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- WhatIs.library
- Copyright S.R. & P.C.
- 1.Usage
- 2.User's documentation
- 3.Programmer's documentation
- 1)
- What is whatis.library ? It is a shared amiga library which alow
- programmers to easyly recognize type of files (ilbm, 8svx, maxiplan, exe,
- PP, etc....) BUT the final user (non-programer user) can define new types
- so all programs which use whatis.library can recognize this new type. At
- this moment only BrowserII, For and AddIcon use whatis.library but I
- planned to rewrite Icon ( a program which make WorkBench 2.0 recognize
- files which have no icon), and I encourage all programmers to use this
- library so users can define new types only one time and every program can
- use it. I actualy work on version which support the datatype of KickStart
- 3.0 so user of whatis.library can use both the customisable whatis type
- and the standard datatype type.
- For example, you love graphics, you digitize lots of image with an
- official commercial program which produce file ".img", and you want
- BrowserII can reconised it, well, you define this new type in S:FileTypes
- and whatis.library know what it is, so you BrowserII can do automatic
- thing on your file ".img", but all program which use whatis.library can
- reconised the ".img"-type you just defined and can do what they are
- supposed to do with them.
- List of type that whatis.library reconize without any S:FileType file:
- 2)
- Well, user. All you need is to know how to define a new type. A
- sample/starter FileTypes file is provided. First, have a look at it and
- then read what follows, I think there is not much to say.
- There are 2 methods to scan a file: DEEP and LIGHT.
- The Light one is only based on the file name and eventualy protection
- bits. It is fast but unsafe. if you rename an executable as "File.c" and
- you ask for a light scan (BrowserII with "find type by name"),
- WhatIs.library think it is a C language source file.
- The DEEP one (currently only one DEEP mode) is more powerfull, but the
- slowest because each file must be open and the first few bytes scanned
- (currently 484 bytes), so this slow down directory scans.
- FileTypes syntax:
- While not necessary, we recommand use of quotes (") delimiters for strings
- to avoid mistakes. The # character can be found in strings while it is the
- comment starting char.
- The "#" char marks the begining of comment until end of ligne.
- # example definition:
- TYPE "Src Ada" # you define a new type, it's IDString (curently 9
- # char max) is "Src Ada", this is the string that
- # WhatIs.library will return and you can see in
- # BrowserII when you ask the "Show file type", it
- # is also the way you identify this FileType.
- SUBTYPE "Text" # OPTIONNAL: First, the file MUST be a "Text" type,
- # this means that if the file is not of this type
- # it cannot be a "Src Ada"
- INSERTAFTER "Script" # OPTIONNAL: You want the type "Src Ada" to be
- # put after the "Script" type in list. The
- # type list is not alphabetically-sorted.
- # This determine the order in which you see
- # files when you choose "Sort by file type"
- # in BrowserII
- ICONNAME "def_Src Ada" # OPTIONNAL: this the name of the default
- # icon file name. These files should be in
- # the "ENV:Sys/" directory, where WB 2.0 put
- # its default icons. This will be used by
- # AddIcon (In BrowserII and given cli command
- # This string is returned by GetIconName()
- # now come the decription of the file, if ANY condition below is
- # not satisfied, the WhatIs.library think it is not this filetype.
- # Exepte for OPNAMEPATTERN which is used for light WhatIs() (only
- # based on the file name)
- NAMEPATTERN "#?.ada" # OPTIONNAL: if given, the filename must match
- # this pattern.
- # it is mutualy exclusive with OPTNAMEPATTERN
- OPTNAMEPATTERN "#?.ada" # OPTIONNAL: same as NAMEPATTERN but it is
- # a DEEP scan may override it.
- # it is mutualy exclusive with NAMEPATTERN
- # Imagine you are used to name all your image files with .ilbm
- # extension. This way, a LIGHT scan will identify your ilbm files
- # if your specify NAMEPATTERN "#?.ilbm". But ILBM files can also be
- # internally recognized (using DEEP scan). If you specify
- # NAMEPATTERN "#?.ilbm", all ILBM files not ending with .ilbm will
- # not be recognized by whatis.library. But if you specify
- # OPTNAMEPATTERN "#?.ilbm", the DEEP scan will override the (OPT)
- # name pattern, and all ILBM files will be recognized.
