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- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * buffers.c
- *
- * manipulations with redo buffer and stuff buffer
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- /*
- * structure used to store one block of the stuff/redo/macro buffers
- */
- struct bufblock
- {
- struct bufblock *b_next; /* pointer to next bufblock */
- u_char b_str[1]; /* contents (actually longer) */
- };
- #define MINIMAL_SIZE 20 /* minimal size for b_str */
- /*
- * header used for the stuff buffer and the redo buffer
- */
- struct buffheader
- {
- struct bufblock bh_first; /* first (dummy) block of list */
- struct bufblock *bh_curr; /* bufblock for appending */
- int bh_index; /* index for reading */
- int bh_space; /* space in bh_curr for appending */
- };
- static struct buffheader stuffbuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};
- static struct buffheader redobuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};
- static struct buffheader recordbuff = {{NULL, {NUL}}, NULL, 0, 0};
- /*
- * when block_redo is TRUE redo buffer will not be changed
- * used by edit() to repeat insertions and 'V' command for redoing
- */
- static int block_redo = FALSE;
- /*
- * structure used for mapping
- */
- struct mapblock
- {
- struct mapblock *m_next; /* next mapblock */
- char *m_keys; /* mapped from */
- int m_keylen; /* strlen(m_keys) */
- char *m_str; /* mapped to */
- int m_mode; /* valid mode */
- int m_noremap; /* if non-zero no re-mapping for m_str */
- };
- static struct mapblock maplist = {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0};
- /* first dummy entry in maplist */
- /*
- * variables used by vgetorpeek() and flush_buffers()
- *
- * typestr contains all characters that are not consumed yet.
- * The part in front may contain the result of mappings and @a commands.
- * The lenght of this part is typemaplen.
- * After it are characters that come from the terminal.
- * Some parts of typestr may not be mapped. These parts are remembered in
- * the noremaplist.
- */
- #define MAXMAPLEN 50 /* maximum length of key sequence to be mapped */
- /* must be able to hold an Amiga resize report */
- static char *typestr = NULL; /* NUL-terminated buffer for typeahead characters */
- static char typebuf[MAXMAPLEN + 3]; /* initial typestr */
- static int typemaplen = 0; /* number of mapped characters in typestr */
- /*
- * parts int typestr that should not be mapped are remembered with a list
- * of noremap structs. Noremaplist is the first.
- */
- struct noremap
- {
- int nr_off; /* offset to not remappable chars */
- int nr_len; /* number of not remappable chars */
- struct noremap *nr_next; /* next entry in the list */
- };
- static struct noremap noremaplist = {0, 0, NULL};
- static void free_buff __ARGS((struct buffheader *));
- static u_char *get_bufcont __ARGS((struct buffheader *, int));
- static void add_buff __ARGS((struct buffheader *, char *));
- static void add_num_buff __ARGS((struct buffheader *, long));
- static void add_char_buff __ARGS((struct buffheader *, int));
- static u_char read_stuff __ARGS((int));
- static int start_stuff __ARGS((void));
- static int read_redo __ARGS((int));
- static void gotchars __ARGS((char *, int));
- static void init_typestr __ARGS((void));
- static u_char vgetorpeek __ARGS((int));
- static void showmap __ARGS((struct mapblock *));
- /*
- * free and clear a buffer
- */
- static void
- free_buff(buf)
- struct buffheader *buf;
- {
- register struct bufblock *p, *np;
- for (p = buf->bh_first.b_next; p != NULL; p = np)
- {
- np = p->b_next;
- free((char *)p);
- }
- buf->bh_first.b_next = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * return the contents of a buffer as a single string
- */
- static u_char *
- get_bufcont(buffer, dozero)
- struct buffheader *buffer;
- int dozero; /* count == zero is not an error */
- {
- u_long count = 0;
