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Text File | 1993-12-15 | 176.2 KB | 4,305 lines |
- Vim reference manual
- By Bram Moolenaar
- version 2.0
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Notation
- 3. Starting Vim
- 4. Modes
- 5. Editing files
- 6. Cursor motions
- 7. Scrolling
- 8. Tags
- 9. Inserting text
- 10. Deleting text
- 11. Changing text
- 12. Copying and moving text
- 13. Visual mode
- 14. Various commands
- 15. Repeating commands
- 16. Undo and redo
- 17. Key mapping
- 18. Recovery after a crash
- 19. Options
- 20. Terminal information
- 21. Differences from Vi and Ex
- 22. Credits
- 1. Introduction
- Vim stands for Vi IMproved. It used to be Vi IMitation, but that does not
- really cover it anymore. Vim is a text editor which includes almost all the
- commands from the Unix program "Vi". It is very useful for editing programs
- and other ASCII text. All commands are given with the keyboard. There is no
- mouse support and there are no menus. This gives the advantage that you can
- keep your fingers on the keyboard and your eyes on the screen.
- Throughout this manual the differences between Vi and Vim are mentioned in
- curly braces. Read the file "difference.doc" for a summary of the
- differences.
- This manual refers to Vim on the Commodore Amiga computer. On other
- computers and on terminals there may be small differences. For MSDOS this
- is documented in msdos.doc. For UNIX this is in unix.doc.
- This manual is a reference for all the Vim commands and options. A basic
- knowledge of "Vi" is assumed. A summary of this manual can be found in the
- file vim.hlp. It can be accessed from within Vim with the <HELP> key (in
- MSDOS <F1>) and with the command ":help". The 'helpfile' option can be
- set to the name of the help file, so you can put it in any place you like.
- 2. Notation
- [] Characters in square brackets are optional.
- [count] An optional number that may precede the command to multiply
- or iterate the command. If no number is given a count of one
- is used, unless otherwise noted. Note that in this manual
- the [count] is not mentioned in the description of the
- command, but only in the explanation. This was done to make
- the commands easier to lookup. If the "sc" option is on, the
- (partially) entered count is shown at the bottom of the
- window. You can use <DEL> to erase the last digit.
- ["x] An optional register designation where text can be stored.
- The x is a single character between <a> and <z> or <A> and
- <Z> or <">, and in some cases (with the put command) between
- <0> and <9>, <%> or <.>. The uppercase and lower case letter
- designate the same register, but the lower case letter is
- used to overwrite the previous register contents, while the
- uppercase letter is used to append to the previous register
- contents. Without the ""x" or with """" the stored text is
- put into the unnamed register. See also "Copying and moving
- text".
- {} Curly braces denote parts of the command which must appear,
- but can take a number of different values. The differences
- between Vim and Vi are also given in curly braces (this will
- be clear from the context).
- {motion} A command that moves the cursor. They are listed in chapter
- 6. This is used after an "operator" command to move over the
- text that is to be operated upon. If the motion includes a
- count and the operator also had a count, the two counts are
- multiplied. For example: "2d3w" deletes six words.
- {visual} A piece of text that is started with the "v", "V" or CTRL-V
- command and ended by the cursor position. This is used
- before an "operator" to highlight the text that is to be
- operated upon. See the chapter on Visual mode.
- <character> A special character from the table below or a single ASCII
- character.
- <char1-char2> A single character from the range <char1> to <char2>. For
- example: <a-z> is a lower case letter. Multiple ranges may be
- concatenated. For example: <a-zA-Z0-9> is any alphanumeric
- character.
- CTRL-<char> <char> typed as a control character, that is, typing <char>
- while holding the CTRL key down. The case of <char> does not
- matter, thus CTRL-A and CTRL-a are equivalent.
- 'option' An option, or parameter, that can be set to a value is
- enclosed in single quotes. See chapter 19.
- "command" In examples the commands you can type are enclosed in double
- quotes.
- notation meaning equivalent decimal value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- <NUL> zero CTRL_@ 000 (internally 010)
- <BELL> bell CTRL-G 007
- <BS> backspace CTRL-H 008
- <TAB> tab CTRL-I 009
- <LF> linefeed CTRL-J 010
- <FF> formfeed CTRL-L 012
- <CR> carriage return CTRL-M 013
- <ESC> escape CTRL-[ 027
- <SPACE> space 032
- <DEL> delete 127
- <C_UP> cursor-up 128 (msdos: 176)
- <C_DOWN> cursor-down 129 (msdos: 177)
- <C_LEFT> cursor-left 130 (msdos: 178)
- <C_RIGHT> cursor-right 131 (msdos: 179)
- <SC_UP> shift-cursor-up 132 (msdos: 180)
- <SC_DOWN> shift-cursor-down 133 (msdos: 181)
- <SC_LEFT> shift-cursor-left 134 (msdos: 182)
- <SC_RIGHT> shift-cursor-right 135 (msdos: 183)
- <F1> - <F10> function keys 1 to 10 136 - 145 (msdos: 184 - 193)
- <SF1> - <SF10> shift-function keys 1 to 10 146 - 155 (msdos: 194 - 203)
- HELP> help key 156 (msdos: 204)
- <UNDO> undo key 157 (msdos: 205)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note: The shifted cursor keys, the help key and the undo key are only
- available on a few terminals. On some terminals the function keys 11 to 20
- are used instead of the shifted function keys. On the Amiga shifted function
- key 10 produces a code (CSI) that is also used by key sequences. It will be
- recognized only after typing another key.
- 3. Starting Vim
- 3.1 Command line
- Most often Vim is started to edit a single file with the command
- vim file
- More generally Vim is started with:
- vim [options] [filelist]
- If the filelist is missing, the editor will start with an empty buffer.
- Otherwise exactly one out of the following six may be used to choose one or
- more files to be edited.
- file .. A list of file names. The first one will be the current file
- and read into the buffer. The cursor will be positioned on
- the first line of the buffer.
- +[num] file .. Same as the above, but the cursor will be positioned on line
- "num". If "num" is missing, the cursor will be positioned on
- the last line.
- +/{pat} file .. Same as the above, but the cursor will be positioned on the
- first line containing "pat" in the current file (see the
- section "pattern searches" for the available search
- patterns).
- +{command} file ..
- -c {command} file ..
- Same as the above, but "command" will be executed after the
- file has been read. "command" is interpreted as an Ex
- command. If the "command" contains spaces it must be
- enclosed in double quotes (this depends on the shell that is
- used). Example: vim "+set si" main.c
- -t {tag} A tag. "tag" is looked up in the tags file, the associated
- file becomes the current file and the associated command is
- executed. Mostly this is used for C programs. In that case
- "tag" should be a function name. The effect is that the file
- containing that function becomes the current file and the
- cursor is positioned on the start of the function (see the
- section "tag searches").
- -e [errorfile] QuickFix mode. The file with the name [errorfile] is read
- and the first error is displayed. If [errorfile] is not
- given, the 'errorfile' option is used for the file name
- (default "AztecC.Err" for the Amiga, "errors" for other
- systems). See section 5.5: "using the QuickFix mode".
- The options, if present, must precede the filelist. The options may be given
- in any order.
- -r Recovery mode. The autoscript file is read to recover a
- crashed editing session. It has almost the same effect as
- "-s file.vim". See the chapter "Recovery after a crash".
- -v View mode. The 'readonly' option will be set and no
- autoscript file will be written (see -n below). You can
- still edit the buffer, but will be prevented from
- accidentally overwriting a file. If you forgot that you are
- in View mode and did make some changes, you can overwrite
- a file by adding an exclamation mark to the Ex command, as in
- ":w!". The 'readonly' option can be reset with ":set noro"
- (see the options chapter). Calling the executable "view"
- has the same effect as the -v option. If your system does
- not support links and you do not want to have the executable
- twice you could make an alias: "alias view vim -v".
- -b Binary mode. The 'textauto', 'textmode' and 'expandtab'
- options will be reset. The 'textwidth' option is set to 0.
- 'modelines' is set to 0. The 'binary' option is set. This is
- done after reading the .vimrc/.exrc files but before reading
- a file. See also 5.6: "Editing binary files".
- -n No autoscript file will be written. Recovery after a crash
- will be impossible. Handy if you want to edit a file on a
- very slow medium (e.g. floppy). Can also be done with ":set
- uc=0". You can switch it on again by setting the 'uc' option
- to some value, e.g. ":set uc=100" (only do this if the
- buffer was not changed yet).
- -x Do not restart Vim to open a new window. This option should
- be used when Vim is started by a program that will wait for
- the edit session to finish (e.g. mail or readnews). See
- section 3.3.
- -T {terminal} Set the terminal type to "terminal". This influences the
- codes that Vim will send to your terminal. This is normally
- not needed, because Vim will be able to find out what type
- of terminal you are using (See chapter 20).
- -d {device} The "device" is opened to be used for editing. Normally you
- would use this to set the window position and size:
- "-d con:x/y/width/height", e.g. "-d con:30/10/600/150". But
- you can also use it to start editing on another device, e.g.
- AUX:. This only works on the Amiga.
- -s {scriptin} The script file "scriptin" is read. The characters in the
- file are interpreted as if you had typed them. The same can
- be done with the command ":source! {scriptin}". If the end
- of the file is reached before the editor exits, further
- characters are read from the keyboard. See also the section
- "complex repeats".
- -w {scriptout} All the characters that you type are recorded in the file
- "scriptout", until you exit Vim. This is useful if you want
- to create a script file to be used with "vim -s" or
- ":source!". See also the section "complex repeats".
- Example for using a script file to change a name in several files:
- Create a file "subs.vi" containing substitute commands and a :wq
- command:
- :%s/Jones/Smith/g
- :%s/Allen/Peter/g
- :wq
- Execute Vim on all files you want to change:
- foreach i ( *.let ) vim -s subs.vi $i
- If the executable is called "view" Vim will start in Readonly mode. This is
- useful if you can make a hard or symbolic link from "view" to "vim".
- Starting in Readonly mode can also be done with "vim -v".
- 3.2 Workbench (Amiga only)
- Vim can be started from the workbench by clicking on its icon twice. It will
- then start with an empty buffer.
- Vim can be started to edit one or more files by using a "Project" icon. The
- "Default Tool" of the icon must be the full pathname of the Vim executable.
- The name of the ".info" file must be the same as the name of the text file.
- By clicking on this icon twice, Vim will be started with the filename as
- current filename, which will be read into the buffer (if it exists). You can
- edit multiple files by pressing the shift key while clicking on icons, and
- clicking twice on the last one. The "Default Tool" for all these icons must
- be the same.
- It is not possible to give arguments to Vim, other than filenames, from the
- workbench.
- 3.3 Vim window (Amiga only)
- Vim will run in the CLI window where it was started. If Vim was started with
- the "run" or "runback" command, or if Vim was started from the workbench, it
- will open a window of its own.
- Technical detail:
- To open the new window a little trick is used. As soon as Vim
- recognizes that it does not run in a normal CLI window, it will
- create a script file in t:. This script file contains the same
- command as how Vim was started, and an "endcli" command. This script
- file is then executed with a "newcli" command (the "c:run" and
- "c:newcli" commands are required for this to work). The script file
- will hang around until reboot, or until you delete it. This method
- is required to get the ":sh" and ":!" commands to work correctly.
- But when Vim was started with the -e option (Quickfix mode) or with
- the -x option, this method is not used. The reason for this is that
- when a compiler starts Vim with the -e option it will wait for a
- return code. With the script trick the compiler cannot get the
- return code. The -x option can be used when Vim is started by a mail
- program which also waits for the edit session to finish. As a
- consequence the ":sh" and ":!" commands are not available when the
- -e or -x option is used.
- Vim will automatically recognize the window size and react to window
- resizing. Under Amiga DOS 1.3 it is advised to use the fastfonts program
- "FF" to speed up display redrawing.
- 3.4 Initialization
- When Vim starts running it does initializations in the following order. If
- an environment variable is used, it is executed as a single Ex command line.
- Multiple commands must be separated with <|>. If a file is used, each line
- is executed as an Ex command line.
- 1. Four places are searched for initializations. The first that exists is
- used, the others are ignored.
- 1. The environment variable VIMINIT
- 2. The file "s:.vimrc" (for Unix: "$HOME/.vimrc")
- 3. The environment variable EXINIT
- 4. The file "s:.exrc" (for Unix: "$HOME/.exrc")
- 2. If the 'exrc' option is set (default is 'noexrc'), the current directory
- is searched for two files. The first that exists is used, the other is
- ignored.
- 1. The file ".vimrc"
- 2. The file ".exrc"
- 3. The environment variable SHELL, if it exists, is used to set the
- 'shell' option. With MSDOS the COMPSPEC variable is used if SHELL does
- not exist.
- 4. The environment variable TERM, if it exists, is used to set the 'term'
- option.
- The first can be used to set your default settings and mappings for all edit
- sessions. The second one for sessions in a certain directory (note that the
- 'exrc' option is default off). See the section "Saving settings" for how to
- create a file with commands to recreate the current settings.
- If the VIMINIT environment variable or ".vimrc" exist the EXINIT and ".exrc"
- are skipped. This can be used to initialize Vim without interfering with
- another version of Vi.
- On the Amiga two types of environment variables exist. The ones set with the
- DOS 1.3 (or later) setenv command are recognized. See the AmigaDos 1.3
- manual. The environment variables set with the old Manx Set command (before
- version 5.0) are not recognized.
- On MS-DOS systems Vim assumes that all the "_vimrc" and "_exrc" files have
- <CR><LF> pairs as line separators. This will give problems if you have a
- file with only <LF>s and have a line like ":map xx yy^M". The trailing ^M
- will be ignored.
- While reading the ".vimrc" or the ".exrc" file in the current directory some
- commands can be disabled for security reasons by setting the 'secure'
- option. Otherwise it would be possible to create a .exrc that contains nasty
- commands, which another user may automatically execute when he starts Vim it
- that directory. The disabled commands are the ones that start a shell and
- the ones that write to a file. The ":map" commands are echoed, so you can
- see which keys are being mapped.
- You can reset the 'secure' option in the EXINIT or VIMINIT environment
- variable or in the global ".exrc" or ".vimrc" file. This is not possible in
- ".vimrc" or ".exrc" in the current directory, for obvious reasons.
- On unix systems this only happens if you are not the owner of the ".vimrc"
- or ".exrc" file. Warning: If you unpack an archive that contains a .exrc
- file, it will be owned by you. You won't have the security protection. Check
- the .exrc file before you start Vim in that directory, or reset the 'exrc'
- option.
- 3.5 Suspending
- CTRL-Z Suspend the editor. Same as ":stop".
- :sus[pend][!] or
- :st[op][!] Suspend the editor. If the <!> is not given,
- the buffer was changed, autowrite is set and
- a filename is known, the buffer will be
- written.
- On many UNIX systems it is possible to suspend Vim with CTRL-Z. This is only
- possible in Command mode (see next chapter). Vim will continue if you make it
- the foreground job again. On other systems CTRL-Z will start a new shell.
- This is the same as the ":sh" command. Vim will continue if you exit from the
- shell.
- 4. Modes
- 4.1 Introduction
- Vim has four basic modes:
- Command mode In Command mode you can enter all the editor
- commands. If you start the editor you are in this
- mode (unless you have set the 'insertmode' option,
- see below).
- Insert mode In Insert mode the text you type is inserted into the
- buffer. If the 'showmode' option is set (which is
- default), the string "-- INSERT --" is shown at the
- bottom of the window.
- Replace mode Replace mode is a special case of Insert mode. You
- can do the same things as in Insert mode, but for
- each character you enter (except some special
- characters) one character of the existing text is
- deleted. If the 'showmode' option is set (which is
- default), the string "-- REPLACE --" is shown at the
- bottom of the window.
- Command_line mode In Command_line mode you can enter one line of text
- at the bottom of the window. This is for the Ex
- commands <:>, the pattern search commands <?></> and
- the filter command <!>.
- More explanation on the insert, replace and Command_line mode is further on
- in this chapter.
- 4.2 Switching from mode to mode
- If for any reason you do not know in which mode you are, you can always get
- back to Command mode by typing <ESC> twice. You will know you are back in
- Command mode when you see the screen flash or hear the bell after you type
- <ESC>.
- - go from Command mode to Insert mode by giving one of the commands
- "iIaAoOcCsS".
- - go from Command mode to Replace mode with the "R" command (not the "r"
- command!).
- - go from Command mode to Command_line mode with the one of the commands
- ":/?!".
- - go from insert or Replace mode to Command mode with <ESC> (twice in some
- rare cases).
- - go from Command_line mode to Command mode by:
- - hitting <CR> or <LF>, which causes the entered command to be executed
- - deleting the complete line (e.g. with CTRL-U) and giving a final <BS>
- - hitting CTRL-C or <ESC>, which quits the command line without executing
- the command.
- In the last case <ESC> may be the character defined with the 'wildchar'
- option, and start filename completion. You can ignore that and type <ESC>
- again. {vi: when hitting <ESC> the command line is executed. This is
- unexpected for most people, therefore it was changed in Vim. But when the
- <ESC> is part of a mapping the command line is executed. If you want the
- vi behaviour also when typing <ESC> use ":cmap ^V<ESC> ^V^M"}
- If the 'insertmode' option is set, editing a file will start in Insert mode.
- 4.3 Insert and Replace mode
- In insert and Replace mode the following characters have a special meaning,
- other characters are inserted directly. To insert one of these special
- characters into the buffer, precede it with CTRL-V. To insert a <NUL>
- character use "CTRL-V CTRL-@" or "CTRL-V 000". On some systems you have to
- use "CTRL-V 003" to insert a CTRL-C.
- char action
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CTRL-@ Insert previously inserted text and stop insert. {Vi: only
- when typed as first char, only up to 128 chars}
- CTRL-A Insert previously inserted text. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-C Quit insert mode, back to command mode.
- CTRL-D Delete one shiftwidth of indent at the start of the current
- line. See also 'shiftround' option. When preceded with <^>
- or <0> delete all indent in the current line. With <^> the
- indent is restored in the next line. This is useful when
- inserting a label. {Vi: CTRL-D works only when used after
- autoindent}
- CTRL-E Insert the character which is below the cursor. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-H <BS> Delete the character before the cursor (see below). {Vi:
- does not delete autoindents}
- CTRL-I <TAB> Insert a tab. If the 'expandtab' option is on, the
- equivalent number of spaces is inserted (use CTRL-V <TAB> to
- avoid the expansion).
- CTRL-J <LF> Begin new line.
- CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
- Enter digraph (see 4.7). {not in Vi}
- CTRL-M <CR> Begin new line.
- CTRL-O Execute one Command mode command. See below. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-P Toggle the 'revins' option. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-R <0-9a-z"%>
- Insert the contents of a numbered or named register. The
- text is inserted as if you typed it, but mappings and
- abbreviations are not used. If you have options like
- 'textwidht' or 'autoindent' set, this will influence what
- will be inserted. Use <"> for the unnamed register,
- containing the text of the last delete or yank. Use <%> for
- the current file name. See the chapter on copying and
- moving text about registers. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-T Insert one shiftwidth of indent at the start of the current
- line. See also 'shiftround' option. {Vi: only when in
- autoindent}
- CTRL-U Delete all entered characters in the current line (see
- below).
- CTRL-V Insert next non-digit literally. Up to three digits form the
- decimal value of a single byte. The non-digit and the three
- digits are not considered for mapping. {Vi: no decimal byte
- entry}
- CTRL-W Delete the word before the cursor (see below). See the
- section "word motions" for the definition of a word.
- CTRL-Y Insert the character which is above the cursor. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-[ or <ESC> End insert or Replace mode, back to Command mode.