- # Now come the DEEP description. It is the heart of recognition
- # process. You can specify numbers in decimal (begining with a
- # digit), in hex (begining with $), in binary (begining with "%").
- # Strings begin with a letter or with a quote '"'
- # The search is done within the first (currently 484) few bytes of
- # the file.
- # All these conditions are optional, and are considered as TRUE
- # by LIGHT scan.
- COMPAREBYTE 12 $ABADCAFE # Test if the file contains the bytes
- # $AB $AD $CA $FE at offset 12
- COMPAREBYTE $23 "Hello" # Test if the file contains the string
- # "Hello" (i.e the bytes $48 $65 $6c $6f)
- # at offset $23 (decimal 35)
- # in version 2 of WhatIs.library (only under KS2.x) you have an
- # optionnal CASE modifier, this means "A" is different of "a".
- SEARCHBYTE "Good" # Search for "Good" in the first bytes of file.
- SEARCHBYTE $DEADBEEF # Search for bytes $DE $AD $BE $EF
- SEARCHPATTERN [CASE] "ST-??:" # Search for "ST-??:" pattern in file.
- MATCHPATTERN [CASE] 12 "ST-??:" # Search for "ST-??:" pattern in file
- # at offset 12.
- ENDTYPE # this marks the end of this FileType definition.
- AskReparse is a small executable which ask whatis.library to reparse
- the S:FileTypes file. The file will be effectively parsed only if
- whatis.library is not used except by AskReparse at call time. Else, the
- parse is defered until whatis.library has no user.
- 3)
- Look in the WhatIsBase.h, you will find all you want.
- How works WhatIs() ?
- WhatIs is currently based on 2 methods: light or deep. The light one
- is only based on the information you pass to it. In deep mode WhatIs()
- open the file and scans the first few bytes (currently 488: the size of
- an OldFileSystem data-block), so after loading these bytes in memory,
- WhatIs() examine them to discover what type it is. WhatIs() also examine
- the FileInfoBlock.
- WhatIs() return a PRIVATE ULONG. You should not make any assumption
- about how it is coded, because it may and WILL change in future. You keep
- this ULONG and give it to the different functions of whatis.library. All
- FileTypes must be first referenced by their IDString "ILBM", "Text", "Exe,
- etc..., or returned by WhatIs().
- For example you want to check if the file "Amiga" is an ILBM picture, you
- should write:
- ULONG Type, ILBMType;
- Type = WhatIsTags("Amiga", WI_Deep, DEEPTYPE, TAG_DONE);
- ILBMType = GedIdType("ILBM");
- if (CmpFileType( Type, ILBMType) == 0)
- {
- /* Yes it is ILBM ! */
- your code here
- }
- else
- {
- /* Not an ILBM */
- your code here
- }
- Currently supported tags by WhatIs():
- WI_FIB /* TagItem.ti_data = struct FileInfoBlock *FIB, default = NULL */
- WI_Deep /* TagItem.ti_data = LIGHTTYPE or DEEPTYPE. default = LIGHTTYPE */
- WI_Buffer /* TagItem.ti_data = Buffer ptr WARNING: your buffer MUST be NUL terminated */
- WI_BufLen /* TagItem.ti_data = Buffer Len */
- WI_DLX /* TagItem.ti_data = DLX_numble, found in ArpBase.h */
- /* Version 2.1 or higher */
- WI_DLT /* TagItem.ti_data = DLT_numble, found in DOS 2.0 */
- Version history:
- 1.0: Version for KickStart 1.3. Only This Version support 1.3.
- All others need KS2.0
- 1.1: Fixed a little bug.
- ALL next versions NEED KS2.0
- 2.0: First Version of whatis.library.
- (the 1.0 was a limited version made for 1.3)
- 3.0: Fixed a little bug.
- GetParentFileType() Added
- IsSubTypeOf() Added
- DLT support (KS2.0 version of the ARP DLX)
- 3.4: 25/12/92
- Fixed a Little Bug: the UNKNOWNFILETYPE was not returned by NextType()
- 3.5: 4/1/93
- Fixed a BIG bug born when fixed the preceding bug:
- Forgot subtype of root in FirstType()/NextType().