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- VIM help file index
- RETURN quit help VIM stands for Vi IMproved.
- SPACE one page forward Most of VIM was made by Bram Moolenaar.
- a go to this index VIM is based on Stevie, worked on by: Tim
- b one page backward Thompson, Tony Andrews, G.R. (Fred) Walter
- c left-right and up-down motions n key mapping; abbreviations
- d word and text object motions o option commands, options a-e
- e pattern searches p options e-p
- f various motions; using tags q options r-s
- g scrolling r options t-z
- h inserting text; digraphs s undo; shell; quickfix; various
- i insert mode t command line editing
- j changing text u Ex ranges; Ex special characters
- k complex changes v editing files; using the file list
- l deleting, copying, moving text w writing and quitting
- m repeating commands x starting VIM
- Read "reference.doc" for a more complete explanation.
- Left-right motions
- N h left (same as CTRL-H, BS and cursor-left key)
- N l right (same as SPACE and cursor-right key)
- 0 to first character in the line
- ^ to first non-blank character in the line
- N $ to the last character in the line (N-1 lines lower)
- N | to column N
- N f<char> to the Nth occurrence of <char> to the right
- N F<char> to the Nth occurrence of <char> to the left
- N t<char> till before the Nth occurrence of <char> to the right
- N T<char> till before the Nth occurrence of <char> to the left
- N ; repeat the last f, F, t or T N times
- N , repeat the last f, F, t or T N times in opposite direction
- Up-down motions
- N k up (same as CTRL-P and cursor-up key)
- N j down (same as CTRL-J, CTRL-N, LF and cursor-down key)
- N - up, on the first non-blank character
- N + down, on the first non-blank char. (same as CTRL-M and CR)
- N _ N - 1 lines down, on the first non-blank character
- N G goto line N (default last line), on the first non-blank char.
- N % goto line N percentage down in the file.
- Word motions
- N w N words forward
- N W N blank-separated words forward
- N e forward to the end of the Nth word
- N E forward to the end of the Nth blank-separated word
- N b N words backward
- N B N blank-separated words backward
- Text object motions
- N ) N sentences forward
- N ( N sentences backward
- N } N paragraphs forward
- N { N paragraphs backward
- N ]] N sections forward
- N [[ N sections backward
- N ][ N sections (starting with a <}>) forward
- N [] N sections (starting with a <}>) backward
- Pattern searches
- N /{pattern}[/] search forward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern}
- N ?{pattern}[?] search backward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern}
- N / repeat last search, in the forward direction
- N ? repeat last search, in the backward direction
- N n repeat last search
- N N repeat last search, in opposite direction
- N * search forward for the ident under the cursor
- N # search backward for the ident under the cursor
- special characters in search patterns magic nomagic
- matches any single character . \.
- matches start of line ^ ^
- matches end of line $ $
- matches start of word \< \<
- matches end of word \> \>
- matches a single char from the range [a-z] \[a-z]
- matches a single char not in the range [^a-z] \[^a-z]
- matches 0 or more of the preceding atom * \*
- matches 1 or more of the preceding atom \+ \+
- matches 0 or 1 of the preceding atom \? \?
- separates two branches \| \|
- group a pattern into an atom \(\) \(\)
- Various motions
- m<a-zA-Z> mark current position with mark <a-zA-Z>
- `<a-zA-Z> go to mark <a-zA-Z>
- `` go to the position before the last jump
- `[ or `] go to the start or end of the previously operated or put text
- '<a-zA-Z[]'> same as `, but on the first non-blank in the line
- :marks print the active marks
- N CTRL-O go to N older position in jump list
- N CTRL-I go to N newer position in jump list
- :jumps print the jump list
- % find the next brace or bracket in this line, go to its match
- N H go to the Nth line in the window, on the first non-blank
- M go to the middle line in the window, on the first non-blank
- N L go to the Nth line from the bottom, on the first non-blank
- Using tags
- :ta[g] {tag} Jump to tag {tag}, unless changes have been made
- :ta[g]! {tag} Jump to tag {tag} always. Discard any changes
- CTRL-] Jump to the tag under cursor, unless changes made
- N CTRL-T Jump to N older tag in tag list
- :[count]po[p][!] Jump to [count] older tag in tag list
- :[count]ta[g][!] Jump to [count] newer tag in tag list
- :tags Print tag list
- Scrolling
- N CTRL-E window N lines downwards (N lines Extra)
- N CTRL-D window N lines Downwards (default half a window)
- N CTRL-F window N pages Forwards (downwards)
- N CTRL-Y window N lines upwards
- N CTRL-U window N lines Upwards (default half a window)
- N CTRL-B window N pages Backwards (upwards)
- z<CR> redraw, current line at top of window
- z. redraw, current line at center of window
- z- redraw, current line at bottom of window
- Inserting text
- N a append text after the cursor (N times)
- N A append text at the end of the line (N times)
- N i insert text before the cursor (N times)
- N I insert text before the first non-blank in the line (N times)
- N o open a new line below the current line, append text (N times)
- N O open a new line above the current line, append text (N times)
- Special inserts
- :r {file} insert the contents of {file} below the cursor
- :r!{command} insert the standard output of {command} below the cursor
- Digraphs
- :dig[raphs] show current list of digraphs
- :dig[raphs] {char1}{char2} {number} ...
