
- I would appreciate being informed that you are distributing it
- although this is not a requirement, but a donation is requested.
- If you would like all your products listed by name and manufacturer
- in the 'BOARDS' function, then add them to the sysinfo.boards ascii
- file included with this archive. See the READ.ME file for more
- information on this, or see the BOARDS function in this document.
- ------------
- This program was originally written due to the lack of such a
- program on the Amiga. Since that time the response has been
- terrific. SysInfo is now even more powerful and has become
- a standard on the Amiga.
- I have placed this program on Shareware so that it can be
- used by everyone. All code, graphics and documents remain
- copyright Nic Wilson Software.
- If you like this program, then help me to help you more by
- sending a donation.
- *********************************
- *********************************
- Amigas that have a maths co-processor using kickstart 1.3 or
- earlier, MUST use SetPatch 1.34 or later otherwise this program
- will crash. This program uses 68881 & 68882 instructions and a
- bug in the kernal causes a guru. SetPatch patches this bug.
- This is not required for Kickstart V2.04 or greater.
- Sysinfo is an Amiga Sytem Information program. It interrogates
- the Amiga and determines types of hardware, software, modes,
- speed etc. Users have found it very useful for determining
- correct operation of an Amiga before purchase and that the
- unit actually contains hardware that they are paying for, without
- having to open it up. It is under constant revision, and these
- revisions are available from myself at any time. My goal is to
- make SysInfo the most informative and accurate information program
- on the Amiga. To do this I need your feedback and suggestions.
- This program is tested with the program 'Enforcer'.
- Please be patient if you are running SysInfo on a standard
- Amiga as it will take a while to perform its tests. SysInfo
- really interrogates your system and has to perform many timing
- loops to test ram speed, type etc. Some other programs sacrifice
- accuracy by speeding the tests up, SysInfo takes time but does
- an intensive test. At times it also disables multitasking and may
- blank the mouse pointer. It will return to multitasking when
- finished and the mouse pointer will return.
- -----------------------------------------------
- If you are wondering how come SysInfo may give different results
- from one version to the next, this is because it is under
- constant revision and accuracy is improved with each version as
- YOU THE USER gives me feedback on varying models and
- configurations. This feedback is very important, as it allows
- SysInfo to grow into the most powerful and accurate System
- information program and an invaluable tool for the Amiga.
- -----
- --------
- run SysInfo <switch>
- <switch> -p Print info to standard redirection output
- instead of custom screen.
- EG. SysInfo >prt: -p (for printer)
- SysInfo -p (for CLI window)
- SysInfo >filename -p (for a file)
- -t Mainly for internal, time testing use.
- The custom screen will still open to keep
- the timing accurate, but no information will
- be printed to it. On completion the screen
- will close and the information printed on the
- CLI window or redirected output.
- --------------
- Double click the SysInfo icon. After launch and various information
- has been printed to the window you will be able to access one of the
- eight gadgets on the main window. These are QUIT, MEMORY, BOARDS,
- DRIVES, SPEED, PRINT, LIBRARIES, and EXPAND. At the top of the window
- in the SOFTWARE section, there is a proportional gadget for scrolling
- the software display. The 'DHRY' gadget is not used at this time and
- is planned for different tests in future versions.
- -------
- LIBRARY This gadget toggles the SOFTWARE display between libraries,
- device drivers, resources, ports and Tasks. The proportional gadget
- to the right of the display allows you to scroll through the list if
- there is more that will fit on the screen at one time.
- EXPAND This gadget toggles between expand and 'SHRINK'. This allows the
- graph area to be expanded, using a smaller scale. This permits
- users of slower Amigas to more easily see the differences. The
- scales are 0 - 40 thousand dhrystones and 0 - 10 thousand dhrystones
- respectively. If one of the graphic bars is too large for display
- on the expanded scale, it will be shown as full size with a plus (+)
- sign on the very right of the display bar.
- DHRY At this point in time, this gadget does not function. I am planning
- different types of tests that will be available from this gadget.
- QUIT Does just that, exits the program completely.
- SPEED Runs the speed comparisons and displays the result accordingly.
- This can be selected as many times as you wish so the results
- can be averaged.
- PRINT Will open a window and prompt for a filename and an optional
- heading string, This heading string will be printed at the
- top of the page and can have a maximum of 100 characters.
