home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * msdos.c
- *
- * MSDOS system-dependent routines.
- * A cheap plastic imitation of the amiga dependent code.
- * A lot in this file was made by Juergen Weigert (jw).
- */
- #include <io.h>
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <bios.h>
- static int WaitForChar __ARGS((int));
- static int cbrk_handler __ARGS(());
- typedef struct filelist
- {
- char **file;
- int nfiles;
- int maxfiles;
- } FileList;
- static void addfile __ARGS((FileList *, char *, int));
- static int pstrcmp(); /* __ARGS((char **, char **)); BCC does not like this */
- static void strlowcpy __ARGS((char *, char *));
- static int expandpath __ARGS((FileList *, char *, int, int, int));
- static int cbrk_pressed = FALSE; /* set by ctrl-break interrupt */
- static int ctrlc_pressed = FALSE; /* set when ctrl-C or ctrl-break detected */
- static int delayed_redraw = FALSE; /* set when ctrl-C detected */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /*
- * Put two characters in the video buffer without calling BIOS or DOS.
- */
- blink(n)
- int n;
- {
- char far *p;
- static int counter;
- p = MK_FP(0xb800, 0x10 + n); /* p points in screen buffer */
- *p = counter;
- *(p + 1) = counter;
- *(p + 2) = counter;
- *(p + 3) = counter;
- ++counter;
- }
- #endif
- void
- vim_delay()
- {
- delay(500);
- }
- /*
- * this version of remove is not scared by a readonly (backup) file
- */
- int
- vim_remove(name)
- char *name;
- {
- setperm(name, 0); /* default permissions */
- return unlink(name);
- }
- /*
- * mch_write(): write the output buffer to the screen
- */
- void
- mch_write(s, len)
- char *s;
- int len;
- {
- char *p;
- int row, col;
- if (term_console) /* translate ESC | sequences into bios calls */
- while (len--)
- {
- if (s[0] == '\n')
- putch('\r');
- else if (s[0] == ESC && len > 1 && s[1] == '|')
- {
- switch (s[2])
- {
- case 'J': clrscr();
- goto got3;
- case 'K': clreol();
- goto got3;
- case 'L': insline();
- goto got3;
- case 'M': delline();
- got3: s += 3;
- len -= 2;
- continue;
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9': p = s + 2;
- row = getdigits(&p); /* no check for length! */
- if (p > s + len)
- break;
- if (*p == ';')
- {
- ++p;
- col = getdigits(&p); /* no check for length! */
- if (p > s + len)
- break;
- if (*p == 'H')
- {
- gotoxy(col, row);
- len -= p - s;
- s = p + 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else if (*p == 'm')
- {
- if (row == 0)
- normvideo();
- else
- textattr(row);
- len -= p - s;
- s = p + 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- putch(*s++);
- }
- else
- write(1, s, (unsigned)len);
- }
- #define POLL_SPEED 10 /* milliseconds between polls */
- /*
- * Simulate WaitForChar() by slowly polling with bioskey(1) or kbhit().
- *
- * If Vim should work over the serial line after a 'ctty com1' we must use
- * kbhit() and getch(). (jw)
- * Usually kbhit() is not used, because then CTRL-C and CTRL-P
- * will be catched by DOS (mool).
- */
- static int
- WaitForChar(msec)
- int msec;
- {
- do
- {
- if ((p_biosk ? bioskey(1) : kbhit()) || cbrk_pressed)
- return 1;
- delay(POLL_SPEED);
- msec -= POLL_SPEED;
- }
- while (msec >= 0);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * GetChars(): low level input funcion.
- * Get a characters from the keyboard.
- * If time == 0 do not wait for characters.
- * If time == n wait a short time for characters.
- * If time == -1 wait forever for characters.
- */
- int
- GetChars(buf, maxlen, time)
- char *buf;
- int maxlen;
- int time;
- {
- int len = 0;
- int c;
- /*
- * if we got a ctrl-C when we were busy, there will be a "^C" somewhere
- * on the sceen, so we need to redisplay it.
