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- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * undo.c: multi level undo facility
- *
- * The saved lines are stored in a list of lists:
- *
- * u_oldhead----------------------------------------------+
- * |
- * V
- * +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+
- * u_newhead--->| u_header | | u_header | | u_header |
- * | uh_next------>| uh_next------>| uh_next---->NULL
- * NULL<--------uh_prev |<---------uh_prev |<---------uh_prev |
- * | uh_entry | | uh_entry | | uh_entry |
- * +--------|-----+ +--------|-----+ +--------|-----+
- * | | |
- * V V V
- * +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+
- * | u_entry | | u_entry | | u_entry |
- * | ue_next | | ue_next | | ue_next |
- * +--------|-----+ +--------|-----+ +--------|-----+
- * | | |
- * V V V
- * +--------------+ NULL NULL
- * | u_entry |
- * | ue_next |
- * +--------|-----+
- * |
- * V
- * etc.
- *
- * Each u_entry list contains the information for one undo or redo.
- * u_curhead points to the header of the last undo (the next redo), or is
- * NULL if nothing has been undone.
- *
- * All data is allocated with alloc_line(), thus it will be freed as soon as
- * we switch files!
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "ops.h" /* for endop and startop */
- struct u_entry
- {
- struct u_entry *ue_next; /* pointer to next entry in list */
- linenr_t ue_top; /* number of line above undo block */
- linenr_t ue_bot; /* number of line below undo block */
- char *ue_botptr; /* pointer to line below undo block */
- char **ue_array; /* array of lines in undo block */
- long ue_size; /* number of lines in ue_array */
- };
- struct u_header
- {
- struct u_header *uh_next; /* pointer to next header in list */
- struct u_header *uh_prev; /* pointer to previous header in list */
- struct u_entry *uh_entry; /* pointer to first entry */
- FPOS uh_curpos; /* cursor position before saving */
- };
- static struct u_header *u_oldhead = NULL; /* pointer to oldest header */
- static struct u_header *u_newhead = NULL; /* pointer to newest header */
- static struct u_header *u_curhead = NULL; /* pointer to current header */
- static int u_numhead = 0; /* current number of headers */
- static int u_synced = TRUE; /* entry lists are synced */
- /*
- * variables for "U" command
- */
- static char *u_line_ptr = NULL; /* saved line for "U" command */
- static linenr_t u_line_lnum; /* line number of line in u_line */
- static colnr_t u_line_colnr; /* optional column number */
- static void u_getbot __ARGS((void));
- static int u_savecommon __ARGS((linenr_t, linenr_t, int, linenr_t));
- static void u_undoredo __ARGS((void));
- static void u_freelist __ARGS((struct u_header *));
- static void u_freeentry __ARGS((struct u_entry *, long));
- /*
- * save the current line for both the "u" and "U" command
- */
- int
- u_saveCurpos()
- {
- return (u_save((linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum - 1), (linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum + 1)));
- }
- /*
- * Save the lines between "top" and "bot" for both the "u" and "U" command.
- * "top" may be 0 and bot may be line_count + 1.
- * Returns FALSE when lines could not be saved.
- */
- int
- u_save(top, bot)
- linenr_t top, bot;
- {
- if (top > line_count || top >= bot || bot > line_count + 1)
- return FALSE; /* rely on caller to do error messages */
- if (top + 2 == bot)
- u_saveline((linenr_t)(top + 1));
- return (u_savecommon(top, bot, FALSE, (linenr_t)0));
- }
- /*
- * save the line "lnum" (used by :s command)
- * the line is handed over to the undo routines
- * The line is replaced, so the new bottom line is lnum + 1.
- */
- int
- u_savesub(lnum)
- linenr_t lnum;
- {
- return (u_savecommon(lnum - 1, lnum + 1, TRUE, lnum + 1));
- }
- /*
- * a new line is inserted before line "lnum" (used by :s command)
- * The line is inserted, so the new bottom line is lnum + 1.