- Enter a path and filename to save to, or to choose the default
- 'PRT:' for output to a printer by clicking the 'OK' gadget.
- MEMORY Is explained below
- BOARDS Is explained below.
- -------------
- When this gadget is clicked another window will open and display
- a gadget for each floppy, hard or rad drive you have connected
- to your Amiga. In the middle of the window you will see Information
- on the particular drive that has its gadget highlighted. To select
- a particular drive, just click on its gadget. To re-read the same
- drive, click in its gadget again (useful for re-reading a floppy
- after a disk change).
- -----------
- NOTE This function may not work on some brands device
- ---- drivers and may possibly crash on others. This is
- due to the fact it may not support the required
- commands. If this happens you may just see an
- error message in the window for each device it
- found that failed to respond to the direct scsi
- command. Each device's unit number will still be
- displayed at the start of each error string under
- the 'ID' heading. In this case contact the
- manufacturer of your hard disk controller and
- enquire if they have an update that supports CBM's
- 'HD_SCSICMD' command and RigidDiskBlock structure.
- This gadget will be ghosted for drives that are obviously not
- SCSI drives, The SCSI function will display info on all drives
- that are operated through a single device driver, there is
- no need to click the SCSI gadget for all drives, unless some
- use a different device driver name as shown in the 'drives window'.
- Select one of the drives and click the SCSI gadget. A new window
- will open an attempt to read all SCSI drives on LUN (Logical Unit
- Number) zero. If valid drive is found, various information will be
- displayed. This information consists of the drive 'ID', its 'TYPE',
- the 'MANUFACTURER', 'MODEL', and 'VERSION'. Also displayed is the
- number of blocks the drive has. The drive's ACTUAL size is displayed
- and if the drive supports CBM's RigidDiskBlock, the formatted size
- is also displayed beside the actual size. This allows you to see
- if a larger drive than you thought you had is in the computer. I
- have seen some A2500's with a formatted size of 40MB that actually
- had QUANTUM 52 Meg hard drive.
- If your drive's supplier has not followed CBM's RigidDiskBlock then
- the formatted size will not be displayed, but most users already know
- the size they beleive is in the system. If these sizes are different
- then your hard drive will require reformatting correctly. If the
- 'ACTUAL' size is smaller than your formatted size then you will
- eventually have problems so your drive will still need formatting
- correctly.
- It is often the case that the ACTUAL will be 1MB larger than
- FORMATTED. This is normal and due to the fact that the chosen
- number of cylinder, heads etc, will hardly ever exactly match the
- total block available on the disk, and this remainder can somtimes
- show up on the ACTUAL display, if it is large enough.
- -----
- This gadget will perform a 'read' speed test on the selected
- drive. It is very safe as it does not write at all. The result
- of the test is displayed on the last line. Timing for this test
- is done via timer.device for best accuracy. The test can be done
- on any drive in the gadget list. To test a particular drive, select
- its gadget and then click the 'SPEED' gadget. If a floppy is selected,
- and it does not have a disk in the drive, or the particular drive
- cannot be 'locked' for some reason, the SPEED gadget will be ghosted,
- and not selectable.
- The size and length of the test, depends on the partition or disk.
- The entire drive will be read, unless the partition is 15megs or
- greater, in those cases, 7 megs will will be read. I have found
- that reading more that this is not necessary as the results do not
- change significantly.
- This function has been tested all forms of drives on various
- Amigas, including the CDROM drive in the CDTV, and the IDE drive
- in the A600.
- -------------
- When this gadget is clicked another window will open and display
- various information on any AutoConfig boards found in the
- system. This information consists of the memory address of where
- the board was configured, its size, and the type of board. The
- types to date, can be ZORRO II or ZORRO III, any others are
- not yet defined by Commodore and will be displayed as UNDEFINED.
- The boards Product number, manufactures ID and the serial
- number will also be displayed. If SysInfo recognises the
- manufacturer of the card and or the product itself it will display
- the names instead of the numbers. Note that a standard A3000 has
- no AutoConfigure boards as such, its extra hardware is known
- by the special Kickstart files and its memory and hard drive are
- added to the system by this kickstart. A2000 users using zkick to
- load V2.0 will also notice that their memory boards will not show
- in the AutoConfig list, as they were actually configured by 1.3 and
- zkick patches them in to the memory list.
