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- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * edit.c: functions for insert mode
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "ops.h" /* for operator */
- extern u_char *get_inserted();
- static void start_arrow __ARGS((void));
- static void stop_arrow __ARGS((void));
- static void stop_insert __ARGS((void));
- static int echeck_abbr __ARGS((int));
- int arrow_used; /* Normally FALSE, set to TRUE after hitting
- * cursor key in insert mode. Used by vgetorpeek()
- * to decide when to call u_sync() */
- int restart_edit = 0; /* call edit when next command finished */
- static u_char *last_insert = NULL;
- /* the text of the previous insert */
- static int last_insert_skip;
- /* number of chars in front of the previous insert */
- static int new_insert_skip;
- /* number of chars in front of the current insert */
- void
- edit(count)
- long count;
- {
- u_char c;
- u_char cc;
- u_char *ptr;
- u_char *saved_line = NULL; /* saved line for replace mode */
- linenr_t saved_lnum = 0; /* lnum of saved line */
- int saved_char = NUL; /* char replaced by NL */
- linenr_t lnum;
- int temp = 0;
- int mode;
- int nextc = 0;
- int lastc = 0;
- colnr_t mincol;
- if (restart_edit)
- {
- arrow_used = TRUE;
- restart_edit = 0;
- }
- else
- arrow_used = FALSE;
- #ifdef DIGRAPHS
- dodigraph(-1); /* clear digraphs */
- #endif
- /*
- * Get the current length of the redo buffer, those characters have to be
- * skipped if we want to get to the inserted characters.
- */
- ptr = get_inserted();
- new_insert_skip = strlen((char *)ptr);
- free(ptr);
- old_indent = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (arrow_used) /* don't repeat insert when arrow key used */
- count = 0;
- set_want_col = TRUE; /* set Curswant in case of K_DARROW or K_UARROW */
- cursupdate(); /* Figure out where the cursor is based on Curpos. */
- showruler(0);
- setcursor();
- if (nextc) /* character remaining from CTRL-V */
- {
- c = nextc;
- nextc = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- c = vgetc();
- if (c == Ctrl('C') && got_int)
- got_int = FALSE;
- }
- if (c != Ctrl('D')) /* remember to detect ^^D and 0^D */
- lastc = c;
- /*
- * In replace mode a backspace puts the original text back.
- * We save the current line to be able to do that.
- * If characters are appended to the line, they will be deleted.
- * If we start a new line (with CR) the saved line will be empty, thus
- * the characters will be deleted.
- * If we backspace over the new line, that line will be saved.
- */
- if (State == REPLACE && saved_lnum != Curpos.lnum)
- {
- free(saved_line);
- saved_line = (u_char *)strsave((char *)nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum));
- saved_lnum = Curpos.lnum;
- }
- #ifdef DIGRAPHS
- c = dodigraph(c);
- #endif /* DIGRAPHS */
- if (c == Ctrl('V'))
- {
- outchar('^');
- AppendToRedobuff("\026"); /* CTRL-V */
- cursupdate();
- setcursor();
- c = get_literal(&nextc);
- /* erase the '^' */
- if ((cc = gcharCurpos()) == NUL || (cc == TAB && !p_list))
- outchar(' ');
- else
- outstrn(transchar(cc));
- if (isidchar(c) || !echeck_abbr(c))
- insertchar(c);
- continue;
- }
- switch (c) /* handle character in insert mode */
- {
- case Ctrl('O'): /* execute one command */
- if (echeck_abbr(Ctrl('O') + 0x100))
- break;
- count = 0;
- if (State == INSERT)
- restart_edit = 'I';
- else
- restart_edit = 'R';
- goto doESCkey;
- case ESC: /* an escape ends input mode */
- if (echeck_abbr(ESC + 0x100))
- break;
- case Ctrl('C'):
- doESCkey:
- if (!arrow_used)
- {
- AppendToRedobuff(ESC_STR);
- if (--count > 0) /* repeat what was typed */
- {
- start_redo_ins();
- continue;
- }
- stop_insert();
- }
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- /*
- * The cursor should end up on the last inserted character.