- add digraph(s) to the list
- char action in insert mode
- CTRL-[ or <ESC> end insert or replace mode, back to command mode
- CTRL-A insert previously inserted text
- CTRL-R <0-9a-z> insert contents of register <0-9a-z>
- CTRL-@ insert previously inserted text and stop insert
- CTRL-J or <LF> or CTRL-M or <CR> begin new line
- CTRL-K {char1} {char2} enter digraph
- CTRL-E insert the character which is below the cursor
- CTRL-Y insert the character which is above the cursor
- CTRL-V insert character literally, or enter decimal byte value
- CTRL-H or <BS> or <DEL> delete the character before the cursor
- CTRL-W delete word before the cursor
- CTRL-U delete all entered characters in the current line
- CTRL-T insert one shiftwidth of indent in the current line
- CTRL-D delete one shiftwidth of indent in the current line
- 0 CTRL-D or ^ CTRL-D delete all indent in the current line
- {char1} <BS> {char2} enter digraph if 'dg' option set
- CTRL-P toggle 'revins' (reverse insert) option
- keys that stop insert, do something and get back to insert:
- cursor keys move cursor left/right/up/down
- shift-up/down one screenfull backward/forward
- shift-left/right one word left/right
- CTRL-O {command} execute {command}
- Changing text
- N R enter replace mode (repeat the entered text N times)
- N c{motion} change the text that is moved over with {motion}
- {visual}c change the highlighted text
- N cc change N lines
- N C change to end of line (and N-1 more lines)
- N s change N characters
- N S change N lines
- N r<char> replace N characters by <char>
- N ~ switch case for N characters and advance cursor
- {visual}~ switch case for highlighted text
- {visual}u make highlighted text uppercase
- {visual}U make highlighted text lowercase
- N CTRL-A add N to the number at or after the cursor
- N CTRL-S subtract N from the number at or after the cursor
- N <{motion} move the lines that are moved over one shiftwidth left
- N << move N lines one shiftwidth left
- N >{motion} move the lines that are moved over one shiftwidth right
- N >> move N lines one shiftwidth right
- N Q{motion} format the lines that are moved over to 'textwidth' length
- :[range]ce[nter] [width] center the lines in [range]
- :[range]le[ft] [indent] left align the lines in [range] [with indent]
- :[range]ri[ght] [width] right align the lines in [range]
- Complex changes
- v start highlighting characters } move cursor and use
- V start highlighting linewise } operator to affect
- CTRL-V start highlighting blockwise } highlighted text
- o exchange cursor position with start of highlighting
- N !{motion}{command}
- filter the lines that are moved over through {command}
- N !!{command}
- filter N lines through {command}
- :[range]!{command}
- filter [range] lines through {command}
- N ={motion}{command}
- filter the lines that are moved over through "indent"
- N =={command}
- filter N lines through "indent"
- :[range]s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[g][c]
- substitute {pattern} by {string} in [range] lines; with [g]
- replace all occurrences of {pattern}; with [c] ask first
- :[range]s[ubstitute] [g][c]
- repeat previous :s with new range and options
- & Repeat previous :s on current line without options
- Deleting text
- N x delete N characters under and after the cursor
- N X delete N characters before the cursor
- N d{motion} delete the text that is moved over with {motion}
- {visual}d delete the highlighted text
- N dd delete N lines
- N D delete to end of line (and N-1 more lines)
- N J join N-1 lines (delete newlines)
- {visual}J join the highlighted lines
- :[range]d ["x] delete [range] lines (into register ["x])
- Copying and moving text
- "<char> use register <char> for the next delete, yank or put
- :dis show the current register contents
- N y{motion} yank the text, moved over with {motion}, into a register
- {visual}y yank the highlighted text into a register
- N yy yank N lines into a register
- N Y yank N lines into a register
- N p put a register after the cursor position (N times)
- N P put a register before the cursor position (N times)
- Repeating commands
- N . repeat last change (with count replaced by N)
- q<a-z> record typed characters into register <a-z>
- q stop recording
- N @<a-z> execute the contents of register <a-z> (N times)
- N @@ repeat previous @<a-z> (N times)
- :@<a-z> execute the contents of register <a-z> as an Ex command
- :@@ repeat previous :@<a-z>
- :[range]g[lobal]/{pattern}/[cmd]
- Execute Ex command [cmd] (default :p) on the lines within
- [range] where {pattern} matches.
