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- This is a summary of the modifications from Vim version 1.27 to version 2.0.
- Incompatible changes
- ====================
- The 'exrc' and 'secure' options are default off. If you want Vim to read a
- .exrc or .vimrc in the current directory, you will have to set 'exrc' in your
- global .exrc or .vimrc. People doing this are supposed to know about the
- security problems, so they don't need the 'secure' option set. This is also
- more vi-compatible.
- Renamed quoting to visual select and swapped 'q' and 'v' keys to avoid
- problems with CTRL-Q. This is also more Elvis compatible. The commands now are:
- 'v' start character-wise visual select
- 'V' start line-wise visual select
- CTRL-V start block-wise visual select
- 'q' start recording
- 'Q' formatting operator
- Changed CTRL-R into CTRL-Y for insert mode (copy character from line above).
- This is more logical when comparing the meaning of CTRL-E and CTRL-Y in
- command mode and insert mode.
- Replaced CTRL-B with CTRL-R (insert contents of a register) in insert mode.
- This mnemonic is more logical, because "register" is used in the documentation.
- Added ":pwd" command and made ":cd" without an argument for Unix go to home
- directory. This is more vi-compatible and behaves the same as the unix cd
- command. The ":cd" command for MSDOS and Amiga versions is unchanged, these
- machines don't have a home directory.
- With the 'confirm' option to :s anything but 'y', 'n', ESC, CTRL-C or 'q' is
- ignored. Nothing happens until you type a valid character. Quit substitution
- with <q>, ESC and CTRL-C.
- Swapped 'u' and 'U' for visual mode. 'u' makes lower case, 'U' upper. This is
- more logical.
- Added 'wildchar' option for filename completion. The default is <TAB> instead
- of <ESC>. Most other programs use this and it avoids problems with terminal
- sequences that start with <ESC> (one second wait before filename completion
- starts).
- Changed short name of 'showmode' option from "mo" to "smd".
- Changed short name of 'modelines' from 'ml' into 'mls'. This is vi-compatible.
- Changed meaning of the argument to :cf. The 'errorfile' option will now be
- set to the argument.
- Major improvements
- ==================
- Added horizontal scrolling and 'wrap' option. This allows the user to choose
- between line wrap (you see all the text but long lines mess up the layout)
- and horizontal scrolling (correct layout but you see only a part of long
- lines).
- Added 'sidescroll' option. It is the number of columns to jump when the
- cursor gets off of the screen while the 'wrap' option is off. The default is
- 0, which means that the cursor is centered on the screen. Set it to a small
- number if you have fast screen I/O.
- Wildcard expansion has been made more compatible with other programs. Added
- 'wildchar' option; default is <TAB> instead of <ESC>. With multiple matches
- first match is inserted. CTRL-A inserts all matches. With CTRL-D command: If
- file is a dir '/' is added. WILD_CARDS code now always included, no
- compile-time option anymore. 'wildchar' is only recognized when typed, not in
- a macro (prevents problems with macros containing TABs).
- CTRL-L on commandline inserts longest common part of filename completion. Now
- you can choose between using TAB (or 'wildchar') for getting the first match
- or CTRL-L for getting the longest match.
- Added automatic textmode (lines ending in CR-LF instead of LF) detection and
- 'textauto' option. This works when starting to edit a file and when doing a
- ":r" command. This is useful on MS-DOS systems with a network file system and
- when editing an MS-DOS floppy on Unix or Amiga. Added [(no)textmode] message
- to readfile() and writeit(). Now you can see when unexpected line separators
- have been detected or are being used.
- Added "-b" command line option. This makes it more easy to edit binary files
- without unexpected effects.
- Added ":make" command, 'errorformat' option and argument to -e option. Now you
- can do your compiling from within Vim and automatically jump to the line where
- the error is. Can be adjusted to work with many compilers. The command to be
- executed with ":make" can be set with the 'makeprg' option. '%' and '#' in
- the 'makeprg' option are expanded as usual in a command line.
- Added reverse insert mode, 'revins' option and CTRL-P command. Now you can
- type backwards!
- Added abbreviations. They work in insert mode and in command line mode, just
- like Vi. Also added :iabbr, :cabbr and friends: abbreviations for command line
- only or insert mode only. Added dumping of abbreviations to :mkexrc.
- Added ":center" (center the lines), ":left" (left adjustment) and ":right"
- (right adjustment). ":center" and ":right" use the 'textwith' option.
- Added bios calls for MSDOS screen output, ansi.sys no longer required.
- Screen updating much faster now and works with more video modes. Added pcansi
- termcap for when not using the console.
