home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- *
- * csearch.c: command line searching commands
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- /* we use modified Henry Spencer's regular expression routines */
- #include "regexp.h"
- int global_busy = 0; /* set to 1 if global busy, 2 if global has
- been called during a global command */
- int global_wait; /* set to 1 if wait_return has to be called
- after global command */
- extern regexp *myregcomp __ARGS((char *));
- /* dosub(lp, up, cmd)
- *
- * Perform a substitution from line 'lp' to line 'up' using the
- * command pointed to by 'cmd' which should be of the form:
- *
- * /pattern/substitution/gc
- *
- * The trailing 'g' is optional and, if present, indicates that multiple
- * substitutions should be performed on each line, if applicable.
- * The trailing 'c' is optional and, if present, indicates that a confirmation
- * will be asked for each replacement.
- * The usual escapes are supported as described in the regexp docs.
- */
- void
- dosub(lp, up, cmd, nextcommand)
- linenr_t lp;
- linenr_t up;
- char *cmd;
- u_char **nextcommand;
- {
- linenr_t lnum;
- long i;
- char *ptr;
- regexp *prog;
- long nsubs = 0;
- linenr_t nlines = 0;
- static int do_all = FALSE; /* do multiple substitutions per line */
- static int do_ask = FALSE; /* ask for confirmation */
- char *pat, *sub = NULL;
- static char *old_sub = NULL;
- int delimiter;
- int sublen;
- int got_quit = FALSE;
- int got_match = FALSE;
- int temp;
- if (strchr("0123456789gc|\"#", *cmd) == NULL) /* new pattern and substitution */
- {
- delimiter = *cmd++; /* remember delimiter character */
- pat = cmd; /* remember the start of the regexp */
- /*
- * do the next loop twice:
- * i == 0: find the end of the regexp
- * i == 1: find the end of the substitution
- */
- for (i = 0; ; ++i)
- {
- while (cmd[0])
- {
- if (cmd[0] == delimiter) /* end delimiter found */
- {
- *cmd++ = NUL; /* replace it by a NUL */
- break;
- }
- if (cmd[0] == '\\' && cmd[1] != 0) /* skip escaped characters */
- ++cmd;
- ++cmd;
- }
- if (i == 1)
- break;
- sub = cmd; /* remember the start of the substitution */
- }
- free(old_sub);
- old_sub = strsave(sub);
- }
- else /* use previous pattern and substitution */
- {
- if (old_sub == NULL) /* there is no previous command */
- {
- beep();
- return;
- }
- pat = NULL; /* myregcomp() will use previous pattern */
- sub = old_sub;
- }
- /*
- * find trailing options
- */
- if (!p_ed)
- {
- do_all = FALSE;
- do_ask = FALSE;
- }
- while (*cmd)
- {
- if (*cmd == 'g')
- do_all = !do_all;
- else if (*cmd == 'c')
- do_ask = !do_ask;
- else
- break;
- ++cmd;
- }
- /*
- * check for a trailing count
- */
- skipspace(&cmd);
- if (isdigit(*cmd))
- {
- i = getdigits(&cmd);
- if (i <= 0)
- {
- emsg(e_zerocount);
- return;
- }
- lp = up;
- up += i - 1;
- }
- /*
- * check for trailing '|', '"' or '#'
- */
- skipspace(&cmd);
- if (*cmd)
- {
- if (strchr("|\"#", *cmd) != NULL)
- {
- *nextcommand = (u_char *)cmd;
- }
- else
- {
- emsg(e_trailing);
- return;
- }
- }
- if ((prog = myregcomp(pat)) == NULL)
- {
- emsg(e_invcmd);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ~ in the substitute pattern is replaced by the old pattern.
- * We do it here once to avoid it to be replaced over and over again.
- */
- sub = regtilde(sub, (int)p_magic);
- for (lnum = lp; lnum <= up && !(got_int || got_quit); ++lnum)
- {
- ptr = nr2ptr(lnum);
- if (regexec(prog, ptr, TRUE)) /* a match on this line */
- {
- char *new_end, *new_start = NULL;
- char *old_match, *old_copy;
- char *prev_old_match = NULL;
- char *p1, *p2;
- int did_sub = FALSE;
- int match, lastone;
- if (!got_match)
- {
- setpcmark();
- got_match = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Save the line that was last changed for the final cursor
- * position (just like the real vi).