- :[range]g[lobal]!/{pattern}/[cmd]
- Execute Ex command [cmd] (default :p) on the lines within
- [range] where {pattern} does NOT match.
- :so[urce] {file}
- Read Ex commands from {file}.
- :so[urce]! {file}
- Read VIM commands from {file}.
- Key mapping
- :ma[p] {lhs} {rhs} Map {lhs} to {rhs} in normal mode.
- :ma[p]! {lhs} {rhs} Map {lhs} to {rhs} in insert and command line mode.
- :no[remap][!] {lhs} {rhs}
- Same as :map, no remapping for this {rhs}
- :unm[ap] {lhs} Remove the mapping of {lhs} for normal mode.
- :unm[ap]! {lhs} Remove the mapping of {lhs} for insert and command
- line mode.
- :ma[p] [lhs] List mappings (starting with [lhs]) for normal mode.
- :ma[p]! [lhs] List mappings (starting with [lhs]) for insert and
- command line mode.
- :cmap/:cunmap/:cnoremap like map/unmap/noremap but for command line mode only
- :imap/:iunmap/:inoremap like map/unmap/noremap but for insert mode only
- :mk[exrc][!] [file] write current mappings, abbreviations and settings
- to [file] (default ".exrc"; use ! to overwrite)
- :mkv[imrc][!] [file] same as :mkexrc, but with default ".vimrc"
- Abbreviations
- :ab[breviate] {lhs} {rhs} add abbreviation for {lhs} to {rhs}
- :ab[breviate] {lhs} show abbreviations that start with {lhs}
- :ab[breviate] show all abbreviations
- :una[bbreviate] {lhs} remove abbreviation for {lhs}
- :iab/:cab/:iunab/:cunab/:noreab/:cnoreab/:inoreab also available!
- Options
- :se[t] Show all modified options.
- :se[t] all Show all options.
- :se[t] {option} Set toggle option on, show string or number option.
- :se[t] no{option} Set toggle option off.
- :se[t] inv{option} invert toggle option.
- :se[t] {option}={value} Set string or number option to {value}.
- :se[t] {option}? Show value of {option}.
- option (shorthand) type default effect
- autoindent (ai) toggle off insert mode: copy indent from prev line
- autowrite (aw) toggle off write the file when starting a new edit
- backspace (bs) number 0 0 standard Vi, 1 delete NL, 2 delete all
- backup (bk) toggle on backup a file before overwriting it
- backupdir (bdir) string "~/" Unix only: Directory for backup files
- binary (bin) toggle off binary file mode
- columns (co) number 80 number of columns in the display
- compatible (cp) toggle off set options for maximum vi-compatibility
- digraph (dg) toggle off enable <BS> digraphs in insert mode
- directory (dir) string "" directory to put autoscript file
- equalprg (ep) string "indent" program used for '=' command
- errorbells (eb) toggle off ring the bell for error messages
- errorfile (ef) string "AztecC.Err" file for QuickFix option
- option (shorthand) type default effect
- errorformat (efm) string format of error messages from compiler
- esckeys (ek) toggle on func. keys with <ESC> work in insert mode
- expandtab (et) toggle off insert mode: use spaces to enter a tab
- exrc toggle off read .exrc/.vimrc from current directory
- formatprg (fp) string "" external program for 'Q' command
- graphic (gr) toggle off display chars 0x80-0x9f directly
- helpfile (hf) string "vim:vim.hlp" name of help file
- history (hi) number 20 number of remembered command lines
- ignorecase (ic) toggle off ignore case in search patterns
- insertmode (im) toggle off start editing in insert mode
- joinspaces (js) toggle on insert two spaces after a '.' with join
- keywordprg (kp) string "ref" name of program for 'K' command
- lines number 25 number of lines in the display
- list toggle off display lines in list mode
- magic toggle on different pattern matching characters
- makeprg (mp) string "make" name of program for ':make' command
- modeline (ml) toggle on lines are checked for set commands
- modelines (mls) number 5 number of lines checked for set commands
- number (nu) toggle off display line numbers
- paragraphs (para) string "IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp"
- nroff macros that separate paragraphs
- paste toggle off paste mode: insert literally
- option (shorthand) type default effect
- readonly (ro) toggle off overwriting the file not allowed
- remap toggle on :map command works recursively