- */
- if (Curpos.col != 0 && (!restart_edit || gcharCurpos() == NUL) && !p_ri)
- decCurpos();
- if (extraspace) /* did reverse replace in column 0 */
- {
- delchar(FALSE);
- updateline();
- extraspace = FALSE;
- }
- State = NORMAL;
- script_winsize_pp(); /* may need to put :winsize in script */
- /* inchar() may have deleted the "INSERT" message */
- if (Recording)
- showmode();
- else if (p_smd)
- msg("");
- free(saved_line);
- old_indent = 0;
- return;
- /*
- * Insert the previously inserted text.
- * Last_insert actually is a copy of the redo buffer, so we
- * first have to remove the command.
- * For ^@ the trailing ESC will end the insert.
- */
- case K_ZERO:
- case Ctrl('A'):
- stuff_inserted(NUL, 1L, (c == Ctrl('A')));
- break;
- /*
- * insert the contents of a register
- */
- case Ctrl('R'):
- if (!insertbuf(vgetc()))
- beep();
- break;
- case Ctrl('P'): /* toggle reverse insert mode */
- p_ri = !p_ri;
- showmode();
- break;
- /*
- * If the cursor is on an indent, ^T/^D insert/delete one
- * shiftwidth. Otherwise ^T/^D behave like a TAB/backspace.
- * This isn't completely compatible with
- * vi, but the difference isn't very noticeable and now you can
- * mix ^D/backspace and ^T/TAB without thinking about which one
- * must be used.
- */
- case Ctrl('T'): /* make indent one shiftwidth greater */
- case Ctrl('D'): /* make indent one shiftwidth smaller */
- stop_arrow();
- AppendCharToRedobuff(c);
- if ((lastc == '0' || lastc == '^') && Curpos.col)
- {
- --Curpos.col;
- delchar(FALSE); /* delete the '^' or '0' */
- if (lastc == '^')
- old_indent = get_indent(); /* remember current indent */
- /* determine offset from first non-blank */
- temp = Curpos.col;
- beginline(TRUE);
- temp -= Curpos.col;
- set_indent(0, TRUE); /* remove all indent */
- }
- else
- {
- /* determine offset from first non-blank */
- temp = Curpos.col;
- beginline(TRUE);
- temp -= Curpos.col;
- shift_line(c == Ctrl('D'), TRUE);
- /* try to put cursor on same character */
- temp += Curpos.col;
- }
- if (temp <= 0)
- Curpos.col = 0;
- else
- Curpos.col = temp;
- did_ai = FALSE;
- did_si = FALSE;
- can_si = FALSE;
- goto redraw;
- case BS:
- case DEL:
- nextbs:
- mode = 0;
- dodel:
- /* can't delete anything in an empty file */
- /* can't backup past first character in buffer */
- /* can't backup past starting point unless 'backspace' > 1 */
- /* can backup to a previous line if 'backspace' == 0 */
- if (bufempty() || (!p_ri &&
- ((Curpos.lnum == 1 && Curpos.col <= 0) ||
- (p_bs < 2 && (arrow_used ||
- (Curpos.lnum == Insstart.lnum &&
- Curpos.col <= Insstart.col) ||
- (Curpos.col <= 0 && p_bs == 0))))))
- {
- beep();
- goto redraw;
- }
- stop_arrow();
- if (p_ri)
- incCurpos();
- if (Curpos.col <= 0) /* delete newline! */
- {
- lnum = Insstart.lnum;
- if (Curpos.lnum == Insstart.lnum || p_ri)
- {
- if (!u_save((linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum - 2), (linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum + 1)))
- goto redraw;
- --Insstart.lnum;
- Insstart.col = 0;
- }
- /* in replace mode, in the line we started replacing, we
- only move the cursor */
- if (State != REPLACE || Curpos.lnum > lnum)
- {
- temp = gcharCurpos(); /* remember current char */
- --Curpos.lnum;
- dojoin(FALSE, TRUE);
- if (temp == NUL && gcharCurpos() != NUL)
- ++Curpos.col;
- if (saved_char) /* restore what NL replaced */
- {
