home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * AddIcon.c - Copyright © 1991 by S.R. & P.C.
- *
- * Created: 23 May 1992 12:00:40
- * Modified: 28 Jul 1992 08:56:19
- *
- * Make>> cc -qv -qf -pl -sb -wu -wd -wp -wr -wc -hi aztec:include/x.dmp -so <file>.c
- * Make>> ln -g <file>.o -lstartup -lstring
- */
- #include "WhatIsBase.h"
- #include "string_lib.h"
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- extern struct DOSLibrary *DOSBase;
- struct WhatIsBase *WhatIsBase;
- struct Library *IconBase;
- #define MAXFULLNAMELEN 255
- #define ARG_FileName 0
- #define ARG_ONLY 1
- #define ARG_FILES 2
- #define ARG_DIRS 3
- #define ARG_QUIET 4
- #define ARG_FLOAT 5
- #define ARG_OVERRIDE 6
- #define ARG_ALL 7
- #define ARG_ENDARG 8
- char *CliHelp = "AddIcon V1.1 © 1992 S.R. & P.C.\n\
- Usage: AddIcon <FileName> [ONLY <FileType>] [FILES] [DIRS] [QUIET] [FLOAT] [OVERRIDE] [ALL]\n\
- FileName: the object name you want to add icon to.\n\
- ONLY FileType: Add icon only to that type\n\
- FILES: add icon to files only.\n\
- DIRS: add icon to dirs only.\n\
- QUIET: if set, no info printed.\n\
- FLOAT: UnSnapshot icon\n\
- OVERRIDE: Override existing icon if present\n\
- ALL: enter subdir.\n";
- LONG SPrintf(UBYTE * buf, UBYTE * fmt,...);
- FileType WhatIsTags(char *Name, Tag FirstTag,...)
- {
- return (WhatIsBase) ? WhatIs(Name, (struct TagItem *) & FirstTag) : TYPE_UNSCANNED;
- }
- /* FIB can be null but give it if you alredy have it. */
- BOOL AddIcon(char *FileName, FileType OnlyType, BOOL Quiet, BOOL Float, BOOL Override, struct DiskObject ** LastDOb, FileType * LastType, struct FileInfoBlock * FIB)
- {
- char *IconName = NULL;
- char Buf[255];
- FileType Type;
- LONG WBType = 0;
- BOOL Idem;
- BOOL Ok = FALSE; /* assume the worst */
- struct DiskObject *dob = NULL;
- if (!Quiet) {
- SPrintf(Buf, "\"%s\"", FileName);
- Printf("%-32s\t", Buf);
- Flush(Output());
- }
- SPrintf(Buf, "%s.info", FileName);
- if (!Override && (L = Lock(Buf, ACCESS_READ))) {
- UnLock(L);
- if (!Quiet)
- PutStr("Icon already exist.\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- Type = WhatIsTags(FileName, WI_Deep, DEEPTYPE, (FIB) ? WI_FIB : TAG_IGNORE, FIB, TAG_DONE);
- if (!Quiet) {
- Printf("%-9s ", GetIDString(Type));
- Flush(Output());
- }
- if ((OnlyType != TYPE_UNSCANNED) && CmpFileType(Type, OnlyType)) {
- if (!Quiet)
- PutStr("Type not desired\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- Idem = !CmpFileType(Type, *LastType);
- if (CmpFileType(Type, TYPE_UNKNOWNFILETYPE)) {
- if (!CmpFileType(Type, GetIDType("Volume"))) {
- IconName = "def_Disk";
- FileName = "Disk";
- WBType = WBDISK; /* To use ROM resident icon if no def_Tool defined in ENV:Sys */
- }
- else if (!CmpFileType(Type, GetIDType("Dir"))) {
- IconName = "def_Drawer";
- WBType = WBDRAWER; /* To use ROM resident icon if no def_Tool defined in ENV:Sys */
- }
- else {
- IconName = GetIconName(Type);
- if (!StriCmp(IconName, "def_Tool"))
- WBType = WBTOOL; /* To use ROM resident icon if no def_Tool defined in ENV:Sys */
- else if (!StriCmp(IconName, "def_Project"))
- WBType = WBPROJECT; /* To use ROM resident icon if no def_Project defined in ENV:Sys */
- }
- if (!Quiet) {
- Printf("\"%s\"..", IconName);
- Flush(Output());
- }
- SPrintf(Buf, "Env:Sys/%s", IconName);
- if ((dob = (Idem) ? *LastDOb : ((WBType) ? GetDefDiskObject(WBType) : GetDiskObject(Buf)))) {
- if (Float) {
- dob->do_CurrentX = NO_ICON_POSITION;
