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- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * message.c: functions for displaying messages on the command line
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #define MESSAGE
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- static int msg_invert = FALSE; /* message should be inverted */
- /*
- * msg(s) - displays the string 's' on the status line
- */
- void
- msg(s)
- char *s;
- {
- if (Columns == 0) /* terminal not initialized */
- {
- fprintf(stderr, s);
- fflush(stderr);
- return;
- }
- start_msg();
- if (msg_invert && T_TI)
- {
- outstr(T_TI);
- char_count -= strlen(T_TI);
- }
- outtrans(s, -1);
- if (msg_invert && T_TP)
- {
- outstr(T_TP);
- msg_invert = FALSE;
- char_count -= strlen(T_TP);
- }
- end_msg();
- }
- #ifndef PROTO /* automatic prototype generation does not understand this */
- /* VARARGS */
- void
- smsg(s, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
- char *s;
- long a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10;
- {
- sprintf(IObuff, s, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);
- msg(IObuff);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * emsg() - display an error message
- *
- * Rings the bell, if appropriate, and calls message() to do the real work
- */
- void
- emsg(s)
- char *s;
- {
- if (p_eb)
- beep(); /* also includes flush_buffers() */
- else
- flush_buffers(FALSE); /* flush internal buffers */
- msg_invert = TRUE;
- msg(s);
- if (char_count < sc_col) /* if wait_return not called */
- sleep(1); /* give the user a chance to read the message */
- }
- void
- emsg2(s, a1)
- char *s, *a1;
- {
- sprintf(IObuff, s, a1);
- emsg(IObuff);
- }
- extern int global_busy, global_wait; /* shared with csearch.c, cmdline.c */
- void
- wait_return(redraw)
- int redraw;
- {
- u_char c;
- int oldState;
- int tmpState;
- /* with the global command we only need one return at the end */
- if (global_busy)
- {
- global_wait = 1;
- starttermcap();
- return;
- }
- oldState = State;
- State = HITRETURN;
- if (got_int)
- outstrn("Interrupt: ");
- outstrn("Press RETURN to continue");
- do {
- c = vgetc();
- } while (strchr("\r\n: ", c) == NULL);
- if (c == ':') /* this can vi too (but not always!) */
- stuffcharReadbuff(c);
- #else
- outstrn("Press RETURN or enter command to continue");
- c = vgetc();
- breakcheck();
- if (strchr("\r\n ", c) == NULL)
- stuffcharReadbuff(c);
- #endif
- if (!termcap_active) /* start termcap before redrawing */
- starttermcap();
- /*
- * If the window size changed set_winsize() will redraw the screen.
- * Otherwise the screen is only redrawn if 'redraw' is set.
- */
- tmpState = State;
- State = oldState; /* restore State before set_winsize */
- if (tmpState == SETWSIZE) /* got resize event while in vgetc() */
- set_winsize(0, 0, FALSE);
- else if (redraw)
- updateScreen(CLEAR);
- script_winsize_pp();
- }
- void
- start_msg()
- {
- gotocmdline(TRUE, NUL);
- char_count = 0;
- }
- void
- end_msg()
- {
- /*
- * if the string is larger than the window,
- * or the ruler option is set and we run into it,
- * we have to redraw the window.
- * Do not do this if we are abandoning the file.
- */
- if (!exiting && char_count >= sc_col)
- {
- outchar('\n');
- wait_return(TRUE);
- }
- else
- flushbuf();
- }
- void
- check_msg()
- {
- /*
- * if the string is larger than the window,
- * or the ruler option is set and we run into it,
- * we have to redraw the window later.
- */
- if (char_count >= sc_col)
- must_redraw = CLEAR;
- cmdoffset = char_count / Columns;
- }