- u_char *p = NULL;
- struct bufblock *bp;
- /* compute the total length of the string */
- for (bp = buffer->bh_first.b_next; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_next)
- count += strlen((char *)bp->b_str);
- if ((count || dozero) && (p = (u_char *)lalloc(count + 1, TRUE)) != NULL)
- {
- *p = NUL;
- for (bp = buffer->bh_first.b_next; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_next)
- strcat((char *)p, (char *)bp->b_str);
- }
- return (p);
- }
- /*
- * return the contents of the record buffer as a single string
- * and clear the record buffer
- */
- u_char *
- get_recorded()
- {
- u_char *p;
- p = get_bufcont(&recordbuff, TRUE);
- free_buff(&recordbuff);
- return (p);
- }
- /*
- * return the contents of the redo buffer as a single string
- */
- u_char *
- get_inserted()
- {
- return(get_bufcont(&redobuff, FALSE));
- }
- /*
- * add string "s" after the current block of buffer "buf"
- */
- static void
- add_buff(buf, s)
- register struct buffheader *buf;
- char *s;
- {
- struct bufblock *p;
- u_long n;
- u_long len;
- if ((n = strlen(s)) == 0) /* don't add empty strings */
- return;
- if (buf->bh_first.b_next == NULL) /* first add to list */
- {
- buf->bh_space = 0;
- buf->bh_curr = &(buf->bh_first);
- }
- else if (buf->bh_curr == NULL) /* buffer has already been read */
- {
- emsg("Add to read buffer");
- return;
- }
- else if (buf->bh_index != 0)
- strcpy((char *)buf->bh_first.b_next->b_str, (char *)buf->bh_first.b_next->b_str + buf->bh_index);
- buf->bh_index = 0;
- if (buf->bh_space >= n)
- {
- strcat((char *)buf->bh_curr->b_str, s);
- buf->bh_space -= n;
- }
- else
- {
- if (n < MINIMAL_SIZE)
- else
- len = n;
- p = (struct bufblock *)lalloc((u_long)(sizeof(struct bufblock) + len), TRUE);
- if (p == NULL)
- return; /* no space, just forget it */
- buf->bh_space = len - n;
- strcpy((char *)p->b_str, s);
- p->b_next = buf->bh_curr->b_next;
- buf->bh_curr->b_next = p;
- buf->bh_curr = p;
- }
- return;
- }
- static void
- add_num_buff(buf, n)
- struct buffheader *buf;
- long n;
- {
- char number[32];
- sprintf(number, "%ld", n);
- add_buff(buf, number);
- }
- static void
- add_char_buff(buf, c)
- struct buffheader *buf;
- int c;
- {
- char temp[2];
- temp[0] = c;
- temp[1] = NUL;
- add_buff(buf, temp);
- }
- /*
- * get one character from the stuff buffer
- * If advance == TRUE go to the next char.
- */
- static u_char
- read_stuff(advance)
- int advance;
- {
- register u_char c;
- register struct bufblock *curr;
- if (stuffbuff.bh_first.b_next == NULL) /* buffer is empty */
- return NUL;
- curr = stuffbuff.bh_first.b_next;
- c = curr->b_str[stuffbuff.bh_index];
- if (advance)
- {
- if (curr->b_str[++stuffbuff.bh_index] == NUL)
- {
- stuffbuff.bh_first.b_next = curr->b_next;
- free((char *)curr);
- stuffbuff.bh_index = 0;
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
- /*
- * prepare stuff buffer for reading (if it contains something)
- */
- static int
- start_stuff()
- {
- if (stuffbuff.bh_first.b_next == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- stuffbuff.bh_curr = &(stuffbuff.bh_first);
- stuffbuff.bh_space = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * check if the stuff buffer is empty
- */
- int
- stuff_empty()
- {
- return (stuffbuff.bh_first.b_next == NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Remove the contents of the stuff buffer and the mapped characters in the
- * typeahead buffer (used in case of an error). If 'typeahead' is true,
- * flush all typeahead characters (used when interrupted by a CTRL-C).
- */
- void
- flush_buffers(typeahead)
- int typeahead;
- {
- struct noremap *p;
- init_typestr();
- start_stuff();
- while (read_stuff(TRUE) != NUL)
- ;
- if (typeahead) /* remove all typeahead */
- {
- /*
- * We have to get all characters, because we may delete the first
- * part of an escape sequence.
- * In an xterm we get one char at a time and we have to get them all.