- State = NORMAL; /* no replace for this char */
- inschar(saved_char); /* but no showmatch */
- State = REPLACE;
- saved_char = NUL;
- if (!p_ri)
- decCurpos();
- }
- else if (p_ri) /* in reverse mode */
- saved_lnum = 0; /* save this line again */
- }
- else
- decCurpos();
- did_ai = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (p_ri && State != REPLACE)
- decCurpos();
- mincol = 0;
- if (mode == 3 && !p_ri && p_ai) /* keep indent */
- {
- temp = Curpos.col;
- beginline(TRUE);
- if (Curpos.col < temp)
- mincol = Curpos.col;
- Curpos.col = temp;
- }
- /* delete upto starting point, start of line or previous word */
- do
- {
- if (!p_ri)
- decCurpos();
- /* start of word? */
- if (mode == 1 && !isspace(gcharCurpos()))
- {
- mode = 2;
- temp = isidchar(gcharCurpos());
- }
- /* end of word? */
- else if (mode == 2 && (isspace(cc = gcharCurpos()) || isidchar(cc) != temp))
- {
- if (!p_ri)
- incCurpos();
- else if (State == REPLACE)
- decCurpos();
- break;
- }
- if (State == REPLACE)
- {
- if (saved_line)
- {
- if (extraspace)
- {
- if ((int)strlen(nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum)) - 1 > (int)strlen((char *)saved_line))
- delchar(FALSE);
- else
- {
- decCurpos();
- delchar(FALSE);
- extraspace = FALSE;
- pcharCurpos(*saved_line);
- }
- }
- else if (Curpos.col < strlen((char *)saved_line))
- pcharCurpos(saved_line[Curpos.col]);
- else if (!p_ri)
- delchar(FALSE);
- }
- }
- else /* State != REPLACE */
- {
- delchar(FALSE);
- if (p_ri && gcharCurpos() == NUL)
- break;
- }
- if (mode == 0) /* just a single backspace */
- break;
- if (p_ri && State == REPLACE && incCurpos())
- break;
- } while (p_ri || (Curpos.col > mincol && (Curpos.lnum != Insstart.lnum ||
- Curpos.col != Insstart.col)));
- if (extraspace)
- decCurpos();
- }
- did_si = FALSE;
- can_si = FALSE;
- if (Curpos.col <= 1)
- did_ai = FALSE;
- /*
- * It's a little strange to put backspaces into the redo
- * buffer, but it makes auto-indent a lot easier to deal
- * with.
- */
- AppendCharToRedobuff(c);
- if (vpeekc() == BS)
- {
- c = vgetc();
- goto nextbs; /* speedup multiple backspaces */
- }
- redraw:
- cursupdate();
- updateline();
- break;
- case Ctrl('W'): /* delete word before cursor */
- mode = 1;
- goto dodel;
- case Ctrl('U'): /* delete inserted text in current line */
- mode = 3;
- goto dodel;
- case K_LARROW:
- if (oneleft())
- start_arrow();
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_SLARROW:
- if (Curpos.lnum > 1 || Curpos.col > 0)
- {
- bck_word(1L, 0);
- start_arrow();
- }
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_RARROW:
- if (gcharCurpos() != NUL)
- {
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- start_arrow();
- ++Curpos.col;
- }
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_SRARROW:
- if (Curpos.lnum < line_count || gcharCurpos() != NUL)
- {
- fwd_word(1L, 0, 0);
- start_arrow();
- }
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_UARROW:
- if (oneup(1L))
- start_arrow();
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_SUARROW:
- if (onepage(BACKWARD, 1L))
- start_arrow();
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_DARROW:
- if (onedown(1L))
- start_arrow();
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case K_SDARROW:
- if (onepage(FORWARD, 1L))
- start_arrow();
- else
- beep();
- break;
- case TAB:
- if (echeck_abbr(TAB + 0x100))
- break;
- if (!p_et || (p_ri && State == REPLACE))