- <DEL> Same as CTRL-H <BS>
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The effect of the <BS>, <DEL>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U depends on the 'backspace'
- option (unless 'revins' is set):
- backspace action
- option
- 0 delete stops in column 1 and start position of insert
- 1 delete stops at start position of insert
- 2 delete always, CTRL-W and CTRL-U stop once at start position of
- insert
- If the 'backspace' option is non-zero and the cursor is in column 1 when one
- of the three keys is used, the current line is joined with the previous
- line. This effectively deletes the newline in front of the cursor. {Vi: does
- not cross lines, does not delete past start position of insert}
- With CTRL-V followed by one, two or three digits you can enter the decimal
- value of a byte, except 10. Normally CTRL-V is followed by three digits. The
- formed byte is inserted as soon as you type the third digit. If you type
- only one or two digits and then a non-digit, the decimal value of those one
- or two digits form the byte. After that the non-digit is dealt with in the
- normal way. If you enter a value of 10, it will end up in the file as a 0.
- The 10 is a <LF>, which is used internally to represent the <NUL> character.
- When writing the buffer to a file the <LF> character is translated into
- <NUL>. The <LF> character is written at the end of each line. Thus if you
- want to insert a <LF> character in a file you will have to make a line
- break.
- special keys
- The following keys are special. They stop the current insert, do something
- and then restart insertion. This means you can do something without getting
- out of Insert mode. This is very handy if you prefer to use the Insert mode
- all the time, just like editors that don't have a separate Command mode. You
- may also want to set the 'backspace' option to 2 and set the 'insertmode'
- option. You can use CTRL-O if you want to map a function key to a command.
- The changes (inserted or deleted characters) before and after these keys can
- be undone separately. Only the last change can be redone and always behaves
- like an "i" command.
- char action
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- <C_UP> cursor one line up
- <C_DOWN> cursor one line down
- <C_LEFT> cursor one character left
- <C_RIGHT> cursor one character right
- <SC_UP> move window one page up
- <SC_DOWN> move window one page down
- <SC_LEFT> cursor one word back (like "b" command)
- <SC_RIGHT> cursor one word forward (like "w" command)
- CTRL-O execute one command and return to Insert mode
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The CTRL-O command has one side effect: If the cursor was beyond the end of
- the line it will be put on the last character in the line.
- The shifted cursor keys are not available on all terminals.
- 'textwidth' option
- The 'textwidth' option can be used to automatically break a line before it
- gets too long. Set the 'textwidth' option to the desired maximum line
- length. If you then type more characters (not spaces or tabs), the
- last word will be put on a new line (unless it is the only word on the
- line). If you set 'textwidth' to 0, this feature is disabled. Vi has the
- 'wrapmargin' option, but it does not do what you want. For compatibility, if
- you set the 'wrapmargin' option, 'textwidth' will be set to (columns -
- 'wrapmargin'), where columns is the width of the display.
- If you want to format a block of text you can use the "Q" operator. Type "Q"
- and a movement command to move the cursor to the end of the block. In many
- cases the command "Q}" will do what you want (format until the end of
- paragraph). Or you can use visual mode: hit "v", move to the end of the
- block and hit "Q".
- 'expandtab' option
- If the 'expandtab' option is set, spaces will be used to fill the amount of
- whitespace of the tab. If you want to enter a real <TAB> type CTRL-V first.
- The 'expandtab' option is default off. Note that in Replace mode a single
- character is replaced by several spaces. The result of this is that the
- number of characters in the line increases. Backspacing will delete one
- space at a time. The original text will be put back in a place where you
- would not expect it.
- typing backwards
- If the 'revins' (reverse insert) option is set, inserting happens backwards.
- This can be used to type Hebrew. When inserting characters the cursor is not
- moved and the text moves rightwards. A <BS> deletes the character under the
- cursor. CTRL-W and CTRL-U also work in the opposite direction. <BS>, CTRL-W
- and CTRL-U do not stop at the start of insert or end of line, no matter how
- the 'backspace' option is set.
- In Replace mode the cursor is moved leftwards. <BS> will restore the
- character right of the cursor.
- In insert or Replace mode the 'revins' option can be toggled with CTRL-P.
- If the 'showmode' option is set, "-- REVERSE INSERT --" or
- "-- REVERSE REPLACE --" will be shown in the status line.
- Replace mode
- In Replace mode one character in the line is deleted for every character you
- type. If there is no character to delete (at the end of the line), the
- typed character is appended (as in Insert mode). Thus the number of
- characters in a line stays the same until you get to the end of the line.
- Be careful with <TAB> characters. If you type a normal printing character in
- its place, the number of characters is still the same, but the number of
- columns will become smaller.
- If you delete characters in Replace mode (with <BS>, <DEL>, CTRL-W or
- CTRL-U), you really delete your changes. The characters that were replaced
- are restored. If you had typed past the existing text, the characters you
- added are deleted.
- All this only works in the current line. If you have started a new line
- (replaced a character with a <CR>) Vim no longer remembers what happened in
- the previous line. If you backspace over the newline (only possible if the
- 'backspace' option is non-zero), the two lines will be joined again, but
- typing further backspaces will not restore the original text. Only the
- cursor is moved.
- If the 'expandtab' option is set, a <TAB> will replace one character
- with several spaces. When backspacing over these spaces, the original text
- will appear in a position where you would not expect it.
- 4.4 Command_line mode
- Command_line mode is used to enter Ex commands <:>, search patterns </><?>
- and filter commands <!>.
- 4.4.1 Command line editing
- Normal characters are inserted in front of the cursor position. You can move
- around in the command line with the left and right cursor keys. {Vi: can
- only alter the last character in the line}
- The command lines that you enter are remembered in a history table. You can
- recall them with the up and down cursor keys. Use the 'history' option to
- set the number of lines that are remembered (default 20).
- CTRL-V Insert next non-digit literally. Up to three digits form the
- decimal value of a single byte. The non-digit and the three
- digits are not considered for mapping. This works the same
- way as in Insert mode (see above).
- <C_LEFT> cursor left
- <C_RIGHT> cursor right
- <SC_LEFT> cursor one word left
- <SC_RIGHT> cursor one word right
- CTRL-B cursor to begin of command line
- CTRL-E cursor to end of command line
- <BS> delete the character in front of the cursor
- <DEL> delete the character under the cursor (at end of line:
- character in front of the cursor)
- CTRL-W delete the word in front of the cursor
- CTRL-U remove all characters
- Note: if the command line becomes empty with one of the
- delete commands, command line mode is quit.
- {char1} <BS> {char2} or
- CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
- enter digraph (see 4.7). {not in Vi}
- <CR> or <LF> start entered command
- <ESC> when typed: quit command line without executing
- in macros: start entered command
- CTRL-C quit command line without executing
- <C_UP> recall older command line from history
- <C_DOWN> recall more recent command line from history
- <SC_UP> recall older command line from history, which begin matches
- the current command line.
- <SC_DOWN> recall more recent command line from history, which begin
- matches the current command line.
- CTRL-D list filenames that match the pattern in front of the cursor
- 'wildchar' option
- do filename completion on the pattern in front of the cursor
- (Note: does not work inside a macro)
- CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
- enter digraph (see 4.7). {not in Vi}
- CTRL-N after 'wildchar' with multiple matches: go to next match;
- otherwise: recall more recent command line from history
- CTRL-P after 'wildchar' with multiple matches: go to previous match;
- otherwise: recall older command line from history
- CTRL-A do filename completion on the pattern in front of the cursor
- and insert all matches
- CTRL-L do filename completion on the pattern in front of the cursor
- and insert the longest common part
- The 'wildchar' option defaults to <TAB> (CTRL-E when compiled with
- COMPATIBLE; in a previous version <ESC> was used). In the pattern for
- CTRL-D and 'wildchar' standard Amiga wildcards are accepted, plus the <*>
- and <?> characters.
- For filename completion you can use the 'suffixes' option to set a priority
- between files with almost the same name. If there are multiple matches,
- those files with an extension that is in the 'suffixes' option are ignored.
- The default is ".bak.o.h.info.vim", which means that files with the
- extensions ".bak", ".o", ".h", ".info" and ".vim" are sometimes ignored. It
- is impossible to ignore suffixes with two dots. Examples:
- pattern: files: match:
- test* test.c test.h test.o test.c
- test* test.h test.o test.h and test.o
- test* test.i test.h test.c test.i and test.c
- If there is more than one matching file (after ignoring the ones matching
- the 'suffixes' option) the message "Too many file names" is given. The first
- file name is inserted. You can get to the others by entering 'wildchar',
- CTRL-N or CTRL-P. All files are included then, also the ones with extensions
- matching the 'suffixes' option.
- The <SC_UP> and <SC_DOWN> keys take the current command line as search
- string. The beginning of the next/previous command lines are compared against
- this string. The fist line that matches is the new command line. When typing
- these two keys repeatedly, the same string is used again. For example this
- can be used to find the previous substitute command: Type ":s" and then
- <SC_UP>. The same could be done by typing <C_UP> a number of times until the
- desired command line is shown. (Note: the shifted arrow keys do not work on
- all terminals)
- 4.4.2 Ex command lines
- The Ex commands have a few specialities:
- <"> or <#> at the start of a line causes the whole line to be ignored. <">
- after a command causes the rest of the line to be ignored. This can be used
- to add comments.
- <|> can be used to separate commands, so you can give multiple commands in
- one line. The commands ":global", "vglobal" and ":!" see the <|> as their
- argument, and can therefore not be followed by another command. If you want
- <|> to be included in a command, precede it with <\>. Note that this is
- confusing (inherited from vi). If you give a command with ":!" you don't
- have to use a backslash, with ":r !" you have to. And with ":g" the <|> is
- included in the command, with ":s" it is not. Examples:
- :!ls | wc view the output of two commands
- :r !ls \| wc insert the same output in the text
- :%g/foo/p|> moves all matching lines one shiftwidth
- :%s/foo/bar/|> moves one line one shiftwidth
- When the character <%> or <#> is used where a filename is expected, they are
- expanded to the current and alternate filename (see the chapter "editing
- files").
- Embedded spaces in filenames are allowed if one filename is expected as
- argument. Trailing spaces will be ignored, unless escaped with a backslash
- or CTRL-V. Note that the ":next" command uses spaces to separate file names.
- Escape the spaces to include them in a file name. Example:
- :next foo\ bar goes\ to school\
- starts editing the three files "foo bar", "goes to" and "school ".
- When you want to use the special characters <"> or <|> in a command, or want
- to use <%> or <#> in a filename, precede them with a backslash. The backslash
- is not required in a range and in the ":substitute" command.
- 4.4.3 Ex command line ranges
- Some Ex commands accept a line range in front of them. This is noted as
- [range]. It consists of one or more line specifiers, separated with <,> or
- <;>. When separated with <;> the cursor position will be set to that line
- before interpreting the next line specifier. The default line specifier for
- most commands is the cursor position, but the commands ":write" and
- ":global" have the whole file (1,$) as default. If more line specifiers are
- given than required for the command, the first one(s) will be ignored.
- Line numbers may be specified with:
- {number} an absolute line number
- . the current line
- $ the last line in the file
- % equal to 1,$ (the entire file)
- 't position of mark t (lower case)
- /{pattern}[/] the next line where {pattern} matches
- ?{pattern}[?] the previous line where {pattern} matches
- Each may be followed (several times) by <+> or <-> and an optional number.
- This number is added or subtracted from the preceding line number. If the
- number is omitted, 1 is used.
- The "/" and "?" may be preceded with another address. The search starts from
- there. The "/" and "?" after {pattern} are required to separate the pattern
- from anything that follows.
- The {number} must be between 0 and the number of lines in the file. A 0 is
- interpreted as a 1, except with the commands tag, pop and read.
- Examples:
- .+3 three lines below the cursor
- /that/+1 the line below the next line containing "that"
- .,$ from current line until end of file
- 0/that the first line containing "that"
- Some commands allow for a count after the command. This count is used as the
- number of lines to be used, starting with the line given in the last line
- specifier (the default is the cursor line).
- Examples:
- :s/x/X/g 5 substitute <x> by <X> in the current line and four
- following lines
- :23d 4 delete lines 23, 24, 25 and 26
- 4.5 The window contents
- In command and Insert/Replace mode the screen window will show the current
- contents of the buffer: What You See Is What You Get. {Vi: when changing
- text a <$> is placed on the last changed character; The window is not always
- updated on slow terminals} Lines longer than the window width will wrap,
- unless the 'wrap' option is off (see below). The bottom lines in the window
- may start with one of these two characters:
- <@> The next line is too long to fit in the window.
- <~> Below the last line in the buffer.
- If the bottom line is completely filled with <@>, the line that is at the
- top of the window is too long to fit in the window. If the cursor is on this
- line you can't see what you are doing, because this part of the line is not
- shown. However, the part of the line before the <@>s can be edited normally.
- {Vi: gives an "internal error" on lines that do not fit in the window}
- If the 'wrap' option is off, long lines will not wrap. Only the part that
- fits on the screen is shown. If the cursor is moved to a part of the line
- that is not shown, the screen is scrolled horizontally. The advantage of
- this method is that columns are shown as they are and lines that cannot fit
- on the screen can be edited. The disadvantage is that you cannot see all the
- characters of a line at once. The 'sidescroll' option can be set to the
- minimal number of columns to scroll. {Vi: has no 'wrap' option}
- All normal ASCII characters are displayed directly on the screen. The <TAB>
- is replaced by the number of spaces that it represents. Other non-printing
- characters are replaced by "^<char>", where <char> is the non-printing
- character with 64 added. Thus character 7 (bell) will be shown as "^G".
- Characters between 127 and 160 are replaced by "~<char>", where <char> is
- the character with 64 subtracted. These characters occupy more than one
- position on the screen. The cursor can only be positioned on the first one.
- If you set the 'number' option, all lines will be preceded with their
- number.
- If you set the 'list' option, <TAB> characters will not be shown as several
- spaces, but as "^I". A <$> will be placed at the end of the line, so you can
- find trailing blanks.
- In Command_line mode only the command line itself is shown correctly. The
- display of the buffer contents is updated as soon as you go back to Command
- mode.
- Some commands hand over the window to external commands (e.g. ":shell" and
- "="). After these commands are finished the window may be clobbered with
- output from the external command, so it needs to be redrawn. This is also
- the case if something is displayed on the status line that is longer than
- the width of the window. If you are expected to have a look at the screen
- before it is redrawn, you get this message:
- Press RETURN or enter command to continue
- After you type a key the screen will be redrawn and Vim continues. If you
- type <CR>, <SP> or <LF> nothing else happens. If you type any other key, it
- will be interpreted as (the start of) a new command. {Vi: only <:> commands
- are interpreted}
- The last line of the window is used for status and other messages. The
- status messages will only be used if an option is on:
- status message option default unix default
- current mode 'showmode' on on
- command characters 'showcmd' on off
- cursor position 'ruler' off off
- The current mode is "-- INSERT --" or "-- REPLACE --". The command
- characters are those that you typed but were not used yet. {Vi: does not
- show the characters you typed or the cursor position}
- If you have a slow terminal you can switch off the status messages to speed
- up editing:
- :set nosc noru nosm
- If there is an error, an error message will be shown for at least one second
- (in reverse video). {Vi: error messages may be overwritten with other
- messages before you have a chance to read them}
- Some commands show how many lines were affected. Above which threshold this
- happens can be controlled with the 'report' option (default 2).
- On the Amiga Vim will run in a CLI window. The name Vim and the full name of
- the current filename will be shown in the title bar. When the window is
- resized, Vim will automatically redraw the window. You may make the window as
- small as you like, but if it gets too small not a single line will fit in it.
- Make it at least 40 characters wide to be able to read most messages on the
- last line.
- On most Unix systems window resize works ok. {Vi: not ok}
- 4.6 Abbreviations
- Abbreviations are used in insert mode, Replace mode and Command_line mode.
- If you enter a word that is an abbreviation, it is replaced by the word it
- stands for. Only whole words are recognized. A word is made up of letters,
- digits and <_>. You have to type a character other than a letter, digit, or
- <_> in front of the word and after the word before the abbreviation is
- recognized. The word may also begin at the start of a line and at the
- position where the insertion started. You may also type a <CR> or <LF> after
- the word.
- Example: ":ab foo four old otters". Note that spaces in the <rhs> are
- allowed and included in the replacement string. If you now insert the word
- "foo" with a space before and after it, it will be replaced by "four old
- otters". If you would type "foobar" or "barfoo" nothing happens.
- To avoid the abbreviation in insert mode type part of the abbreviation, exit
- insert mode with <ESC>, re-enter insert mode with "a" and type the rest. In
- Command_line mode you can type CTRL-V twice somewhere in the abbreviation to
- avoid it to be replaced. A CTRL-V in front of a normal character is mostly
- ignored otherwise.
- There are no default abbreviations.
- Abbreviations are disabled if the 'paste' option is set.
- :ab[breviate] list all abbreviations. The character in the first
- column indicates the mode where the abbreviation is
- used: 'i' for insert mode, 'c' for Command_line
- mode, '!' for both.
- :ab[breviate] <lhs> list the abbreviations that start with <lhs>
- :ab[breviate] <lhs> <rhs>
- add abbreviation for <lhs> to <rhs>. If <lhs> already
- existed it is replaced with the new <rhs>. <rhs> may
- contain spaces.
- :una[bbreviate] <lhs> remove abbreviation for <lhs> from the list
- :norea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs]
- same as ":ab", but no remapping for this <rhs> {not
- in Vi}
- :ca[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs] same as ":ab", but for Command_line mode only. {not
- in Vi}
- :cuna[bbrev] <lhs> same as ":una", but for Command_line mode only. {not
- in Vi}
- :cnorea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs]
- same as ":ab", but for Command_line mode only and no
- remapping for this <rhs> {not in Vi}
- :ia[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs] same as ":ab", but for insert mode only. {not in Vi}
- :iuna[bbrev] <lhs> same as ":una", but for insert mode only. {not in
- Vi}
- :inorea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs]
- same as ":ab", but for insert mode only and no
- remapping for this <rhs> {not in Vi}
- 4.7 Digraphs
- :dig[raphs] show currently defined digraphs. {not in Vi}
- :dig[raphs] {char1}{char2} {number} ...
- Add digraph {char1}{char2} to the list. {number} is
- the decimal representation of the character.
- Digraphs are used to enter characters that normally cannot be entered by
- an ordinary keyboard. These are mostly accented characters which have the
- eighth bit set. The digraphs are easier to remember than the decimal number
- that can be entered with CTRL-V (see above).
- Vim must have been compiled with the 'digraphs' option enabled. If not, the
- ":digraph" command will display an error message.
- There are two methods to enter digraphs:
- CTRL-K {char1} {char2} or
- {char1} <BS> {char2}
- The first is always available. The second only when the 'digraph' option is
- set.
- Once you have entered the digraph the character is treated like a normal
- character, taking up only one character in the file and on the screen.
- Example:
- <|> <BS> <|> will enter the double <|> character (166)
- <a> <BS> <^> will enter an <a> with a hat (226)
- CTRL-K <-> <-> will enter a minus sign (173)
- The default digraphs are listed in the file digraph.doc. They are meant for
- the Amiga character set, which is some international standard. With another
- character set they may be illogical.
- If you accidently typed an <a> that should be an <e>, you will type <a> <BS>
- <e>. But that is a digraph, so you will not get what you want. To avoid this,
- use <DEL> instead of <BS>.
- 5. Editing files
- 5.1 Introduction
- Editing a file with Vim means:
- 1. reading the file into the internal buffer
- 2. changing the buffer with editor commands
- 3. writing the buffer into a file
- As long as you don't write the buffer, the original file remains unchanged.
- If you start editing a file (read a file into the buffer), the file name is
- remembered as the "current filename".
- If there already was a current filename, then that one becomes the alternate
- file name. Up to 20 older alternate filenames are remembered in a list. When
- you enter a filename, for editing (e.g. with ":e filename") or writing (e.g.
- with (:w filename"), the filenames shift one down in this list. You can use
- this list to remember which files you edited and to quickly switch from one
- file to another with the CTRL-^ command (e.g. to copy text). {Vi: only one
- alternate filename}
- In Ex commands (the ones that start with a colon) <%> is replaced by the
- current filename and <#> is replaced by the alternate filename. The older
- alternate filenames are "#1", "#2", ..., "#9". "#0" is the same as "#". "#<"
- is replaced by the current filename with the extension deleted (everything
- after and including the last '.' in the file name).