- */
- while (inchar(typestr, MAXMAPLEN, 10))
- ;
- *typestr = NUL;
- }
- else /* remove mapped characters only */
- strcpy(typestr, typestr + typemaplen);
- typemaplen = 0;
- noremaplist.nr_len = 0;
- noremaplist.nr_off = 0;
- while (noremaplist.nr_next)
- {
- p = noremaplist.nr_next->nr_next;
- free(noremaplist.nr_next);
- noremaplist.nr_next = p;
- }
- }
- void
- ResetRedobuff()
- {
- if (!block_redo)
- free_buff(&redobuff);
- }
- void
- AppendToRedobuff(s)
- char *s;
- {
- if (!block_redo)
- add_buff(&redobuff, s);
- }
- void
- AppendCharToRedobuff(c)
- int c;
- {
- if (!block_redo)
- add_char_buff(&redobuff, c);
- }
- void
- AppendNumberToRedobuff(n)
- long n;
- {
- if (!block_redo)
- add_num_buff(&redobuff, n);
- }
- void
- stuffReadbuff(s)
- char *s;
- {
- add_buff(&stuffbuff, s);
- }
- void
- stuffcharReadbuff(c)
- int c;
- {
- add_char_buff(&stuffbuff, c);
- }
- void
- stuffnumReadbuff(n)
- long n;
- {
- add_num_buff(&stuffbuff, n);
- }
- /*
- * Read a character from the redo buffer.
- * The redo buffer is left as it is.
- */
- static int
- read_redo(init)
- int init;
- {
- static struct bufblock *bp;
- static u_char *p;
- int c;
- if (init)
- {
- if ((bp = redobuff.bh_first.b_next) == NULL)
- return TRUE;
- p = bp->b_str;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((c = *p) != NUL)
- {
- if (*++p == NUL && bp->b_next != NULL)
- {
- bp = bp->b_next;
- p = bp->b_str;
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
- /*
- * copy the rest of the redo buffer into the stuff buffer (could be done faster)
- */
- void
- copy_redo()
- {
- register int c;
- while ((c = read_redo(FALSE)) != NUL)
- stuffcharReadbuff(c);
- }
- extern int redo_Visual_busy; /* this is in normal.c */
- /*
- * Stuff the redo buffer into the stuffbuff.
- * Insert the redo count into the command.
- */
- int
- start_redo(count)
- long count;
- {
- register int c;
- if (read_redo(TRUE)) /* init the pointers; return if nothing to redo */
- return FALSE;
- c = read_redo(FALSE);
- /* copy the buffer name, if present */
- if (c == '"')
- {
- add_buff(&stuffbuff, "\"");
- c = read_redo(FALSE);
- /* if a numbered buffer is used, increment the number */
- if (c >= '1' && c < '9')
- ++c;
- add_char_buff(&stuffbuff, c);
- c = read_redo(FALSE);
- }
- if (c == 'v') /* redo Visual */
- {
- Visual = Curpos;
- redo_Visual_busy = TRUE;
- c = read_redo(FALSE);
- }
- /* try to enter the count (in place of a previous count) */
- if (count)
- {
- while (isdigit(c)) /* skip "old" count */
- c = read_redo(FALSE);
- add_num_buff(&stuffbuff, count);
- }
- /* copy from the redo buffer into the stuff buffer */
- add_char_buff(&stuffbuff, c);
- copy_redo();
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Repeat the last insert (R, o, O, a, A, i or I command) by stuffing
- * the redo buffer into the stuffbuff.