- goto normalchar;
- /* expand a tab into spaces */
- stop_arrow();
- did_ai = FALSE;
- did_si = FALSE;
- can_si = FALSE;
- temp = (int)p_ts - Curpos.col % (int)p_ts;
- inschar(' '); /* delete one char in replace mode */
- while (--temp)
- insstr(" "); /* insstr does not delete chars */
- AppendToRedobuff("\t");
- goto redraw;
- case CR:
- case NL:
- if (echeck_abbr(c + 0x100))
- break;
- stop_arrow();
- if (State == REPLACE)
- {
- saved_char = gcharCurpos();
- delchar(FALSE);
- }
- AppendToRedobuff(NL_STR);
- if (!Opencmd(FORWARD, TRUE, State == INSERT))
- goto doESCkey; /* out of memory */
- if (p_ri)
- {
- decCurpos();
- if (State == REPLACE && Curpos.col > 0)
- decCurpos();
- }
- break;
- #ifdef DIGRAPHS
- case Ctrl('K'):
- outchar('?');
- AppendToRedobuff("\026"); /* CTRL-V */
- setcursor();
- c = vgetc();
- outstrn(transchar(c));
- setcursor();
- c = getdigraph(c, vgetc());
- goto normalchar;
- #endif /* DIGRAPHS */
- case Ctrl('Y'): /* copy from previous line */
- lnum = Curpos.lnum - 1;
- goto copychar;
- case Ctrl('E'): /* copy from next line */
- lnum = Curpos.lnum + 1;
- copychar:
- if (lnum < 1 || lnum > line_count)
- {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- /* try to advance to the cursor column */
- temp = 0;
- ptr = (u_char *)nr2ptr(lnum);
- while (temp < Cursvcol && *ptr)
- temp += chartabsize(*ptr++, temp);
- if (temp > Cursvcol)
- --ptr;
- if ((c = *ptr) == NUL)
- {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- default:
- normalchar:
- if (Curpos.col > 0 && ((can_si && c == '}') || (did_si && c == '{')))
- shift_line(TRUE, TRUE);
- if (isidchar(c) || !echeck_abbr(c))
- insertchar(c);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Next character is interpreted literally.
- * A one, two or three digit decimal number is interpreted as its byte value.
- * If one or two digits are entered, *nextc is set to the next character.
- */
- int
- get_literal(nextc)
- int *nextc;
- {
- u_char cc;
- u_char nc;
- int oldstate;
- int i;
- oldstate = State;
- State = NOMAPPING; /* next characters not mapped */
- if (got_int)
- {
- *nextc = NUL;
- return Ctrl('C');
- }
- cc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- nc = vgetc();
- if (!isdigit(nc))
- break;
- cc = cc * 10 + nc - '0';
- nc = 0;
- }
- if (i == 0) /* no number entered */
- {
- cc = nc;
- nc = 0;
- if (cc == K_ZERO) /* NUL is stored as NL */
- cc = '\n';
- }
- else if (cc == 0) /* NUL is stored as NL */
- cc = '\n';
- State = oldstate;
- *nextc = nc;
- got_int = FALSE; /* CTRL-C typed after CTRL-V is not an interrupt */
- return cc;
- }
- /*
- * Special characters in this context are those that need processing other
- * than the simple insertion that can be performed here. This includes ESC
- * which terminates the insert, and CR/NL which need special processing to
- * open up a new line. This routine tries to optimize insertions performed by
- * the "redo", "undo" or "put" commands, so it needs to know when it should
- * stop and defer processing to the "normal" mechanism.
- */
- #define ISSPECIAL(c) ((c) < ' ' || (c) >= DEL)
- void
- insertchar(c)
- unsigned c;
- {
- int haveto_redraw = FALSE;
- stop_arrow();
- /*
- * If the cursor is past 'textwidth' and we are inserting a non-space,
- * try to break the line in two or more pieces. If c == NUL then we have
- * been called to do formatting only. If p_tw == 0 it does nothing.