- */
- int
- u_inssub(lnum)
- linenr_t lnum;
- {
- return (u_savecommon(lnum - 1, lnum, TRUE, lnum + 1));
- }
- /*
- * save the lines "lnum" - "lnum" + nlines (used by delete command)
- * the lines are handed over to the undo routines
- * The lines are deleted, so the new bottom line is lnum.
- */
- int
- u_savedel(lnum, nlines)
- linenr_t lnum;
- long nlines;
- {
- return (u_savecommon(lnum - 1, lnum + nlines, TRUE, lnum));
- }
- static int
- u_savecommon(top, bot, nocopy, newbot)
- linenr_t top, bot;
- int nocopy;
- linenr_t newbot;
- {
- linenr_t lnum;
- long i;
- struct u_header *uhp;
- struct u_entry *uep;
- long size;
- /*
- * if u_synced == TRUE make a new header
- */
- if (u_synced)
- {
- /*
- * if we undid more than we redid, free the entry lists before and
- * including u_curhead
- */
- while (u_curhead != NULL)
- u_freelist(u_newhead);
- /*
- * free headers to keep the size right
- */
- while (u_numhead > p_ul && u_oldhead != NULL)
- u_freelist(u_oldhead);
- if (p_ul < 0) /* no undo at all */
- goto noundo;
- /*
- * make a new header entry
- */
- uhp = (struct u_header *)alloc_line((unsigned)sizeof(struct u_header));
- if (uhp == NULL)
- goto nomem;
- uhp->uh_prev = NULL;
- uhp->uh_next = u_newhead;
- if (u_newhead != NULL)
- u_newhead->uh_prev = uhp;
- uhp->uh_entry = NULL;
- uhp->uh_curpos = Curpos; /* save cursor position for undo */
- u_newhead = uhp;
- if (u_oldhead == NULL)
- u_oldhead = uhp;
- ++u_numhead;
- }
- else /* find line number for ue_botptr for previous u_save() */
- u_getbot();
- size = bot - top - 1;
- #ifndef UNIX
- /*
- * With Amiga and MSDOS we can't handle big undo's, because then
- * alloc_line would have to allocate a block larger than 32K
- */
- if (size >= 8000)
- goto nomem;
- #endif
- /*
- * add lines in front of entry list
- */
- uep = (struct u_entry *)alloc_line((unsigned)sizeof(struct u_entry));
- if (uep == NULL)
- goto nomem;
- uep->ue_size = size;
- uep->ue_top = top;
- uep->ue_botptr = NULL;
- if (newbot)
- uep->ue_bot = newbot;
- /*
- * use 0 for ue_bot if bot is below last line or if the buffer is empty, in
- * which case the last line may be replaced (e.g. with 'O' command).
- */
- else if (bot > line_count || bufempty())
- uep->ue_bot = 0;
- else
- uep->ue_botptr = nr2ptr(bot); /* we have to do ptr2nr(ue_botptr) later */
- if (size)
- {
- if ((uep->ue_array = (char **)alloc_line((unsigned)(sizeof(char *) * size))) == NULL)
- {
- u_freeentry(uep, 0L);
- goto nomem;
- }
- for (i = 0, lnum = top + 1; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (nocopy)
- uep->ue_array[i] = nr2ptr(lnum++);
- else if ((uep->ue_array[i] = save_line(nr2ptr(lnum++))) == NULL)
- {
- u_freeentry(uep, i);
- goto nomem;
- }
- }
- }
- uep->ue_next = u_newhead->uh_entry;
- u_newhead->uh_entry = uep;
- u_synced = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- nomem:
- if (ask_yesno("no undo possible; continue anyway") == 'y')
- {
- noundo:
- if (nocopy)
- for (lnum = top + 1; lnum < bot; ++lnum)
- free_line(nr2ptr(lnum));
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- void
- u_undo(count)
- int count;
- {
- /*
- * If we get an undo command while executing a macro, we behave like the
- * original vi. If this happens twice in one macro the result will not
- * be compatible.