- */
- int
- start_redo_ins()
- {
- register u_char c;
- if (read_redo(TRUE))
- return FALSE;
- start_stuff();
- /* skip the count and the command character */
- while ((c = read_redo(FALSE)) != NUL)
- {
- c = TO_UPPER(c);
- if (strchr("AIRO", c) != NULL)
- {
- if (c == 'O')
- stuffReadbuff(NL_STR);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* copy the typed text from the redo buffer into the stuff buffer */
- copy_redo();
- block_redo = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- set_redo_ins()
- {
- block_redo = TRUE;
- }
- void
- stop_redo_ins()
- {
- block_redo = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * insert a string in front of the typeahead buffer (for '@' command and vgetorpeek)
- */
- int
- ins_typestr(str, noremap)
- char *str;
- int noremap;
- {
- register char *s;
- register int newlen;
- register int addlen;
- init_typestr();
- /*
- * In typestr there must always be room for MAXMAPLEN + 3 characters
- */
- addlen = strlen(str);
- newlen = strlen(typestr) + addlen + MAXMAPLEN + 3;
- if (newlen < 0) /* string is getting too long */
- {
- emsg(e_toocompl); /* also calls flush_buffers */
- setcursor();
- return -1;
- }
- s = alloc(newlen);
- if (s == NULL) /* out of memory */
- return -1;
- strcpy(s, str);
- strcat(s, typestr);
- if (typestr != typebuf)
- free(typestr);
- typestr = s;
- typemaplen += addlen; /* the inserted string is not typed */
- if (noremap)
- {
- if (noremaplist.nr_off == 0)
- noremaplist.nr_len += addlen;
- else
- {
- struct noremap *p;
- p = (struct noremap *)alloc((int)sizeof(struct noremap));
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- p->nr_next = noremaplist.nr_next;
- p->nr_off = noremaplist.nr_off;
- p->nr_len = noremaplist.nr_len;
- noremaplist.nr_next = p;
- noremaplist.nr_len = addlen;
- noremaplist.nr_off = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (noremaplist.nr_len)
- noremaplist.nr_off += addlen;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * remove "len" characters from the front of typestr
- */
- void
- del_typestr(len)
- int len;
- {
- struct noremap *p;
- strcpy(typestr, typestr + len); /* remove chars from the buffer */
- if ((typemaplen -= len) <= 0) /* adjust typemaplen */
- typemaplen = 0;
- while (len) /* adjust noremaplist */
- {
- if (noremaplist.nr_off >= len)
- {
- noremaplist.nr_off -= len;
- break;
- }
- len -= noremaplist.nr_off;
- noremaplist.nr_off = 0;
- if (noremaplist.nr_len > len)
- {
- noremaplist.nr_len -= len;
- break;
- }
- len -= noremaplist.nr_len;
- p = noremaplist.nr_next;
- if (p == NULL)
- {
- noremaplist.nr_len = 0;
- break;
- }
- noremaplist.nr_next = p->nr_next;
- noremaplist.nr_len = p->nr_len;
- noremaplist.nr_off = p->nr_off;
- free(p);
- }
- }
- extern int arrow_used; /* this is in edit.c */
- /*
- * Write typed characters to script file.
- * If recording is on put the character in the recordbuffer.
- */
- static void
- gotchars(s, len)
- char *s;
- int len;
- {
- while (len--)
- {
- updatescript(*s & 255);
- if (Recording)
- add_char_buff(&recordbuff, (*s & 255));
- ++s;
- }
- /* do not sync in insert mode, unless cursor key has been used */
- if (!(State & (INSERT + CMDLINE)) || arrow_used)
- u_sync();
- }
- /*
- * Initialize typestr to point to typebuf.
- * Alloc() cannot be used here: In out-of-memory situations it would
- * be impossible to type anything.
- */
- static void
- init_typestr()
- {
- if (typestr == NULL)
- {
- typestr = typebuf;
- typebuf[0] = NUL;
- }
- }
- #define NEEDMORET 9999 /* value for incomplete mapping or key-code */
- /*
- * get a character: 1. from the stuffbuffer
- * 2. from the typeahead buffer
- * 3. from the user
- *
- * KeyTyped is set to TRUE in the case the user typed the key.
- * If advance is TRUE, we really get the character. Otherwise we just look
- * whether there is a character available.
- */
- static u_char
- vgetorpeek(advance)
- int advance;
- {
- register int c;
- int n = 0; /* init for GCC */
- int len;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- char *s;
- #endif
- register struct mapblock *mp;
- int timedout = FALSE; /* waited for more than 1 second
- for mapping to complete */
- int mapdepth = 0; /* check for recursive mapping */
- int mode_deleted = FALSE; /* set when mode has been deleted */
- init_typestr();
- start_stuff();
- if (typemaplen == 0)
- Exec_reg = FALSE;
- do
- {
- c = read_stuff(advance);
- if (c != NUL && !got_int)
- KeyTyped = FALSE;
- else
- {
- /*
- * Loop until we either find a matching mapped key, or we
- * are sure that it is not a mapped key.
- * If a mapped key sequence is found we go back to the start to
- * try re-mapping.