- CTRL-G or
- :f[ile] Prints the current filename (as typed) and the
- cursor position.
- {count}CTRL-G Prints the current filename with full path and the
- cursor position.
- :f[ile] {name} Sets the current filename to {name}.
- :files Lists the alternate filenames.
- Vim will remember the full path name of a file name that you enter. In most
- cases when the file name is displayed only the name you typed is shown, but
- the full path name is being used if you used the ":cd" command.
- When writing the buffer, the default is to use the current filename. Thus
- when you give the "ZZ" or ":wq" command, the original file will be
- overwritten. If you do not want this, the buffer can be written into another
- file by giving a filename argument to the ":write" command. For example:
- vim testfile
- [change the buffer with editor commands]
- :w newfile
- :q
- This will create a file "newfile", that is a modified copy of "testfile".
- The file "testfile" will remain unchanged. Anyway, if the 'backup' option is
- set, Vim renames the original file before it will be overwritten. You can
- use this file if you discover that you need the original file. The name of
- the backup file is the same as the original file with ".bak" appended. Any
- <.> is replaced by <_> on MSDOS machines, when Vim has detected that an
- MSDOS-like filesystem is being used (e.g. messydos or crossdos) and when the
- 'shortname' option is set.
- Technical: On the Amiga you can use 30 characters for a file name. But on an
- MSDOS-compatible filesystem only 8 plus 3 characters are
- available. Vim tries to detect the type of filesystem when it is
- creating the .vim file. If an MSDOS-like filesystem is suspected,
- a flag is set that has the same effect as setting the 'shortname'
- option. This flag will be reset as soon as you start editing a
- new file. The flag will be used when making the filename for the
- ".vim" and ".bak" files for the current file. But when you are
- editing a file in a normal filesystem and write to an MSDOS-like
- filesystem the flag will not have been set. In that case the
- creation of the ".bak" file may fail and you will get an error
- message. Use the 'shortname' option in this case.
- Vim remembers whether you have changed the buffer. You are protected from
- losing the changes you made. If you try to quit without writing, or want to
- start editing another file, this will be refused. In order to overrule this
- protection add a <!> to the command. The changes will then be lost. For
- example: ":q" will not work if the buffer was changed, but ":q!" will. To see
- whether the buffer was changed use the "CTRL-G" command. The message includes
- the string "[Modified]" if the buffer has been changed.
- 5.2 Editing a file
- :e[dit] [+pat] Edit the current file, unless changes have been made.
- :e[dit]! [+pat] Edit the current file always. Discard any changes to
- the buffer.
- :e[dit] [+pat] {file} Edit {file}, unless changes have been made.
- :e[dit]! [+pat] {file} Edit {file} always. Discard any changes to the
- buffer.
- :e[dit] #[count] Edit the [count]th alternate filename (as shown by
- :files). Omitting [count] is equivalent to CTRL-^.
- :ex [+pat] [file] Same as :edit. {Vi: go from visual to Ex mode}
- :vi[sual] [+pat] [file] Same as :edit. {Vi: go from Ex to Visual mode}
- [count]CTRL-^ Edit [count]th alternate file (equivalent to ":e
- #[count]"). Without count this gets you to the
- previously edited file. This is a quick way to
- toggle between two (or more) files. If the
- 'autowrite' option is set and the buffer was
- changed, write it.
- :cd On non-Unix systems: Print the current directory
- name. On Unix systems: Change the current directory
- to the home directory.
- :cd {path} Change the current directory to {path}. Does not
- change the meaning of an already entered file name,
- because its full path name is remembered.
- :chd[ir] [path] Same as :cd.
- :pwd Print the current directory name. {Vi: no pwd}
- These commands are used to start editing a single file. This means that the
- file is read into the buffer and the current filename is set. You may use the
- ":cd" command to get to another directory, so you will not have to type that
- directory name in front of the filenames. One warning: After using ":cd" the
- full path name will be used for reading and writing files. On some networked
- file systems this may cause problems. The result of using the full path name
- is that the file names currently in use will remain refering to the same
- file. Example: If you have a file a:test and a directory a:vim the commands
- ":e test" ":cd vim" ":w" will overwrite the file a:test and not write
- a:vim/test. But if you do ":w test" the file a:vim/test will be written,
- because you gave a new file name and did not refer to a file name before the
- ":cd".
- You can use the ":e!" command if you messed up the buffer and want to start
- all over again. The ":e" command is only useful if you have changed the
- current filename.
- The [+pat] can be used to position the cursor in the newly opened file:
- + Start at the last line.
- +{num} Start at line {num}.
- +/{pat} Start at first line containing {pat}. {pat} must not
- contain any spaces.
- +{command} Execute {command} after opening the new file.
- {command} is an Ex command. It must not contain
- spaces.
- When reading a file when the 'textmode' option is off (default for
- non-MSDOS) the <LF> character is interpreted as end-of-line. If 'textmode'
- is on (default for MSDOS), <CR><LF> is also interpreted as end-of-line.
- When writeing a file when the 'textmode' option is off a <LF> character is
- used to separate lines. When the 'textmode' option is on <CR><LF> is used.
- You can read a file with 'textmode' set and write it with 'textmode' reset.
- This will replace all <CR><LF> pairs by <LF>. If you read a file with
- 'textmode' reset and write with 'textmode' set, all <LF> characters will be
- replaced by <CR><LF>.
- If you start editing a new file and the 'textauto' option is set, Vim will
- try to detect whether the lines in the file are separated by a single <LF>
- (as used on Unix and Amiga) or by a <CR><LF> pair (MSDOS). It reads up to
- the first <LF> and checks if there is a <CR> in front of it. If there is the
- 'textmode' option is set, otherwise it is reset. If the 'textmode' option is
- set on non-MSDOS systems the message "[textmode]" is shown to remind you
- that something unusual is happening. On MSDOS systems you get the message
- "[notextmode]" if the 'textmode' option is not set.
- Before editing binary, executable or Vim script files you should set the
- 'textmode' and 'textauto' options off. With 'textmode' on you risc that
- single <LF> characters are unexpectedly replaced with <CR><LF>. A simple way
- to do this is by starting Vim with the "-b" option.
- 5.3 The file list
- If you give more than one filename when starting Vim, this list is remembered
- as the file list. You can use this list with the following commands:
- :ar[gs] Print the file list, with the current file in "[]".
- :[count]n[ext] Edit [count] next file, unless changes have been
- made and the 'autowrite' option is off {Vi: no
- count}.
- :[count]n[ext]! Edit [count] next file, discard any changes to the
- buffer {Vi: no count}.
- :n[ext] [+pat] {filelist}
- Define {filelist} as the new list of files and edit
- the first one, unless changes have been made and the
- 'autowrite' option is off.
- :n[ext]! [+pat] {filelist}
- Define {filelist} as the new list of files and edit
- the first one. Discard any changes to the buffer.
- :[count]N[ext] Edit [count] previous file in file list, unless
- changes have been made and the 'autowrite' option is
- off {Vi: no count}.
- :[count]N[ext]! Edit [count] previous file in file list. Discard any
- changes to the buffer {Vi: no count}.
- :[count]pre[vious] Same as :Next {Vi: only in some versions}
- :rew[ind] Start editing the first file in the file list, unless
- changes have been made and the 'autowrite' option is
- off.
- :rew[ind]! Start editing the first file in the file list.
- Discard any changes to the buffer.
- :[count]wn[ext] Write current file and start editing the [count]
- next file. {not in Vi}
- :[count]wn[ext] {file} Write current file to {file} and start editing the
- [count] next file, unless {file} already exists and
- the 'writeany' option is off.
- {not in Vi}
- :[count]wn[ext]! {file} Write current file to {file} and start editing the
- [count] next file. {not in Vi}
- The [count] in the commands above defaults to one.
- The wildcards in the file list are expanded and the filenames are sorted.
- Thus you can use the command "vim *.c" to edit all the C files. From within
- Vim the command ":n *.c" does the same.
- You are protected from leaving Vim if you are not editing the last file in
- the file list. This prevents you from forgetting that you were editing one
- out of several files. You can exit anyway, and save any changes, with the
- ":wq!" command. To lose any changes use the ":q!" command.
- 5.4 Writing and quitting
- :[range]w[rite][!] Write the specified lines to the current file.
- :[range]w[rite] {file} Write the specified lines to {file}, unless it
- already exists and the 'writeany' option is off.
- :[range]w[rite]! {file} Write the specified lines to {file}. Overwrite an
- existing file.
- :[range]w[rite][!] >> Append the specified lines to the current file.
- :[range]w[rite][!] >> {file}
- Append the specified lines to {file}. <!> forces the
- write even if file does not exist.
- :[range]w[rite] !{cmd} Execute {cmd} with [range] lines as standard input
- (note the space in front of the <!>).
- The default [range] for the ":w" command is the whole buffer (1,$).
- :q[uit] Quit, unless changes have been made or not editing
- the last file in the file list.
- :q[uit]! Quit always, without writing.
- :cq Quit always, without writing, and return an error
- code. Used for Manx's QuickFix mode (see 5.5).
- :wq Write the current file. Exit if not editing the
- last file in the file list.
- :wq! Write the current file and exit.
- :wq {file} Write to {file}. Exit if not editing the last
- file in the file list.
- :wq! {file} Write to {file} and exit.
- :x[it][!] [file] Like ":wq", but write only when changes have been
- made.
- ZZ Write current file, if modified, and exit (same as
- ":x").
- If you write to an existing file (but do not append) while the 'backup' or
- 'writebackup' option is on, a backup of the original file is made. On Unix
- systems the file is copied, on other systems the file is renamed. After the
- file has been successfully written and when the 'writebackup' option is on
- and the 'backup' option is off, the backup file is deleted.
- 'backup' 'writebackup' action
- off off no backup made
- off on backup made, deleted afterwards
- on off backup made, not deleted
- on on backup made, not deleted (default)
- On Unix systems:
- When you write to an existing file, that file is truncated and then filled
- with the new text. This means that protection bits, owner and symbolic links
- are unmodified. The backup file however, is a new file, owned by the user
- who edited the file. If it is not possible to create the backup file in the
- same directory as the original file, the directory given with the
- 'backupdir' option is used (default: home directory).
- If the creation of a backup file fails, the write is not done. If you want
- to write anyway add a <!> to the command.
- If the 'textmode' option is set <CR><LF> is used for end-of-line. This is
- default for MSDOS. On other systems the message "[textmode]" is shown to
- remind you that an usual end-of-line marker was used. If the 'textmode' is
- not set LF is used for end-of-line. On MSDOS the message "[notextmode]" is
- shown. See also the 'textmode' and 'textauto' options.
- 5.5 Using the QuickFix mode
- Vim has a special mode to speedup the edit-compile-edit cycle. This is
- inspired by the quickfix option of the Manx's Aztec C compiler on the Amiga.
- The idea is to save the error messages from the compiler in a file and use
- Vim to jump to the errors one by one. You can then examine each problem and
- fix it, without having to remember all the error messages.
- If you are using Manx's Aztec C compiler on the Amiga you should do the
- following:
- - Set the CCEDIT environment variable with the command
- mset "CCEDIT=vim -e"
- - Compile with the -qf option. If the compiler finds any errors, Vim is
- started and the cursor is positioned on the first error. The error message
- will be displayed on the last line. You can go to other errors with the
- commands mentioned below. You can fix the errors and write the file(s).
- - If you exit Vim normally the compiler will re-compile the same file. If you
- exit with the :cq command, the compiler will terminate. Do this if you
- cannot fix the error, or if another file needs to be compiled first.
- If you are using another compiler you should save the error messages in a
- file and start Vim with "vim -e filename". An easy way to do this is with
- the ":make" command (see below). The 'errorformat' option should be set to
- match the error messages from your compiler (see below).
- The following commands can be used if you are in QuickFix mode:
- :cc [nr] Display error [nr]. If [nr] is omitted, the same
- error is displayed again. {not in Vi}
- :cn Display the next error in the list that includes a
- file name. If there are no file names at all, go the
- the next error. {not in Vi}
- :cp Display the previous error in the list that includes
- a file name. If there are no file names at all, go
- the the previous error. {not in Vi}
- :cq Quit Vim with an error code, so that the compiler
- will not compile the same file again. {not in Vi}
- :cf [errorfile] Read the error file and jump to the first error.
- This is done automatically when Vim is started with
- the -e option. You can use this command when you
- keep Vim running while compiling. If you give the
- name of the errorfile, the 'errorfile' option will
- be set to [errorfile] {not in Vi}
- :cl List all errors. {not in Vi}
- :make [arguments] 1. If the 'autowrite' option is set and the buffer
- was changed, write it.
- 2. Any existing 'errorfile' is deleted.
- 3. The program given with the 'makeprg' option is
- started (default "make") with the optional
- [arguments] and the output is saved in
- 'errorfile' (for Unix it is also echoed on the
- screen).
- 4. The 'errorfile' is then read and the first error
- is jumped to.
- 5. The 'errorfile' is deleted.
- {not in Vi}
- The name of the file can be set with the 'errorfile' option. The default is
- "AztecC.Err" for the Amiga and "errors" for other systems. The format of the
- file from the Aztec compiler is:
- filename>linenumber:columnnumber:errortype:errornumber:errormessage
- filename name of the file in which the error was detected
- linenumber line number where the error was detected
- columnnumber column number where the error was detected
- errortype type of the error, normally a single <E> or <W>
- errornumber number of the error (for lookup in the manual)
- errormessage description of the error
- Another compiler is likely to use a different format. You should set the
- 'errorformat' option to a scanf-like string that describes the format. First
- you need to know how scanf works. Look in the documentation of your C
- compiler. Vim will understand eight conversion characters. Others are invalid.
- %f file name (finds a string)
- %l line number (finds a number)
- %c column number (finds a number)
- %t error type (finds a single character)
- %n error number (finds a number)
- %m error message (finds a string)
- %*<conv> any scanf non-assignable conversion
- %% the single <%> character
- Examples:
- "%f>%l:%c:%t:%n:%m" for the AztecC.Err file
- "%f:%l:\ %t%*[^0123456789]%n:\ %m" for Aztec C error messages
- "%f\ %l\ %t%*[^0123456789]%n:\ %m" for SAS C
- "\"%f\",%*[^0123456789]%l:\ %m" default for generic C compilers
- Note the backslash in front of a space and double quote. It is required for
- the :set command.
- The "%f" and "%m" conversions have to detect the end of the string. They
- should be followed by a character that cannot be in the string. Everything
- up to that character is included in the string. Be careful: "%f%l" will
- include everything up to the first <%> in the file name. If the "%f" or "%m"
- is at the end, everything up to the end of the line is included.
- If a line is detected that does not completely match the 'errorformat', the
- whole line is put in the error message and the entry is marked "not valid"
- These lines are skipped with the ":cn" and ":cp" commands (unless there is
- no valid line at all). You can use ":cl" to display all the error messages.
- If the error format does not contain a file name Vim cannot switch to the
- correct file. You will have to do this by hand.
- If you have a compiler that produces error messages that do not fit in the
- format string, you could write a program that translates the error messages
- into this format. You can use this program with the ":make" command by
- changing the 'makeprg' option. For example:
- ":set mp=make\ \\\|&\ error_filter".
- The backslashes before the pipe character are required to avoid it to be
- recognized as a command separator. The backslash before each space is
- required for the set command.
- The ":make" command executes the command given with the 'makeprg' option.
- This is done by passing the command to the shell given with the 'shell'
- option. This works almost like typing
- ":!{makeprg} >{errorfile} [arguments]".
- {makeprg} is the string given with the 'makeprg' option. Any command can be
- used, not just "make". Characters <%> and <#> are expanded as usual on a
- command line. You can use "#<" to insert the current filename without
- extension, for example ":set makeprg=make\ #<.o".
- {errorfile} is the 'errorfile' option.
- [arguments] is anything that is typed after ":make".
- There are some restrictions to the Quickfix mode on the Amiga. The
- compiler only writes the first 25 errors to the errorfile (Manx's
- documentation does not say how to get more). If you want to find the others,
- you will have to fix a few errors and exit the editor. After recompiling,
- up to 25 remaining errors will be found.
- On the Amiga, if Vim was started from the compiler, the :sh and :! commands
- will not work, because Vim is then running in the same process as the
- compiler and these two commands may guru the machine then.
- If you insert or delete lines, mostly the correct error location is still
- found because hidden marks are used (Manx's Z editor does not do this).
- Sometimes, when the mark has been deleted for some reason, the message "line
- changed" is shown to warn you that the error location may not be correct. If
- you edit another file the marks are lost and the error locations may not be
- correct anymore.
- 5.6 Editing binary files
- Although Vim was made to edit text files, it is possible to edit binary
- files. The "-b" command line option (b for binary) sets some options for
- editing binary files ('binary' on, 'textwidth' to 0, 'textmode' and
- 'textauto' off, 'modelines' to 0, 'expandtab' off). Setting the 'binary'
- option has the same effect. Don't forget to do this before reading the file.
- There are a few things to remember when editing binary files:
- - When editing executable files the number of characters must not change.
- Use only the "R" or "r" command to change text. Do not delete characters
- with "x" or by backspacing.
- - Set the 'textwidth' option to 0. Otherwise lines will unexpectedly be
- split in two.
- - When there are not many end-of-line characters, the lines will become very
- long. If you want to edit a line that does not fit on the screen reset the
- 'wrap' option. Horizontal scrolling is used then. If a line becomes too
- long (more than about 32767 characters on the Amiga, much more on 32-bit
- systems) you cannot edit that line. It is also possible that you get an
- "out of memory" error when reading the file.
- - Make sure the 'textmode' and 'textauto' options are off before loading the
- file. In 'textmode' both <CR><LF> and <LF> are considered to end a line
- and when the file is written the <LF> will be replaced by <CR><LF>. The
- 'modelines' option should also be off, because there may be a string like
- ":vi:" in the file that would give unpredictable results.
- - <NUL> characters are shown on the screen as ^@. You can enter them with
- "CTRL-V CTRL-@" or "CTRL-V 000" {vi cannot handle <NUL> characters in the
- file}
- - To insert a <LF> character in the file split up a line. When writing the
- buffer to a file a <LF> will be written for the end of line.
- - Vim normally appends an end-of-line character at the end of the file if
- there is none. Setting the 'binary' option prevents this. If you want to
- add the final end-of-line, append an empty line at the end.
- 6. Cursor motions
- These commands move the cursor position. If the new position is off of the
- screen, the screen is scrolled to show the cursor (see also 'scrolljump'
- option).
- The motion commands can be used after other commands, called operators, to
- have the command operate on the text that was moved over. That is the text
- between the cursor position before and after the motion. If the motion
- includes a count and the operator also had a count, the two counts are
- multiplied. For example: "2d3w" deletes six words.
- The operator either affects whole lines, or the characters between
- the start and end position. Generally, motions that move between lines
- affect lines (are linewise), and motions that move within a line affect
- characters. However, there are some exceptions.
- A character motion is either inclusive or exclusive. When inclusive,
- the start and end position of the motion are included in the operation.
- When exclusive, the last character towards the end of the buffer is not
- included. Linewise motions always include the start and end position.
- Which motions are linewise, inclusive or exclusive is mentioned
- below. There are however, two general exceptions:
- 1. If the motion is exclusive and the end of the motion is in column 1, the
- end of the motion is moved to the end of the previous line and the motion
- becomes inclusive. Example: "}" ends at the first line after a paragraph,
- but "V}" will not include that line.
- 2. If the motion is exclusive, the end of the motion is in column 1 and the
- start of the motion was at or before the first non-blank in the line, the
- motion becomes linewise. Example: If a paragraph begins with some blanks
- and you do "d}" while standing on the first non-blank, all the lines of
- the paragraph are deleted, including the blanks. If you do a put now, the
- deleted lines will be inserted below the cursor position.