- */
- Curpos.lnum = lnum;
- old_copy = old_match = ptr;
- for (;;) /* loop until nothing more to replace */
- {
- Curpos.col = (int)(prog->startp[0] - ptr);
- /*
- * Match empty string does not count, except for first match.
- * This reproduces the strange vi behaviour.
- * This also catches endless loops.
- */
- if (old_match == prev_old_match && old_match == prog->endp[0])
- {
- ++old_match;
- goto skip2;
- }
- while (do_ask) /* loop until 'y', 'n' or 'q' typed */
- {
- temp = RedrawingDisabled;
- RedrawingDisabled = FALSE;
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- smsg("replace by %s (y/n/q)? ", sub);
- setcursor();
- RedrawingDisabled = temp;
- if ((i = vgetc()) == 'q' || i == ESC || i == Ctrl('C'))
- {
- got_quit = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- else if (i == 'n')
- goto skip;
- else if (i == 'y')
- break;
- }
- if (got_quit)
- break;
- /* get length of substitution part */
- sublen = regsub(prog, sub, ptr, 0, (int)p_magic);
- if (new_start == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * Get some space for a temporary buffer to do the substitution
- * into.
- */
- if ((new_start = alloc((unsigned)(strlen(ptr) + sublen + 5))) == NULL)
- goto outofmem;
- *new_start = NUL;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * extend the temporary buffer to do the substitution into.
- */
- if ((p1 = alloc((unsigned)(strlen(new_start) + strlen(old_copy) + sublen + 1))) == NULL)
- goto outofmem;
- strcpy(p1, new_start);
- free(new_start);
- new_start = p1;
- }
- for (new_end = new_start; *new_end; new_end++)
- ;
- /*
- * copy up to the part that matched
- */
- while (old_copy < prog->startp[0])
- *new_end++ = *old_copy++;
- regsub(prog, sub, new_end, 1, (int)p_magic);
- nsubs++;
- did_sub = TRUE;
- /*
- * Now the trick is to replace CTRL-Ms with a real line break.
- * This would make it impossible to insert CTRL-Ms in the text.
- * That is the way vi works. In Vim the line break can be
- * avoided by preceding the CTRL-M with a CTRL-V. Now you can't
- * precede a line break with a CTRL-V, big deal.
- */
- while ((p1 = strchr(new_end, CR)) != NULL)
- {
- if (p1 == new_end || p1[-1] != Ctrl('V'))
- {
- if (u_inssub(lnum)) /* prepare for undo */
- {
- *p1 = NUL; /* truncate up to the CR */
- if ((p2 = save_line(new_start)) != NULL)
- {
- appendline(lnum - 1, p2);
- ++lnum;
- ++up; /* number of lines increases */
- }
- strcpy(new_start, p1 + 1); /* copy the rest */
- new_end = new_start;
- }
- }
- else /* remove CTRL-V */
- {
- strcpy(p1 - 1, p1);
- new_end = p1;
- }
- }
- old_copy = prog->endp[0]; /* remember next character to be copied */
- /*
- * continue searching after the match
- * prevent endless loop with patterns that match empty strings,
- * e.g. :s/$/pat/g or :s/[a-z]* /(&)/g
- */
- skip:
- old_match = prog->endp[0];
- prev_old_match = old_match;
- skip2:
- match = -1;
- lastone = (*old_match == NUL || got_int || got_quit || !do_all);
- if (lastone || do_ask || (match = regexec(prog, old_match, (int)FALSE)) == 0)
- {
- if (new_start)
- {
- /*
- * copy the rest of the line, that didn't match
- */
- strcat(new_start, old_copy);
- i = old_match - ptr;
- if ((ptr = save_line(new_start)) != NULL && u_savesub(lnum))
- replaceline(lnum, ptr);
- free(new_start); /* free the temp buffer */
- new_start = NULL;
- old_match = ptr + i;
- old_copy = ptr;
- }
- if (match == -1 && !lastone)
- match = regexec(prog, old_match, (int)FALSE);
- if (match <= 0) /* quit loop if there is no more match */