- Other improvements
- ==================
- If 'expandtab' is set, spaces will also be used in indents.
- 'tabstop' maximum removed.
- Digraphs also work in the command line.
- Added :redo, same as CTRL-R.
- Added '-x' option for the Amiga version. The current window will be used, but
- shell commands are not possible. Handy when starting Vim from a mail program.
- Added 'secure' option. When reset you don't get the warnings from reading a
- .vimrc/.exrc file in the current directory.
- Added 'exrc' option. Now you can switch the reading of ".exrc/.vimrc" off.
- Added "vim:" modelines. Other vi versions allowed all ex commands in
- modelines, vim only allows set commands. Use "vim:" to avoid confusion.
- Optimized position of ruler and shown command.
- Improved redrawing of long command lines.
- Added <SC_UP> and <SC_DOWN> to command line editing. This finds the
- next/previous command that starts with the text in front of the cursor.
- Added CTRL-B and CTRL-E to command line editing. Go to begin/end of the
- command line.
- With ":w!" readonly is reset.
- If possible the cursor is switched off while visual selecting. Makes it more
- clear what is selected.
- Format deletes blanks at end of lines. This makes it possible to use
- formatting to limit the text to a certain number of columns (e.g. 80).
- Modelines quits after first error. This avoids a long list of errors when
- editing a text with "vi:" accidently embedded (e.g. vim.hlp).
- Optimized undo for delete. Now only 2/3 of the memory used and less copying of
- lines. Speed up when deleting a lot of lines in a big file.
- Added :suspend, same as CTRL-Z.
- Added command-line-only mapping ":cmap", insert-mode-only ":imap" and the
- associated unmap and noremap commands. Now you can enter mappings for every
- mode (command/insert/command-line) separately.
- Changed smart-indent a little.
- Now one free chunk list per allocated block in storage.c. Makes editing big
- files a bit faster.
- Added repeat to visual select. now you can select the same area again.
- Improved showmatch() for uneven number of quotes.
- Added 'paste' option. This makes it easy to swith between typing and inserting
- text with a cut/paste method. Doing ":set nopaste" before ":set paste" does
- not do anything.
- Added sFilename: Filename without path. Mostly only the name you typed is
- shown, but internally the full path name is remembered. Otherwise the ":cd"
- command would mess up the real file name. Use short file name as long as :cd
- not used. If one does not use :cd the short file name will be valid. This
- will avoid long path names to be printed on the status line and having to
- "hit return to continue". It is also better to avoid problems with some
- networks where the absolute path is not valid after a while. If :cd has been
- used the full path name needs to be used to get to the right file.
- Changed :digraph in :digraphs. Now "digraph" and "digraphs" both work.
- Added emsg2() for more informative error messages. For example: "Cannot open
- <filename> for writing" with :mkexrc.
- Made 'r' command use get_literal(). Now you enter the decimal code for the
- replacement character with CTRL-V nnn, where nnn is any decimal number.
- Added default digraphs for MSDOS.
- Added 'timoutlen' option. One can set this depending on the speed of the
- terminal used. Helps when cursor keys start with ESC while working on the
- console: get out of insert mode fast. Or when using a terminal over a very
- slow line, although you better set 'notimeout' then.
- Added wildcard expansion to tags, so environment variables in the file name
- get expanded.
- No error message for a non-existant tags file, only for a not-found tag.
- ExpandWildCards() in unix.c does not start the shell when there are no
- wildcards. Speeds up editing new files.
- :set can now show several values in one command, e.g. ":set columns lines".
- In MSDOS use $COMSPEC to init 'shell' option.
- Added 'formatprg' option for external formatting. This is the program to use
- when the 'Q' command is given. If it is an empty string (which is the
- default) the internal formatting is used.
- Made ioctl() first in mch_get_winsize() in unix.c. The environment variables
- are now only used if the ioctl() fails. This works without problems on more
- systems.
- Added second column number to ruler. Now you can see both the column number
- in the file and on the screen.
- With MSDOS also accept '/' as file name separator. Works better in combination
- with 4dos.
- Screen redrawn after t_tp set. You can now directly see the result of the new
- colors.
- Improved error handling from write() in writeit(). Made the write_buf
- function to repeat write() until all characters have been written or an error
- is detected. Fixes a possible problem with signals (which has never been
- reported).
- Workaround for cursor key that sends ^H. The televideo 925 sends codes for
- cursor keys that cannot be distinguished from normal commands. At least the
- backspace is working again now.
- If you are using a csh use 'glob' instead of 'echo' in WildExpand in unix.c.
- This makes it possible to find file names with embedded spaces. Spaces in the
- entered file name are still not possible (vi can't do it either).