- Instead of first giving the operator and then a motion you can use Visual
- mode: mark the start of the text with <v>, move the cursor to the end of the
- text that is to be affected and then hit the operator. The text between the
- start and the cursor position is highlighted, so you can see what text will
- be operated upon. This allows much more freedom, but requires more key
- strokes and has limited redo functionality. See the chapter on Visual mode.
- If you want to know where you are in the file use the "CTRL-G" command. If
- you set the 'ruler' option, the cursor position is continuously shown in the
- status line (which slows down Vim a little).
- NOTE: Experienced users prefer the hjkl keys because they are always right
- under their fingers. Beginners often prefer the arrow keys, because they
- do not know what the hjkl keys do. The mnemonic value of hjkl is clear from
- looking at the keyboard. Think of j as an arrow pointing downwards.
- 6.1 Left-right motions
- h or
- <C_LEFT> or
- CTRL-H or
- <BS> [count] characters to the left (exclusive).
- l or
- <C_RIGHT> or
- <SPACE> [count] characters to the right (exclusive).
- 0 To the first character of the line (exclusive).
- ^ To the first non-blank character of the line
- (exclusive).
- $ To the end of line [count] from the cursor
- (inclusive).
- | To column [count] (inclusive).
- f<char> To [count]'th occurrence of <char> to the right. The
- cursor is placed on <char> (inclusive).
- F<char> To the [count]'th occurrence of <char> to the left.
- The cursor is placed on <char> (inclusive).
- t<char> Till before [count]'th occurrence of <char> to the
- right. The cursor is placed on the character left of
- <char> (inclusive).
- T<char> Till after [count]'th occurrence of <char> to the
- left. The cursor is placed on the character right of
- <char> (inclusive).
- ; Repeat latest f, t, F or T [count] times.
- , Repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite direction
- [count] times.
- These commands move the cursor to the specified column in the current line.
- They stop at the first column and at the end of the line, except "$", which
- may move to one of the next lines.
- 6.2 Up-down motions
- k or
- <C_UP> or
- CTRL-P [count] lines upward (linewise).
- j or
- <C_DOWN> or
- CTRL-J or
- <LF> or
- CTRL-N [count] lines downward (linewise).
- - <minus> [count] lines upward, on the first non-blank
- character (linewise).
- + or
- CTRL-M or
- <CR> [count] lines downward, on the first non-blank
- character (linewise).
- _ <underscore> [count] - 1 lines downward, on the first non-blank
- character (linewise).
- G Goto line [count], default last line, on the first
- non-blank character (linewise).
- :[range] Set the cursor on the (last) specified line number
- (cannot be used with an operator).
- {count}% Go to {count} percentage in the file, column 1
- (linewise). To compute the new line number this
- formula is used: {count} * number-of-lines / 100.
- {not in Vi}
- These commands move to the specified line. They stop when reaching the first
- or the last line. The first two commands put the cursor in the same column
- (if possible) as it was after the last command that changed the column,
- except after the "$" command, then the cursor will be put on the last
- character of the line.
- 6.3 Word motions
- <SC_RIGHT> or
- w [count] words forward (exclusive).
- W [count] WORDS forward (exclusive).
- e Forward to the end of word [count] (inclusive).
- E Forward to the end of WORD [count] (inclusive).
- <SC_LEFT> or
- b [count] words backward (exclusive).
- B [count] WORDS backward (exclusive).
- These commands move over words or WORDS. A word consists of a sequence of
- letters, digits and underscores, or a sequence of other non-blank
- characters, separated with white space (spaces, tabs, end of line). A WORD
- consists of a sequence of non-blank characters, separated with white space.
- An empty line is also considered to be a word and a WORD.
- Special case: "cw" and "cW" are treated like "ce" and "cE" if the cursor is
- on a non-blank. This is because "cw" is interpreted as change-word, and a
- word does not include the following white space. {Vi: "cw" when on a blank
- followed by other blanks changes only the first blank; this is probably a
- bug, because "dw" deletes all the blanks}
- Another special case: When using the "w" motion in combination with an
- operator and the last word moved over is at the end of a line, the end of
- that word becomes the end of the operated text, not the first word in the
- next line.
- The original vi implementation of "e" is buggy. For example, the "e" command
- will stop on the first character of a line if the previous line was empty.
- But when you use "2e" this does not happen. In Vim "ee" and "2e" are the
- same, which is more logical. However, this causes a small incompatibility
- between vi and Vim.
- 6.4 Text object motions
- ( [count] sentences backward (exclusive).
- ) [count] sentences forward (exclusive).
- { [count] paragraphs backward (exclusive).
- } [count] paragraphs forward (exclusive).
- ]] [count] sections forward or to the next <{> in the
- first column. When used after an operator, then the
- <}> in the first column. (linewise).
- ][ [count] sections forward or to the next <}> in the
- first column (linewise).
- [[ [count] sections backward or to the previous <{> in
- the first column (linewise).
- [] [count] sections backward or to the previous <}> in
- the first column (linewise).
- These commands move over three kinds of text objects.
- A sentence is defined as ending at a <.>, <!> or <?> followed by either the
- end of a line, or by a space. {Vi: two spaces} Any number of closing <)>,
- <]>, <"> and <'> characters my appear after the <.>, <!> or <?> before the
- spaces or end of line. A paragraph and section boundary is also a sentence
- boundary.
- A paragraph begins after each empty line, and also at each of a set of
- paragraph macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the 'paragraphs'
- option. The default is "IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp", which corresponds to the
- macros ".IP", ".LP", etc. (these are nroff macros, the dot must be in the
- first column). A section boundary is also a paragraph boundary. Note that
- this does not include a <{> or <}> in the first column.
- A section begins after a form-feed in the first column and at each of a set
- of section macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the 'sections'
- option. The default is "SHNHH HUnhsh".
- The "]" and "[" commands stop at the <{> or <}" in the first column. This is
- useful to find the start or end of a function in a C program. Note that the
- first character of the command determines the search direction and the
- second character the type of brace found.
- 6.5 Pattern searches
- /{pattern}[/] Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of
- {pattern} (exclusive).
- /{pattern}/{offset} Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of
- {pattern} and go {offset} lines up or down (see
- below). (linewise).
- / Search forward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern with latest used {offset}.
- //{offset} Search forward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern with new {offset}. If {offset} is empty no
- offset is used.
- * Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of the
- ident after or under the cursor (exclusive). {not in
- Vi}
- # Search backward for the [count]'th occurrence of the
- ident after or under the cursor (exclusive). {not in
- Vi}
- ?{pattern}[?] Search backward for the [count]'th previous
- occurrence of {pattern} (exclusive).
- ?{pattern}?{offset} Search backward for the [count]'th previous
- occurrence of {pattern} and go {offset} lines up or
- down (see below) (linewise).
- ? Search backward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern with latest used {offset}.
- ??{offset} Search backward for the [count]'th latest used
- pattern with new {offset}. If {offset} is empty no
- offset is used.
- n Repeat the latest "/" or "?" [count] times. {Vi: no
- count}
- N Repeat the latest "/" or "?" [count] times in
- opposite direction. {Vi: no count}
- CTRL-C Interrupt current (search) command.
- These commands search for the specified pattern. With "/" and "?" an
- additional offset may be given. There are two types of offsets: line offsets
- and character offsets. {the character offsets are not in Vi}
- The offset gives the cursor positition relative to the found match:
- +[num] [num] lines downwards, in column 1
- -[num] [num] lines upwards, in column 1
- e[+num] [num] characters to the right of the end of the match
- e[-num] [num] characters to the left of the end of the match
- s[+num] [num] characters to the right of the start of the match
- s[-num] [num] characters to the left of the start of the match
- n not an offset: search without setting the current position
- of the cursor (used internally for the :tags command)
- If a <-> or <+> is given but [num] is omitted, a count of one will be used.
- Examples:
- pattern cursor position
- /test/+1 one line below "test", in column 1
- /test/e on the last t of "test"
- /test/s+2 on the <s> of "test"
- If one of these commands is used after an operator, the characters between
- the cursor position before and after the search is affected. However, if a
- line offset is given, the whole lines between the two cursor positions are
- affected.
- The last used <pattern> and <offset> are remembered. They can be used to
- repeat the search, possibly in another direction or with another count. Note
- that only one <pattern> is remembered for all searches, including :s
- (substitute). Each time an empty <pattern> is given, the previously used
- <pattern> is used.
- If the 'wrapscan' option is set (which is the default), searches wrap around
- the end of the buffer. If 'wrapscan' is not set, the backward search stops
- at the beginning and the forward search stops at the end of the buffer. If
- the pattern was not found the error message "pattern not found" is given,
- and the cursor will not be moved.
- Patterns may contain special characters, depending on the setting of the
- 'magic' option. The "*" and "#" commands search for the identifier currently
- under the cursor. If there is no indentifier under the cursor, the first one
- to the right is used. This identifier may only contain letters, digits and
- underscores. Note that if you type with ten fingers, the characters are easy
- to remember: the "#" is under your left hand middle finger (search to the
- left and up) and the "*" is under your right hand middle finger (search to
- the right and down).
- The definition of a pattern:
- 1. A pattern is one or more branches, separated by '\|'. It matches anything
- that matches one of the branches. Example: "foo\|bar" matches "foo" and
- "bar.
- 2. A branch is one or more pieces, concatenated. It matches a match for the
- first, followed by a match for the second, etc. Example: "foo[0-9]bar",
- first match "foo", then a digit and then "bar".
- 3. A piece is an atom, possibly followed by:
- 'magic' 'nomagic'
- option option
- * \* matches 0 or more of the preceding atom
- \+ \+ matches 1 or more of the preceding atom {not
- in Vi}
- \? \? matches 0 or 1 of the preceding atom {not in
- Vi}
- Examples:
- .* .\* match anything, also empty string
- .\+ .\+ match any non-empty string
- foo\? foo\? match "fo" and "foo"
- 4. An atom can be:
- - One of these five:
- magic nomagic
- . \. matches any single character
- \< \< matches the beginning of a word
- \> \> matches the end of a word
- ^ ^ at beginning of pattern, matches start of
- line
- $ $ at end of pattern, matches end of line
- - A pattern enclosed by escaped parentheses (e.g. "\(^a\)").
- - A single character, with no special meaning, matches itself
- - A backslash followed by a single character, with no special meaning,
- matches the single character.
- - A range. This is a sequence of characters enclosed in '[]' with the
- 'magic' option, or enclosed in '\[]' with the 'nomagic' option. It
- normally matches any single character from the sequence. If the
- sequence begins with <^>, it matches any single character NOT in the
- sequence. If two characters in the sequence are separated by <->, this
- is shorthand for the full list of ASCII characters between them (e.g.
- '[0-9]' matches any decimal digit). To include a literal <]> in the
- sequence, make it the first character (following a possible <^>). To
- include a literal '\-', make it the first or last character.
- If the 'ignorecase' option is set, the case of letters is ignored.
- It is impossible to have a pattern that contains a line break.
- Examples:
- ^beep( Probably the start of the C function "beep".
- [a-zA-Z]$ Any alphabetic character at the end of a line.
- \(^\|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)[a-zA-Z_]\+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*
- A C identifier (will stop in front of it).
- [.!?][])"']*\($\|[ ]\) A search pattern that finds the end of a sentence,
- with almost the same definition as the <)> command.
- Technical detail:
- <NUL> characters in the file are stored as <LF> in memory. In the display
- they are shown as "^@". The translation is done when reading and writing
- files. To match a <NUL> with a search pattern you can just enter CTRL-@ or
- "CTRL-V 000". This is probably just what you expect. Internally the
- character is replaced by a <LF> in the search pattern. What is unusual is
- that typing CTRL_V CTRL_J also inserts a <LF>, thus also searches for a
- <NUL> in the file. {vi cannot handle <NUL> characters in the file at all}
- 6.6 Various motions
- m<a-zA-Z> Set mark <a-zA-Z> at cursor position (does not move
- the cursor, this is not a motion command).
- :[range]mar[k] <a-zA-Z> Set mark <a-zA-Z> at last line number in [range],
- column 0. Default is cursor line.
- :[range]k<a-zA-Z> Same as :mark, but the space before the mark name can
- be omitted.
- '<a-z> To the first non-blank character on the line with
- mark <a-z> (linewise).
- '<A-Z> To the first non-blank character on the line with
- mark <A-Z> in the correct file (linewise when in
- same file, not a motion command when in other file).
- {not in Vi}
- `<a-z> To the mark <a-z> (exclusive).
- `<A-Z> To the mark <A-Z> in the correct file (exclusive
- when in same file, not a motion command when in
- other file). {not in Vi}
- :marks List the current marks (not a motion command). {not
- in Vi}
- A mark is not visible in any way. It is just a position in the file that is
- remembered. Do not confuse marks with named registers, they are totally
- unrelated.
- Lowercase marks are only remembered as long as you stay in the current
- file. If you start editing another file, change a character in a line or
- delete a line that contains a mark, that mark is erased. Lowercase marks can
- be used in combination with operators. For example: "d't" deletes the lines
- from the cursor position to mark <t>. Hint: Use mark <t> for Top, <b> for
- Bottom, etc..
- Uppercase marks include the file name. {Vi: no uppercase marks} You can use
- them to jump from file to file. You can only use an uppercase mark with
- an operator if the mark is in the current file. As long as you stay in the
- current file the line number of the mark remains correct, even if you
- insert/delete lines. After changing files the line number may be wrong
- (keeping them correct would take too much time). To avoid this use a
- ":marks" command before abandoning a file, this will update the line numbers
- in the current file.
- '[ To the first non-blank character on the first line
- of the previously operated text or start of the last
- putted text. {not in Vi}
- `[ To the first character of the previously operated
- text or start of the last putted text. {not in Vi}
- '] To the first non-blank character on the last line of
- the previously operated text or end of the last
- putted text. {not in Vi}
- `] To the last character of the previously operated
- text or end of the last putted text. {not in Vi}
- After executing an operator the Cursor is put at the beginning of the text
- that was operated upon. After a put command ("p" or "P") the cursor is
- sometimes placed at the first inserted line and somtimes on the last
- inserted character. The four commands above put the cursor at either
- end. Example: After yanking 10 lines you want to go to the last one of them:
- "10Y']". After inserting several lines with the "p" command you want to jump
- to the lowest inserted line: "p']".
- Note: After deleting text, the start and end positions are the same, except
- when using blockwise Visual mode. These commands do not work when no
- operator or put command has been used yet in the current file. The position
- may be incorrect after inserting text and ".p.
- '' To the first non-blank character of the line where
- the cursor was before the latest jump (linewise).
- `` To the position before latest jump (exclusive).
- A "jump" is one of the following commands: "'", "`", "G", "/", "?", "n",
- "N", "%", "(", ")", "[[", "]]", "{", "}", ":s", ":tag", "L", "M", "H" and
- the commands that start editing a new file. If you make the cursor "jump"
- with one of these commands, the position of the cursor before the jump is
- remembered. You can return to that position with the "''" and "``" command,
- unless the line containing that position was changed or deleted.
- CTRL-O Go to [count] Older cursor position in jump list
- (not a motion command). {not in Vi}
- CTRL-I Go to [count] newer cursor position in jump list
- (not a motion command). {not in Vi}
- :jumps Print the jump list (not a motion command). {not in
- Vi}
- Jumps are remembered in a jump list. With the CTRL-O and CTRL-I command you
- can go to cursor positions before older jumps, and back again. Thus you can
- move up and down the list.
- For example, after three jump commands you have this jump list:
- jump line file
- 1 1 -current-
- 2 70 -current-
- 3 1154 -current-
- >
- You are currently in line 1167. If you then use the CTRL-O command, the
- cursor is put in line 1154. This results in:
- jump line file
- 1 1 -current-
- 2 70 -current-
- > 3 1154 -current-
- 4 1167 -current-
- The pointer will be set at the last used jump position. The next CTRL-O
- command will use the entry above it, the next CTRL-I command will use the
- entry below it. If the pointer is below the last entry, this indicates that
- you did not use a CTRL-I or CTRL-O before. In this case the CTRL-O command
- will cause the cursor position to be added to the jump list, so you can get
- back to the postition before the CTRL-O. In this case this is line 1167.
- With more CTRL-O commands you will go to lines 70 and 1. If you use CTRL-I
- you can go back to 1154 and 1167 again.
- If you use a jump command, the current line number is inserted at the end of
- the jump list. If you used CTRL-O or CTRL-I just before that, the same line
- may be in the list twice. This may be a bit strange. Just try it and look at
- the jump list with the :jumps command. Note that this behaviour is different
- from the tag stack.
- After the CTRL-O command that got you into line 1154 you could give another
- jump command (e.g. "G"). The jump list would then become:
- jump line file
- 1 1 -current-
- 2 70 -current-
- 3 1154 -current-
- 4 1167 -current-
- 5 1154 -current-
- >
- As long as you stay in the same file, the line numbers will be adjusted for
- deleted and inserted lines. If you go to another file the line numbers may
- be wrong (keeping them correct would take too much time). If you want to
- avoid this use a :jumps command before changing files. This will update the
- line numbers in the current file.
- % Find the next parenthesis or (curly/square) bracket
- on this line and go to its match (inclusive). Parens
- and braces preceded with a backslash are ignored.
- Parens and braces inside quotes are ignored, unless
- the number of parens/braces in a line is uneven and
- this line and the previous one does not end in a
- backslash. No count is allowed ({count}% jumps to a
- line {count} percentage down the file).
- H To line [count] from top (Home) of screen (default:
- first line on the screen) on the first non-blank
- character (linewise).
- M To Middle line of screen, on the first non-blank
- character (linewise).
- L To line [count] from bottom of screen (default: Last
- line on the screen) on the first non-blank character
- (linewise).
- 7. Scrolling
- Move edit window downwards (this means that more lines downwards in the text
- buffer are seen):
- CTRL-E Window [count] lines downwards in the buffer
- CTRL-D Window Downwards in the buffer. The number of lines
- comes from the 'scroll' option (default: half a
- screen). If [count] given, first set 'scroll' option
- to [count].
- <SC_DOWN> or
- CTRL-F Window [count] pages Forwards (downwards) in the
- buffer.
- Move edit window upwards (this means that more lines upwards in the text
- buffer are seen):
- CTRL-Y Window [count] lines upwards in the buffer.
- CTRL-U Window Upwards in the buffer. The number of lines
- comes from the 'scroll' option (default: half a
- screen). If [count] given, first set 'scroll' option
- to [count].
- <SC_UP> or
- CTRL-B Window [count] pages Backwards (upwards) in the
- buffer.
- Window repositioning:
- z<CR> Redraw, line [count] at top of window (default
- cursor line).
- z{height}<CR> Redraw, make window {height} lines tall. This is
- useful to make the number of lines small when screen
- updating is very slow. Cannot make the height more
- than the physical screen height.
- z. Redraw, line [count] at center of window (default
- cursor line).
- z- Redraw, line [count] at bottom of window (default
- cursor line).
- These commands move the contents of the window. If the cursor position is
- moved off of the window, the cursor is moved onto the window. A page is the
- number of lines in the window minus two. The mnemonics for these commands
- may be a bit confusing. Remember that the commands refer to moving the
- window upwards or downwards in the buffer. But when the window moves upwards
- in the buffer, the text in the window moves downwards on your screen.
- 8. Tags
- :ta[g][!] {ident} Jump to the definition of {ident}, using the
- information in the tags file. Put {ident} in the tag
- stack. See below for [!].
- CTRL-] ":ta" to the identifier under or after cursor. Put
- the identifier in the tag stack. {Vi: identifier
- after the cursor}
- CTRL-T Jump to [count] older entry in the tag stack
- (default 1). {not in Vi}
- :[count]po[p][!] Jump to [count] older entry in tag stack (default 1).
- See below for [!]. {not in Vi}
- :[count]ta[g][!] Jump to [count] newer entry in tag stack (default 1).