- -------------
- If Sysinfo does not recognise a board by name, it used to only
- print the Manufacturer and Product numbers. Since version
- 3.22 it now looks in an external file (if it exists) in the S:
- directory called "sysinfo.boards" in an attempt to match each of
- these unknown board numbers with strings that you have supplied
- within the file.
- -----------------------------------------------
- The file *MUST* be called sysinfo.boards and *MUST* be in
- the S: directory.
- The file must have a strict specific format as shown below.
- Comments are allowed but *MUST* only be at the top of the file,
- and the first character on the beginning of each line *MUST*
- be a semi-colon (;) Blank lines are not allowed and will cause
- errors unless preceded with a semi-colon.
- Each different board must be on a new line and the
- manufacturer must be given for each product number, even
- if they are the same. For example, Commodore cards are
- known by Sysinfo, but if they were not, and you had a
- A2091 card, Sysinfo would have displayed it as Manufacturer 514
- and Product 3, and the memory portion of the board as
- Manufacturer 514 with Product 10. These two entries would
- be in the ascii file as :-
- 514 COMMODORE 3 A2901/A590
- See the example sysinfo.boards file with this archive
- for a complete working example.
- ***************
- ***************
- Each name that follows each number **MUST** not contain
- spaces, if you want to seperate two names then use
- hyphens, periods or slashes etc., as shown in the example
- above. The total length of the name strings for both manufacturer
- and product should not be greater than 13 characters else
- overwriting may occur.
- There must be at least one space between each of the numbers
- and the name strings on every line, as these are used
- as delimiters for seperating numbers from the names and also
- used to null terminate the strings for printing.
- -------------
- When this gadget is clicked another window will open and display
- various information on any memory in the system. The first section
- displayed will be the first memory section that was configured by
- the system. At the bottom left of the display are two gadgets,
- 'NEXT' and 'EXIT'. The next gadget changes the display to show the
- next memory section, until no more sections are found. At that time
- the window will close and return to the main window. The exit gadget
- exits immediately to the main window.
- -----------------
- If SysInfo does not have a test that you would like to see, let
- me know and I will do my best to add it in for you.
- The A500 - A600 STD comparison is against a PAL A500 or A600 totally
- unexpanded or expanded to 1 Meg chip only (ie. no Fast Ram).
- The B2000 EXTRA RAM comparison is against a PAL B2000 Rev 4.4 with
- a Microbotics 8-UP Fast Ram board fitted with 80ns DRAMS.
- The A1200 68EC020 comparison is against a standard PAL A1200 as
- shipped from Commodore with cache enabled. The reason for the
- difference in speed to the A2500, is because the A1200 is shipped
- with CHIP ram only. There will be a significant speed increase
- when fast memory is added, especially 32 bit memory such as the
- Microbotics MBX 1200 board.
- The A2620 comparison is against a standard A2500 with a A2620
- card running at 14.3 MHZ. All caches and bursts on.
- The A3000 25 MHZ comparison is against a standard PAL A3000/25 MHZ
- with 4 Megs of 1MX4 SCRAMS 80ns 32 bit wide, and 2 Megs of CHIP.
- Caches and Bursts on except Data Burst (default under V2.04 V37+).
- Ramsey mode was set at default, BURST ON and STATIC COLUMN OFF.
- The A4000/040 25MHZ is against a standard PAL A4000 with the
- standard configuration of 2 Meg Chip and 4 Meg Fast memory.
- All cache modes are at boot default under 68040.library 37.10
- under AmigaDOS V3.00 - Kickstart 39.106, with setpatch 39.7
- installed.
- CPU MIPS (Million Instructions per Second) This test calculation
- has been coded from all information I have been able to find
- to date. It seems quite debatable how this is supposed to be
- coded and I received different information from people. It does
- a very large loop performing a total of 4.25 million instructions
- ranging from general instructions, divide, multiply, logic shifts,
- to say it is accurate to the point, it did do the number of
- instructions per second that it stated. Comments on this approach
- or a better one are most welcome.
- FPU MFLOPS (Million Floating Operations per Second) This test
- calculation was similar to the above one, in that information
- on the recognised way was very sketchy. If an Amiga does not
- have an FPU, N/A will be shown in this field as any performance
- test would be meaningless. The final code shows known boards
- to be at or around thier advertised speeds. It does a very large
- loop performing instructions that take an average number of
- clock cycles, times the loop then displays the result. I CANNOT
- AND DO NOT GUARANTEE ITS ACCURACY. If anyone has a better
- routine for this I would be very interested. This routine is
- not compatible with a 68881 on a 68000 system such as the Phoenix
- board and will show N/A.