- Call_shell() in unix.c uses fork/exec instead of system. This makes it about
- twice as fast and fixes problems with special characters in the command, e.g.
- "!!awk '{ print "ok" }'.
- Fixed call_shell in amiga.c for space in shell option. You can now give
- options to the shell command, but the name of the shell cannot contain
- spaces anymore (big deal).
- Warn if no inversion is possible. Poor user, now you can't use visual select.
- Use termcap entries 'se' and 'so' when 'mr' or 'me' are not available. Makes
- using inversion possible on more terminals.
- Added 'esckeys' option. If your special keys have codes that start with an
- ESC you can switch them off in insert mode. When typing ESC you will
- directly exit insert mode, instead of having to wait for more characters to
- find out if it might be a special key.
- Added register name "% for the current file name. Handy when you want to use
- the current file name in macros.
- Added <"> as a name for the unnamed register. Added the use of more registers
- to some commands.
- Added expansion of environment variable to most string parameters. Any non-id
- character can be used after the environment variable name.
- Trailing '/' in 'dir' option not required.
- Added [Not edited] message to ":file".
- If errors occur when starting to edit a file (e.g. out of memory) the
- readonly flag is set to prevent accidently overwriting the original file with
- a truncated version.
- Trailing spaces are removed from ":" commands (except map, abbreviate, ":s",
- ":g" and ":!" commands and after <|>). Useful when accidently typing a space
- after a filename.
- Added TIOCLGET to mch_settmode() in unix.c. Restores some terminal settings
- after exiting Vim.
- A "recursive mapping" followed by another "recursive mapping" would loop
- very long.
- Allow entering CTRL-@ in command line mode.
- Added 'A' - 'Z' for helpfile pages. You can add your own pages if you like.
- Display several help pages at once on a big screen.
- Don't give ".vim file exists" message when recovering.
- Put command line terminated with ESC in history. If you accidently try to
- use ESC for wildcard completion, you can get back what you typed.
- Changed display method for CTRL-D on command line. Now the redraw is done
- after the whole command line has been entered. Big speed win on slow
- terminals.
- Don't call flushbuf() in normal() when p_sc is off (speeds up "x").
- Don't redisplay in main() when there is something in the stuff buffer. Speeds
- up display a bit.
- :tag shows short filename. Reduces the need for "hit return to continue".
- Added "#<" for command line: current filename without extension.
- Changed digraphs 208 and 240. Fixed digraph 172.
- In help mode the keys CTRL-B and CTRL-F go one page back or forward. With
- MSDOS page-up and page-down can also be used.
- Implemented the drive specifier for the :cd command on MSDOS, ":cd c:" goes
- to the C drive.
- Implemented FullName for msdos. Makes ":cd" really work.
- When the cursor is off the screen, put it at 1/2 of the screen. Used to be 1/3
- or 2/3, depending on the direction.
- Bug fixes
- =========
- Fixed small screen updating bug in dodelete().
- Inserting tab in Replace mode with 'et' option set did not delete char.
- Fixed bug when start and end of operator are the same, e.g. "^d^".
- Fixed 'w' on last word in file and 'b' on first word in the file.
- Fixed 'dw' on empty line.
- Fixed storage.c for 64 bit longs.
- Fixed :w[!]>>newfile. Without the '!' the file must already exist.
- In insert mode ^O had to be typed twice before the change command.
- Fixed ":r !ls *". Wildcard expansion was done on "!ls".
- Changed flag not reset with ":w !wc".
- After CTRL-C go to normal mode. You could end up in insert mode when
- interrupting a macro (e.g. with the maze solving macros).
- doarglist() called FreeWild() with argv[]. This could cause a crash!
- Repaired FullName() in unix.c. Now "../" and links are correctly dealth with.
- Added error handling. If a file or directory does not exist this is dealth
- with correctly.
- Fixed ":g/pat/p". There is now a wait for "hit return" at the end.
- Also fixed a double redraw.
- Changed key codes for MSDOS. The old ones overlapped with a few useful
- accented characters. Now only some graphics characters cannot be entered
- directly from the keyboard.
- Delete "recording" when p_smd is off.
- Fixed ":/pat" on last line. It would give an "illegal nr" error.
- Fixed "invalid chunk" bug in insertchar(). Too many blanks were deleted when
- doing text formatting when the cursor is just after several blanks.
- Blockwise quoting did not work with upper case operators.
- Removed forceit from getfile(); makes autowrite work with CTRL-^ after :n!.
- No beep when search fails. When errorbells option was set you would get two
- beeps.