- See below for [!]. {not in Vi}
- :tags Show the contents of the tag stack. The active
- entry is marked with a <>>. {not in Vi}
- A tag is an identifier that appears in the "tags" file. It is a sort of label
- that can be jumped to. For example: In C programs each function name can be
- used as a tag.
- With the ":tag" command the cursor will be positioned on the tag. With the
- CTRL-] command, the identifier on which the cursor is standing is used as the
- tag. If the cursor is not on an identifier, the first identifier rightwards
- of the cursor is used.
- If the tag is in the current file this will always work. Otherwise the
- performed actions depend on whether the current file was changed, whether a !
- is added to the command and on the 'autowrite' option:
- tag in file autowrite
- current file changed ! option action
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- yes x x x goto tag
- no no x x read other file, goto tag
- no yes yes x abondon current file, read other file, goto
- tag
- no yes no on write current file, read other file, goto
- tag
- no yes no off fail
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - If the tag is in the current file, the command will always work.
- - If the tag is in another file and the current file was not changed, the
- other file will be made the current file and read into the buffer.
- - If the tag is in another file, the current file was changed and a ! is
- added to the command, the changes to the current file are lost, the other
- file will be made the current file and read into the buffer.
- - If the tag is in another file, the current file was changed and the
- 'autowrite' option is set, the current file will be written, the other
- file will be made the current file and read into the buffer.
- - If the tag is in another file, the current file was changed and the
- 'autowrite' option is not set, the command will fail. If you want to save
- the changes, use the ":w" command and then use ":tag" without an argument.
- This works because the tag is put on the stack anyway. If you want to lose
- the changes you can use the ":tag!" command.
- The ":tag" command works very well for C programs. If you see a call to a
- function and wonder what that function does, position the cursor inside of
- the function name and hit CTRL-]. This will bring you to the function
- definition. An easy way back is with the CTRL-T command. Also read about the
- tag stack below.
- A tags file can be created with the external command 'ctags'. It will
- contain a tag for each function. Some versions of 'ctags' will also make a
- tag for each "#defined" macro.
- The lines in the tags file should have this format:
- {tag}{separator}{filename}{separator}{command}
- {tag} the identifier
- {separator} one or more <TAB> or space characters
- {filename} the file that contains the definition of {tag}
- {command} the Ex command that positions the cursor on the tag (it can
- be any Ex command, but normally it is a search command like
- "/^main").
- The 'tags' option is a list of file names separated by spaces. Each of these
- files is searched for the tag. This can be used to use a different file than
- the default file "tags". It can also be used to access a common tags file.
- For example:
- :set tags=tags\ s:commontags
- The tag will first be searched for in the file "tags" in the current
- directory. If it is not found there the file "s:commontags" will be searched
- for the tag. The backslash is required for the space to be included in the
- string option.
- The tags that you use are remembered in the tag stack. You can print this
- stack with the ":tags" command. The result looks like this:
- # TO tag FROM line in file
- 1 main 1 harddisk2:text/vim/test
- > 2 FuncA 58 -current-
- 3 FuncC 357 harddisk2:text/vim/src/amiga.c
- This list shows the tags that you jumped to and the cursor position before that
- jump. The older tags are at the top, the newer at the bottom.
- The <>> points to the active entry. This is the tag that will be used by the
- next ":tag" command. The CTRL-T and ":pop" command will use the position
- above the active entry.
- The line number and file name are remembered to be able to get back to where
- you were before the tag command. As long as you stay within one file the
- line number will be correct, also when deleting/inserting lines. When you go
- to another file the line number may not always be correct (keeping them
- correct all the time would take too much time). To avoid this use the
- ":tags" command before abandoning a file, which will update the line numbers
- in the current file.
- You can jump to previously used tags with several commands. Some examples:
- ":pop" or CTRL-T to position before previous tag
- {count}CTRL_T to position before {count} older tag
- ":tag" to newer tag
- ":0tag" to last used tag
- The most obvious way to use this is while browsing through the call graph of
- a program. Consider the following call graph:
- main ---> FuncA ---> FuncC
- ---> FuncB
- (Explanation: main calls FuncA and FuncB; FuncA calls FuncC).
- You can get from main to FuncA by using CTRL-] on the call to FuncA. Then
- you can CTRL-] to get to FuncC. If you now want to go back to main you can
- use CTRL-T twice. Then you can CTRL-] to FuncB.
- If you issue a ":ta {ident}" or CTRL-] command, this tag is inserted at the
- bottom of the stack. If the stack was full (it can hold up to 20 entries),
- the oldest entry is deleted and the older entries shift one position up
- (their index number is decremented by one). If the last used entry was not
- at the bottom, the entries below the last used one are moved to the top.
- This means that an old branch in the call graph is not lost, but moved to
- another place on the tag stack. The stack above would change to:
- # TO tag FROM line in file
- 1 FuncA 58 harddisk2:text/vim/src/main.c
- 2 FuncC 357 harddisk2:text/vim/src/amiga.c
- 3 main 1 harddisk2:text/vim/test
- 4 FuncB 59 harddisk2:text/vim/src/main.c
- >
- In the call graph example: You can use this to go back from FuncB to FuncC
- by hitting CTRL-T twice. This may be a bit strange. Use the :tags command to
- find out what will happen with CTRL-T commands.
- 9. Inserting text
- The following commands can be used to insert new text into the buffer. They
- can all be undone. The non-Ex commands can be repeated with the "." command.
- a Append text after the cursor [count] times.
- A Append text at the end of the line [count] times.
- i Insert text before the cursor [count] times.
- I Insert text before the first CHAR on the line
- [count] times.
- o Begin a new line below the cursor and insert text,
- repeat [count] times. {Vi: blank [count] screen
- lines}
- O Begin a new line above the cursor and insert text,
- repeat [count] times. {Vi: blank [count] screen
- lines}
- These commands are used to start inserting text. They can be undone and
- repeated. You can end Insert mode with <ESC>. See the section "Insert and
- Replace mode" for the other special characters in Insert mode. The effect of
- [count] takes place after Insert mode is exited.
- :r[ead] {name} Insert the file {name} below the cursor.
- :{range}r[ead] {name} Insert the file {name} below the specified line.
- :r[ead] !{cmd} Execute {cmd} and insert its standard output below
- the cursor.
- These commands insert the contents of a file, or the output of a command,
- into the buffer. They can be undone. They cannot be repeated with the "."
- command. They work on a line basis, insertion starts below the line in which
- the cursor is, or below the specified line. To insert text above the first
- line use the command ":0r {name}".
- The <LF> character is recognized as end-of-line marker. If the 'textmode'
- option is set, a <CR> in front of an <LF> is ignored. The 'textmode' option
- is default on for MSDOS.
- If the 'textauto' option is set Vim tries to recognize the type of
- end-of-line marker (see 5.2 how this is done). However, the 'textmode'
- option will not be changed. Only while reading one file the text mode is
- used or not.
- On non-MSDOS systems the message "[textmode]" is shown if a file is read in
- text mode, to remind you that something unusual is done. On MSDOS the
- message "[notextmode]" is shown if a file is read without text mode.
- 10. Deleting text
- ["x]x Delete [count] characters under and after the cursor
- [into register x] (not linewise).
- ["x]X Delete [count] characters before the cursor [into
- register x] (not linewise).
- ["x]d{motion} Delete text that is moved over [into register x].
- See below for exception.
- ["x]dd Delete [count] lines [into register x] (linewise).
- ["x]D Delete the characters under the cursor until the end
- of the line and [count]-1 more lines [into register
- x]; synonym for d$ (not linewise).
- {visual}["x]x or
- {visual}["x]d Delete the highlighted text [into register x] (see
- the chapter on Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- {visual}["x]X or
- {visual}["x]D Delete the highlighted lines [into register x] (see
- the chapter on Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- :[range]d[elete] [x] Delete [range] lines (default: current line) [into
- register x].
- :[range]d[elete] [x] {count}
- Delete {count} lines, starting with [range]
- (default: current line, see 4.4.3) [into register
- x].
- These commands delete text. They can be repeated with the "." command
- (except ":d") and undone. Use Visual mode to delete blocks of text. See
- "copying" for an explanation of registers.
- An exception for the d{motion} command: If the motion is not linewise, the
- start and end of the motion are not in the same line and before the start
- and after the end are only blanks, the delete becomes linewise. This means
- that the blank line that would remain is also deleted.
- J Join [count] lines, with a minimum of two lines.
- {visual}J Join the highlighted lines, with a minimum of two
- lines. {not in Vi}
- :[range]j[oin][!] Join [range] lines. Same as "J", except when [!] is
- given, then no spaces will be inserted or deleted.
- :[range]j[oin][!] {count}
- Join {count} lines, starting with [range] (default:
- current line, see 4.4.3). Same as "J", except when
- [!] is given, then no spaces will be inserted or
- deleted.
- These commands delete the newline between lines. This has the effect of
- joining them into one line. They can be repeated (except ":j") and undone.
- One space is inserted in place of the <LF>, unless the line ended with a
- space, <TAB> or the next line started with a <)>. If the next line has
- leading white space it is deleted first. If the 'joinspaces' option is set,
- two spaces are inserted after a period.
- 11. Changing text
- The following commands can be used to change text, that is delete some text
- and insert something else, with one command. They can all be undone. The
- non-Ex commands can be repeated with the "." command.
- 11.1 Delete and insert
- R Enter Replace mode: Each character you type replaces
- an existing character, starting with the character
- under the cursor. Repeat the entered text [count]-1
- times.
- ["x]c{motion} Delete {motion} text [into register x] and start
- insert.
- ["x]cc Delete [count] lines [into register x] and start
- insert (linewise).
- ["x]C Delete from the cursor position to the end of the
- line and [count]-1 more lines [into register x], and
- start insert. Synonym for c$ (not linewise).
- ["x]s Delete [count] characters [into register x] and start
- insert (s stands for Substitute). Synonym for "cl"
- (not linewise).
- ["x]S Delete [count] lines [into register x] and start
- insert. Synonym for "^cc" with 'autoindent' option
- or "0cc" with 'noautoindent' option (not linewise).
- {visual}["x]c or
- {visual}["x]r or
- {visual}["x]s Delete the highlighted text [into register x] and
- start insert (see the chapter on Visual mode). {not
- in Vi}
- {visual}["x]C or
- {visual}["x]R or
- {visual}["x]S Delete the highlighted lines [into register x] and
- start insert (see the chapter on Visual mode). {not
- in Vi}
- You can end Insert and Replace mode with <ESC>. See the section "Insert and
- Replace mode" for the other special characters in these modes. The effect of
- [count] takes place after Insert or Replace mode is exited. {Vi: does not
- directly delete the text, but puts a <$> at the last deleted character}
- See "Copying and moving text" for an explanation of registers.
- Replace mode is just like Insert mode, except that for every character you
- enter, one character is deleted. If the end of a line is reached, further
- characters are appended (just like Insert mode). In Replace mode the
- backspace key restores the original text (if there was any) (see section
- "Insert and Replace mode").
- Special case: "cw" and "cW" are treated like "ce" and "cE" if the cursor is
- on a non-blank. This is because "cw" is interpreted as change-word, and a
- word does not include the following white space. {Vi: "cw" when on a blank
- followed by other blanks changes only the first blank; this is probably a
- bug, because "dw" deletes all the blanks}
- 11.2 Simple changes
- r<char> Replace the character under the cursor by <char>. If
- <char> is a <CR> or <LF> the character will be
- replaced by a line break. If a [count] is given that
- many characters will be replaced by [count] <char>s
- or line breaks {Vi: "5r<CR>" replaces five
- characters with a single line break}
- ~ 'notildeop' option: switch case of the character
- under the cursor and move the cursor to the right.
- If a [count] is given do that many characters {Vi:
- no count}
- ~{motion} 'tildeop' option: switch case of {motion} text. {Vi:
- tilde cannot be used as an operator}
- {visual}~ switch case of highlighted text (see the chapter on
- Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- {visual}U Make highlighted text uppercase (see the chapter on
- Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- {visual}u Make highlighted text lowercase (see the chapter on
- Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- CTRL-A Add [count] to the number at or after the cursor.
- {not in Vi}
- CTRL-S Subtract [count] from the number at or after the
- cursor. If your terminal has problems with CTRL-S
- read unix.doc. {not in Vi}
- The CTRL-A and CTRL-S commands work for (signed) decimal numbers and
- unsigned octal and hexadecimal numbers. Numbers starting with '0x' or '0X'
- are assumed to be hexadecimal. To decide whether the hexadecimal number
- should be printed uppercase or not, the case of the rightmost letter in the
- number is considered. If there is no letter in the current number, the
- previously detected case is used. Numbers starting with a <0> are considered
- to be octal. Other numbers are decimal and may be preceded with a minus
- sign. If the cursor is on a number, that one will be used. Otherwise the
- number right of the cursor will be used.
- The CTRL-A command is very useful in a macro. Example: How to make a
- numbered list.
- 1. Create the first entry. The entry should start with a number.
- 2. qa - start recording into buffer <a>
- 3. Y - yank the entry
- 4. p - put a copy of the entry below the first one
- 5. CTRL-A - increment the number
- 6. q - stop recording
- 7. <count>@a - repeat the yank, put and increment <count> times
- <{motion} Shift the {motion} lines one shiftwidth leftwards.
- << Shift [count] lines one shiftwidth leftwards.
- {visual}< Shift the highlighted lines one shiftwidth leftwards
- (see the chapter on Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- >{motion} Shift {motion} lines one shiftwidth rightwards.
- >> Shift [count] lines one shiftwidth rightwards.
- {visual}> Shift the highlighted lines one shiftwidth
- rightwards (see the chapter on Visual mode). {not in
- Vi}
- :[range]< Shift [range] lines left.
- :[range]< {count} Shift {count} lines left, starting with [range]
- (default current line, see 4.4.3).
- :[range]le[ft] [indent] left align lines in [range]. Sets the indent in the
- lines to [indent] (default 0). {not in Vi}
- :[range]> Shift {count} [range] lines right.
- :[range]> {count} Shift {count} lines right, starting with [range]
- (default current line, see 4.4.3).
- The ">" and "<" commands are handy for changing the indent within programs.
- The size of the white space which is inserted or deleted can be set with the
- 'shiftwidth' option. Normally the 'shiftwidth' option is set to 8, but you
- can set it to e.g. 3 to make smaller indents. The shift leftwards stops when
- there is no indent. The shift right does not do anything with empty lines.
- If the 'shiftround' option is set, the indent is rounded to a multiple of
- 'shiftwidth'.
- When the 'expandtab' option if off (this is the default) <TAB>s are used as
- much as possible to make the indent. You can use ">><<" to replace an indent
- made out of spaces with the same indent made out of <TAB>s (and a few
- spaces if neccessary). If the 'expandtab' option is on, only spaces are
- used. Then you can use ">><<" to replace <TAB>s in the indent by spaces.
- Q{motion} Format the lines that were moved over. The length of
- each line will be restricted to the width set with
- the 'textwidth' option. If the 'textwidth' option is
- 0, all lines will be joined together. If the
- 'autoindent' option is set, the indent of the first
- line is used for the following lines. The
- 'formatprg' option can be set to the name of an
- external program, which will be used instead of the
- internal function. The 'textwidth' option will then
- not be used. {not in Vi}
- :[range]ce[nter] [width]
- Center lines in [range] between [width] columns
- (default 'textwidth' or 80 when 'textwidth' is 0).
- {not in Vi}
- :[range]ri[ght] [width]
- right align lines in [range] at [width] columns
- (default 'textwidth' or 80 when 'textwidth' is 0).
- {not in Vi}
- 11.3 Complex changes
- !{motion}{filter} Filter {motion} text through the external program
- {filter}.
- !!{filter} Filter [count] lines through the external program
- {filter}.
- {visual}!{filter} Filter the highlighted lines through the external
- program {filter} (see the chapter on Visual mode).
- {not in Vi}
- :{range}![!]{filter} [!][arg]
- Filter {range} lines through the external program
- {filter}. The optional bangs are replaced with the
- latest given command. The optional [arg] is appended.
- ={motion} Filter {motion} lines through the external program
- given with the 'equalprg' option (default:
- "indent"). {Vi: when 'lisp' option is set, autoindent
- {motion} lines}
- == Filter [count] lines through the external program
- given with the 'equalprg' option (default: indent).
- {not in Vi}
- {visual}= Filter the highlighted lines through the external
- program given with the 'equalprg' option (default:
- indent) (see the chapter on Visual mode). {not in
- Vi}
- A filter is a program that accepts text at standard input, changes it in some
- way, and sends it to standard output. The commands above can be used to send
- some text through a filter. An example of a filter is "sort", which sorts
- lines alphabetically. The "indent" program is used to pretty indent C
- programs (you need a version of indent that works like a filter, not all
- versions do that). The shell, given with the 'shell' option, is used to
- execute the command (See also the 'shelltype' option).
- The filter commands can be redone with ".".
- :[range]s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[g][c] [count]
- For each line in [range] replace the first occurrence
- of {pattern} by {string}. With option [g] all
- occurrences in the line are replaced. With option
- [c] each replace has to be confirmed (<y> to
- replace, <q> to quit replacing, <n> to skip). With
- [count] that many lines are are searched, starting
- with the last line number in [range] (default
- current line, see 4.4.3).
- :[range]s[ubstitute] [g][c] [count]
- Repeat last :substitute with new options and possibly
- on other lines.
- :[range]&[/{pattern}/{string}/][g][c] [count]
- Same as for :substitute.
- & Synonym for ":s".
- If the {pattern} for the substitute command is empty, the previously given
- pattern is used (from any search, including "/" and ":g").
- For the definition of a pattern see 6.5, "Pattern searches".
- Some characters in {string} have a special meaning:
- magic nomagic action
- & \& replaced by the whole matched pattern
- \& & replaced by &
- \0 replaced by the whole matched pattern
- \1 replaced by the matched pattern in the first pair of ()
- \2 replaced by the matched pattern in the second pair of ()
- .. ..
- \9 replaced by the matched pattern in the ninth pair of ()
- ~ \~ replaced by the {string} of the previous substitute
- \~ ~ replaced by ~
- \u next character made uppercase
- \U following characters made uppercase
- \l next character made uppercase
- \L following characters made uppercase
- \e end of /u, /U, /l and /L
- \E end of /u, /U, /l and /L
- <CR> split line in two at this point
- CTRL-V <CR> insert a carriage-return (CTRL-M)
- Examples:
- :s/a\|b/xxx\0xxx/g modifies "a b" in "xxxaxxx xxxbxxx"
- :s/\([abc]\)\([efg]\)/\2\1/g modifies "af fa bg" in "fa fa gb"
- :s/abcde/abc^Mde/ modifies "abcde" in "abc", "de" (two lines)
- :s/$/^V^M/ modifies "abcde" in "abcde^M"
- Note: To insert a ^M you have to type CTRL-V <CR>. To insert a ^V you have
- to type CTRL-V CTRL-V. So to insert the ^V^M in the last example you have to
- Because CTRL-V <CR> inserts a <CR>, it is impossible to insert a CTRL-V just
- in front of a line break. You will have to split it up in two parts:
- :s/foo/^Vxxxx/
- :s/xxxx/^M/
- When using parentheses in combination with <|>, like in \([ab]\)\|\([cd]\),
- either the first or second pattern in parentheses did not match, so either
- \1 or \2 is empty. Example:
- :s/\([ab]\)\|\([cd]\)/\1x/g modifies "a b c d" in "ax bx x x"
- 12. Copying and moving text
- "<a-zA-Z0-9.%"> Use register <a-zA-Z0-9.%"> for next delete, yank or
- put (use uppercase character to append with delete
- and yank) (<.> only works with put).
- :di[splay] Display the contents of numbered and named registers.
- {Vi: no such command}
- ["x]y{motion} Yank {motion} text [into register x].
- ["x]yy Yank [count] lines [into register x] (linewise).
- ["x]Y With 'noyankendofline' option: yank [count] lines
- [into register x] (synonym for yy, linewise); with
- 'yankendofline' option: yank until end of line
- (synonym for y$, not linewise).