- dob->do_CurrentY = NO_ICON_POSITION;
- }
- if (PutDiskObject(FileName, dob)) {
- PutStr(".Ok\n");
- if (!Idem) {
- if (*LastDOb)
- FreeDiskObject(*LastDOb);
- *LastDOb = dob; /* memorise the current icon */
- *LastType = Type; /* memorise the current type */
- }
- Ok = TRUE;
- }
- else
- PutStr("Can't write icon !\n");
- }
- else
- PutStr("Can't read icon.\n");
- }
- else
- PutStr("Unknown file.\n");
- return Ok;
- }
- long main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- long rc = 0;
- char *FileName;
- BOOL Files, Dirs, Quiet, Float, Override, All;
- char SubDirs[255];
- UBYTE NumSubDir = 0;
- FileName = argv[ARG_FileName];
- //StrCat("#?[~(#?.info)]",);
- Files = (BOOL) argv[ARG_FILES];
- Dirs = (BOOL) argv[ARG_DIRS];
- Quiet = (BOOL) argv[ARG_QUIET];
- Float = (BOOL) argv[ARG_FLOAT];
- Override = (BOOL) argv[ARG_OVERRIDE];
- All = (BOOL) argv[ARG_ALL];
- SubDirs[0] = '\0';
- if (!FileName) {
- Printf("%s", CliHelp);
- return 5;
- }
- if (WhatIsBase = (struct WhatIsBase *) OpenLibrary("whatis.library", 0l)) {
- if (IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", 37L)) {
- struct DiskObject *LastDOb = NULL;
- struct AnchorPath AP;
- BPTR StartDir;
- if (argv[ARG_ONLY])
- OnlyType = GetIDType(argv[ARG_ONLY]);
- StartDir = CurrentDir(((struct Process *) SysBase->ThisTask)->pr_CurrentDir);
- AP.ap_BreakBits = SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C; /* Break on these bits */
- AP.ap_Strlen = 0;
- AP.ap_Flags = (All) ? APF_DODOT : APF_DODOT | APF_DOWILD; /* allow convertion of '.' to CurrentDir */
- /* Well I have one probleme here: how corectly handle the
- ALL flags: if the user specify a pattern the MatchNext(
- hidden) all file and DIRS which don't match to the
- pattern, so I don't see dir and in fact can't ask
- MatchNext() to enter it. This limitation is STUPID and
- important liumitation. I hope is only because I don't
- know how to do it. I hope...
- */
- for (ReturnCode = MatchFirst(FileName, &AP);
- ReturnCode == 0;
- ReturnCode = MatchNext(&AP)
- ) {
- if (AP.ap_Flags & APF_DirChanged) {
- CurrentDir(AP.ap_Current->an_Lock);
- }
- if (AP.ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType > 0) {
- if (AP.ap_Flags & APF_DIDDIR) {
- SubDirs[--NumSubDir] = '\0';
- }
- else if (All) {
- if (!Quiet)
- Printf("\"%s\"\n", AP.ap_Info.fib_FileName);
- if (!Files) {
- Printf("%s", SubDirs);
- AddIcon(AP.ap_Info.fib_FileName, OnlyType, Quiet, Float, Override, &LastDOb, &LastType, &AP.ap_Info);
- }
- SubDirs[NumSubDir++] = '/';
- SubDirs[NumSubDir] = '\0';
- /* make it enter the directory */
- AP.ap_Flags |= APF_DODIR;
- }
- /* clear the completed directory flag */
- AP.ap_Flags &= ~APF_DIDDIR;
- }
- else {
- /* Here is code for handling each particular file */
- if (!Dirs && !MatchPatternNoCase("\X80.INFO", AP.ap_Info.fib_FileName)) {
- Printf("%s", SubDirs);
- AddIcon(AP.ap_Info.fib_FileName, OnlyType, Quiet, Float, Override, &LastDOb, &LastType, &AP.ap_Info);
- }
- }
- }
- MatchEnd(&AP); /* This absolutely, positively must be called, all of the time. */
- CurrentDir(StartDir);
- if (ReturnCode != ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) {
- PrintFault(ReturnCode, NULL);
- }
- if (LastDOb)
- FreeDiskObject(LastDOb);
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- }
- else
- Printf("Can't open icon.library !\n");
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *) WhatIsBase);
- }
- else
- Printf("Can't open whatis.library !\n");
- return rc;
- }