- */
- for (;;)
- {
- len = strlen(typestr);
- breakcheck(); /* check for CTRL-C */
- if (got_int)
- {
- c = inchar(typestr, MAXMAPLEN, 0); /* flush all input */
- /*
- * If inchar returns TRUE (script file was active) or we are
- * inside a mapping, get out of insert mode.
- * Otherwise we behave like having gotten a CTRL-C.
- * As a result typing CTRL-C in insert mode will
- * really insert a CTRL-C.
- */
- if ((c || typemaplen) && (State & (INSERT + CMDLINE)))
- c = ESC;
- else
- c = Ctrl('C');
- flush_buffers(TRUE); /* flush all typeahead */
- break;
- }
- else if (len > 0) /* see if we have a mapped key sequence */
- {
- /*
- * walk through the maplist until we find an
- * entry that matches (if not timed out).
- */
- mp = NULL;
- if (!timedout && (typemaplen == 0 || (p_remap &&
- (noremaplist.nr_len == 0 || noremaplist.nr_off != 0)))
- && !((State & (INSERT + CMDLINE)) && p_paste))
- {
- for (mp = maplist.m_next; mp; mp = mp->m_next)
- {
- if ((mp->m_mode & ABBREV) || !(mp->m_mode & State))
- continue;
- n = mp->m_keylen;
- if (noremaplist.nr_off != 0 && n > noremaplist.nr_off)
- continue;
- if (!strncmp(mp->m_keys, typestr, (size_t)(n > len ? len : n)))
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mp == NULL) /* no match found */
- {
- /*
- * check if we have a terminal code, when
- * mapping is allowed,
- * keys have not been mapped,
- * and not an ESC sequence, not in insert mode or
- * p_ek is on,
- * and when not timed out,
- */
- if (State != NOMAPPING &&
- typemaplen == 0 &&
- (typestr[0] != ESC || p_ek || !(State & INSERT)) &&
- !timedout)
- n = check_termcode(typestr);
- else
- n = 0;
- if (n == 0) /* no matching terminal code */
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA /* check for window bounds report */
- if (typemaplen == 0 && (typestr[0] & 0xff) == CSI)
- {
- for (s = typestr + 1; isdigit(*s) || *s == ';' || *s == ' '; ++s)
- ;
- if (*s == 'r' || *s == '|') /* found one */
- {
- strcpy(typestr, s + 1);
- set_winsize(0, 0, FALSE); /* get size and redraw screen */
- continue;
- }
- if (*s == NUL) /* need more characters */
- n = -1;
- }
- if (n != -1) /* got a single character */
- #endif
- {
- c = typestr[0] & 255;
- if (typemaplen)
- KeyTyped = FALSE;
- else
- {
- KeyTyped = TRUE;
- if (advance) /* write char to script file(s) */
- gotchars(typestr, 1);
- }
- if (advance) /* remove chars from typestr */
- del_typestr(1);
- break; /* got character, break for loop */
- }
- }
- if (n > 0) /* full matching terminal code */
- continue; /* try mapping again */
- /* partial match: get some more characters */
- }
- if (n <= len) /* complete match */
- {
- if (n > typemaplen) /* write chars to script file(s) */
- gotchars(typestr + typemaplen, n - typemaplen);
- del_typestr(n); /* remove the mapped keys */
- /*
- * Put the replacement string in front of mapstr.
- * The depth check catches ":map x y" and ":map y x".
- */
- if (++mapdepth == 1000)
- {
- emsg("recursive mapping");
- if (State == CMDLINE)
- redrawcmdline();
- else
- setcursor();
- flush_buffers(FALSE);
- mapdepth = 0; /* for next one */
- c = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (ins_typestr(mp->m_str, mp->m_noremap) < 0)
- {
- c = -1;
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- /*
- * special case: if we get an <ESC> in insert mode and there are
- * no more characters at once, we pretend to go out of insert mode.
- * This prevents the one second delay after typing an <ESC>.
- * If we get something after all, we may have to redisplay the
- * mode. That the cursor is in the wrong place does not matter.