- Isdir() in msdos.c now returns -1 when file does not exist. It would see a
- non-existant file as a directory.
- Fixed [new file] message for MSDOS.
- Fixed screen updating in edit.c when entering CTRL-V TAB in front of a TAB.
- The '^' would not be deleted.
- Made t_ options working again. You couldn't set them at all!
- Setting a terminal option to an empty string caused a hang.
- Changed flag was set for an option when it was printed.
- Fixed makeset() for spaces in string options. Now a backslash is prepended.
- Fixed makemap() for special characters. Now a CTRL-V is prepended.
- Fixed dosource() for a line containing CTRL-V newline. The following line is
- now appended.
- Makeset() and makemap() add '\r' for MSDOS.
- 'r' command no longer uses replace mode, except for CR, LF and TAB. Some
- replacement characters would give strange results, e.g. CTRL-O.
- Fixed screen updating with ":s/a/A/gc". Now the screen is updated after each
- replacement, not after finishing a line.
- Fixed MSDOS problem in lalloc(): Cannot handle block >64K.
- Fixed bug in writeit(): Faulty write to memory when write() fails. This was a
- nasty one, caused my Amiga to crash when writing to a full disk!
- Fixed problem with cursor keys in xterm. This stupid terminal emulator sends
- only one character at each read().
- Fixed problem with linewise visual and 'o' command. The column would be
- changed, making the visual mode character wise.
- Fixed bug in u_undoredo() when newsize and oldsize are both zero. You would
- get an error message when doing "!!foo", 'u', CTRL-R, 'u', when the command
- 'foo' does not exist.
- Fixed bug: not doing all lines with ":%s/ /^M/g" in dosub(). The number of
- lines processed was not incremented by the number of new lines created.
- Fixed crash caused by call to MatchEnd() while using ARP. This would mean
- that you could not use Vim with DOS 1.3. Only one person complained! Is
- nobody using 1.3 anymore?
- In out-of-memory situations writeit() would fail. It needed to allocate a
- buffer of 4K. It would be impossible to save your changes! Now a small
- emergency buffer is used.
- Fixed illegal memory access when not-set terminal option was printed.
- Fixed hang with V~ on last line in file when the line was empty.
- Fixed crash when typing "//".
- Updated builtin termcap entry for xterm. Function keys now work.
- Fixed bug with allocating argv in call_shell() for unix. Could cause a crash.
- Fixed deletion of "no write since last change" message with :q command.
- Added call to screenalloc() in screenclear(), fixes crash when resizing
- window while viewing help.
- Fixed screen updating with '$' in block mode.
- Redisplay INSERT message after visual bell.
- Fixed backspace in column 1 in reverse insert mode.
- Fixed "illegal nr" when doing i^P^H in an empty file.
- Fixed ruler on empty line. Column number was wrong.
- Typehead not flushed with every error, fixes problems with 'notimeout' and
- errors in scripts (recovery!).
- No beep with "qxq".
- Added setting of Changed flag to readfile(), needed for :r !cmd.
- Jumplist entries were not deleted properly, causing "no alternate file" and
- "illegal nr" errors.
- Fixed entering CTRL-V CTRL-@ in insert mode.
- Default values for 'showcommand' and 'showmode' for unix exchanged.
- Put braces around filter command for unix, allows ":r! echo this; echo that".
- Fixed screen redraw after ".vim file exists" message with :e command.
- Changed CTRL-W for insert mode: stop before spaces.
- When changing more than 8000 lines at once undo is prohibited on Amiga and
- MSDOS (used to cause out of memory errors with "10000dd").
- Fixed problem with undo after delete without undo. (?)
- Fixed error messages with ":set".
- Terminal type not reset to default with ":set term=xxx", where xxx is not a
- valid terminal type.
- Fixed problem in search pattern: With 'ignorecase' set the first character
- after '*' was case-sensitive.
- Update screen with ":g/the/s//THE/c".
- With "hit return" use command-mode mappings.
- Fixed "(" and ")" for sentence ending at end of line.
- Fixed screen updating with very long lines. Cursor could end up in the middle
- of nowhere.
- Fixed message for yank with blockwise visual (was one line off).
- Fixed :copy when destination is within source range.
- "r" in visual mode wanted to get another character.
- With 'nowrapscan' "Q}" scrolled the screen horizontally.
- Don't allocate screen if Rows or Columns is 0.
- Fixed CTRL-D in insert mode: First round indent to multiple of shiftwidth.
- "z<number><CR>" is limited to physical screen height. Fixes screen updating
- problems when set to large number. Also fixed screen updating for CTRL-D on
- command line and for ":set all".