- break;
- }
- /* breakcheck is slow, don't call it too often */
- if ((nsubs & 15) == 0)
- breakcheck();
- }
- if (did_sub)
- ++nlines;
- }
- /* breakcheck is slow, don't call it too often */
- if ((lnum & 15) == 0)
- breakcheck();
- }
- outofmem:
- if (nsubs)
- {
- updateScreen(CURSUPD); /* need this to update LineSizes */
- beginline(TRUE);
- if (nsubs > p_report)
- smsg("%s%ld substitution%s on %ld line%s",
- got_int ? "(Interrupted) " : "",
- nsubs, plural(nsubs),
- (long)nlines, plural((long)nlines));
- else if (got_int)
- msg(e_interr);
- else if (do_ask)
- msg("");
- }
- else if (got_int) /* interrupted */
- msg(e_interr);
- else if (got_match) /* did find something but nothing substituted */
- msg("");
- else /* nothing found */
- msg(e_nomatch);
- free((char *) prog);
- }
- /*
- * doglob(cmd)
- *
- * Execute a global command of the form:
- *
- * g/pattern/X : execute X on all lines where pattern matches
- * v/pattern/X : execute X on all lines where pattern does not match
- *
- * where 'X' is an EX command
- *
- * The command character (as well as the trailing slash) is optional, and
- * is assumed to be 'p' if missing.
- *
- * This is implemented in two passes: first we scan the file for the pattern and
- * set a mark for each line that (not) matches. secondly we execute the command
- * for each line that has a mark. This is required because after deleting
- * lines we do not know where to search for the next match.
- */
- void
- doglob(type, lp, up, cmd)
- int type;
- linenr_t lp, up;
- char *cmd;
- {
- linenr_t lnum; /* line number according to old situation */
- linenr_t old_lcount; /* line_count before the command */
- int ndone;
- char delim; /* delimiter, normally '/' */
- char *pat;
- regexp *prog;
- int match;
- if (global_busy)
- {
- emsg("Cannot do :global recursive");
- ++global_busy;
- return;
- }
- delim = *cmd; /* get the delimiter */
- if (delim)
- ++cmd; /* skip delimiter if there is one */
- pat = cmd;
- while (cmd[0])
- {
- if (cmd[0] == delim) /* end delimiter found */
- {
- *cmd++ = NUL; /* replace it by a NUL */
- break;
- }
- if (cmd[0] == '\\' && cmd[1] != 0) /* skip escaped characters */
- ++cmd;
- ++cmd;
- }
- reg_ic = p_ic; /* set "ignore case" flag appropriately */
- if ((prog = myregcomp(pat)) == NULL)
- {
- emsg(e_invcmd);
- return;
- }
- msg("");
- /*
- * pass 1: set marks for each (not) matching line
- */
- ndone = 0;
- for (lnum = lp; lnum <= up && !got_int; ++lnum)
- {
- match = regexec(prog, nr2ptr(lnum), (int)TRUE); /* a match on this line? */
- if ((type == 'g' && match) || (type == 'v' && !match))
- {
- setmarked(lnum);
- ndone++;
- }
- /* breakcheck is slow, don't call it too often */
- if ((lnum & 15) == 0)
- breakcheck();
- }
- /*
- * pass 2: execute the command for each line that has been marked
- */
- if (got_int)
- msg("Interrupted");
- else if (ndone == 0)
- msg(e_nomatch);
- else
- {
- global_busy = 1;
- global_wait = 0;
- RedrawingDisabled = TRUE;
- old_lcount = line_count;
- while (!got_int && (lnum = firstmarked()) != 0 && global_busy == 1)
- {
- Curpos.lnum = lnum;
- Curpos.col = 0;
- if (*cmd == NUL)
- docmdline((u_char *)"p");
- else
- docmdline((u_char *)cmd);
- breakcheck();
- }
- RedrawingDisabled = FALSE;
- global_busy = 0;
- if (global_wait) /* wait for return */
- wait_return(FALSE);
- screenclear();
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- msgmore(line_count - old_lcount);
- }
- clearmarked(); /* clear rest of the marks */
- free((char *) prog);
- }