- */
- if (u_synced == FALSE)
- {
- u_sync();
- count = 1;
- }
- startop.lnum = 0; /* unset '[ mark */
- endop.lnum = 0; /* unset '] mark */
- while (count--)
- {
- if (u_curhead == NULL) /* first undo */
- u_curhead = u_newhead;
- else if (p_ul > 0) /* multi level undo */
- u_curhead = u_curhead->uh_next; /* get next undo */
- if (u_numhead == 0 || u_curhead == NULL) /* nothing to undo */
- {
- u_curhead = u_oldhead; /* stick u_curhead at end */
- beep();
- return;
- }
- u_undoredo();
- }
- }
- void
- u_redo(count)
- int count;
- {
- while (count--)
- {
- if (u_curhead == NULL || p_ul <= 0) /* nothing to redo */
- {
- beep();
- return;
- }
- u_undoredo();
- u_curhead = u_curhead->uh_prev; /* advance for next redo */
- }
- }
- /*
- * u_undoredo: common code for undo and redo
- *
- * The lines in the file are replaced by the lines in the entry list at u_curhead.
- * The replaced lines in the file are saved in the entry list for the next undo/redo.
- */
- static void
- u_undoredo()
- {
- char **newarray = NULL;
- linenr_t oldsize;
- linenr_t newsize;
- linenr_t top, bot;
- linenr_t lnum;
- linenr_t newlnum = INVLNUM;
- long i;
- long newcount = 0, oldcount = 0;
- struct u_entry *uep, *nuep;
- struct u_entry *newlist = NULL;
- for (uep = u_curhead->uh_entry; uep != NULL; uep = nuep)
- {
- top = uep->ue_top;
- bot = uep->ue_bot;
- if (bot == 0)
- bot = line_count + 1;
- if (top > line_count || top >= bot || bot > line_count + 1)
- {
- emsg("u_undo: line numbers wrong");
- return;
- }
- if (top < newlnum)
- {
- newlnum = top;
- Curpos.lnum = top + 1;
- }
- oldsize = bot - top - 1; /* number of lines before undo */
- newsize = uep->ue_size; /* number of lines after undo */
- /* delete the lines between top and bot and save them in newarray */
- if (oldsize)
- {
- if ((newarray = (char **)alloc_line((unsigned)(sizeof(char *) * oldsize))) == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * We have messed up the entry list, repair is impossible.
- * we have to free the rest of the list.
- */
- while (uep != NULL)
- {
- nuep = uep->ue_next;
- u_freeentry(uep, uep->ue_size);
- uep = nuep;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* delete backwards, it goes faster in some cases */
- for (lnum = bot - 1, i = oldsize; --i >= 0; --lnum)
- newarray[i] = delsline(lnum, oldsize != newsize);
- }
- /* adjust the marks if the number of lines does not change */
- if (oldsize == newsize)
- for (i = 0; i < oldsize; ++i)
- adjustmark(newarray[i], uep->ue_array[i]);
- /* insert the lines in u_array between top and bot */
- if (newsize)
- {
- for (lnum = top, i = 0; i < newsize; ++i, ++lnum)
- appendline(lnum, uep->ue_array[i]);
- free_line((char *)uep->ue_array);
- }
- newcount += newsize;
- oldcount += oldsize;
- uep->ue_size = oldsize;
- uep->ue_array = newarray;
- uep->ue_bot = top + newsize + 1;
- /*
- * insert this entry in front of the new entry list
- */
- nuep = uep->ue_next;
- uep->ue_next = newlist;
- newlist = uep;
- }
- u_curhead->uh_entry = newlist;
- /*
- * If we deleted or added lines, report the number of less/more lines.
- * Otherwise, report the number of changes (this may be incorrect
- * in some cases, but it's better than nothing).