- Re-inserted forceit in getfile to make ":ta!" work. Now forceit is reset at
- the end of DoOneCmd() to keep CTRL-^ working.
- Check for :unmap without valid number of arguments in domap(). Ctrl-V was
- removed twice from :unmap.
- Added noremaplist in buffers.c; makes mixing @a and noremap mappings work.
- Do not check for terminal-code in mapped characters.
- Recording now stores the trailing 'q' in the register; the 'q' command is
- disabled while executing a register (solves problem when final 'q' is result
- from mapping).
- Fixed '\~' in substitute string being recognized as '~'.
- Fixed ":s/ */ /g", inserted one space per line instead of one space per
- character.
- Fixed ungetchr() in regexp.c: backslashed characters were not handled
- correctly.
- Fixed screen being messed up with long commands when 'sc' is set.
- Vi-compatibility fixes
- ======================
- When not editing last file in a file list, typing :q twice will quit.
- Added [readonly] to fileinfo().
- Undo in macros allowed. But it only works correctly once.
- Added hidden options to avoid error messages when reading .exrc.
- Allow '-ttag' (no space after -t) on command line.
- Changed short name for 'showmode' option from "mo" to "smd".
- Added check for "view" in main(). Vim will start in readonly mode. On Unix you
- can make a link from "view" to "vim".
- Undo keeps marks if line count does not change.
- Fixed operators to be linewise in some cases.
- CTRL-Z is :stop instead of :stop!.
- '}' command does not stop at '{' at start of line.
- With :s lines are split at CR, unless preceded with a CTRL-V. In fact this is
- better than Vi, because vi can't insert a CR in the text with :s.
- Textwidth now off when 0, also when wrapmargin set to 0.
- Fixed autoindent when inserting <CR> in front of some blanks.
- Removed 'repdel' option: BS in replace mode puts replaced character back
- (within one line).
- Option 'sect' short for 'sections'.
- Adjusted 'M' when '~' lines on screen. Now put cursor in the middle of the
- lines that are present on the screen, not on the middle of the screen.
- Multiple spaces to separate fields in tags file allowed.
- DEL displayed as ^? instead of ~?.
- Added 'mesg', 'edcompatible', 'modeline', 'sourceany' and 'ttytype' options.
- Only 'edcompatible' is really implemented.
- Added test for trying to edit/read/write a direcory. Now you get an error
- message instead of [new file] (on Amiga/MSDOS) or garbage (Unix).
- '%' now works on \(this\).
- In UNIX and MSDOS ignore spaces after filename. In Amiga the spaces may be
- part of the filename, on other systems this is very unlikely.
- Moved code from inchar() to vgetorpeek(): Key sequences can now be mapped
- before recogized as key codes. But they are still stored with a special code
- in the script files, which makes them terminal-independent.
- Added recognition of vi-compatible modeline with set command.
- Implemented 'warn' option.
- Added CTRL-W to command line editing.
- Implemented 0^D and ^^D in insert mode.
- Non-linewise deletes within one line do not go into numbered registers.
- Set previous context mark with 'L', 'M' and 'H' commands.
- Make "cc" work like "S": indent not deleted when 'autoindent' set.
- CTRL-U in insert mode does not delete indent when 'autoindent' set.
- With the "J" command the cursor is put just after the first line instead of
- at the start of the second.
- Concatenated mapstr and typestr in buffers.c; makes ":map x y" ":map yz foo"
- work (mixing mapped and typed characters in another mapping).
- CTRL-C quits command line and insert mode.
- ESC in macro executes command line (but typed ESC still quits command line).
- Deleted "#include <ctype.h>" from regexp.c.
- Call_shell does not always use cooked mode, fixes problem with typing CR
- while doing filename completion in unix.
- Fixed return value for FullName in unix.c.
- Removed redraw on exit for msdos.
- ":v" without argument was not handled correctly in doglob().
- CR-LF in tags file was not handled correctly.
- Porting
- =======
- Added _UNIX to BSD and SYSV because 'BSD' already used by Alpha.
- Added three changes for Apollo DOMAIN.
- Added a few things for Amdahl UTS.
- Use fork() in unix.c, not all systems have vfork().
- Added POSIX compatible file type checking.
- Added small changes for USL 4.2.
- Added additional set of termcap entries for terminfo.
- Added memmove() function for SYSV. Not all versions of memcpy() can handle
- overlapped areas.
- Small fixes for a few unix versions: AIX (on rs6000) and NeXT.
- Changed SETWINSIZE to SETWSIZE and a few other changes for Convex.
- Added a few changes for Borland C++. Phew, it compiles really fast!
- Many other small changes for different Unix versions.