- */
- if (c == NUL || !isspace(c))
- {
- while (p_tw && Cursvcol >= p_tw)
- {
- int startcol; /* Cursor column at entry */
- int wantcol; /* column at textwidth border */
- int foundcol; /* column for start of word */
- if ((startcol = Curpos.col) == 0)
- break;
- coladvance((int)p_tw); /* find column of textwidth border */
- wantcol = Curpos.col;
- Curpos.col = startcol - 1;
- foundcol = 0;
- while (Curpos.col > 0) /* find position to break at */
- {
- if (isspace(gcharCurpos()))
- {
- while (Curpos.col > 0 && isspace(gcharCurpos()))
- --Curpos.col;
- if (Curpos.col == 0) /* only spaces in front of text */
- break;
- foundcol = Curpos.col + 1;
- if (Curpos.col < wantcol)
- break;
- }
- --Curpos.col;
- }
- if (foundcol == 0) /* no spaces, cannot break line */
- {
- Curpos.col = startcol;
- break;
- }
- Curpos.col = foundcol; /* put cursor after pos. to break line */
- startcol -= foundcol;
- while (isspace(gcharCurpos()) && startcol) /* delete blanks */
- {
- delchar(FALSE);
- --startcol; /* adjust cursor pos. */
- }
- Curpos.col += startcol;
- curs_columns(FALSE); /* update Cursvcol */
- haveto_redraw = TRUE;
- }
- if (c == NUL) /* formatting only */
- return;
- if (haveto_redraw)
- {
- /*
- * If the cursor ended up just below the screen we scroll up here
- * to avoid a redraw of the whole screen in the most common cases.
- */
- if (Curpos.lnum == Botline && !emptyrows)
- s_del(0, 1, TRUE);
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- }
- }
- did_ai = FALSE;
- did_si = FALSE;
- can_si = FALSE;
- /*
- * If there's any pending input, grab up to MAX_COLUMNS at once.
- * This speeds up normal text input considerably.
- */
- if (vpeekc() != NUL && State != REPLACE && !p_ri)
- {
- char p[MAX_COLUMNS + 1];
- int i;
- p[0] = c;
- i = 1;
- while ((c = vpeekc()) != NUL && !ISSPECIAL(c) && i < MAX_COLUMNS &&
- (!p_tw || (Cursvcol += charsize(p[i - 1])) < p_tw) &&
- !(!no_abbr && !isidchar(c) && isidchar(p[i - 1])))
- p[i++] = vgetc();
- p[i] = '\0';
- insstr(p);
- AppendToRedobuff(p);
- }
- else
- {
- inschar(c);
- AppendCharToRedobuff(c);
- }
- updateline();
- }
- /*
- * start_arrow() is called when an arrow key is used in insert mode.
- * It resembles hitting the <ESC> key.
- */
- static void
- start_arrow()
- {
- if (!arrow_used) /* something has been inserted */
- {
- AppendToRedobuff(ESC_STR);
- arrow_used = TRUE; /* this means we stopped the current insert */
- stop_insert();
- }
- }
- /*
- * stop_arrow() is called before a change is made in insert mode.
- * If an arrow key has been used, start a new insertion.
- */
- static void
- stop_arrow()
- {
- if (arrow_used)
- {
- u_saveCurpos(); /* errors are ignored! */
- Insstart = Curpos; /* new insertion starts here */
- ResetRedobuff();
- AppendToRedobuff("1i"); /* pretend we start an insertion */
- arrow_used = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * do a few things to stop inserting
- */
- static void
- stop_insert()
- {
- stop_redo_ins();
- /*
- * save the inserted text for later redo with ^@
- */
- free(last_insert);
- last_insert = get_inserted();
- last_insert_skip = new_insert_skip;
- /*
- * If we just did an auto-indent, truncate the line, and put
- * the cursor back.
- */
- if (did_ai && !arrow_used)
- {
- *nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum) = NUL;
- canincrease(0);
- Curpos.col = 0;
- if (p_list) /* the deletion is only seen in list mode */
- updateline();
- }
- did_ai = FALSE;
- did_si = FALSE;
- can_si = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * oneright oneleft onedown oneup
- *
- * Move one char {right,left,down,up}. Return TRUE when sucessful, FALSE when
- * we hit a boundary (of a line, or the file).