- */
- c = 0;
- if (advance && len == 1 && typestr[0] == ESC && typemaplen == 0 && (State & INSERT) && (p_timeout || (n == NEEDMORET && p_ttimeout)) && (c = inchar(typestr + len, 2, 0)) == 0)
- {
- if (p_smd)
- {
- delmode();
- mode_deleted = TRUE;
- }
- if (Curscol) /* move cursor one left if possible */
- --Curscol;
- else if (p_wrap && Curpos.col != 0 && Cursrow)
- {
- --Cursrow;
- Curscol = Columns - 1;
- }
- setcursor();
- flushbuf();
- }
- len += c;
- if (len >= typemaplen + MAXMAPLEN) /* buffer full, don't map */
- {
- timedout = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- c = inchar(typestr + len, typemaplen + MAXMAPLEN - len, !advance ? 0 : ((len == 0 || !(p_timeout || (p_ttimeout && n == NEEDMORET))) ? -1 : (int)p_tm));
- if (c <= NUL) /* no character available */
- {
- if (!advance)
- break;
- if (len) /* timed out */
- {
- timedout = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (mode_deleted) /* character entered after ESC */
- {
- showmode();
- mode_deleted = FALSE;
- }
- }
- } /* for (;;) */
- } /* if (!character from stuffbuf) */
- /* if advance is FALSE don't loop on NULs */
- } while (c < 0 || (advance && c == NUL));
- /* delete "INSERT" message if we return an ESC */
- if (c == ESC && p_smd && !mode_deleted && (State & INSERT))
- delmode();
- return (u_char) c;
- }
- u_char
- vgetc()
- {
- return (vgetorpeek(TRUE));
- }
- u_char
- vpeekc()
- {
- return (vgetorpeek(FALSE));
- }
- /*
- * map[!] : show all key mappings
- * map[!] {lhs} : show key mapping for {lhs}
- * map[!] {lhs} {rhs} : set key mapping for {lhs} to {rhs}
- * noremap[!] {lhs} {rhs} : same, but no remapping for {rhs}
- * unmap[!] {lhs} : remove key mapping for {lhs}
- * abbr : show all abbreviations
- * abbr {lhs} : show abbreviations for {lhs}
- * abbr {lhs} {rhs} : set abbreviation for {lhs} to {rhs}
- * noreabbr {lhs} {rhs} : same, but no remapping for {rhs}
- * unabbr {lhs} : remove abbreviation for {lhs}
- *
- * maptype == 1 for unmap command, 2 for noremap command.
- *
- * keys is pointer to any arguments.
- *
- * for :map mode is NORMAL
- * for :map! mode is INSERT + CMDLINE
- * for :cmap mode is CMDLINE
- * for :imap mode is INSERT
- * for :abbr mode is INSERT + CMDLINE + ABBREV
- * for :iabbr mode is INSERT + ABBREV
- * for :cabbr mode is CMDLINE + ABBREV
- *
- * Return 0 for success
- * 1 for invalid arguments
- * 2 for no match
- * 3 for ambiguety
- * 4 for out of mem
- */
- int
- domap(maptype, keys, mode)
- int maptype;
- char *keys;
- int mode;
- {
- struct mapblock *mp, *mprev;
- char *arg;
- char *p;
- int n = 0; /* init for GCC */
- int len = 0; /* init for GCC */
- char *newstr;
- int hasarg;
- int haskey;
- int did_it = FALSE;
- int abbrev = 0;
- int round;
- if (mode & ABBREV) /* not a mapping but an abbreviation */
- {
- abbrev = ABBREV;
- mode &= ~ABBREV;
- }
- /*
- * find end of keys and remove CTRL-Vs in it
- */
- p = keys;
- while (*p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t')
- {
- if (*p == Ctrl('V') && p[1] != NUL)
- strcpy(p, p + 1); /* remove CTRL-V */
- ++p;
- }
- if (*p != NUL)
- *p++ = NUL;
- skipspace(&p);
- arg = p;
- hasarg = (*arg != NUL);
- haskey = (*keys != NUL);
- /* check for :unmap with not one argument */
- if (maptype == 1 && (!haskey || hasarg))
- return 1;
- /*
- * remove CTRL-Vs from argument
- */
- while (*p)
- {
- if (*p == Ctrl('V') && p[1] != NUL)
- strcpy(p, p + 1); /* remove CTRL-V */
- ++p;
- }
- /*
- * check arguments and translate function keys
- */
- if (haskey)
- {
- if (*keys == '#' && isdigit(*(keys + 1))) /* function key */
- {
- if (*++keys == '0')
- *(u_char *)keys = K_F10;
- else
- *keys += K_F1 - '1';
- }
- len = strlen(keys);
- if (len > MAXMAPLEN) /* maximum lenght of MAXMAPLEN chars */
- return 2;
- }
- if (haskey && hasarg && abbrev) /* will add an abbreviation */
- no_abbr = FALSE;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if (!haskey || (maptype != 1 && !hasarg))
- settmode(0); /* set cooked mode so output can be halted */
- #endif
- /*
- * Find an entry in the maplist that matches.