- */
- if ((oldcount -= newcount) != 0)
- msgmore(-oldcount);
- else if (newcount > p_report)
- smsg("%ld change%s", newcount, plural(newcount));
- if (u_curhead->uh_curpos.lnum == Curpos.lnum)
- Curpos.col = u_curhead->uh_curpos.col;
- else
- Curpos.col = 0;
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- }
- /*
- * u_sync: stop adding to the current entry list
- */
- void
- u_sync()
- {
- if (u_synced)
- return; /* already synced */
- u_getbot(); /* compute ue_bot of previous u_undo */
- u_curhead = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * u_getbot(): compute the line number of the previous u_undo
- */
- static void
- u_getbot()
- {
- register struct u_entry *uep;
- if (u_newhead == NULL || (uep = u_newhead->uh_entry) == NULL)
- {
- emsg("undo list corrupt");
- return;
- }
- if (uep->ue_botptr != NULL)
- if ((uep->ue_bot = ptr2nr(uep->ue_botptr, uep->ue_top)) == 0)
- {
- emsg("undo line missing");
- uep->ue_bot = uep->ue_top + 1; /* guess what it is */
- }
- u_synced = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * u_freelist: free one entry list and adjust the pointers
- */
- static void
- u_freelist(uhp)
- struct u_header *uhp;
- {
- register struct u_entry *uep, *nuep;
- for (uep = uhp->uh_entry; uep != NULL; uep = nuep)
- {
- nuep = uep->ue_next;
- u_freeentry(uep, uep->ue_size);
- }
- if (u_curhead == uhp)
- u_curhead = NULL;
- if (uhp->uh_next == NULL)
- u_oldhead = uhp->uh_prev;
- else
- uhp->uh_next->uh_prev = uhp->uh_prev;
- if (uhp->uh_prev == NULL)
- u_newhead = uhp->uh_next;
- else
- uhp->uh_prev->uh_next = uhp->uh_next;
- free_line((char *)uhp);
- --u_numhead;
- }
- /*
- * free entry 'uep' and 'n' lines in uep->ue_array[]
- */
- static void
- u_freeentry(uep, n)
- struct u_entry *uep;
- register long n;
- {
- while (n)
- free_line(uep->ue_array[--n]);
- free_line((char *)uep);
- }
- /*
- * invalidate the undo buffer; called when storage has already been released
- */
- void
- u_clearall()
- {
- u_newhead = u_oldhead = u_curhead = NULL;
- u_synced = TRUE;
- u_numhead = 0;
- u_line_ptr = NULL;
- u_line_lnum = 0;
- }
- /*
- * save the line "lnum" for the "U" command
- */
- void
- u_saveline(lnum)
- linenr_t lnum;
- {
- if (lnum == u_line_lnum) /* line is already saved */
- return;
- if (lnum < 1 || lnum > line_count) /* should never happen */
- return;
- u_clearline();
- u_line_lnum = lnum;
- if (Curpos.lnum == lnum)
- u_line_colnr = Curpos.col;
- else
- u_line_colnr = 0;
- u_line_ptr = save_line(nr2ptr(lnum)); /* when out of mem alloc() will give a warning */
- }
- /*
- * clear the line saved for the "U" command
- * (this is used externally for crossing a line while in insert mode)
- */
- void
- u_clearline()
- {
- if (u_line_ptr != NULL)
- {
- free_line(u_line_ptr);
- u_line_ptr = NULL;
- u_line_lnum = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of the "U" command.
- * Differentiation from vi: "U" can be undone with the next "U".
- * We also allow the cursor to be in another line.
- */
- void
- u_undoline()
- {
- colnr_t t;
- if (u_line_ptr == NULL || u_line_lnum > line_count)
- {
- beep();
- return;
- }
- /* first save the line for the 'u' command */
- u_savecommon(u_line_lnum - 1, u_line_lnum + 1, FALSE, (linenr_t)0);
- u_line_ptr = replaceline(u_line_lnum, u_line_ptr);
- t = u_line_colnr;
- if (Curpos.lnum == u_line_lnum)
- u_line_colnr = Curpos.col;
- Curpos.col = t;
- Curpos.lnum = u_line_lnum;
- cursupdate();
- updateScreen(VALID_TO_CURSCHAR);
- }