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Makefile | 1993-12-12 | 3.6 KB | 224 lines |
- #
- # Makefile for Borland C++ 2.0
- # Can also be used for Turbo C++
- #
- # The options are at the end of this file
- #
- # *Translator Definitions*
- # use tcc for Turbo C++
- CC = bcc +VIM.CFG
- #CC = tcc +VIM.CFG
- TLIB = tlib
- TLINK = tlink
- #
- # Adjust the paths for your environment
- #
- # *Implicit Rules*
- .c.obj:
- $(CC) -c {$< }
- .cpp.obj:
- $(CC) -c {$< }
- # *List Macros*
- EXE_dependencies = \
- alloc.obj \
- buffers.obj \
- charset.obj \
- cmdline.obj \
- csearch.obj \
- digraph.obj \
- edit.obj \
- fileio.obj \
- help.obj \
- linefunc.obj \
- main.obj \
- mark.obj \
- message.obj \
- misccmds.obj \
- msdos.obj \
- normal.obj \
- ops.obj \
- param.obj \
- quickfix.obj \
- regexp.obj \
- regsub.obj \
- screen.obj \
- script.obj \
- search.obj \
- storage.obj \
- tag.obj \
- term.obj \
- undo.obj \
- version.obj
- # *Explicit Rules*
- # add /v for source degubbing
- vim.exe: vim.cfg $(EXE_dependencies)
- $(CC) -c version.c
- $(TLINK) /x/c/L$(LIBPATH) @&&|
- c0l.obj+
- alloc.obj+
- buffers.obj+
- charset.obj+
- cmdline.obj+
- csearch.obj+
- digraph.obj+
- edit.obj+
- fileio.obj+
- help.obj+
- linefunc.obj+
- main.obj+
- mark.obj+
- message.obj+
- misccmds.obj+
- msdos.obj+
- normal.obj+
- ops.obj+
- param.obj+
- quickfix.obj+
- regexp.obj+
- regsub.obj+
- screen.obj+
- script.obj+
- search.obj+
- storage.obj+
- tag.obj+
- term.obj+
- undo.obj+
- version.obj
- vim
- # no map file
- fp87.lib+
- mathl.lib+
- cl.lib
- |
- # *Individual File Dependencies*
- alloc.obj: alloc.c
- buffers.obj: buffers.c
- charset.obj: charset.c
- cmdline.obj: cmdline.c cmdtab.h
- cmdtab.h: cmdtab.tab mkcmdtab.exe
- mkcmdtab cmdtab.tab cmdtab.h
- mkcmdtab.exe: mkcmdtab.obj
- $(CC) -ml -omkcmdtab mkcmdtab.obj
- mkcmdtab.obj: mkcmdtab.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mkcmdtab.c
- csearch.obj: csearch.c
- digraph.obj: digraph.c
- edit.obj: edit.c
- fileio.obj: fileio.c
- help.obj: help.c
- linefunc.obj: linefunc.c
- main.obj: main.c globals.h param.h
- mark.obj: mark.c mark.h
- message.obj: message.c
- misccmds.obj: misccmds.c
- msdos.obj: msdos.c
- normal.obj: normal.c ops.h
- ops.obj: ops.c ops.h
- param.obj: param.c
- quickfix.obj: quickfix.c
- regexp.obj: regexp.c
- regsub.obj: regsub.c
- screen.obj: screen.c
- script.obj: script.c
- search.obj: search.c
- storage.obj: storage.c
- tag.obj: tag.c mark.h
- term.obj: term.c term.h
- undo.obj: undo.c
- version.obj: version.c
- # *Compiler Configuration File*
- # The following compile options can be changed for better machines.
- # replace -1- with -2 to produce code for a 80286 or higher
- # replace -1- with -3 to produce code for a 80386 or higher
- # add -v for source debugging
- vim.cfg: makefile
- copy &&|
- -ml
- -1-
- -f-
- -C
- -N
- -O
- -Z
- -k-
- -d
- -h
- -vi-
- -w-par
- -w-pro
- -weas
- -wpre
- | vim.cfg
- #
- # options:
- ### -DDIGRAPHS digraph support (at the cost of 1.6 Kbyte code)
- ### -DNO_ARP do not use arp.library, DOS 2.0 required
- ### -DCOMPATIBLE start in vi-compatible mode
- ### -DNOBACKUP default is no backup file
- ### -DDEBUG output a lot of debugging garbage
- ### -DTERMCAP include termcap file support
- ### -DNO_BUILTIN_TCAPS do not include builtin termcap entries
- ### (use only with -DTERMCAP)
- ### -DSOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS include most useful builtin termcap entries
- ### (use only without -DNO_BUILTIN_TCAPS)
- ### -DALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS include all builtin termcap entries
- ### (use only without -DNO_BUILTIN_TCAPS)
- ### -DVIMRC_FILE name of the .vimrc file in current dir
- ### -DEXRC_FILE name of the .exrc file in current dir
- ### -DSYSVIMRC_FILE name of the global .vimrc file
- ### -DSYSEXRC_FILE name of the global .exrc file
- ### -DDEFVIMRC_FILE name of the system-wide .vimrc file
- ### -DVIM_HLP name of the help file