- -------------
- These gadgets require AmigaDOS V2.0 or later, otherwise all
- the gadgets will be ghosted and unavailable.
- These are a group of six gadgets. Modes that are unavailable
- for the CPU type fitted in your Amiga, will be ghosted and
- not available. Clicking these gadgets changes the cache modes
- for the Instruction and Data caches of the CPU and allows you
- to compare the difference in speed with different cache
- settings.
- The 'ALL' toggle gadget (lower right side) inverts all settings
- from their current state and vice versa.
- Some cache manipulation will still be done automatically by the
- program for some tests (IE. MHZ test). Caches will always be
- enabled temporarily for test such as this, otherwise the results
- would be meaningless.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Remember that if you disable the caches and then exit
- the proram before enabling them again, they will still
- be off and you will need to re-enable them will the CPU
- command or such.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- A4000 and other 68040 OWNERS NOTE
- ---------------------------------
- Under 37.10 and greater of 68040.library it is no longer
- possible to turn CopyBack off. If you click the gadget you
- will notice that the mode does not change. This is normal.
- However as CopyBack is a Data Cache mode, if the Data Cache is
- off, the CopyBack setting has no effect.
- -----------------
- This shows internal harware as the program has found it.
- HARDWARE CLOCK only looks for the standard A500, A600, A2000,
- A3000, CDTV or fully compatible hardware clock. It does not look
- for the multitude of different clocks that were available for
- the 1000 or other models.
- DMA/Gfx This will show all current versions of Agnus, and the
- newer Alice chip. ECS stands for ENHANCED CHIP SET.
- The program is also able to tell the difference between the 1MB &
- 2MB versions of Super Agnus. Many users have queried the possibility
- of doing this and they beleive I check the memory amount. The 1MB
- and the 2MB Agnus chips do not have any different signature registers
- so in order to tell them apart I used a trick of the hardware design.
- The 1MB Agnus only decodes the first meg space and so the second meg
- space has a 'ghost' image of the first. A 2MB Agnus does decode the
- second meg space so no ghost image is present. SysInfo checks for this
- and reports the difference. This theory I beleive is quite sound, and
- has been tested on many 1MB and 2MB Amiga's.
- MODE This shows the current display MODE. Under kickstart 1.2 or 1.3
- this will show either PAL or NTSC. Under version 2.04+ is has the
- capability of showing all the various modes. This will mainly be
- the case using the '-p' option of SysInfo. This is because of the
- custom screen that SysInfo uses will normally force the display back
- to your default mode, except for AGA Amigas that have 'Promotion'
- enabled, this will usually force the Sysinfo screen to DBLPAL or
- DBLNTSC mode. This will be reflected in the screen display.
- CPU's 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030 and 68040 are supported
- and will be displayed if found. If Exec is incorrect then
- a window will open, and ask you if you want exec to be updated
- to reflect the correct hardware. This is mainly for Kickstart
- 1.3, as it is not normally aware of later processors.
- FPU's or Floating Point Units 68881 and 68882 and internal 68040
- are supported and will be displayed if found. These chips are
- also often referred to as maths co-processors. Wether or not you
- have one is tested by the program, and if Exec is incorrect a
- window will open and ask you if you want Exec corrected.
- If a 68040 is found and a CORRECTLY working 68882 emulation then
- the FPU string will show '68040+68882'. If yours does not show
- this then contact your board manufacturer and ask for a copy
- of Commodore's V37.4 (or greater) 68040 software.
- MMU's or Memory Management Units 68851 or the internal 68030 and
- 68040 are supported. These are actually tested for as Exec does not
- carry this info. The 68451 never became very popular so is not
- supported. It will also reflect if the MMU is currently enabled
- or disabled.
- VBR is the Vector Base Register. This is applicable to all processors
- except the 68000. The VBR contains the base address of the exception
- vector table in memory. The displacement of an exception vector is
- added to the value in this register to access the vector table. On
- the 68000 processor the vector table is always located at address zero.