- report number 2 minimal number of lines for reporting
- revins (ri) toggle off insert characters right to left
- ruler (ru) toggle off show cursor position in status line
- scroll number 12 scroll size for CTRL-U and CTRL-D
- scrolljump (sj) number 1 minimal number of lines for scrolling
- sections (sect) string "SHNHH HUnhsh" macros separating sections
- secure toggle off security checks for .vimrc and .exrc
- shell (sh) string "sh" shell to use for ! and :! commands
- shelltype (st) number 0 how to use the shell
- shiftround (sr) toggle off round indent to shiftwidth with > and <
- shiftwidth (sw) number 8 number of spaces to use for (auto)indent
- showcmd (sc) toggle on show command in status line
- showmatch (sm) toggle off show matching bracket if one is inserted
- shortname (sn) toggle off MSDOS-like filesystem being used
- showmode (smd) toggle on show insert/replace mode message
- sidescroll (ss) number 0 minimal nr of columns for horiz. scroll
- smartindent (si) toggle off do smart autoindenting
- suffixes (su) string ".bak.o.h.info.vim" suffixes that are ignored
- when multiple files match a wildcard
- option (shorthand) type default effect
- tabstop (ts) number 8 number of spaces that a TAB counts for
- taglength (tl) number 0 if non-zero, tags are significant upto
- this number of characters
- tags string "tags" names of tag files
- term string "amiga" name of terminal
- textauto (ta) toggle on detect line separator, (re)set 'textmode'
- textmode (tx) toggle off use <CR><LF> for line separator
- textwidth (tw) number 0 maximum width of a line in insert mode
- tildeop (to) toggle off tilde behaves like an operator
- timeout toggle on wait only 'tm' msec for mappings&key codes
- ttimeout toggle off wait only 'tm' msec for key codes
- timeoutlen (tm) number 1000 milliseconds to wait for mappings&key codes
- undolevels (ul) number 100 number of changes that can be undone
- (0 for Vi compatibility)
- visualbell (vb) toggle off use visual instead of audible beep
- wildchar (wc) number TAB char used to start filename completion
- wrap toggle on when off: horizontal scrolling
- wrapmargin (wm) number 0 set textwidth to (columns - wrapmargin)
- wrapscan (ws) toggle on searches wrap around the end of the file
- writeany (wa) toggle off always write file without asking
- writebackup (wb) toggle on backup a file WHILE overwriting it
- yankendofline (ye) toggle off 'Y' yanks from cursor to end of line
- Undo/Redo commands
- N u undo N last changes
- N CTRL-R redo N last undone changes
- U restore last changed line
- External commands
- :sh start a shell
- :!{command} execute {command} with a shell
- K lookup keyword under the cursor with external program
- Quickfix commands
- :cc [nr] display error [nr] (default is the same again)
- :cn display the next error
- :cp display the previous error
- :cl list all errors
- :cf read errors from the error file
- :cq quit without writing and return error code (to the compiler)
- :make [args] start make, read errors and jump to first error
- Various commands
- CTRL-L Clear and redraw the screen.
- CTRL-G show current file name (with path) and cursor position
- CTRL-C during searches: interrupt the search
- <DEL> while entering a count: delete last character
- :vers show exact version number of this VIM
- Command line editing
- CTRL-V insert character literally, or enter decimal byte value
- <C_LEFT>/<C_RIGHT> cursor left/right
- <SC_LEFT>/<SC_RIGHT> cursor one word left/right
- CTRL-B/CTRL-E cursor to begin/end of command line
- <BS> delete the character in front of the cursor
- <DEL> delete the character under the cursor
- CTRL-W delete the word in front of the cursor
- CTRL-U remove all characters
- <C_UP>/<C_DOWN> recall older/newer command line from history
- <SC_UP>/<SC_DOWN> recall older/newer command that starts with current command
- CTRL-D list filenames that match the pattern in front of the cursor
- CTRL-A insert all filenames that match pattern in front of cursor
- CTRL-L insert longest common part of filenames that match pattern..