- */
- if (delayed_redraw)
- {
- delayed_redraw = FALSE;
- updateScreen(CLEAR);
- setcursor();
- flushbuf();
- }
- if (time >= 0)
- {
- if (time == 0) /* don't know if time == 0 is allowed */
- time = 1;
- if (WaitForChar(time) == 0) /* no character available */
- return 0;
- }
- else /* time == -1 */
- {
- /*
- * If there is no character available within 2 seconds (default)
- * write the autoscript file to disk
- */
- if (WaitForChar((int)p_ut) == 0)
- updatescript(0);
- }
- /*
- * Try to read as many characters as there are.
- * Works for the controlling tty only.
- */
- --maxlen; /* may get two chars at once */
- /*
- * we will get at least one key. Get more if they are available
- * After a ctrl-break we have to read a 0 (!) from the buffer.
- * bioskey(1) will return 0 if no key is available and when a
- * ctrl-break was typed. When ctrl-break is hit, this does not always
- * implies a key hit.
- */
- cbrk_pressed = FALSE;
- if (p_biosk)
- while ((len == 0 || bioskey(1)) && len < maxlen)
- {
- c = bioskey(0); /* get the key */
- if (c == 0) /* ctrl-break */
- c = 3; /* return a CTRL-C */
- if ((c & 0xff) == 0)
- {
- if (c == 0x0300) /* CTRL-@ is 0x0300, translated into K_ZERO */
- c = K_ZERO;
- else /* extended key code 0xnn00 translated into K_NUL, nn */
- {
- c >>= 8;
- *buf++ = K_NUL;
- ++len;
- }
- }
- *buf++ = c;
- len++;
- }
- else
- while ((len == 0 || kbhit()) && len < maxlen)
- {
- switch (c = getch())
- {
- case 0:
- *buf++ = K_NUL;
- break;
- case 3:
- cbrk_pressed = TRUE;
- default:
- *buf++ = c;
- }
- len++;
- }
- return len;
- }
- /*
- * We have no job control, fake it by starting a new shell.
- */
- void
- mch_suspend()
- {
- outstr("new shell started\n");
- call_shell(NULL, 0, TRUE);
- }
- extern int _fmode;
- /*
- * we do not use windows, there is not much to do here
- */
- void
- mch_windinit()
- {
- _fmode = O_BINARY; /* we do our own CR-LF translation */
- flushbuf();
- mch_get_winsize();
- }
- void
- check_win(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- if (!isatty(0) || !isatty(1))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "VIM: no controlling terminal\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- /*
- * In some cases with DOS 6.0 on a NEC notebook there is a 12 seconds
- * delay when starting up that can be avoided by the next two lines.
- * Don't ask me why!
- * This could be fixed by removing setver.sys from config.sys. Forget it.
- gotoxy(1,1);
- cputs(" ");
- */
- }
- /*
- * fname_case(): Set the case of the filename, if it already exists.
- * msdos filesystem is far to primitive for that. do nothing.
- */
- void
- fname_case(name)
- char *name;
- {
- }
- /*
- * settitle(): set titlebar of our window.
- * Dos console has no title.
- */
- void
- settitle(str)
- char *str;
- {
- }
- void
- resettitle()
- {
- }
- /*
- * Get name of current directory into buffer 'buf' of length 'len' bytes.
- * Return non-zero for success.
- */
- int
- dirname(buf, len)
- char *buf;
- int len;
- {
- return (getcwd(buf, len) != NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Change default drive (for Turbo C, Borland C already has it)
- */
- #ifndef __BORLANDC__
- int
- _chdrive(drive)
- int drive;
- {
- unsigned dummy;
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = 0x0e;
- regs.h.dl = drive - 1;
- intdos(®s, ®s); /* set default drive */
- regs.h.ah = 0x19;
- intdos(®s, ®s); /* get default drive */
- if (regs.h.al == drive - 1)
- return 0;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * get absolute filename into buffer 'buf' of length 'len' bytes
- */
- int
- FullName(fname, buf, len)
- char *fname, *buf;
- int len;
- {
- if (fname == NULL) /* always fail */
- return 0;
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__ /* the old Turbo C does not have this */
- if (_fullpath(buf, fname, len) == NULL)
- {
- strncpy(buf, fname, len); /* failed, use the relative path name */
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- #else /* almost the same as FullName in unix.c */
- {
- int l;
- char olddir[MAXPATHL];
- char *p, *q;
- int c;
- int retval = 1;
- *buf = 0;
- /*
- * change to the directory for a moment,
- * and then do the getwd() (and get back to where we were).
- * This will get the correct path name with "../" things.
- */
- p = strrchr(fname, '/');
- q = strrchr(fname, '\\');
- if (q && (p == NULL || q > p))
- p = q;
- q = strrchr(fname, ':');
- if (q && (p == NULL || q > p))
- p = q;
- if (p != NULL)
- {
- if (getcwd(olddir, MAXPATHL) == NULL)
- {
- p = NULL; /* can't get current dir: don't chdir */
- retval = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*p == ':' || (p > fname && p[-1] == ':'))
- q = p + 1;
- else
- q = p;
- c = *q;
- *q = NUL;
- if (chdir(fname))
- retval = 0;
- else
- fname = p + 1;
- *q = c;
- }
- }
- if (getcwd(buf, len) == NULL)
- {
- retval = 0;
- *buf = NUL;
- }
- l = strlen(buf);
- if (l && buf[l - 1] != '/' && buf[l - 1] != '\\')
- strcat(buf, "\\");
- if (p)
- chdir(olddir);
- strcat(buf, fname);
- return retval;
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * get file permissions for 'name'
- * -1 : error
- * else FA_attributes defined in dos.h
- */
- long
- getperm(name)
- char *name;
- {
- int r;
- r = _chmod(name, 0, 0); /* get file mode */
- return r;
- }
- /*
- * set file permission for 'name' to 'perm'
- */
- int
- setperm(name, perm)
- char *name;
- long perm;
- {
- perm &= ~FA_ARCH;
- return _chmod(name, 1, (int)perm);
- }
- /*
- * check if "name" is a directory
- */
- int
- isdir(name)
- char *name;
- {
- int f;
- f = _chmod(name, 0, 0);
- if (f == -1)
- return -1; /* file does not exist at all */
- if ((f & FA_DIREC) == 0)
- return 0; /* not a directory */
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Careful: mch_windexit() may be called before mch_windinit()!
- */
- void
- mch_windexit(r)
- int r;
- {
- settmode(0);
- stoptermcap();
- flushbuf();
- stopscript(); /* remove autoscript file */
- exit(r);
- }
- /*
- * function for ctrl-break interrupt
- */
- void interrupt
- catch_cbrk()
- {
- cbrk_pressed = TRUE;
- ctrlc_pressed = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * ctrl-break handler for DOS. Never called when a ctrl-break is typed, because
- * we catch interrupt 1b. If you type ctrl-C while Vim is waiting for a
- * character this function is not called. When a ctrl-C is typed while Vim is
- * busy this function may be called. By that time a ^C has been displayed on
- * the screen, so we have to redisplay the screen. We can't do that here,
- * because we may be called by DOS. The redraw is in GetChars().
- */
- static int
- cbrk_handler()
- {
- delayed_redraw = TRUE;
- return 1; /* resume operation after ctrl-break */
- }
- /*
- * function for critical error interrupt
- * For DOS 1 and 2 return 0 (Ignore).
- * For DOS 3 and later return 3 (Fail)
- */
- void interrupt
- catch_cint(bp, di, si, ds, es, dx, cx, bx, ax)
- unsigned bp, di, si, ds, es, dx, cx, bx, ax;
- {
- ax = (ax & 0xff00); /* set AL to 0 */
- if (_osmajor >= 3)
- ax |= 3; /* set AL to 3 */
- }
- /*
- * set the tty in (raw) ? "raw" : "cooked" mode
- *
- * Does not change the tty, as bioskey() and kbhit() work raw all the time.
- */
- extern void interrupt CINT_FUNC();
- void
- mch_settmode(raw)
- int raw;
- {
- static int saved_cbrk;
- static void interrupt (*old_cint)();
- static void interrupt (*old_cbrk)();
- if (raw)
- {
- saved_cbrk = getcbrk(); /* save old ctrl-break setting */
- setcbrk(0); /* do not check for ctrl-break */
- old_cint = getvect(0x24); /* save old critical error interrupt */
- setvect(0x24, catch_cint); /* install our critical error interrupt */
- old_cbrk = getvect(0x1B); /* save old ctrl-break interrupt */
- setvect(0x1B, catch_cbrk); /* install our ctrl-break interrupt */
- ctrlbrk(cbrk_handler); /* vim's ctrl-break handler */
- if (term_console)
- outstr(T_TP); /* set colors */
- }
- else
- {
- setcbrk(saved_cbrk); /* restore ctrl-break setting */
- setvect(0x24, old_cint); /* restore critical error interrupt */
- setvect(0x1B, old_cbrk); /* restore ctrl-break interrupt */
- /* restore ctrl-break handler, how ??? */
- if (term_console)
- normvideo(); /* restore screen colors */
- }
- }
- /*
- * Structure used by Turbo-C/Borland-C to store video parameters.
- */
- extern struct text_info _video;
- int
- mch_get_winsize()
- {
- int i;
- struct text_info ti;
- /*
- * The screenwidth is returned by the BIOS OK.
- * The screenheight is in a location in the bios RAM, if the display is EGA or VGA.
- */
- if (!term_console)
- return 1;
- gettextinfo(&ti);
- Columns = ti.screenwidth;
- Rows = ti.screenheight;
- if (ti.currmode > 10)
- Rows = *(char far *)MK_FP(0x40, 0x84) + 1;
- set_window();
- if (Columns < 5 || Columns > MAX_COLUMNS ||
- Rows < 2 || Rows > MAX_COLUMNS)
- {
- /* these values are overwritten by termcap size or default */
- Columns = 80;
- Rows = 25;
- return 1;
- }
- Rows_max = Rows; /* remember physical max height */
- check_winsize();
- script_winsize();
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set the active window for delline/insline.
- */
- void
- set_window()
- {
- _video.screenheight = Rows;
- window(1, 1, Columns, Rows);
- }
- void
- mch_set_winsize()
- {
- /* should try to set the window size to Rows and Columns */
- /* may involve switching display mode.... */
- }
- int
- call_shell(cmd, filter, cooked)
- char *cmd;
- int filter; /* if != 0: called by dofilter() */
- int cooked;
- {
- int x;
- char newcmd[200];
- flushbuf();
- if (cooked)
- settmode(0); /* set to cooked mode */
- if (cmd == NULL)
- x = system(p_sh);
- else
- { /* we use "command" to start the shell, slow but easy */
- sprintf(newcmd, "%s /c %s", p_sh, cmd);
- x = system(newcmd);
- }
- outchar('\n');
- if (cooked)
- settmode(1); /* set to raw mode */
- if (x)
- {
- smsg("%d returned", x);
- outchar('\n');
- }
- resettitle();
- return x;
- }
- /*
- * check for an "interrupt signal": CTRL-break or CTRL-C
- */
- void
- breakcheck()
- {
- if (ctrlc_pressed)
- {
- ctrlc_pressed = FALSE;
- got_int = TRUE;
- }
- }
- #define FL_CHUNK 32
- static void
- addfile(fl, f, isdir)
- FileList *fl;
- char *f;
- int isdir;
- {
- char *p;
- if (!fl->file)
- {
- fl->file = (char **)alloc(sizeof(char *) * FL_CHUNK);
- if (!fl->file)
- return;
- fl->nfiles = 0;
- fl->maxfiles = FL_CHUNK;
- }
- if (fl->nfiles >= fl->maxfiles)
- {
- char **t;
- int i;
- t = (char **)lalloc(sizeof(char *) * (fl->maxfiles + FL_CHUNK), TRUE);
- if (!t)
- return;
- for (i = fl->nfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- t[i] = fl->file[i];
- free(fl->file);
- fl->file = t;
- fl->maxfiles += FL_CHUNK;
- }
- p = alloc((unsigned)(strlen(f) + 1 + isdir));
- if (p)
- {
- strcpy(p, f);
- if (isdir)
- strcat(p, "\\");
- }
- fl->file[fl->nfiles++] = p;
- }
- static int
- pstrcmp(a, b)
- char **a, **b;
- {
- return (strcmp(*a, *b));
- }
- int
- has_wildcard(s)
- char *s;
- {
- if (s)
- for ( ; *s; ++s)
- if (*s == '?' || *s == '*')
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- strlowcpy(d, s)
- char *d, *s;
- {
- while (*s)
- *d++ = tolower(*s++);
- *d = '\0';
- }
- static int
- expandpath(fl, path, fonly, donly, notf)
- FileList *fl;
- char *path;
- int fonly, donly, notf;
- {
- char buf[MAXPATH];
- char *p, *s, *e;
- int lastn, c, r;
- struct ffblk fb;
- lastn = fl->nfiles;
- /*
- * Find the first part in the path name that contains a wildcard.