- * For :unmap we may loop two times: once to try to unmap an entry with a
- * matching 'from' part, a second time, if the first fails, to unmap an
- * entry with a matching 'to' part. This was done to allow ":ab foo bar" to be
- * unmapped by typing ":unab foo", where "foo" will be replaced by "bar" because
- * of the abbreviation.
- */
- for (round = 0; (round == 0 || maptype == 1) && round <= 1 && !did_it; ++round)
- {
- for (mp = maplist.m_next, mprev = &maplist; mp; mprev = mp, mp = mp->m_next)
- {
- /* skip entries with wrong mode */
- if (!(mp->m_mode & mode) || (mp->m_mode & ABBREV) != abbrev)
- continue;
- if (!haskey) /* show all entries */
- {
- showmap(mp);
- did_it = TRUE;
- }
- else /* do we have a match? */
- {
- if (round) /* second round: try 'to' string for unmap */
- {
- n = strlen(mp->m_str);
- p = mp->m_str;
- }
- else
- {
- n = mp->m_keylen;
- p = mp->m_keys;
- }
- if (!strncmp(p, keys, (size_t)(n < len ? n : len)))
- {
- if (maptype == 1) /* delete entry */
- {
- if (n != len) /* not a full match */
- continue;
- /*
- * We reset the indicated mode bits. If nothing is left the
- * entry is deleted below.
- */
- mp->m_mode &= (~mode | ABBREV);
- did_it = TRUE; /* remember that we did something */
- }
- else if (!hasarg) /* show matching entry */
- {
- showmap(mp);
- did_it = TRUE;
- }
- else if (n != len) /* new entry is ambigious */
- {
- return 3;
- }
- else
- {
- mp->m_mode &= (~mode | ABBREV); /* remove mode bits */
- if (!(mp->m_mode & ~ABBREV) && !did_it) /* reuse existing entry */
- {
- newstr = strsave(arg);
- if (newstr == NULL)
- return 4; /* no mem */
- free(mp->m_str);
- mp->m_str = newstr;
- mp->m_noremap = maptype;
- mp->m_mode = mode + abbrev;
- did_it = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!(mp->m_mode & ~ABBREV)) /* entry can be deleted */
- {
- free(mp->m_keys);
- free(mp->m_str);
- mprev->m_next = mp->m_next;
- free(mp);
- mp = mprev; /* continue with next entry */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (maptype == 1) /* delete entry */
- {
- if (did_it)
- return 0; /* removed OK */
- else
- return 2; /* no match */
- }
- if (!haskey || !hasarg) /* print entries */
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA
- settmode(1);
- #endif
- if (did_it)
- wait_return(TRUE);
- else if (abbrev)
- msg("No abbreviation found");
- else
- msg("No mapping found");
- return 0; /* listing finished */
- }
- if (did_it) /* have added the new entry already */
- return 0;
- /*
- * get here when we have to add a new entry
- */
- /* allocate a new entry for the maplist */
- mp = (struct mapblock *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct mapblock));
- if (mp == NULL)
- return 4; /* no mem */
- mp->m_keys = strsave(keys);
- mp->m_str = strsave(arg);
- if (mp->m_keys == NULL || mp->m_str == NULL)
- {
- free(mp->m_keys);
- free(mp->m_str);
- free(mp);
- return 4; /* no mem */
- }
- mp->m_keylen = strlen(mp->m_keys);
- mp->m_noremap = maptype;
- mp->m_mode = mode + abbrev;
- /* add the new entry in front of the maplist */
- mp->m_next = maplist.m_next;
- maplist.m_next = mp;
- return 0; /* added OK */
- }
- static void
- showmap(mp)
- struct mapblock *mp;
- {
- int len;
- if ((mp->m_mode & (INSERT + CMDLINE)) == INSERT + CMDLINE)
- outstr("! ");
- else if (mp->m_mode & INSERT)
- outstr("i ");
- else if (mp->m_mode & CMDLINE)
- outstr("c ");
- len = outtrans(mp->m_keys, -1); /* get length of what we have written */
- do
- {
- outchar(' '); /* padd with blanks */
- ++len;
- } while (len < 12);
- if (mp->m_noremap)
- outchar('*');
- else
- outchar(' ');
- outtrans(mp->m_str, -1);
- outchar('\n');
- flushbuf();
- }
- /*
- * Check for an abbreviation.