- 'wildchar' do filename completion on the pattern in front of the cursor
- CTRL-N after 'wildchar' with multiple matches: go to next match
- CTRL-P after 'wildchar' with multiple matches: go to previous match
- <ESC> abandon command line (if 'wildchar' is <ESC> type it twice)
- Ex ranges
- , separates two line numbers
- ; idem, set cursor to the first line number
- {number} an absolute line number
- . the current line
- $ the last line in the file
- % equal to 1,$ (the entire file)
- 't position of mark t
- /{pattern} the next line where {pattern} matches
- ?{pattern} the previous line where {pattern} matches
- +[num] add [num] to the preceding line number (default 1)
- -[num] subtract [num] from the preceding line number (default 1)
- Special Ex characters
- | separates two commands (not for ":global" and ":!")
- " begins comment
- # in first column: begins comment
- #[number] alternate filename [number] (only where filename is expected)
- % current filename (only where filename is expected)
- #. idem, but without extension
- Editing a file
- :e Edit the current file, unless changes have been made.
- :e! Edit the current file always. Discard any changes.
- :e[dit] {file} Edit {file}, unless changes have been made.
- :e[dit]! {file} Edit {file} always. Discard any changes.
- N CTRL-^ Edit alternate file N (equivalent to ":e #N").
- :pwd Print the current directory name.
- :cd [path] Change the current directory to [path].
- :f[ile] Print the current filename and the cursor position.
- :f[ile] {name} Set the current filename to {name}.
- :files Show alternate file names
- Using the file list
- :ar[gs] Print the file list, with the current file in "[]".
- :n[ext] Edit next file, unless changes have been made.
- :n[ext]! Edit next file, discard any changes to the buffer.
- :n[ext][!] {filelist} Define {filelist} as the new list of files and edit
- the first one (see :next for [!]).
- :N[ext][!] Edit previous file (see :next for [!]).
- :rew[ind][!] Edit first file (see :next for [!]).
- :wn[ext][!] Write file and edit next file.
- :wn[ext][!] {file} Write to {file} and edit next file, unless {file}
- exists. With ! overwrite existing files.
- Writing and quitting
- :[range]w[rite][!] Write to the current file.
- :[range]w[rite] {file} Write to {file}, unless it already exists.
- :[range]w[rite]! {file} Write to {file}. Overwrite an existing file.
- :[range]w[rite][!] >> Append to the current file.
- :[range]w[rite][!] >> {file}
- Append to {file}.
- :[range]w[rite] !{cmd} Execute {cmd} with [range] lines as standard input.
- :q[uit] Quit, unless changes have been made.
- :q[uit]! Quit always, discard any changes.
- :cq Quit without writing and return error code
- :wq[!] Write the current file and exit.
- :wq[!] {file} Write to {file} and exit.
- :x[it][!] [file] Like ":wq" but write only when changes have been made
- ZZ Same as ":x".
- :st[op][!] suspend VIM or start new shell. If 'aw' option is set
- and [!] not given write the buffer.
- CTRL-Z same as ":stop!"
- Starting VIM
- vim [options] start editing with an empty buffer
- vim [options] {file ..} start editing one or more files
- vim [options] +[num] {file ..}
- idem, put the cursor at line [num] (default last line)
- vim [options] +/{pat} {file ..}
- idem, put the cursor at the first occurrence of {pat}
- vim [options] -t {tag} edit the file associated with {tag}
- vim [options] -e [fname] start editing in QuickFix mode, display the first error
- options
- -v read-only mode (View), implies -n
- -b binary mode
- -r recover aborted edit, using commands from ".vim" file
- -n do not create ".vim" file
- -x do not restart VIM to open a window (for e.g. mail)
- -s {scriptin} first read the commands in the file {scriptin}
- -w {scriptout} write all typed characters to the file {scriptout}
- -T {terminal} set terminal type
- -d {device} open {device} to be used as a console
- automatic option setting when editing a file
- vim:{set-arg}: .. In the first and last lines of the file (see 'ml'
- option), {set-arg} is given as an argument to :set