- MHZ is a rough indication of the clock speed. This is not totally
- accurate but is a good indication. It at least allows you to know
- if your system is 7MHZ, 16MHZ or 25MHZ etc. All caches, bursts and
- copyback modes are temporarily enabled during the test for greater
- stability, but this should be transparent to the user and they will
- be returned to their original state after the tests. Clock Speed is
- normally difficult to find out unless you take the unit apart and even
- then is difficult. Fast ram must be available for this to be anywhere
- near accurate, as the timing loops were all based on machines with some
- Fast ram available. For a 68000 based Amiga, the program will take into
- account if no fast ram is available and calculate the correct speed
- accordingly.
- HORIZ Khz This is the horizontal scan frequency of the current
- display. Early kickstarts will show 15.60 for PAL and 15.72 for
- NTSC. Kickstart 2.04 or above will show correctly the horizontal
- frequency. This will normally only show other than PAL or NTSC
- when using the '-p' option, because of the reasons specified in the
- MODE description above.
- ECLOCK Hz is the frequency of the EClock, as reflected in execbase.
- This clock is used for the CIA chips.
- CBACK is an abbreviation for CopyBack. It is only applicable to
- the 68040 currently. This shows if it is enabled or disabled. This
- is rather a difficult mode, because with the MMU it is possible that
- it may be enabled somewhere within the memory map and not others.
- The test here uses the OS function to determine if it is enabled.
- CopyBack is a cache mode of the CPU and when enabled, the CPU only
- updates the cache on writes and memory is only updated when
- absolutely necessary or it is forced to do so.
- INS. CACHE or Instruction Cache is applicable to 68020, 68030 and
- 68040 processors. This shows if it is currently enabled or
- disabled.
- INS. BURST or Instruction Burst is applicable to 68030 processor.
- This shows if it is currently enabled or disabled. It will
- however show 'ON' if a 68040 is detected due to requests I received
- from certain 68040 board manufacturers.
- DAT. CACHE or Data Cache is only applicable to 68030 and 68040
- processors. This shows if it is currently enabled or disabled.
- DAT. BURST or Data Burst is only applicable to 68030 processor.
- This shows if it is currently enabled or disabled. It will
- however show 'ON' if a 68040 is detected due to requests I received
- from certain 68040 board manufacturers.
- **************************************************************
- **************************************************************
- RAMSEY ver is only applicable to the A3000 series of computers.
- It will display the revision value of this chip in hexadecimal.
- Currently there are only two I know of. Type '$D' is the
- standard A3000 Ramsey and has a bug that causes failure of the
- 'Page Detect Mode', the other is '$E'. This is a newer chip
- that has this bug corrected.
- GARY ver is only applicable to the A3000 series of computers,
- even though other Amigas do have a GARY chip, I do not know
- of a way to identify them as I do for the A3000 series. It will
- show the revision number in hexadecimal. Currently there are only
- two I know of, type '$0' is the standard A3000 chip and type
- '$90' which is a newer chip.
- CARD SLOT is the new "PCMCIA" card slot in the A600. SysInfo
- looks for the slot and displays if an A600 style card slot is
- found.
- SUPPLY Hz is the frequency of the power supply as relected in
- Execbase. This will normally be either 50 or 60 Hz.
- VERT Hz is the frequency of the Vertical Frames. All modes are
- catered for, including the programmable ones of the later custom
- chips. See the decription for MODE above for restrictions on these
- displays.
- --------------------------
- 1. I have been receiving conflicting reports about the AT/XT
- bridgeboards. Could you please check your card and let
- me know how the current routine works. I have added the new
- 386SX brideboard, but is also untested. Please report, preferably
- by email.
- 3. Your ideas!
- If you supply suggestions in code form, I would prefer assembler,
- or C but I can translate other languages if I must.
- -------------------------
- If you have any of the machines listed above, or even a totally
- different configuration, run the program with -t option (eg. sysinfo -t )
- then phone or email with the resulting numbers that will be printed to the
- screen. My phone number, email address or fax is at the top of this file.
- Happy Computing
- Nic Wilson
- Amiga, AutoConfig, AutoConfigure and Intuition are TradeMarks of
- Commodore Amiga Inc.
- MC68000, MC68010, MC68020, MC68EC020, MC68030, MC68040 are trademarks of
- Motorola Ltd.
- Macro68 is a trademark of DigiSoft.