- * Cursor is at ptr[col]. When inserting, mincol is where insert started.
- * "c" is the character typed before check_abbr was called.
- */
- int
- check_abbr(c, ptr, col, mincol)
- int c;
- char *ptr;
- int col;
- int mincol;
- {
- int len;
- int j;
- char tb[3];
- struct mapblock *mp;
- for (len = col; len > 0 && isidchar(ptr[len - 1]); --len)
- ;
- if (len < mincol)
- len = mincol;
- if (len < col) /* there is a word in front of the cursor */
- {
- ptr += len;
- len = col - len;
- for (mp = maplist.m_next; mp; mp = mp->m_next)
- {
- /* find entries with right mode and keys */
- if ((mp->m_mode & ABBREV) == ABBREV &&
- (mp->m_mode & State) &&
- mp->m_keylen == len &&
- !strncmp(mp->m_keys, ptr, (size_t)len))
- break;
- }
- if (mp) /* found a match */
- {
- j = 0;
- if (c < 0x100 && (c < ' ' || c > '~'))
- tb[j++] = Ctrl('V'); /* special char needs CTRL-V */
- tb[j++] = c;
- tb[j] = NUL;
- ins_typestr(tb, TRUE); /* insert the last typed char */
- ins_typestr(mp->m_str, mp->m_noremap); /* insert the to string */
- while (len--)
- ins_typestr("\b", TRUE); /* delete the from string */
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Write map commands for the current mappings to an .exrc file.
- * Return 1 on error.
- */
- int
- makemap(fd)
- FILE *fd;
- {
- struct mapblock *mp;
- char c1;
- char *p;
- for (mp = maplist.m_next; mp; mp = mp->m_next)
- {
- c1 = NUL;
- p = "map";
- switch (mp->m_mode)
- {
- case NORMAL:
- break;
- p = "map!";
- break;
- case CMDLINE:
- c1 = 'c';
- break;
- case INSERT:
- c1 = 'i';
- break;
- p = "abbr";
- break;
- c1 = 'c';
- p = "abbr";
- break;
- c1 = 'i';
- p = "abbr";
- break;
- default:
- emsg("makemap: Illegal mode");
- return 1;
- }
- if (c1 && putc(c1, fd) < 0)
- return 1;
- if (mp->m_noremap && fprintf(fd, "nore") < 0)
- return 1;
- if (fprintf(fd, p) < 0)
- return 1;
- if ( putc(' ', fd) < 0 || putescstr(fd, mp->m_keys, FALSE) < 0 ||
- putc(' ', fd) < 0 || putescstr(fd, mp->m_str, FALSE) < 0 ||
- #ifdef MSDOS
- putc('\r', fd) < 0 ||
- #endif
- putc('\n', fd) < 0)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- putescstr(fd, str, set)
- FILE *fd;
- char *str;
- int set; /* TRUE for makeset, FALSE for makemap */
- {
- for ( ; *str; ++str)
- {
- /*
- * some characters have to be escaped with CTRL-V to
- * prevent them from misinterpreted in DoOneCmd().
- * A space has to be escaped with a backslash to
- * prevent it to be misinterpreted in doset().
- */
- if (*str < ' ' || *str > '~' || (*str == ' ' && !set))
- {
- if (putc(Ctrl('V'), fd) < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- else if ((set && *str == ' ') || *str == '|')
- {
- if (putc('\\', fd) < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- if (putc(*str, fd) < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }