home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* vi:sw=4:ts=4:
- *
- * term.c -- VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * primitive termcap support added
- *
- * NOTE: padding and variable substitution is not performed,
- * when compiling without TERMCAP, we use tputs() and tgoto() dummies.
- *
- * 14.6.92
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- # ifdef linux
- # include <termcap.h>
- # define TPUTSFUNCAST (outfuntype)
- # else
- # ifdef AMIGA
- # include "proto/termlib.pro"
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- # define TTEST(a) debug1("%s: ", "a"); if (a) {debug2("%02x %s\n", *a, a + 1);} else debug("NULL\n");
- #endif
- static void parse_builtin_tcap __ARGS((Tcarr *tc, char *s));
- /*
- * Builtin_tcaps must always contain DFLT_TCAP as the first entry!
- * DFLT_TCAP is used, when no terminal is specified with -T option or $TERM.
- * The entries are compact, therefore they normally are included even when
- * TERMCAP is defined.
- * When TERMCAP is defined, the builtin entries can be accessed with
- * "builtin_amiga", "builtin_ansi", "builtin_debug", etc.
- */
- static char *builtin_tcaps[] =
- {
- DFLT_TCAP, /* almost allways included */
- # if !defined(UNIX) && (defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS) || defined(SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS))
- ANSI_TCAP, /* default for unix */
- # endif
- # if !defined(AMIGA) && (defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS) || defined(SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS))
- AMIGA_TCAP, /* default for amiga */
- # endif
- # if !defined(MSDOS) && (defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS) || defined(SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS))
- PCTERM_TCAP, /* default for MSdos */
- # endif
- # if defined(MSDOS) || defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS)
- # endif
- # if !defined(ATARI) && defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS)
- ATARI_TCAP, /* default for Atari */
- # endif
- # if defined(UNIX) || defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS) || defined(SOME_BUILTIN_TCAPS)
- XTERM_TCAP, /* always included on unix */
- # endif
- VT52_TCAP,
- # endif
- # if defined(DEBUG) || defined(ALL_BUILTIN_TCAPS)
- DEBUG_TCAP, /* always included when debugging */
- # endif
- #else /* NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS */
- DUMB_TCAP, /* minimal termcap, used when everything else fails */
- #endif /* NO_BUILTIN_TCAPS */
- };
- /*
- * Term_strings contains currently used terminal strings.
- * It is initialized with the default values by parse_builtin_tcap().
- * The values can be changed by setting the parameter with the same name.
- */
- Tcarr term_strings;
- /*
- * Parsing of the builtin termcap entries.
- * The terminal's name is not set, as this is already done in termcapinit().
- * Chop builtin termcaps, string entries are already '\0' terminated.
- * not yet implemented:
- * boolean entries could be empty strings;
- * numeric entries would need a flag (e.g. high bit of the skip byte),
- * so that parse_builtin_tcap can handle them.
- */
- static void
- parse_builtin_tcap(tc, s)
- Tcarr *tc;
- char *s;
- {
- char **p = &tc->t_name;
- p++;
- for (;;)
- {
- while (*s++)
- ;
- p += *s++;
- if (!*s)
- return;
- *p++ = s;
- }
- }
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- # ifndef linux /* included in <termlib.h> */
- # ifndef AMIGA /* included in proto/termlib.pro */
- int tgetent();
- int tgetnum();
- char *tgetstr();
- int tputs();
- # endif /* AMIGA */
- # ifndef hpux
- extern short ospeed;
- # endif
- # endif /* linux */
- # ifndef hpux
- char *UP, *BC, PC; /* should be extern, but some don't have them */
- # endif
- #endif /* TERMCAP */
- void
- set_term(term)
- char *term;
- {
- char **p = builtin_tcaps;
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- int builtin = 0;
- #endif
- int width = 0, height = 0;
- if (!strncmp(term, "builtin_", (size_t)8))
- {
- term += 8;
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- builtin = 1;
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- else
- {
- char *p;
- static char tstrbuf[TBUFSZ];
- char tbuf[TBUFSZ];
- char *tp = tstrbuf;
- int i;
- i = tgetent(tbuf, term);
- if (i == -1)
- {
- emsg("Cannot open termcap file");
- builtin = 1;
- }
- else if (i == 0)
- {
- emsg("terminal entry not found");
- builtin = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- clear_termparam(); /* clear old parameters */
- /* output strings */
- T_EL = tgetstr("ce", &tp);
- T_IL = tgetstr("al", &tp);
- T_CIL = tgetstr("AL", &tp);
- T_DL = tgetstr("dl", &tp);
- T_CDL = tgetstr("DL", &tp);
- T_ED = tgetstr("cl", &tp);
- T_CI = tgetstr("vi", &tp);
- T_CV = tgetstr("ve", &tp);
- T_TP = tgetstr("me", &tp);
- T_TI = tgetstr("mr", &tp);
- /* if 'mr' or 'me' is not defined use 'so' and 'se' */
- if (T_TP == NULL || *T_TP == NUL || T_TI == NULL || *T_TI == NUL)
- {
- T_TP = tgetstr("se", &tp);
- T_TI = tgetstr("so", &tp);
- }
- T_CM = tgetstr("cm", &tp);
- T_SR = tgetstr("sr", &tp);
- T_CRI = tgetstr("RI", &tp);
- T_VB = tgetstr("vb", &tp);
- T_KS = tgetstr("ks", &tp);
- T_KE = tgetstr("ke", &tp);
- T_TS = tgetstr("ti", &tp);
- T_TE = tgetstr("te", &tp);
- /* key codes */
- term_strings.t_ku = tgetstr("ku", &tp);
- term_strings.t_kd = tgetstr("kd", &tp);
- term_strings.t_kl = tgetstr("kl", &tp);
- /* if cursor-left == backspace, ignore it (televideo 925) */
- if (term_strings.t_kl != NULL && *term_strings.t_kl == Ctrl('H'))
- term_strings.t_kl = NULL;
- term_strings.t_kr = tgetstr("kr", &tp);
- /* term_strings.t_sku = tgetstr("", &tp); termcap code unknown */
- /* term_strings.t_skd = tgetstr("", &tp); termcap code unknown */
- term_strings.t_sku = NULL;
- term_strings.t_skd = NULL;
- term_strings.t_skl = tgetstr("#4", &tp);
- term_strings.t_skr = tgetstr("%i", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f1 = tgetstr("k1", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f2 = tgetstr("k2", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f3 = tgetstr("k3", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f4 = tgetstr("k4", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f5 = tgetstr("k5", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f6 = tgetstr("k6", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f7 = tgetstr("k7", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f8 = tgetstr("k8", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f9 = tgetstr("k9", &tp);
- term_strings.t_f10 = tgetstr("k;", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf1 = tgetstr("F1", &tp); /* really function keys 11-20 */
- term_strings.t_sf2 = tgetstr("F2", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf3 = tgetstr("F3", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf4 = tgetstr("F4", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf5 = tgetstr("F5", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf6 = tgetstr("F6", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf7 = tgetstr("F7", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf8 = tgetstr("F8", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf9 = tgetstr("F9", &tp);
- term_strings.t_sf10 = tgetstr("FA", &tp);
- term_strings.t_help = tgetstr("%1", &tp);
- term_strings.t_undo = tgetstr("&8", &tp);
- height = tgetnum("li");
- width = tgetnum("co");
- # ifndef hpux
- BC = tgetstr("bc", &tp);
- UP = tgetstr("up", &tp);
- p = tgetstr("pc", &tp);
- if (p)
- PC = *p;
- ospeed = 0;
- # endif
- }
- }
- if (builtin)
- #endif
- {
- while (*p && strcmp(term, *p))
- p++;
- if (!*p)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "'%s' not builtin. Available terminals are:\r\n", term);
- for (p = builtin_tcaps; *p; p++)
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- fprintf(stderr, "\tbuiltin_%s\r\n", *p);
- #else
- fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\r\n", *p);
- #endif
- if (!starting) /* when user typed :set term=xxx, quit here */
- {
- wait_return(TRUE);
- return;
- }
- sleep(2);
- fprintf(stderr, "defaulting to '%s'\r\n", *builtin_tcaps);
- sleep(2);
- p = builtin_tcaps;
- free(term_strings.t_name);
- term_strings.t_name = strsave(term = *p);
- }
- clear_termparam(); /* clear old parameters */
- parse_builtin_tcap(&term_strings, *p);
- }
- #if defined(AMIGA) || defined(MSDOS)
- /* DFLT_TCAP indicates that it is the machine console. */
- if (strcmp(term, *builtin_tcaps))
- term_console = FALSE;
- else
- {
- term_console = TRUE;
- # ifdef AMIGA
- win_resize_on(); /* enable window resizing reports */
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- ttest(TRUE);
- /* display initial screen after ttest() checking. jw. */
- if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
- {
- /* termcap failed to report size */
- /* set defaults, in case mch_get_winsize also fails */
- width = 80;
- #ifdef MSDOS
- height = 25; /* console is often 25 lines */
- #else
- height = 24; /* most terminals are 24 lines */
- #endif
- }
- Rows_max = Rows; /* remember max. physical nr. of Rows */
- set_winsize(width, height, FALSE); /* may change Rows_max */
- }
- #if defined(TERMCAP) && defined(UNIX)
- /*
- * Get Columns and Rows from the termcap. Used after a window signal if the
- * ioctl() fails. It doesn't make sense to call tgetent each time if the "co"
- * and "li" entries never change. But this may happen on some systems.
- */
- void
- getlinecol()
- {
- char tbuf[TBUFSZ];
- if (term_strings.t_name && tgetent(tbuf, term_strings.t_name) > 0)
- {
- if (Columns == 0)
- Columns = tgetnum("co");
- if (Rows == 0)
- Rows = tgetnum("li");
- }
- }
- #endif
- static char *tltoa __PARMS((unsigned long));
- static char *
- tltoa(i)
- unsigned long i;
- {
- static char buf[16];
- char *p;
- p = buf + 15;
- *p = '\0';
- do
- {
- --p;
- *p = i % 10 + '0';
- i /= 10;
- }
- while (i > 0 && p > buf);
- return p;
- }
- #ifndef TERMCAP
- /*
- * minimal tgoto() implementation.
- * no padding and we only parse for %i %d and %+char
- */
- char *
- tgoto(cm, x, y)
- char *cm;
- int x, y;
- {
- static char buf[30];
- char *p, *s, *e;
- if (!cm)
- return "OOPS";
- e = buf + 29;
- for (s = buf; s < e && *cm; cm++)
- {
- if (*cm != '%')
- {
- *s++ = *cm;
- continue;
- }
- switch (*++cm)
- {
- case 'd':
- p = tltoa((unsigned long)y);
- y = x;
- while (*p)
- *s++ = *p++;
- break;
- case 'i':
- x++;
- y++;
- break;
- case '+':
- *s++ = (char)(*++cm + y);
- y = x;
- break;
- case '%':
- *s++ = *cm;
- break;
- default:
- return "OOPS";
- }
- }
- *s = '\0';
- return buf;
- }
- #endif /* TERMCAP */
- /*
- * Termcapinit is called from main() to initialize the terminal.
- * The optional argument is given with the -T command line option.
- */
- void
- termcapinit(term)
- char *term;
- {
- if (!term)
- term = (char *)vimgetenv("TERM");
- if (!term || !*term)
- term = *builtin_tcaps;
- term_strings.t_name = strsave(term);
- set_term(term);
- }
- /*
- * the number of calls to mch_write is reduced by using the buffer "outbuf"
- */
- #undef BSIZE /* hpux has BSIZE in sys/param.h */
- #define BSIZE 2048
- static u_char outbuf[BSIZE];
- static int bpos = 0; /* number of chars in outbuf */
- /*
- * flushbuf(): flush the output buffer
- */
- void
- flushbuf()
- {
- if (bpos != 0)
- {
- mch_write((char *)outbuf, bpos);
- bpos = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * outchar(c): put a character into the output buffer.
- * Flush it if it becomes full.
- */
- void
- outchar(c)
- unsigned c;
- {
- #ifdef UNIX
- if (c == '\n') /* turn LF into CR-LF (CRMOD does not seem to do this) */
- outchar('\r');
- #endif
- outbuf[bpos] = c;
- ++bpos;
- if (bpos >= BSIZE)
- flushbuf();
- if (c == '\n')
- char_count += Columns;
- else
- ++char_count;
- }
- /*
- * a never-padding outstr.
- * use this whenever you don't want to run the string through tputs.
- * tputs above is harmless, but tputs from the termcap library
- * is likely to strip off leading digits, that it mistakes for padding
- * information. (jw)
- */
- void
- outstrn(s)
- char *s;
- {
- if (bpos > BSIZE - 20) /* avoid terminal strings being split up */
- flushbuf();
- while (*s)
- outchar(*s++);
- }
- /*
- * outstr(s): put a string character at a time into the output buffer.
- * If TERMCAP is defined use the termcap parser. (jw)
- */
- void
- outstr(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- if (bpos > BSIZE - 20) /* avoid terminal strings being split up */
- flushbuf();
- if (s)
- #ifdef TERMCAP
- tputs(s, 1, TPUTSFUNCAST outchar);
- #else
- while (*s)
- outchar(*s++);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * cursor positioning using termcap parser. (jw)
- */
- void
- windgoto(row, col)
- int row;
- int col;
- {
- outstr(tgoto(T_CM, col, row));
- }
- /*
- * Set cursor to current position.
- * Should be optimized for minimal terminal output.
- */
- void
- setcursor()
- {
- if (!RedrawingDisabled)
- windgoto(Cursrow, Curscol);
- }
- void
- ttest(pairs)
- int pairs;
- {
- char buf[70];
- char *s = "terminal capability %s required.\n";
- char *t = NULL;
- #ifdef TTEST
- #endif /* TTEST */
- /* hard requirements */
- if (!T_ED || !*T_ED) /* erase display */
- t = "cl";
- if (!T_CM || !*T_CM) /* cursor motion */
- t = "cm";
- if (t)
- {
- sprintf(buf, s, t);
- emsg(buf);
- }
- if (pairs)
- {
- /* optional pairs */
- if ((!T_TP || !*T_TP) ^ (!T_TI || !*T_TI))
- {
- debug2("cap :me=%s:mr=%s: ignored\n", T_TP, T_TI);
- T_TP = T_TI = NULL;
- }
- if ((!T_CI || !*T_CI) ^ (!T_CV || !*T_CV))
- {
- debug2("cap :vi=%s:ve=%s: ignored\n", T_CI, T_CV);
- T_CI = T_CV = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * inchar() - get one character from
- * 1. a scriptfile
- * 2. the keyboard
- *
- * As much characters as we can get (upto 'maxlen') are put in buf and
- * NUL terminated (buffer length must be 'maxlen' + 1).
- *
- * If we got an interrupt all input is read until none is available.
- *
- * If time == 0 there is no waiting for the char.
- * If time == n we wait for n msec for a character to arrive.
- * If time == -1 we wait forever for a character to arrive.
- *
- * Return the number of obtained characters.
- */
- int
- inchar(buf, maxlen, time)
- char *buf;
- int maxlen;
- int time; /* milli seconds */
- {
- int len;
- int retesc = FALSE; /* return ESC with gotint */
- register int c;
- register int i;
- if (time == -1) /* flush output before blocking */
- flushbuf();
- did_outofmem_msg = FALSE; /* display out of memory message (again) */
- /*
- * first try script file
- * If interrupted: Stop reading script files.
- */
- retry:
- if (scriptin[curscript] != NULL)
- {
- if (got_int || (c = getc(scriptin[curscript])) < 0) /* reached EOF */
- {
- /* when reading script file is interrupted, return an ESC to
- get back to normal mode */
- if (got_int)
- retesc = TRUE;
- fclose(scriptin[curscript]);
- scriptin[curscript] = NULL;
- if (curscript > 0)
- --curscript;
- /* recovery may be delayed till after reading a script file */
- if (recoverymode)
- openrecover();
- goto retry; /* may read other script if this one was nested */
- }
- if (c == 0)
- c = K_ZERO; /* replace ^@ with special code */
- *buf++ = c;
- *buf = NUL;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * If we got an interrupt, skip all previously typed characters and
- * return TRUE if quit reading script file.
- */
- if (got_int) /* skip typed characters */
- {
- while (GetChars(buf, maxlen, T_PEEK))
- ;
- return retesc;
- }
- len = GetChars(buf, maxlen, time);
- for (i = len; --i >= 0; ++buf)
- if (*buf == 0)
- *(u_char *)buf = K_ZERO; /* replace ^@ with special code */
- *buf = NUL; /* add trailing NUL */
- return len;
- }
- /*
- * Check if buf[] begins with a terminal key code.
- * Return 0 for no match, -1 for partial match, > 0 for full match.
- * With a match the replacement code is put in buf[0], the match is
- * removed and the number characters in buf is returned.
- */
- int
- check_termcode(buf)
- char *buf;
- {
- char **p;
- int slen;
- int len;
- len = strlen(buf);
- for (p = (char **)&term_strings.t_ku; p != (char **)&term_strings.t_undo + 1; ++p)
- {
- if (*p == NULL || (slen = strlen(*p)) == 0) /* empty entry */
- continue;
- if (strncmp(*p, buf, (size_t)(slen > len ? len : slen)) == 0)
- {
- if (len >= slen) /* got the complete sequence */
- {
- len -= slen;
- memmove(buf + 1, buf + slen, (size_t)(len + 1));
- /* this relies on the Key numbers to be consecutive! */
- buf[0] = K_UARROW + (p - (char **)&term_strings.t_ku);
- return (len + 1);
- }
- return -1; /* got a partial sequence */
- }
- }
- return 0; /* no match found */
- }
- /*
- * outnum - output a (big) number fast
- */
- void
- outnum(n)
- register long n;
- {
- outstrn(tltoa((unsigned long)n));
- }
- /*
- * outnuml - output a (big) number fast and return the number of characters
- */
- int
- outnuml(n)
- register long n;
- {
- char *s;
- s = tltoa((unsigned long)n);
- outstrn(s);
- return (int)strlen(s);
- }
- void
- check_winsize()
- {
- if (Columns < 5)
- Columns = 5;
- else if (Columns > MAX_COLUMNS)
- Columns = MAX_COLUMNS;
- if (Rows < 2)
- Rows = 2;
- p_scroll = Rows >> 1;
- }
- /*
- * set window size
- * If 'mustset' is TRUE, we must set Rows and Columns, do not get real
- * window size (this is used for the :win command during recovery).
- * If 'mustset' is FALSE, we may try to get the real window size and if
- * it fails use 'width' and 'height'.
- */
- void
- set_winsize(width, height, mustset)
- int width, height;
- int mustset;
- {
- register int tmp;
- if (width < 0 || height < 0) /* just checking... */
- return;
- if (State == HITRETURN || State == SETWSIZE) /* postpone the resizing */
- {
- State = SETWSIZE;
- return;
- }
- screenclear();
- #ifdef AMIGA
- flushbuf(); /* must do this before mch_get_winsize for some obscure reason */
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- if (mustset || mch_get_winsize())
- {
- debug("mch_get_win failed\n");
- Rows = height;
- Columns = width;
- mch_set_winsize();
- }
- check_winsize(); /* always check, to get p_scroll right */
- if (State == HELP)
- redrawhelp();
- else if (!starting)
- {
- tmp = RedrawingDisabled;
- RedrawingDisabled = FALSE;
- comp_Botline();
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- RedrawingDisabled = tmp;
- if (State == CMDLINE)
- redrawcmdline();
- else
- setcursor();
- }
- flushbuf();
- }
- /*
- * set active window height (for "z<number><CR>" command)
- */
- void
- set_winheight(height)
- int height;
- {
- if (height > Rows_max) /* can't make it larger */
- height = Rows_max;
- Rows = height;
- check_winsize();
- updateScreen(CLEAR);
- }
- void
- settmode(raw)
- int raw;
- {
- static int oldraw = FALSE;
- if (oldraw == raw) /* skip if already in desired mode */
- return;
- oldraw = raw;
- mch_settmode(raw); /* machine specific function */
- }
- void
- starttermcap()
- {
- outstr(T_KS); /* start "keypad transmit" mode */
- outstr(T_TS); /* start termcap mode */
- flushbuf();
- termcap_active = TRUE;
- }
- void
- stoptermcap()
- {
- outstr(T_KE); /* stop "keypad transmit" mode */
- outstr(T_TE); /* stop termcap mode */
- flushbuf();
- termcap_active = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * enable cursor, unless in Visual mode or no inversion possible
- */
- void
- cursor_on()
- {
- if (!Visual.lnum || T_TI == NULL || *T_TI == NUL)
- outstr(T_CV);
- }
- void
- cursor_off()
- {
- outstr(T_CI); /* disable cursor */
- }