- {visual}["x]y Yank the highlighed text [into register x] (see the
- chapter on Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- {visual}["x]Y Yank the highlighted lines [into register x] (see the
- chapter on Visual mode). {not in Vi}
- :[range]y[ank] [x] Yank [range] lines [into register x].
- :[range]y[ank] [x] {count}
- Yank {count} lines, starting with last line number
- in [range] (default: current line, see 4.4.3), [into
- register x].
- ["x]p Put the text [from register x] after the cursor
- [count]
- times. {Vi: no count}
- ["x]P Put the text [from register x] before the cursor
- [count] times. {Vi: no count}
- :[line]pu[t] [x] Put the text [from register x] after [line] (default
- current line).
- :[line]pu[t]! [x] Put the text [from register x] before [line] (default
- current line).
- These commands can be used to copy text from one place to another. This is
- done by first getting the text into a register with a yank, delete or change
- command. The register can then be inserted with a put command. All registers
- are kept when changing files. Thus you can also use this to move text from
- one file to another (the CTRL-^ command is a quick way to toggle between two
- files).
- The put commands can be repeated with "." (except for :put) and undone. If the
- command that was used to get the text into the register was linewise, the
- text will be inserted below ("p") or above ("P") the line where the cursor
- is. Otherwise the text will be inserted after ("p") or before ("P") the
- cursor. With the ":put" command the text will always be inserted in the next
- line. You can exchange two characters with the command sequence "xp". You
- can exchange two lines with the command sequence "ddp". You can exchange
- two words with the command sequence "deep" (start with the cursor in the
- blank space before the first word). The "']" or "`]" command can be used
- after the put command to move the cursor to the end of the inserted text,
- "'[" or "`[" to move the cursor to the start.
- If the command that was used to get the text into the register used
- blockwise Visual mode, the block of text will be inserted before ("P") or
- after ("p") the cursor column, in the current and next lines. Vim will make
- the whole block of text start in the same column. Thus the inserted text
- looks the same as when it was yanked or deleted. Some <TAB> characters may
- be replaced by spaces to make this happen. However, if the width of the
- block is not a multiple of a <TAB> width and the text after the inserted
- block contains <TAB>s, that text may be misaligned.
- There are four types of registers: The unnamed regster, 10 numbered
- registers, 26 named registers and two read-only registers.
- The unnamed register is the register where all text deleted with
- the "d", "c", "s", "x" commands or copied with the yank "y" command is
- placed, regardless of whether or not a specific register was used (e.g.
- "xdd). The contents of this register are used by any put command (p or P)
- which does not specify a register. Additionally it can be accessed by the
- name <">. This means you have to type two double quotes. {Vi: register
- contents lost when changing files, no <">}
- The numbered registers are filled with yank and delete commands.
- Numbered register <0> is filled with the last yank command, unless another
- register was specified with ["x]. Numbered register <1> is filled with the
- text that was deleted by each delete or change command, unless another
- register was specified or the text is less than one line (text deleted with
- "x" or "dw" will not be put in a numbered register). The contents of
- register <1> are put in <2>, <2> in <3>, and so forth. The contents of
- register <9> are lost. {Vi: numbered register contents are lost when
- changing files; register 0 does not exist}
- The named registers are only filled when you say so. They are named
- <a> to <z> normally. If you use an uppercase letter, the same registers as
- with the lower case letter is used, but the text is appended to the previous
- register contents. With a lower case letter the previous contents are lost.
- The read-only registers are <%> and <.>. They can only be used with the
- commands "p", "P" and ":put". <.> contains the last inserted text (the same
- as what is inserted with the insert mode commands CTRL-A and CTRL-@). <%>
- contains the name of the current file.
- If you use a put command without specifying a register, the register that
- was last written to is used (this is also the contents of the unnamed
- register). If you are confused, use the ":dis" command to find out what will
- be put (all named and numbered registers are displayed; the unnamed register
- is labelled <">).
- The next three commands always work on whole lines.
- :[range]co[py] {address}
- Copy the lines given by [range] to below the line
- given by {address}.
- :t Synonym for copy.
- :[range]m[ove] {address}
- Move the lines given by [range] to below the line
- given by {address}.
- 13. Visual mode
- Visual mode is a flexible and easy way to select a piece of text for an
- operator. It is the only way to select a block of text.
- v start/stop Visual mode per character. {not in Vi}
- V start/stop Visual mode linewise. {not in Vi}
- CTRL-V start/stop Visual mode blockwise. {not in Vi}
- o go to Other end of highlighted text: The current
- cursor position becomes the start of the highlighted
- text and the cursor is moved to the Other end of the
- highlighted text. {not in Vi}
- To apply an operator on a piece of text:
- 1. mark the start of the text with "v", "V" or CTRL-V
- The character under the cursor will be used as the start.
- 2. move to the end of the text
- The text from the start of the Visual mode up to and
- including the character under the cursor is highlighted.
- 3. hit an operator
- The highlighted characters will be operated upon.
- The highlighted text includes the character under the cursor. On terminals
- where it is possible to make the cursor invisible the cursor position is
- also highlighted. On terminals where this is not possible the cursor is
- displayed normally.
- With "v" the text before the start position and after the end position will
- not be highlighted. However, All uppercase and non-alpha operators, except
- "~", will work on whole lines anyway. See the list of operators below.
- With CTRL-V (blockwise Visual mode) the highlighted text will be a rectangle
- between start position and the cursor. However, some operators work on whole
- lines anyway (see the list below). The change and substitute operators will
- delete the highlighted text and then start insertion at the top left
- position.
- When the "$" command is used with blockwise Visual mode, the right end of the
- highlighted text will be determined by the longest highlighted line. This
- stops when a motion command is used that does not move straight up or down.
- If "v", "V", CTRL-V or ESC is typed while in Visual mode, the highlighting
- stops and no text is affected. If you hit CTRL-Z the highlighting stops and
- the editor is suspended or a new shell is started.
- For moving the end of the block many commands can be used, but you cannot
- use Ex commands, commands that make changes or abandon the file. Commands
- (starting with) ".pPiIaAO&", CTRL_^, "ZZ", CTRL-], CTRL-T, CTRL-R, CTRL-I
- and CTRL-O cause a beep and Visual mode continues.
- If the "v", "V" or CTRL-V is preceded with a count, the previously
- highlighted area is used for a start. You can then move the end of the
- highlighted area and give an operator. The type of the old area is used
- (character, line or blockwise).
- - Linewise Visual mode: The number of lines is multiplied with the count.
- - Blockwise Visual mode: The number of lines and columns is multiplied with
- the count.
- - Normal Visual mode within one line: The number of characters is multipled
- with the count.
- - Normal Visual mode with several lines: The number of lines is multipled
- with the count, in the last line the same number of characters is used as
- in the last line in the previously highlighted area.
- The start of the text is the Cursor position. If the "$" command was used as
- one of the last commands to extend the highlighted text, the area will be
- extended to the rightmost column of the longest line.
- The operators that can be used are:
- ~ switch case
- d delete
- c change
- y yank
- > shift right (1)(*)
- < shift left (1)(*)
- ! filter through external command (1)
- = filter through 'equalprg' option command (1)
- Q format lines to 'textwidth' length (1)
- Additionally the following commands can be used:
- : start ex command for highlighted lines (1)
- r change
- s change
- C change (2)
- R change (2)
- S change (2)
- x delete
- D delete (2)
- X delete (2)
- Y yank (2)
- J join (1)
- U make uppercase
- u make lowercase
- (1): always whole lines
- (2): whole lines when not using CTRL-V
- (*): in a future a blockwise shift will move the block only, not whole
- lines.
- If you want to give a register name using the """ command, do this just before
- typing the operator character: "v{move around}"xd".
- When repeating a Visual mode operator, the operator will be applied to the
- same amount of text as the last time:
- - Linewise Visual mode: The same number of lines.
- - Blockwise Visual mode: The same number of lines and columns.
- - Normal Visual mode within one line: The same number of characters.
- - Normal Visual mode with several lines: The same number of lines, in the
- last line the same number of characters as in the last line the last time.
- The start of the text is the Cursor position. If the "$" command was used as
- one of the last commands to extend the highlighted text, the repeating will
- be applied up to the rightmost column of the longest line.
- 14. Various commands
- CTRL-L Clear and redraw the screen.
- CTRL-Z On Unix systems: Suspend Vim. On other systems:
- start a new shell (like ":sh").
- <HELP> or
- :h[elp] Show the help file page by page. The help file name
- can be set with the 'helpfile' option. Type an index
- character to go directly to a page. Type <SPACE> or
- CTRL-F (with MSDOS: page-down) to go one page
- forward. Type <b> or CTRL-B (with MSDOS: page-up) to
- go one page back. Type <a> to go back to the index.
- Type <CR> to get out of the help screen. {Vi: no
- help}
- <DEL> When entering a number: remove the last digit.
- :[range]p[rint] Print [range] lines (default current line).
- :[range]p[rint] {count}
- Print {count} lines, starting with [range] (default
- current line, see 4.4.3).
- :[range]l[ist] [count]
- Same as :print, but display unprintable characters
- with <^>.
- :[range]nu[mber] [count]
- Same as :print, but precede each line with its line
- number.
- := Print the line number.
- :sh[ell] Escape to a shell (name from 'shell' option).
- :![!]{cmd} [!][arg] Execute {cmd} with the shell. The optional bangs are
- replaced with the previously given command. The
- optional [arg] is appended. See also the 'shell' and
- 'shelltype' option.
- :ve[rsion] Print the version number of the editor.
- K Run a program to lookup the identifier under the
- cursor. The name of the program is given with the
- 'keywordprg' (kp) option. The identifier is formed
- of letters, numbers and the underscore. The
- identifier under or right of the cursor is used. The
- same can be done with the command
- ":!{program} {identifier}".
- {not in Vi}
- 15. Repeating commands
- 15.1 Single repeats
- . Repeat last change with count replaced by [count].
- Simple changes can be repeated with the "." command. Without a count, the
- count of the last change is used. If you enter a count, it will replace the
- last one. If the last change included a specification of a numbered
- register, the register number will be incremented. See the section on undo
- and redo for an example how to use this.
- 15.2 Multiple repeats
- :[range]g[lobal]/{pattern}/[cmd]
- Execute the Ex command [cmd] (default ":p") on the
- lines within [range] where {pattern} matches.
- :[range]g[lobal]!/{pattern}/[cmd]
- Execute the Ex command [cmd] (default ":p") on the
- lines within [range] where {pattern} does NOT match.
- :[range]v[global]/{pattern}/[cmd]
- Same as :g!.
- The global commands work by first scanning through the [range] lines and
- marking each line where a match occurs. In a second scan the [cmd] is
- executed for each marked line with its line number prepended. If a line is
- changed or deleted its mark disappears. The default for [range] is the whole
- buffer (1,$). Use "CTRL-C" to interrupt the command.
- To repeat a non-Ex command, you will have to put the command in a file and
- use "source!". For example:
- :g/pat/so! scriptfile
- Make sure that the scriptfile ends with a whole command, otherwise Vim will
- wait for you to type the rest of the command for each match. The screen will
- not have been updated, so you don't know what you are doing.
- The undo/redo command will undo/redo the whole global command at once.
- 15.3 Complex repeats
- q<0-9a-zA-Z"> Record typed characters into register <0-9a-zA-Z">
- (uppercase to append). The 'q' that stops recording
- is also stored in the register. The 'q' command is
- disabled while executing a register. (Implementation
- note: This was done because the 'q' command can be
- the result of mapping). {Vi: no recording}
- q Stops recording. {Vi: no recording}
- @<0-9a-z"> Execute the contents of register <0-9a-z"> [count]
- times. {Vi: only named registers}
- @@ Repeat the previous @<0-9a-z"> [count] times.
- :@<0-9a-z"> Execute the contents of register <0-9a-z"> as
- an Ex command. {Vi: only in some versions}
- :@@ Repeat the previous :@<0-9a-z">. {Vi: only in some
- versions}
- :so[urce] {file} Read Ex commands from {file}.
- :so[urce]! {file} Read Vim commands from {file}. {not in Vi}
- All commands and command sequences can be repeated by putting them in a named
- register and then executing it. There are two ways to get the commands in the
- register:
- - Use the record command "q". You type the commands once, and while they are
- being executed they are stored in a register. Easy, because you can see
- what you are doing. If you make a mistake, 'put' the register into the
- file, edit the command sequence, and then delete it into the register
- again. You can continue recording by appending to the register (use an
- uppercase letter).
- - Delete or yank the command sequence into the register.
- Often used command sequences can be put under a function key with the ':map'
- command.
- An alternative is to put the commands in a file, and execute them with the
- ':source!' command. Useful for long command sequences. Can be combined with
- the ':map' command to put complicated commands under a function key.
- The ':source' command reads Ex commands from a file line by line. You will
- have to type any needed keyboard input. The ':source!' command reads from a
- script file character by character, interpreting each character as if you
- typed it.
- Example: When you give the ":!ls" command you are asked to "hit return to
- continue". If you ':source' a file with the line "!ls" in it, you will have
- to type the return yourself. But if you ':source!' a file with the line
- ":!ls" in it, the next characters from that file are read until a <CR> is
- found. You will not have to type <CR> yourself, unless ":!ls" was the last
- line in the file.
- It is possible to put ':source[!]' commands in the script file, so you can
- make a top-down hierachy of script files. The ':source' command can be
- nested as deep as the number of files that can be opened at one time (about
- 15). The ':source!' command can be nested up to 15 levels deep.
- In script files terminal-dependent key codes are represented by
- terminal-independent single character codes. In the MSDOS version the values
- are 48 (0x30) higher. Any of these codes can be entered with CTRL-V followed
- by the three digit decimal code.
- code hex meaning
- 128 0x80 up-arrow
- 129 0x81 down-arrow
- 130 0x82 left-arrow
- 131 0x83 right-arrow
- 132 0x84 shift up-arrow
- 133 0x85 shift down-arrow
- 134 0x86 shift left-arrow
- 135 0x87 shift right-arrow
- 136 0x88 function key 1
- 137 0x89 function key 2
- 138 0x8a function key 3
- 139 0x8b function key 4
- 140 0x8c function key 5
- 141 0x8d function key 6
- 142 0x8e function key 7
- 143 0x8f function key 8
- 144 0x90 function key 9
- 145 0x91 function key 10
- 146 0x92 shifted function key 1
- 147 0x93 shifted function key 2
- 148 0x94 shifted function key 3
- 149 0x95 shifted function key 4
- 150 0x96 shifted function key 5
- 151 0x97 shifted function key 6
- 152 0x98 shifted function key 7
- 153 0x99 shifted function key 8
- 154 0x9a shifted function key 9
- 155 0x9b shifted function key 10
- 156 0x9c help key
- 157 0x9d undo key
- 158 0x9e special-function key follows (MSDOS)
- 159 0x9f CTRL-@
- 16. Undo and redo
- <UNDO> or
- u Undo [count] changes. {Vi: only one level}
- :u[ndo] Undo one change. {Vi: only one level}
- CTRL-R Redo [count] changes which were undone. {Vi: redraw
- screen}
- :red[o] Redo one change which was unodone. {Vi: no redo}
- U Undo all latest changes on one line. {Vi: while not
- moved off of it}
- The last changes are remembered. You can go back in time with the "u"
- command. You can then go forward again with the 'CTRL-R' command. If you
- make a new change after the "u" command, the 'CTRL-R' will not be possible
- anymore. The number of changes that are remembered is set with the
- 'undolevels' option. If it is zero, the old fashioned Vi undo is present:
- one level of undo and undo undoes itself. If it is negative no undo is
- possible. Use this if you are running out of memory.
- The "U" command is treated by undo/redo just like any other command. Thus a
- "u" command undos a "U" command and a 'CTRL-R' command redoes it again. When
- mixing "U", "u" and 'CTRL-R' you will notice that the "U" command will
- restore the situation of a line to before the previous "U" command. This may
- be confusing. Try it out to get used to it.
- The numbered registers can also be used for undoing deletes. Each time you
- delete text, it is put into register "1. The contents of register "1 are
- shifted to "2, etc. The contents of register "9 are lost. You can now get
- back the most recent deleted text with the put command: '"1P'. (also, if the
- deleted text was the result of the last delete or copy operation, 'P' or 'p'
- also works as this puts the contents of the unnamed register). You can get
- back the text of three deletes ago with '"3P'.
- If you want to get back more than one part of deleted text, you can use a
- special feature of the repeat command ".". It will increase the number of the
- register used. So if you first do ""1P", the following "." will result in a
- '"2P'. Repeating this will result in all numbered registers being inserted.
- Example: If you deleted text with 'dd....' it can be restored with
- '"1P....'.
- If you don't know in which register the deleted text is, you can use the
- :display command. An alternative is to try the first register with '"1P', and
- if it is not what you want do 'u.'. This will remove the contents of the
- first put, and repeat the put command for the second register. Repeat the
- 'u.' until you got what you want.
- 17. Key mapping
- :map {lhs} {rhs} Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} in Command mode.
- :map! {lhs} {rhs} Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} in Insert and
- Command_line mode.
- :noremap {lhs} {rhs} Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} in Command mode.
- Disallow remapping of {rhs}. {not in Vi}
- :noremap! {lhs} {rhs} Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} in insert and
- Command_line mode. Disallow remapping of {rhs}. {not
- in Vi}
- :unm[ap] {lhs} Remove the mapping of {lhs} for Command mode.
- :unm[ap]! {lhs} Remove the mapping of {lhs} for Insert and
- Command_line mode.
- :map List all key mappings for Command mode.
- :map! List all key mappings for Insert and Command_line
- mode.
- :map {lhs} List the key mappings for the key sequences starting
- with {lhs} in Command mode. {not in Vi}
- :map! {lhs} List the key mappings for the key sequences starting
- with {lhs} in insert and Command_line mode. {not in Vi}
- :cm[ap] Same as :map, but for Command_line mode only. {not
- in Vi}
- :cu[nmap] Same as :unmap, but for Command_line mode only.
- {not in Vi}
- :cno[remap] Same as :noremap, but for Command_line mode only.
- {not in Vi}
- :im[ap] Same as :map, but for Insert mode only. {not in Vi}
- :iu[nmap] Same as :unmap, but for Insert mode only. {not in
- Vi}
- :ino[remap] Same as :noremap, but for Insert mode only. {not in
- Vi}
- These commands are used to map a key or key sequence to a string of
- characters. You can use this to put command sequences under function keys,
- translate one key into another, etc. See the "Options" chapter below for how
- to save and restore the current mapping.
- There are three sets of mappings
- - For Insert mode. These are also used in Replace mode.
- - For Command_line mode: When entering a ":" or "/" command.
- - For Command mode: When typing commands.
- The original vi did not have separate mappings for Insert mode and
- Command_line mode. Therefore the ":map!" command enters and displays
- mappings for both. In Vim you can use the ":cmap" and ":imap" commands to
- enter mappings for each mode separately. When listing mappings with ":map!",
- ":cmap" or ":imap" the character in column 1 is <!> for mappings in both
- Insert and Command_line mode, <i> for Insert mode only and <c> for
- Command_line mode only.
- Everything from the first non-blank after {lhs} up to the end of the line
- (or <|>) is considered to be part of {rhs}. This allows the {rhs} to end
- with a space.
- To include a space in {lhs} precede it with a CTRL-V (type two CTRL-Vs for
- each space). If you want a {rhs} that starts with a space, precede {rhs}
- with a single CTRL-V (You have to type CTRL-V two times). You can create an
- empty {rhs} by typing nothing after the two CTRL-Vs.
- It is not possible to put a comment after this command, because the <">
- character is considered to be part of the {rhs}. To put a <|> in {rhs}
- escape it with a backslash or a CTRL-V (to get one CTRL-V you have to type
- it twice).
- To avoid mapping of the characters you type in insert or Command_line mode,
- type a CTRL-V first. The mapping in Insert mode is disabled if the 'paste'
- option is set.
- Note that the second character (argument) of the commands @zZtTfF[]rm'`"v is
- not mapped. This was done to be able to use all the named registers and
- marks, even when the command with the same name has been mapped.
- Some examples (given as you type them; e.g. the "^V" is CTRL-V which you
- type, but will not show up on the screen):
- :map g /foo^V^Mcwbar^V^[ (replace next "foo" by "bar")
- :map! qq quadrillion questions
- Vim will compare what you type with the start of a mapped sequence. If there
- is an incomplete match, it will get more characters until there either is a
- complete match or until there is no match at all. Example: If you map! "qq",
- the first <q> will not appear on the screen until you type another
- character. This is because Vim cannot know if the next character will be a
- <q> or not. If you set the 'timeout' option (which is the default) Vim will
- only wait for one second (or as long as specified with the 'timeoutlen'
- option). After that it assumes that the <q> is to be interpreted as such. If
- type slowly, or your system is slow, reset the 'timeout' option. Then you
- might want to set the 'ttimeout' option. See the "Options" chapter.
- If you want to exchange the meaning of two keys you should use the :noremap
- command. For example:
- :noremap k j
- :noremap j k
- This will exchange the cursor up and down commands. With the normal :map
- command, when the 'remap' option is set, mapping takes place until the text
- is found not to be a part of a {lhs}. For example, if you use:
- :map x y
- :map y x
- Vim will replace x by y, and then y by x, etc. When this has happened 1000
- times, Vim will give an error message.
- See the file "index" for keys that are not used and thus can be mapped
- without losing any builtin function.
- If you include an undo command inside a mapped sequence, this will bring the
- text back in the state before executing the macro. This is compatible with
- the original vi, as long as there is only one undo command in the mapped
- sequence (having two undo commands in a mapped sequence did not make sense
- in the original vi, you would get back the text before the first undo).
- There are two ways to map a function key:
- 1. The vi-compatible method: Map the key code. Often this is a sequence that
- starts with <ESC>. To enter a mapping like this you type ":map " and then
- you have to type CTRL-V before hitting the function key.
- 2. The second method is to use the internal code for the function key. To
- enter such a mapping just hit the function key, without CTRL-V, or use
- the form "#1", "#2", .. "#9", "#0". Only the first ten function keys can
- be used this way ("#0" refers to function key 10, defined with option
- 't_f10', which may be function key zero on some keyboards).
- The advantage of the second method is that the mapping will mostly work on
- different terminals without modification (the function key will be
- translated into the same internal code, no matter what terminal you are
- using. The termcap must be correct for this to work, and you must use the
- same mappings).
- DETAIL: Vim first checks if a sequence from the keyboard is mapped. If it
- isn't the terminal key codes are tried (see section 20.2). If a terminal
- code is found it is replaced by the internal code. Then the check for a
- mapping is done again (so you can map an internal code to something else).
- What is written into the script file (.vim file) depends on what is
- recognized. If the terminal key code was recognized as a mapping the key
- code itself is written to the script file. If it was recognized as a
- terminal code the internal code is written to the script file.
- 18. Recovery after a crash.
- You have spent several hours typing in that text that has to be finished
- next morning, and then disaster strikes: Your computer crashes.
- 18.1 The autoscript file
- Vim keeps track of everything you type. Using the original file you started
- from and the autoscript file you can recover (almost) all of your work.
- The name of the autoscript file is the same as the file you are editing,
- with the extension ".vim". On MSDOS machines and when the 'shortname' option
- is set, any <.> is replaced by <_>. If this file already exists (e.g. when
- you are recovering from a crash) a warning is given and another extension is
- used, ".vil", ".vik", etc. An existing file will never be overwritten. The
- autoscript file is deleted as soon as the edited text is successfully
- written to disk.
- Technical: The replacement of <.> by <_> is done to avoid problems with
- MSDOS compatible filesystems (e.g. crossdos, multidos). If Vim is
- able to detect that the file is on an MSDOS-like filesystem, a
- flag is set that has the same effect as the 'shortname' option.
- This flag is reset when you start editing another file.
- If the ".vim" filename already exists, the last character is
- decremented until there is no file with that name or ".via" is
- reached. In the last case, no autoscript file is created.
- By setting the 'directory' option you can place the autoscript file in
- another place than where the edited file is. The advantage is that you will
- not pollute the directories with ".vim" files and, when the 'directory' is
- on another partition, reduce the risc of damaging the file system where the
- file is (in a crash). The tradeoff is that you can get name collisions from
- files with the same name but in different directories. You can also use a
- recoverable ram disk, but there is no 100% guarantee that this works.
- Putting autoscript files in RAM: makes no sense, you will loose them in a
- crash. Put a command resembling the following one in s:.exrc:
- :set dir=dh2:tmp
- This is also very handy when editing files on floppy.
- The autoscript file is updated after typing 100 characters or when you have
- not typed anything for two seconds. This only happens if the buffer was
- changed, not when you only moved around. The reason why it is not kept up to
- date all the time is that this would slow down normal work too much. You can
- change the 100 character count with the 'updatecount' option. You can set
- the time with the 'updatetime' option. The time is given in milliseconds.
- If the writing to the autoscript file is not wanted, it can be switched off
- by setting the 'updatecount' option to 0. The same is done when starting Vim
- with the "-n" or "-v" option. Writing can be switched back on by setting the
- 'updatecount' option to non-zero. If you have changed the buffer when
- switching on, the autoscript file will be incomplete and recovery will
- probably fail. To avoid this write out the buffer with ":w" before switching
- on the autoscript file.
- 18.2 Recovery
- In most cases recovery is quite easy: Start Vim on the same file you were
- editing when the crash happened, with the "-r" option added. Vim will start
- editing the file using the key strokes in the autoscript file. Be sure that
- the recovery was successful before overwriting the original file or deleting
- the autoscript file. Once you are sure the recovery is ok, write out the
- file with ":wq" and delete the autoscript ".vim" file. Otherwise, you will
- continue to get warning messages that the ".vim" file already exists.
- Example: vim -r reference.doc
- Important: The .exrc file must be the same as with the original edit session,
- because some options have effect on the editing. Also the window size must be
- exactly the same, because the cursor movement resulting from some commands
- depends on the window size (e.g. CTRL-F). To help you with that the window
- resizing events are written into the script file with ":winsize" commands.
- The result of this command is that Vim will resize the used part of the
- window, but the window itself will remain the same size. The commands will
- be executed correctly, but the window contents may look disturbed. During
- normal editing you should not use the ":winsize" command. Use the window
- resizing gadget of the window. Do not resize the window during recovery!
- In some cases the "-r" option does not result in successful recovery. This
- happens when you executed a command that cannot be reproduced anymore. For
- example: Reading a file which does not exist anymore. In such a case the
- succeeding commands probably only make things worse. To solve this you will
- have to edit the autoscript file and remove the commands that cause errors.
- If this becomes difficult try splitting up the autoscript file in small
- pieces. {Vi: recovers in another way that has a larger change to succeed but
- causes more overhead}
- If the autoscript file does not end in ".vim" but in something else, you can
- use the script reading option "-s {filename}". This will have (almost) the
- same effect as the "-r" option. This is also handy when the script file is
- in another directory than expected.
- You can give the "-r" option in combination with the "-s scriptin" option.
- The scriptin file will be read first, then the autoscript file for recovery.
- The difference between using the "-r" option and the "-s" option is that with
- the "-r" option the name of the script file is made from the file name, and
- the last modification date is checked to see if the autoscript file is
- newer. This prevents the wrong autoscript file from being used for a
- recovery.
- 19. Options
- Vi has a number of internal variables and switches which can be set to
- achieve special effects. These options come in three forms, those that are
- switches, which toggle from off to on and back, those that require a numeric
- value, and those that require an alphanumeric string value.
- 19.1 Setting options
- :se[t] Show all modified options. {Vi: non-default options}
- :se[t] all Show all but terminal options.
- :se[t] termcap Show all terminal options.
- :se[t] {option} Set toggle option on, show value of string or number
- option.
- :se[t] no{option} Set toggle option off.
- :se[t] inv{option} Invert toggle option. {not in Vi}
- :se[t] {option}={value} Set string or number option to {value}.
- :se[t] {option}? Show value of {option}.
- The arguments to ":set" may be repeated. For example:
- ":set ai nosi sw=3 ts=3". If you make an error in one of the arguments an
- error message will be given and the text up to the next space will be
- skipped. Thus following arguments will be processed.
- An environment variable in most string options will be expanded. This
- happens only when the string starts with a <$>. If the environment variable
- exists the <$> and the following environment variable name is replaced by
- its value. If it does not exist the <$> and the name are not modified. Any
- non-id character (not a letter, digit or <_>) may follow the environment
- variable name. That character and what follows is appended to the value of
- the environemnt variable. Example:
- :set term=$TERM.new
- Besides changing options with the ":set" command, there are four
- alternatives to set options automatically for one or more files. The first
- and second ones are used for all files. The third is used to set options for
- the files in one directory. The last is used to set options for a single
- file. The first three are done when you start Vim, in the given order. The
- last is done whenever you start editing a new file.
- 1. The environment variable VIMINIT is read for an Ex command. You can set
- VIMINIT to something like "set noai sw=3" to set options.
- 2. Only if there is no VIMINIT environment variable, the file
- "s:.vimrc" is read for Ex commands. You can include set commands in this
- file. (see below for how to automatically create a file with set commands).
- 3. If VIMINIT is not found and "s:.vimrc" does not exist, EXINIT is used,
- in the same way as VIMINIT.
- 4. If VIMINIT is not found, "s:.vimrc" does not exist and EXINIT is not found,
- the file "s:.exrc" is read for Ex commands.
- 5. If the 'exrc' option is set, the file ".vimrc" in the current directory is
- read for Ex commands. You can include set commands in this file. If this
- file is not found the file ".exrc" is tried.
- 6. If you start editing a new file, and the 'modeline' option is set, a
- number of lines at the beginning and end of the file are checked for the
- string "vi:", "vim:" or "ex:". The text after it is considered to be the
- arguments for a ":set" command, separated with colons or spaces. For
- example:
- "vi:noai:sw=3 ts=6"
- The number of lines that are checked can be set with the 'modelines'
- option. If 'modeline' is not set or 'modelines' is 0 no lines are
- checked.
- The string "vi:", "vim:" or "ex:" must be preceded with a blank or begin
- at the start of a line. This minimizes the chance that a normal word like
- "lex:" is caught.
- Note that all of the rest of the line is used, thus a line like:
- "/* vi:ts=4: */"
- will give an error message for the trailing "*/".
- If an error is detected the rest of the line is skipped.
- One other form of modelines is recognized that has the "set" command
- after "vi:", "vim:" or "ex:" (this is compatible with some versions of
- vi). In this case the characters up to the first <:> are executed as an
- ex command. Anything following it is ignored. Thus a line like:
- "/* vi:set ts=4: */"
- is OK. If you want to include a <:> in a set command precede it with a
- <\>.
- 19.2 Saving settings
- :mkexrc [file] Write current key mappings and changed options to
- [file] (default ".exrc"), unless it already exists.
- {not in Vi}
- :mkexrc! [file] Always write current key mappings and changed
- options to [file] (default ".exrc"). {not in Vi}
- :mkvimrc[!] [file] Same as :mkexrc, but default is ".vimrc". {not in
- Vi}
- These commands will write ":map" and ":set" commands to a file, in such a
- way that when these commands are executed, the current key mappings and
- options will be set again. A common method is to use a default ".exrc" file
- by first reading one in with ":source s:.exrc.Cprogs", change the settings
- and then save them in the current directory with ":mkexrc!".
- 19.3 Options summary
- In the list below all the options are mentioned with their full name and some
- with an abbreviation between parens. Both forms may be used. In this
- document when an option that can be toggled is "set" that means that ":set
- option" is entered. When an option is "reset", ":set nooption" is used.
- autoindent (ai) toggle (default off)
- Copy indent from current line when starting a new line (typing <CR>
- in Insert mode or when using the "o" or "O" command). If you do not
- type anything on the new line except <BS> and then type <ESC> or
- <CR>, the indent is deleted again. When autoindent is set,
- formatting (with the "Q" command or when you reach 'textwidth' in
- Insert mode) uses the indentation of the first line. The 'autoindent'
- option is reset when the 'paste' option is set.
- autowrite (aw) toggle (default off)
- Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
- :next, :rewind, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!, :make, CTRL-]
- and CTRL-^ command; and when a CTRL-O, CTRL-I, '<A-Z>, or `<A-Z>
- command takes one to another file.
- backspace (bs) number (default 0)
- Influences the working of <BS>, <DEL>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert
- mode. If set to 0 Vi compatible backspacing is used. When 1 allow
- backspacing over newlines. When larger than 1 allow backspacing over
- the start of insert. In the last case CTRL-W and CTRL-U stop once at
- the start of insert. {not in Vi}
- backup (bk) toggle (default on)
- Make a backup before overwriting a file. Leave it around after the
- file has been succesfully written. If you do not want to keep the
- backup file, but you do want a backup while the file is being
- written, reset this option and set the 'writebackup' option. If you
- do not want a backup file at all reset both options (See the table
- in section 5.4 for another explanation.). {not in Vi}
- backupdir (bdir) string (default "$HOME")
- For Unix systems only. Name of the directory where the backup file
- is put when it cannot be created in the same directory as the
- original file. Environment variables are expanded. {not in Vi}
- binary (bin) toggle (default off)
- This option should be set before editing a binary file. You can also
- use the "-b" command line option. When this option is set the
- 'textwidth' option will set to 0, the 'textmode' and 'textauto'
- options will be reset and 'modelines' will be set to 0. When writing
- a file the end-of-line for the last line is only written if there
- was one in the original file (normally Vim appends an end-of-line to
- the last line if there is none; this would make the file longer).
- bioskey (bk) toggle (default on)
- For MSDOS only: When set the bios is called to obtain a keyboard
- character. This works better to detect CTRL-C, but only works for
- the console. When using a terminal over a serial port reset this
- option. {not in Vi}
- columns number (default 80 or terminal width)
- Number of columns in the display. Normally this is set by the
- terminal initialization and does not have to be set by hand. {not in
- Vi}
- compatible (cp) toggle (default off)
- At the moment this option is set, several other options will be set
- or reset to make Vim vi-compatible. Switching this option off has no
- effect. {not in Vi}
- option new value effect
- backspace 0 normal backspace
- backup off no backup file
- digraph off no digraphs
- esckeys off no <ESC>-keys in Insert mode
- expandtab off tabs not expanded to spaces
- history 0 no commandline history
- insertmode off do not start in Insert mode
- joinspaces on insert 2 spaces after period
- modelines 0 no modelines
- revins off no reverse insert
- ruler off no ruler
- scrolljump 0 no jump scroll
- shiftround off indent not rounded to shiftwidth
- showcmd off command characters not shown
- showmode off current mode not shown
- smartindent off no smart indentation
- textauto off no automatic textmode detection
- textwidth 0 no automatic line wrap
- tildeop off tilde is not an operator
- ttimeout off no terminal timeout
- undolevels 0 no multilevel undo
- updatecount 0 no autoscript file
- writebackup off no backup file written
- yankendofline off do not Yank to end of line
- digraph (dg) toggle (default off)
- Enable the entering of digraphs in Insert mode with {char1} <BS>
- {char2}. Only works if Vim was compiled with digraphs enabled. {not
- in Vi}
- directory (dir) string (default "")
- Directory for the autoscript file. Empty means in same directory as
- the edited file. The name may end in an <:> or </>. Environment
- variables are expanded. Carefeful with <\> characters, type two to
- get one in the option, ":set dir=c:\\tmp". {Vi: directory to put
- temp file in, defaults to "/tmp"}
- equalprg (ep) string (default "indent")
- External program to use for "=" command. Environment variables are
- expanded. {not in Vi}
- errorbells (eb) toggle (default off)
- Ring the bell for error messages. Does not work on the Amiga, you
- always get a screen flash.
- errorfile (ef) string (default "AztecC.Err" or "errors")
- Name of the error file for the QuickFix mode (see 5.5). Environment
- variables are expanded. {not in Vi}
- errorformat (efm) string (default "%f>%l:%c:%t:%n:%m" or
- ""%f",%*[^0-9]%l %m")
- Scanf-like description of the format for the lines in the error file
- (see 5.5). {not in Vi}
- esckeys (ek) toggle (default on)
- Function keys that start with an <ESC> are recognized in Insert
- mode. When this option is off, the cursor and function keys cannot be
- used in Insert mode if they start with an <ESC>. The advantage of this
- is that the single <ESC> is recognized immediately, instead of after
- one second.
- expandtab (et) toggle (default off)
- In Insert mode: Use the appropriate number of spaces to insert a
- <TAB>. Spaces are used in indents with the '>' and '<' commands and
- when 'autoindent' is set. To insert a real tab when expandtab is
- set, use CTRL-V<TAB>. {not in Vi}
- exrc toggle (default off)
- Enables the reading of .vimrc and .exrc in the current directory. If
- you switch this option on you should also consider setting the
- 'secure' option (see 3.4). {not in Vi}
- formatprg (fp) string (default "")
- The name of an external program that will be used to format the
- lines selected with the "Q" command. The program must take the input
- on stdin and produce the output on stdout. The unix program 'fmt' is
- such a program. If this option is an empty string, the internal
- format function will be used. Environment variables are expanded.
- {not in Vi}
- graphic (gr) toggle (default off, MSDOS: on)
- When off characters between <~> and 0xa0 are displayed as "~?",
- "~@", "~A", etc.. When on the characters are sent to the display
- directly. This will allow for graphic characters to be shown on some
- terminals (e.g. MSDOS console) and mess up the display on others
- (e.g. Amiga).
- helpfile (hf) string (default (Amiga) "vim:vim.hlp"
- (unix) "/usr/local/lib/vim.hlp")
- Name of the help file. It may start with an environment variable.
- For example: "$VIM/doc/vim.hlp". Environment variables are expanded.
- {not in Vi}
- history (hi) number (default 20)
- Number of command lines that are remembered. {not in Vi}
- ignorecase (ic) toggle (default off)
- Ignore case in search patterns.
- insertmode (im) toggle (default off)
- Start the edit of a file in Insert mode. {not in Vi}
- joinspaces (js) toggle (default on)
- Insert two spaces after a period with a join command. {not in Vi}
- keywordprg (kp) string (default "ref")
- Program to use for the "K" command. Environment variables are
- expanded. {not in Vi}
- lines number (default 24 or terminal height)
- Number of lines in the display. Normally you don't need to set this.
- That is done automatically by the terminal initialization code.
- list toggle (default off)
- List mode: Show tabs as CTRL-I, show end of line with $. Useful to
- see the difference between tabs and spaces and for trailing blanks.
- magic toggle (default on)
- Changes the special characters that can be used in search patterns.
- See section "Pattern searches".
- makeprg (mp) string (default "make")
- Program to use for the ":make" command. This option may contain
- <%> and <#> characters, which are expanded like when used in a
- command line. Environment variables are expanded. {not in Vi}
- modeline (ml) toggle (default on)
- modelines (mls) number (default 5)
- If 'modeline' is set 'modelines' gives the number of lines that is
- checked for set commands. If 'modeline' is not set or 'modelines' is
- 0 no lines are checked. See 19.1. {not in Vi}
- number (nu) toggle (default off)
- Print the line number in front of each line.
- paragraphs (para) string (default "IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp")
- Specifies the nroff macros that separate paragraphs. These are pairs
- of two letters (see section 6.4).
- paste toggle (default off)
- Put Vim in Paste mode. This is useful if you want to cut or copy
- some text from one window and paste it in Vim. This will avoid
- unexpected effects. When the 'paste' option is set mapping in Insert
- mode is disabled, abbreviations are disabled and some options are
- reset ('textwidth', 'autoindent', 'smartindent', 'revins', 'ruler'
- and 'showmatch'). When the 'paste' option is reset the mentioned
- options are restored to the value before the last time 'paste' was
- set. If you use this often, you could map a function key to the
- command ":set invpaste^V^M". {not in Vi}
- readonly (ro) toggle (default off)
- If set, writes fail unless you use an !. Protects you from
- accidentally overwriting a file. Also, sets 'updatecount' to zero so
- that no ".vim" autoscript file is created. Default on when vim is
- started in view mode ("vim -v") or when the executable is called
- "view". It is reset if you overwrite the current file (e.g. with
- ":w!"). WARNING: An edit session that starts with 'noreadonly' won't
- be protected with a .vim autoscript file unless 'updatecount' is set
- back to some non-zero number (e.g. 100).
- remap toggle (default on)
- Allows for :map command to work recursively. If you do not want this
- for a single entry, use the :noremap[!] command.
- report number (default 2)
- Threshold for reporting number of lines changed.
- revins toggle (default off)
- Inserting characters in Insert mode will work backwards. See "typing
- backwards". Can be toggled with the CTRL-P command in Insert mode.
- This option is reset when 'compatible' or 'paste' is set. {not in Vi}
- ruler (ru) toggle (default off)
- Show the line and column number of the cursor position in the status
- line, separated by a comma. If there are characters in the line that
- take two positions on the screen, both the "real" column and the
- screen column are shown, separated with a dash. This option is reset
- when the 'paste' option is set. {not in Vi}
- secure toggle (default off)
- When on, shell and write commands are not allowed in ".vimrc" and
- ".exrc" in the current directory and map commands are displayed.
- Switch it off only if you know that you will not run into problems,
- or when the 'exrc' option is off.
- scroll number (default 'lines' / 2)
- Number of lines to scroll with CTRL-U and CTRL-D commands. Will be
- set to half the number of lines in the window when the window size
- changes. If you give a count to the CTRL-U or CTRL-D command it will
- be used as the new value for 'scroll'. Reset to 'lines' / 2 with
- ":set scroll=0".
- scrolljump number (default 1)
- Minimal number of lines to scroll when the cursor gets off the
- screen (e.g. with "j"). Not used for scroll commands (e.g. CTRL-E,
- CTRL-D). Useful if your terminal scrolls very slowly. {not in Vi}
- sections (sect) string (default "SHNHH HUnhsh")
- Specifies the nroff macros that separate sections. These are pairs of
- two letters (See section 6.4).
- shell (sh) string (default $SHELL or "sh", MSDOS: "command")
- Name of the shell to use for ! and :! commands. See also the
- 'shelltype' option. It is allowed to give an argument to the
- command, e.g. "csh -f". If you type this in the command line you
- will have to put a backslash in front of the space. Environment
- variables are expanded.
- shelltype (st) number (default 0)
- On the Amiga this option influences the way how the commands work
- which use a shell.
- 0 and 1: always use the shell
- 2 and 3: use the shell only to filter lines
- 4 and 5: use shell only for ':sh' command
- When not using the shell, the command is executed directly.
- 0 and 2: use 'shell -c cmd' to start external commands
- 1 and 3: use 'shell cmd' to start external commands
- shiftround (sr) toggle (default off)
- Round indent to multiple of shiftwidth. Applies to > and < commands
- and to CTRL-T and CTRL-D in Insert mode. {not in Vi}
- shiftwidth (sw) number (default 8)
- Number of spaces to use for (auto)indent.
- shortname (sn) toggle (default off)
- Filenames can be 8 characters plus one extension of 3 characters.
- Multiple dots in file names are not allowed. When this option is on,
- dots in filenames are replaced by underscores when adding an
- extension (".bak" or ".vim"). This option is not available for
- MSDOS, because then it would always be on. This option is useful
- when editing files on an MSDOS compatible filesystem, e.g. messydos
- or crossdos. {not in Vi}
- showcmd (sc) toggle (default on, off for unix)
- show command in status line. Set this option off if your terminal
- is slow. {not in Vi}
- showmatch (sm) toggle (default off)
- When a bracket is inserted, briefly jump to the matching one. This
- option is reset when the 'paste' option is set.
- showmode (smd) toggle (default on)
- If in Insert or Replace mode, put a message on the last line.
- sidescroll (ss) number (default 0)
- The minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally. Used only when
- the 'wrap' option is on and the cursor is moved off of the screen.
- When set to zero the cursor will be put in the middle of the screen.
- When using a slow terminal set it to a large number or 0. When using
- a fast terminal use a small number or 1. {not in Vi}
- smartindent (si) toggle (default off)
- Do smart autoindenting for C programs in Insert mode and with the
- "o" and "O" commands. An indent is automatically inserted:
- - After a line ending in <{>.
- - After a line starting with "if", "for", "while", "else" or "do".
- If you type a <{> as the first character in the new line, the
- indent is deleted.
- - Before a line starting with <}> (only with the "O" command).
- One indent is deleted when typing <}> as the first character in a
- new line.
- 'smartindent' is reset when the 'paste' option is set. {not in Vi}
- suffixes (su) string (default ".bak.o.h.info.vim")
- Files with these suffixes are ignored when multiple files match a
- wildcard. {not in Vi}
- tabstop (ts) number (default 8)
- Number of spaces that a <TAB> in the file counts for.
- taglength (tl) number (default 0)
- If non-zero, tags are significant up to this number of characters.
- tags string (default "tags")
- Filenames for the tag command, separated by spaces. Environment
- variables are expanded for the first name. {Vi: default is "tags
- /usr/lib/tags"}
- term string (default $TERM or "amiga" on Amiga, "pcterm"
- on MSDOS)
- Name of the terminal. Used for choosing the terminal control
- characters. Environment variables are expanded.
- terse toggle (default on)
- Ignored. {Vi: shorten the error messages}
- textauto (ta) toggle (default on)
- When a new file is edited the first line is checked for the line
- separator. If it is a single <LF> 'textmode' is reset. If it is a
- <CR><LF> pair 'textmode' is set.
- textmode (tx) toggle (MSDOS: default on, others: default off)
- When off, <LF> separates lines. When on, <CR><LF> separates lines.
- Only used when reading and writing files. Set automatically when
- reading a file and 'textauto' is on.
- textwidth number (default 0)
- Maximum width of text that is being inserted. A longer line will be
- broken after white space to get this width. A zero value disables
- this. 'textwidth' is set to 0 when the 'paste' option is set. If
- 'wrapmargin' is set to non-zero, textwidth is set to
- ('columns' - 'wrapmargin'). {not in Vi}
- tildeop (to) toggle (default off)
- The tilde command <~> behaves like an operator. {not in Vi}
- timeout toggle (default on)
- ttimeout toggle (default off)
- These two options together determine the behaviour when part of a
- mapped key sequence or keyboard code has been received:
- timeout ttimeout action
- off off no time out
- on on or off time out on :mappings and key codes
- off on time out on key codes
- If there is no time out, Vim will wait until either the complete
- mapping or key sequence has been received, or it is clear that there
- is no mapping or key sequence for the received characters. For
- example: if you have mapped "vl" and Vim has received <v>, the next
- character is needed to see if the <v> is followed by an <l>. With a
- time out Vim will wait for about 1 second for the next character to
- arrive. After that the already received characters are interpreted
- as single characters. The time can be set with the 'timeoutlen'
- option.
- On slow terminals or very busy systems time out may cause
- malfunctioning cursor keys. If both options are off, Vim waits
- forever after an entered <ESC> if there are key codes that start
- with <ESC>. You will have to type <ESC> twice. If you do not have
- problems with key codes, but would like to have :mapped key
- sequences not time out in 1 second, set the ttimeout option and
- reset the timeout option. {the ttimeout option is not in Vi}
- timeoutlen (tm) number (default 1000)
- The time in milliseconds that is waited for a key code or mapped key
- sequence to complete. {only in some versions of Vi}
- undolevels (ul) number (default 100)
- Maximum number of changes that can be undone. Set to 0 for Vi
- compatibility: one level of undo and 'u' undoes itself. Set to a
- negative number for no undo at all (saves memory). {not in Vi}
- updatecount (uc) number (default 100)
- After this many characters typed the auto script file will be written
- to disk. When zero the auto script will not be written to at all (see
- chapter on recovery). {not in Vi}
- updatetime (ut) number (default 2000)
- If this many milliseconds nothing is typed the auto script file will
- be written to disk (see chapter on recovery). {not in Vi}
- visualbell (vb) toggle (default off)
- Use (sort of) visual bell for AUX device. {not in Vi}
- warn toggle (default on)
- Give a warning message when a shell command is used while the buffer
- has been changed.
- wildchar (wc) number (default <TAB> or CTRL-E)
- Character you have to type to start wildcard expansion in the
- command line. CTRL-E is used when Vim was compiled with COMPATIBLE
- or when the 'compatible' option is set. The character is not
- recognized when used inside a macro. {not in Vi}
- wrap toggle (default on)
- When on, long lines will wrap and continue on the next line. When
- off long lines will not wrap and only part of them will be shown.
- When the cursor is moved to a part that is not shown, the screen
- will scroll horizontally (also see 'sidescroll' option. {not in Vi}
- wrapmargin (wm) number (default 0)
- Number of characters from the right window border where wrapping
- starts. In Vim this is implemented by setting textwidth to the window
- width minus the wrapmargin. {Vi: works differently and less useful}
- wrapscan (ws) toggle (default on)
- Searches wrap around the end of the file.
- writeany (wa) toggle (default off)
- Allows writing to any file with no need for "!" override.
- writebackup (wb) toggle (default on)
- Make a backup before overwriting a file. The backup is removed after
- the file was succesfully written, unless the 'backup' option is also
- on. {not in Vi}
- yankendofline (ye) toggle (default off)
- The Y command yanks from the cursor until the end of the line instead
- of whole lines. {not in Vi}
- 20. Terminal information
- Vim uses information about the terminal you are using to fill the screen and
- recognize what keys you hit. If this information is not correct the screen
- may be messed up or keys may not be recognized. The actions which have to be
- performed on the screen are accomplished by outputting a string of
- characters. Special keys produce a string of characters. These strings are
- stored in the terminal options, see section 20.2.
- 20.1 startup
- When Vim is started a default terminal type is assumed. For the Amiga this
- is a standard CLI window, for MSDOS the pc terminal, for Unix an ansi
- terminal. A few other terminal types are always available. Use the command
- "set term=xxx" to find out which ones are builtin.
- You can give the terminal name with the '-T' command line option. If it is
- not given Vim will try to get the name from the TERM environment variable.
- On Unix the termcap file is used. On Amiga and MSDOS this is only available
- if Vim was compiled with TERMCAP defined. If the termcap code is included
- Vim will try to get the strings for the terminal you are using from the
- termcap file.
- For normal editing the terminal will be put into "raw" mode. The strings
- defined with 't_ts' and 't_ks' will be sent to the terminal. Normally this
- puts the terminal in a state where the termcap codes are valid and activates
- the cursor and function keys. When Vim exits the terminal will be put back
- into the mode it was before Vim started. The strings defined with 't_te' and
- 't_ke' will be sent to the terminal. On the Amiga with commands that print
- multiple lines at the bottom of the screen or execute an external command
- (e.g. "!!", ":files") the terminal will be put into normal mode for a
- moment. This means that you can stop the output to the screen by hitting a
- printing key. Output resumes when you hit <BS>.
- Some termcap entries are wrong in the sense that after sending 't_ks' the
- cursor keys send codes different from the codes defined in the termcap. To
- avoid this you can set 't_ks' (and 't_ke') to empty strings. This must be
- done during initialization (see 3.4), otherwise its too late.
- Some termcap entries assume that the highest bit is always reset. For
- example: The cursor-up entry for the amiga could be ":ku=\EA:". But the
- Amiga really sends "\233A". This works fine if the highest bit is reset,
- e.g. when using an Amiga over a serial line. If the cursor keys don't work,
- try the entry ":ku=\233A:".
- Some termcap entries have the entry ":ku=\E[A:". But the Amiga really sends
- "\233A". On output "\E[" and "\233" are often equivalent, on input they
- aren't. You will have to change the termcap entry, or change the key code
- with the :set command to fix this.
- Many cursor key codes start with an <ESC>. Vim must find out if this a
- single hit of the <ESC> key or the start of a cursor key sequence. It waits
- for a next character to arrive. If it does not arrive within one second a
- single <ESC> is assumed. On very slow systems this may fail, causing cursor
- keys not to work sometimes. If you discover this problem reset the 'timeout'
- option. Vim will wait for the next character to arrive after an <ESC>. If
- you want to enter a single <ESC> you must type it twice. Resetting the
- 'esckeys' option avoids this problems in Insert mode, but you lose the
- possibility to use cursor and function keys in Insert mode.
- On the Amiga the recognition of window resizing is activated only when the
- terminal name is "amiga" or "builtin_amiga".
- Some terminals have confusing codes for the cursor keys. The televideo 925
- is such a terminal. It sends a CTRL-H for cursor-left. This would make it
- impossible to distinguish a backspace and cursor-left. To avoid this problem
- CTRL-H is never recognized as cursor-left.
- 20.2 terminal options
- The terminal options can be set just like normal options. But they are not
- shown with the ":set all" command. Instead use ":set termcap".
- It is always possible to change individual strings by setting the
- appropriate option. For example:
- :set t_el=^V^[[K (CTRL-V, ESC, [, K)
- {Vi: no terminal options. You have to exit vi, edit the termcap entry and
- try again}
- The options are listed below along with the associated termcap code. Two of
- them are required: Cursor positioning and clear screen. The others are used
- to minimize the screen updating overhead and to recognize special keys.
- option termcap meaning
- t_name (name) name of current terminal entry
- t_el ce clear to end of line
- t_il al add new blank line
- t_cil AL add number of blank lines
- t_dl dl delete line
- t_cdl DL delete number of lines
- t_ed cl clear screen (required!)
- t_ci vi cursur invisible
- t_cv ve cursur visible
- t_tp me normal mode
- t_tp se shift-out end (if 'mr' or 'me' not defined)
- t_ti mr reverse mode
- t_ti so shift-out mode (if 'mr' or 'me' not defined)
- t_cm cm cursor motion (required!)
- t_sr sr scroll reverse (backward)
- t_cri RI cursor number of chars right
- t_vb vb visual bell
- t_ks ks put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode
- t_ke ke out of "keypad transmit" mode
- t_ts ti put terminal in "termcap" mode
- t_te te out of "termcap" mode
- t_ku ku arrow up
- t_kd kd arrow down
- t_kr kr arrow right
- t_kl kl arrow left
- t_sku (none) shift arrow up
- t_skd (none) shift arrow down
- t_skr %i shift arrow right
- t_skl #4 shift arrow left
- t_f1 k1 function key 1
- t_f2 k2 function key 2
- t_f3 k3 function key 3
- t_f4 k4 function key 4
- t_f5 k5 function key 5
- t_f6 k6 function key 6
- t_f7 k7 function key 7
- t_f8 k8 function key 8
- t_f9 k9 function key 9
- t_f10 k; function key 10
- t_sf1 F1 function key 11 or shifted function key 1
- t_sf2 F2 function key 12 or shifted function key 2
- t_sf3 F3 function key 13 or shifted function key 3
- t_sf4 F4 function key 14 or shifted function key 4
- t_sf5 F5 function key 15 or shifted function key 5
- t_sf6 F6 function key 16 or shifted function key 6
- t_sf7 F7 function key 17 or shifted function key 7
- t_sf8 F8 function key 18 or shifted function key 8
- t_sf9 F9 function key 19 or shifted function key 9
- t_sf10 FA function key 20 or shifted function key 10
- t_help %1 help key
- t_undo &8 undo key
- Note for xterm users: The shifted cursor keys normally don't work. You can
- make them work with the xmodmap command and some mappings in Vim.
- Give these commands in the xterm:
- xmodmap -e "keysym Up = Up F16"
- xmodmap -e "keysym Down = Down F17"
- xmodmap -e "keysym Left = Left F18"
- xmodmap -e "keycode Right = Right F19"
- And use these mappings in Vim:
- :map CTRL-V 151 CTRL-V 132
- :map! CTRL-V 151 CTRL-V 132
- :map CTRL-V 152 CTRL-V 133
- :map! CTRL-V 152 CTRL-V 133
- :map CTRL-V 153 CTRL-V 134
- :map! CTRL-V 153 CTRL-V 134
- :map CTRL-V 154 CTRL-V 135
- :map! CTRL-V 154 CTRL-V 135
- Where 151-154 are the internal vim decimal codes for function keys F16 to
- F19 and 132-135 are the codes for the shifted arrow keys.
- 20.3 Window size
- If you are running Vim on an Amiga and the terminal name is "amiga" or
- "builtin_amiga", the amiga-specific window resizing will be enabled. On Unix
- systems three methods are tried to get the window size:
- - an ioctl call (TIOCGSIZE or TIOCGWINSZ, depends on your system)
- - the environment variables "LINES" and "COLUMNS"
- - from the termcap entries "li" and "co"
- If everything fails a default size of 24 lines and 80 columns is assumed. If
- a window-resize signal is received the size will be set again. If the window
- size is wrong you can use the 'lines' and 'columns' options to set the
- correct values.
- 20.4 slow and fast terminals
- If you have a fast terminal you may like to set the 'ruler' option. The
- cursor position is shown in the status line. If you are using horizontal
- scrolling ('wrap' option off) consider setting 'sidescroll' to a small
- number.
- If you have a slow terminal you may want to reset the 'showcmd' option.
- The command characters will not be shown in the status line. If the terminal
- scrolls very slowly, set the 'scrolljump' to 5 or so. If the cursor is moved
- off the screen (e.g. with "j") Vim will scroll 5 lines at a time. Another
- possibility is to reduce the number of lines that Vim uses with the command
- "z<height><CR>".
- If the characters from the terminal are arriving with more than 1 second
- between them you might want to set the 'timeout' and/or 'ttimeout' option.
- See the "Options" chapter.
- 21. Differences from Vi and Ex
- This chapter only lists what has not been mentioned in previous chapters.
- Also see "difference.doc".
- 21.1 Missing commands
- A large number of the "Ex" commands (the commands that start with a colon)
- are included. However, there is no Ex mode.
- These commands are in Vi, but not in Vim.
- Q {Vi: go to Ex mode}
- :a[ppend] {Vi: append text}
- :c[hange] {Vi: replace lines}
- :i[nsert] {Vi: insert text}
- :o[pen] {Vi: start editing in open mode}
- :pres[erve] {Vi: emergency exit}
- :rec[over] {Vi: recover a file after a crash or :preserve}
- :z {Vi: print some lines}
- :~ {Vi: do a substitute on the previous regular
- expression}
- 21.2 Missing options
- These options are in the unix Vi, but not in Vim. If you try to set them you
- won't get an error message, but their value cannot be printed.
- autoprint (ap) toggle (default on)
- beautify (bf) toggle (default off)
- edcompatible toggle (default off)
- hardtabs (ht) number (default 8)
- number of spaces that a <TAB> moves on the display
- lisp toggle (default off)
- mesg toggle (default on)
- open toggle (default on)
- optimize (op) toggle (default on)
- prompt toggle (default on)
- redraw toggle (default off)
- slowopen (slow) toggle (default off)
- sourceany toggle (default not documented)
- ttytype string
- window number (default 24)
- w300 number (default 24)
- w1200 number (default 24)
- w9600 number (default 24)
- 22. Credits
- Parts of this manual comes from several Vi manuals, written by:
- W.N. Joy
- Alan P.W. Hewett
- Mark Horton
- The editor Vim is based on Stevie and includes (ideas from) other software,
- worked on by:
- Tim Thompson Stevie
- Tony Andrews Stevie
- G. R. (Fred) Walter Stevie
- Henry Spencer regular expressions
- Steve Kirkendall Elvis
- Juergen Weigert Lattice version, AUX improvements, UNIX and
- MSDOS ports
- Olaf Seibert DICE version and regexp improvements
- Peter da Silva termlib
- I must thank all the people that sent me bug reports and suggestions.
- They keep Vim alive!
- vi:tw=76:ts=8:sw=8