- */
- int
- oneright()
- {
- char *ptr;
- ptr = Curpos2ptr();
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (*ptr++ == NUL || *ptr == NUL)
- return FALSE;
- ++Curpos.col;
- return TRUE;
- }
- int
- oneleft()
- {
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (Curpos.col == 0)
- return FALSE;
- --Curpos.col;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- beginline(flag)
- int flag;
- {
- Curpos.col = 0;
- if (flag)
- {
- register char *ptr;
- for (ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum); isspace(*ptr); ++ptr)
- ++Curpos.col;
- }
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- }
- int
- oneup(n)
- long n;
- {
- if (n != 0 && Curpos.lnum == 1)
- return FALSE;
- if (n >= Curpos.lnum)
- Curpos.lnum = 1;
- else
- Curpos.lnum -= n;
- if (operator == NOP)
- cursupdate(); /* make sure Topline is valid */
- /* try to advance to the column we want to be at */
- coladvance(Curswant);
- return TRUE;
- }
- int
- onedown(n)
- long n;
- {
- if (n != 0 && Curpos.lnum == line_count)
- return FALSE;
- Curpos.lnum += n;
- if (Curpos.lnum > line_count)
- Curpos.lnum = line_count;
- if (operator == NOP)
- cursupdate(); /* make sure Topline is valid */
- /* try to advance to the column we want to be at */
- coladvance(Curswant);
- return TRUE;
- }
- int
- onepage(dir, count)
- int dir;
- long count;
- {
- linenr_t lp;
- long n;
- if (line_count == 1) /* nothing to do */
- return FALSE;
- for ( ; count > 0; --count)
- {
- if (dir == FORWARD ? (Topline >= line_count - 1) : (Topline == 1))
- {
- beep();
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- if (Botline > line_count) /* at end of file */
- Topline = line_count;
- else if (plines(Botline) >= Rows - 3 || /* next line is big */
- Botline - Topline <= 3) /* just three lines on screen */
- Topline = Botline;
- else
- Topline = Botline - 2;
- Curpos.lnum = Topline;
- if (count != 1)
- comp_Botline();
- }
- else /* dir == BACKWARDS */
- {
- lp = Topline;
- /*
- * If the first two lines on the screen are not too big, we keep
- * them on the screen.
- */
- if ((n = plines(lp)) > Rows / 2)
- --lp;
- else if (lp < line_count && n + plines(lp + 1) < Rows / 2)
- ++lp;
- Curpos.lnum = lp;
- n = 0;
- while (n <= Rows - 1 && lp >= 1)
- {
- n += plines(lp);
- --lp;
- }
- if (n <= Rows - 1) /* at begin of file */
- Topline = 1;
- else if (lp >= Topline - 2) /* happens with very long lines */
- {
- --Topline;
- comp_Botline();
- Curpos.lnum = Botline - 1;
- }
- else
- Topline = lp + 2;
- }
- }
- beginline(TRUE);
- updateScreen(VALID);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- stuff_inserted(c, count, no_esc)
- int c;
- long count;
- int no_esc;
- {
- u_char *esc_ptr = NULL;
- u_char *ptr;
- if (last_insert == NULL)
- {
- emsg("No inserted text yet");
- return;
- }
- if (c)
- stuffcharReadbuff(c);
- if (no_esc && (esc_ptr = (u_char *)strrchr((char *)last_insert, 27)) != NULL)
- *esc_ptr = NUL; /* remove the ESC */
- /* skip the command */
- ptr = last_insert + last_insert_skip;
- do
- stuffReadbuff((char *)ptr);
- while (--count > 0);
- if (no_esc && esc_ptr)
- *esc_ptr = 27; /* put the ESC back */
- }
- /*
- * Check the word in front of the cursor for an abbreviation.
- * Called when the non-id character "c" has been entered.
- * When an abbreviation is recognized it is removed from the text and
- * the replacement string is inserted in typestr, followed by "c".
- */
- static int
- echeck_abbr(c)
- int c;
- {
- if (p_paste || no_abbr) /* no abbreviations or in paste mode */
- return FALSE;
- return check_abbr(c, nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum), Curpos.col,
- Curpos.lnum == Insstart.lnum ? Insstart.col : 0);
- }