- * Copy it into buf, including the preceding characters.
- */
- p = buf;
- s = NULL;
- e = NULL;
- while (*path)
- {
- if (*path == '\\' || *path == ':' || *path == '/')
- {
- if (e)
- break;
- else
- s = p;
- }
- if (*path == '*' || *path == '?')
- e = p;
- *p++ = *path++;
- }
- e = p;
- if (s)
- s++;
- else
- s = buf;
- /* now we have one wildcard component between s and e */
- *e = '\0';
- r = 0;
- /* If we are expanding wildcards we try both files and directories */
- if ((c = findfirst(buf, &fb, (*path || !notf) ? FA_DIREC : 0)) != 0)
- {
- /* not found */
- strcpy(e, path);
- if (notf)
- addfile(fl, buf, FALSE);
- return 1; /* unexpanded or empty */
- }
- while (!c)
- {
- strlowcpy(s, fb.ff_name);
- if (*s != '.' || (s[1] != '\0' && (s[1] != '.' || s[2] != '\0')))
- {
- strcat(buf, path);
- if (!has_wildcard(path))
- addfile(fl, buf, (isdir(buf) > 0));
- else
- r |= expandpath(fl, buf, fonly, donly, notf);
- }
- c = findnext(&fb);
- }
- qsort(fl->file + lastn, fl->nfiles - lastn, sizeof(char *), pstrcmp);
- return r;
- }
- /*
- * MSDOS rebuilt of Scott Ballantynes ExpandWildCard for amiga/arp.
- * jw
- */
- int
- ExpandWildCards(num_pat, pat, num_file, file, files_only, list_notfound)
- int num_pat;
- char **pat;
- int *num_file;
- char ***file;
- int files_only, list_notfound;
- {
- int i, r = 0;
- FileList f;
- f.file = NULL;
- f.nfiles = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_pat; i++)
- {
- if (!has_wildcard(pat[i]))
- addfile(&f, pat[i], files_only ? FALSE : (isdir(pat[i]) > 0));
- else
- r |= expandpath(&f, pat[i], files_only, 0, list_notfound);
- }
- if (r == 0)
- {
- *num_file = f.nfiles;
- *file = f.file;
- }
- else
- {
- *num_file = 0;
- *file = NULL;
- }
- return r;
- }
- void
- FreeWild(num, file)
- int num;
- char **file;
- {
- if (file == NULL || num <= 0)
- return;
- while (num--)
- free(file[num]);
- free(file);
- }
- /*
- * The normal chdir() does not change the default drive.
- * This one does.
- */
- #undef chdir
- int
- vim_chdir(path)
- char *path;
- {
- if (path[0] == NUL) /* just checking... */
- return 0;
- if (path[1] == ':') /* has a drive name */
- {
- if (_chdrive(toupper(path[0]) - 'A' + 1))
- return -1; /* invalid drive name */
- path += 2;
- }
- if (*path == NUL) /* drive name only */
- return 0;
- return chdir(path); /* let the normal chdir() do the rest */
- }